
I was breathing heavily as I became cautious of my surroundings so I wouldn't be caught off guard.

"Do you remember when we would cuddle up in my room?"

At that question, my eyes snapped in the direction at which it came from and my breath shuddered in fear.

He was seated on a bed while looking at a picture and it was then I realized we were in his room.

How couldn't I remember it?

"You would tell me to kiss you here," he pointed his nose, "and here," he pointed his cheek, "and here," he pointed his forehead, "and right here," he pointed his lips and shifted his gaze to me.

This time around, his eyes weren't red but grey and his skin had color.

"Do you know how much I loved you, Frances?"

At his question I remained silent as I tried not to cry. Getting up, he scoffed and waved the picture at me.

"I even framed a picture of us just to trap that moment we shared," he said in a sad voice.

"You're not…."

"Real?" He completed what I wanted to say and I felt a chilly feeling run through me, causing me to shiver.

"Can you hear yourself right now?"

At his question I remained quiet. I didn't know how to digest any of it. All I could do was lie to myself that he was just in my head since we had a history and I was obviously trapped in my own memory.

"Keep telling yourself that," he scoffed and went to keep the picture on his bedside table.

When his back faced me, I looked at the door and calculated how I was going to get to it before he does.

"Don't even think of doing it." He warned without looking at me and I blinked at him in shock.

How did he know what I was going to do?

"One door leads to another and so does the others and they all come back to this very room," he explained.

"Let me go," I carefully said as I kept breathing heavily. I was afraid of him but at the same time I was trying to be bold.

"We just got here, Frances. Why do you want to leave so soon?" he asked.

"Please Logan, I want to go home," I pleaded as tears nearly blurred my vision.

"But I'm your home. That's what you once told me." He reminded me before turning to look at me.

"You can't be alive… I watched you die," I reminded him but he simply stared at me in a dull manner with his arms folded against his chest.

"If I'm not alive, then how am I here?"

At his question, I shook my head.

"You're not alive."

"Frances, if you keep dodging every question I ask you then we'll have a big problem," he seriously warned.

"I just want to go home." I begged him.

"Aren't you even glad that I'm alive? You cried when I died and kept begging me to come back but here I am now and you are disgusted by the sight of me. Is that fair?"

At his statement, I closed my eyes and turned my face away when I felt like breaking down.

He was actually right.

I was being very unfair but how could I bring myself to accept him after many years.

"Well, you can't bring yourself to accept me because you're clearly in love with the Mayor's son," he said and I opened my eyes to stare at him.

How was he able to read my mind?

Well, we were in my head so what did I expect?

He chuckled and I blinked at him.

"Don't you remember when I asked you a question this morning while you were in the bathroom and you answered?"

At that reminder, I gasped and covered my mouth in disbelief.

He was the one?

"Of course I was the one."

"Why? Why are you doing this to me Logan? Why did you block my memory?"

"Well, if I let you see for yourself what happened, you would be ten times scared than what you are now. So for your sanity, I blocked it," he explained.

"What do you want? And how are you even alive?"

"Now that's the question I have been waiting for you to ask. How am I alive?" He said in delight and took a step in my direction, causing me to go high on alert.

"The simple answer to that is you."

At his words, I blinked in confusion until he went on to say, "You brought me back to life."