I didn't even know what to do as I sat there in the car with my hands gripping the wheel as I stared at a living nightmare.
"Run him over." Matthew suggested.
"Have you forgotten who we're up against?" Rene reminded him but all I could do was stare at Logan and he was wearing my hoodie which I had given to Frances last night.
"Go on! Try and run me over, let's see what happens!" Logan yelled and my hands gripped the wheel firmly as I thought of that.
"Don't do it, Luke," Toby advised me.
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
"Let's remain in the car," Rene suggested.
"And do what? Wait till he leaves?" Job asked.
I ignited the engine and the tyres warmed up as I prepared to run him over with the car.
"Don't do it, Luke! If you do it then we're asking for a fight! There's a possibility he'll suck you dry." Rene reasoned and that seemed to reset my memory. And instead of driving forward, I decided to drive backwards so we could escape using the other lane.
"Why is he after us?" Matthew asked in fear.
"Because we're friends with Frances." Job concluded.
"But we didn't do anything!" Toby said and I agreed with him.
"We brought him back to life," someone said and everyone looked to see who said it because it was strange.
When I turned back, my eyes widened in terror as I found Logan seated where Job once sat.
Rene did the screaming and I quickly brought the car to a halt and hurriedly tried to get out of the car but couldn't because the doors were locked.
"You should've run me over, Luke Wilfred," Logan stated and I looked at Matthew just to find Logan seated there, staring at me.
"What the heck do you want? It's not like we were the ones who killed you!" I yelled at him in frustration while trying to open the door.
"I'll say this once, Luke. Stay away from Frances." He warned and I blinked just to find Matthew seated back in his seat instead of Logan.
I quickly looked at the back seat just to find Rene, Job and Toby still there.
"Where did you go, Job?"
"I was right here." He said.
"How? Logan sat there," I let him know and he frowned.
"Don't be ridiculous!" Job scoffed.
"We saw it," Toby and Rene said in unison and he looked at them in surprise.
"Don't tell me you were here as well?" I asked Matthew and he frowned.
"Did anything happen?"
"Logan was right here! He entered the car!" I snapped at him and he blinked rapidly in confusion.
"He told Luke to stay away from Frances," Rene informed them and Matthew looked at her in shock.
"How is it that we weren't aware?" Job asked in confusion.
"Isn't it obvious? He did something to you guys," Toby said.
"I'm guessing he possessed both your bodies," Rene assumed and Job shrieked as he touched his body.
Sighing, I massaged my brows and faced forward as I thought of what he said.
"But you can't do that right? He can't tell you what to do." Matthew said.
"She's your girlfriend for goodness sake! You can't just end things like that especially when you're head over heels in love with her," Toby agreed.
"I think you should end things with Frances if that's the only way to get him off our backs," Job hastily suggested without bothering if it would hurt my feelings.
"Screw you, Job!" I snapped at him.
"Don't tell me you won't heed to his warning? If that's what he wants you to do then do it!" Job snapped back and it made Toby smack him at the back of his head.
"You're being unreasonable, Job."
"Unreasonable?" He scoffed.
"You all saw how he drank Faith's blood and may the almighty help her to survive that," he reminded us and I sighed in frustration.
"I can't leave Frances, I love her," I said.
"Then love someone else! Don't be ridiculous." Job snapped at me.
"What's your FUCKING problem Job!" I yelled at him and he suddenly went quiet.
After a while, Rene asked something we never thought of.
"Do you guys notice how he's able to be everywhere at once?"
"What do you expect? He's a freaking vampire." Matthew said.
"No Matt, Rene has a point. The only people capable of moving places and using people are the red and grey cells. Does this mean Logan has both?"
At my observation, Matthew inhaled in disbelief.
"We're in deep shit!" Job concluded.
"Stop being negative, Job!" Rene snapped at him.
I have a magenta cell while Matthew has a Maroon cell. Everyone had a single cell but the possibility of having two cells is rare just like what Frances had, she had both yellow and gold cells which are very rare to come by.
And here was another individual who had two cells.
"What are we going to do?" Rene asked.
"I don't know. There's no one we can talk to," I said.
"That's true, because telling someone will only land us a death sentence," Matthew agreed.
"I think we should inform the chief, discreetly," Job suggested and everyone looked at him.
"What? Isn't it his son we're dealing with." He reasoned.
"It's his son but at the same time it's not his son. He's a monster," Toby said.
"He won't mind burning him to cleanse our land," Matthew said and sighed.
"That's why I said we should tell him DISCREETLY," Job stressed the last word.
"He's smart and he'll figure we're the ones," I let him know.
"Then do we just let him torment us?"
"Well, we brought him to life so we have no other choice," Matthew concluded.
"What if he's not the only one who was brought to life?" Toby asked and we became thoughtful.
"If he's not the only one then we're doomed," I said.
"Doomed to die," Job added.
"How are you feeling, Miss Faith?"
The question sounded distant as I looked at the doctor.
"Miss Faith?"
"Hmm?" I hummed in response as I tried to focus my attention on him.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel sick." I grumbled and felt like throwing up.
A bright light was turned on and it made me squeeze my eyes shut in discomfort.
"Does it hurt?" He asked and turned it off.
"No, it just feels irritating," I said as everything became visible to my eyes and I could finally hear him properly.
"You are very lucky we found you in time and you're lucky the venom got removed from your body," he said and I frowned.
My brain was slow to process it.
"Yes, you were bitten by a vampire," he informed me and I blinked in disbelief.
"A vampire?"
"Yes," he answered.
"We don't know but your parents brought you in unconscious. They said you were in your room when you suddenly screamed in pain, alarming them in the middle of the night, sometime around 1am," he recalled the incident but I couldn't remember it.
"I was in my room?" I asked in confusion.
"You were."
"No, I was with Rene and Frances," I let him know.
"No you weren't." The doctor said and I frowned.
"Your parents are outside but we can't let you see them for now until we're certain you're alright," he said and I slowly nodded.
"So far, your skin color is normal and your heart is still beating properly and every other thing is normal," he let me know.
"Where are my friends? I need to see them," I tiredly said.
"I'm not sure where they are but I'll be sure to contact them for you," he assured me.
"How long will I stay here?"
"For just a few days," he said.
"How did a vampire get into our town?" I curiously asked because it felt strange to my ears.
"We are not sure but since Halloween is approaching, it is obvious someone let it in."