The lady gasped as her eyes suddenly came open in shock.
For a moment, she sat there staring at Frances with her hands still at her temples without saying a word.
"Miss Mariah? Is there a problem?" The chief officer asked as he came close to her. Instead of answering the officer, she closed her eyes again and frowned before opening them again.
This time, the shock was replaced by terror as she slowly took her hands off Frances' temple to look at me before shifting her gaze to the chief officer.
"Something grave has happened." She declared and my lips trembled.
"What happened? Why isn't she moving!" I asked in worry but the lady gave no response to my question.
"What happened, Miss Mariah?" The chief officer carefully asked while examining Frances' body to be sure she was still alive.
"I was forcefully pushed out of her mind and I couldn't seem to get in anymore," she said as if she was in a trance.
"Did you see anything?" The chief officer carefully asked.
"Yes! Her late boyfriend," she swiftly said and I blinked in shock.
So it was true, Frances did lose her first boyfriend.
"Logan Greene?"
At the chief officer's question, I blinked when the name seemed to ring a bell in my mind.
The chief officer's name is Greene and it was said that he lost his only son who tried to save a girl.
Wait! Was Frances the girl?
At that revelation, I staggered backward as I watched her.
"Maybe it was a memory, after all, Frances had a history with him," the officer, Mr Greene, stated but Mariah shook her head.
"He was the one stopping us from finding out what happened that night. I don't know how he did it but he camouflaged that memory into a series of frightening events, Mr Greene."
At her words, I blinked in horror and returned my gaze back to Mr Greene who remained dangerously calm.
"And that's not all, he was not normal. From the looks of it, I believe he's the vampire who bit Faith." Mariah went on to say and my body went cold at the thought that she might've seen more and would reveal our secret.
When the chief officer just stood still without saying a word, I became afraid.
He had a stone cold face and never revealed what went through his mind.
"Why isn't she waking up?" The authority who had questioned both of us inquired and the lady went on to speak.
"He fell into a grave with her."
"Then why didn't you bring her out of it?" He demanded.
"There are certain places I can't enter if I'm not with the owner. Once she was out of sight, I couldn't go any further. I was sucked out of there…."
Suddenly she paused halfway as her eyes went wide.
"But how is he able to do that? How did he get into her mind?" The chief officer asked.
"He's the one who blocked that memory and strangely, I feel they must've had a very deep connection for him to take control of her memory," Mariah frighteningly said and I blinked in horror.
Without saying a word, the chief officer faced me and I gulped in fright.
"You can go home, Miss Rene. Mr John will escort you out," he said but I didn't want to go home especially when I just found out something astonishing.
"This way, Miss Rene," the authority whose name is John led me to the door but I couldn't stop staring at Frances.
I couldn't believe I had supported the people in blaming her for Logan's death without knowing she was the one.
But who would've known it was her?
When we were finally alone, I spoke freely.
"Are you saying my son is alive?"
"That's clearly what it seems, Mr Greene. He's the vampire."
"Are you certain? How is this even possible?" I asked in wonder.
"I'm still trying to figure it out. It's quite strange," she said in exhaustion as she touched Frances' face.
"How do we bring her back?"
"We can't. It is either she finds her way back or we will have no other option but to call for a witch from the neighboring town. And that's not a good idea," she said and I sighed.
"What if she doesn't find her way back?" I assumed.
"Then we will be forced to find Logan or she'll remain this way," she said.
"Then let's be prepared to hunt him," I finalized.
"Are you sure you want to do that, Mr Greene? He's your son…"
I corrected her and stormed out of there so I could gather up troops to search for this monster.
I lost my son many years ago so whoever this monster is, is clearly not my son.
When I was dropped at home, I stood outside as I pondered deeply on what I just learnt about Frances.
And instead of entering my home to let my parents know I was alright, I changed direction and went over to Frances' house. It was quite far from where I live but walkable.
Nonetheless, as I was heading there, a car stopped beside me and I frowned but quickly recognized it. Especially the people in it.
"Get in," Matthew ordered and I did without question.
I sat in the back seat with Job and Toby because Luke and Matthew were seated in front.
"Where is Frances?" Luke asked as he drove off.
"At the industry of Magic."
"What? Why?"
"She doesn't remember what happened last night. Someone made her forget it," I filled them in.
"Who would do such a thing? Don't they know the consequences for that?" Job asked in annoyance.
"That's not even half of it," I said and it made them look at me in shock.
Taking a deep breath, I revealed what I learnt.
"You all kept asking who this Logan guy is but did his name ever ring a bell? Did it sound familiar?"
At my question, they became thoughtful.
"Yes, everyone knows there was once a Logan who died trying to save a girl but wh…." Just the way Toby was able to say that, that was how he stopped midway as his eyes went wide in disbelief.
"You can't possibly tell me the Logan who died is the same Logan who appeared last night." At his statement, I nodded.
"Come on, Rene, it's not the time to joke around," Matthew warned.
"Do I look like I'm joking around? Don't you remember when Frances told us she lost a boyfriend?"
At that question, Luke snapped his head around to look at me.
"What the hell, Rene, it can't be him right?" Job asked and I glared at him.
"He's the one she was talking about. Frances once dated Logan Greene and that Logan Greene is alive as we all saw last night."
Suddenly, the car screeched to a halt and everyone moved forward before adjusting backward.
Luke's eyes widened as he looked ahead of him and so did all of us.
"Tha… that's… him."
I stuttered when I looked ahead like the rest of them just to find Logan standing in the middle of the road smiling at us.