Damn! Snap out of it Raven! Snap out of it! Raven thought inwardly, blushing despite herself. Girl, he's one of the villains! He's one of the predators who took away your dignity and family! You can't be lusting for him! But damn! He's so…so… so goddamn hot! Just look at those abs! That v-line abs! So smexy! So well-defined! So… so yummy! I could just gobble him up!
I mean, come oooonnn! Just look at this dude! It's a sin for a dude to be this hot! And when did he get so handsome! His hard, groggy eyes and disheveled hair give him that rugged bad boy look! Snap out of it Raven! I can't have myself falling for him the way I had fallen for Felipe! They're the ones to fall for me! You're here to serve your cold revenge not lust after them for goddamn sake! But… he's just so goddamn… hooottt!!!
"… are you fucking deaf or something!"