Damon absorbed the converted Worldly Essence into his body, his total Worldly Essence count rising to 1420 units. Interestingly, his first stomach was not yet emptied, so a new batch was pushed into his second stomach for processing since what was already 'choked' in the second stomach was pushed out into the third stomach.
Damon counted and found that the exact amount pushed out was 100 units, so the second stomach could only hold 100 units of Worldly Essence at a time before pushing it to the final storage room.
Well, the young man was done with the numbers, so it was time to power up!
He immediately initiated another 'level up,' the same feeling as the previous time coursing through him as the units of Worldly Essence he possessed dropped drastically. While infusing into his flesh, spirit, and soul, he felt that he was being filled up rather quickly, but not at the same pace as before.