We Couldn’t Be Friends

Ethan's POV

As I woke up the following day, a dull throbbing pounded in my head, the lingering reminder of yesterday's events. Only now did I fully grasp the impact of what had happened. My body ached from the blows I had taken, but my concern for my ex had overshadowed the pain. Now that I had finally rested, every muscle protested in agony.

I forced myself out of bed and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over me. It soothed my aching body, washing away the stiffness and leaving me feeling somewhat renewed. After drying off, I slipped into a sweatshirt and board shorts before heading downstairs. I needed coffee, something to keep me sharp and help me focus.

I had to talk to Iza, make her speak, and get the truth out of her. I also needed to know who those men were.