Felicia's Progress

After eating, Damon chatted with his folks for a bit before heading to his room, closing the door, and frowning deeply. He was just about able to increase his stats one more time, but the food intake issue troubled him, though fortunately it wasn't like humanity was the first species to face this issue. 

Many species had an astonishingly high daily sustenance requirement, even before accounting for their enermous stats, particularly powerful ones like Dragons and Behemoths. Fortunately, the IUAS had long since developed a food pill capable of providing sufficient energy for such beings, making it more than enough to sustain a mere human like himself. 

Nevertheless, Damon couldn't shake his concern when coupled with his eventual forays into the Chaos Realm. Higher stats made him stronger, but they also made him increasingly dependent on logistical factors. Sure, he could stock up on food pills and bring them along, but the Chaos Realm was unpredictable.