Chapter 7

Inside the arena stands 30 males all chained together and weapons along the walls. Marcus walks into the arena and announces

"Because there is 30 male master vampires and 30 humans you will choose your champion and the winner gets to keep the victor," this gets him a big cheer.

"Because my grandchilde brought us this gift, he shall pick first, then everyone else can pick," Marcus says.

Amon walks over to the men and begins to walk up to them and starts to inspect them.

"Is anyone English?" Amon asked, the smallest man there raises his hand.

"I'm English," he says out of fear. Amon can smell it on him.

"What's thy name?" Amon asked

"Carl my Lord, hail from Lancashire England," he replies.

"Your family survived the massacre of 66?" Amon says quite shocked as he's sure he killed everyone but his cousin Jasmine.

"That they did as they were in London at the time, dropping off an order for the king as my father was the best blacksmith in all of England," Carl says.

"My goodness, your Darren Smith's boy, he made me my first sword on my 18th birthday, his best work, so he said," Amon says laughing.

"I'm sorry my Lord but thy father told me before he died of sickness, that his best work was a sword for the young Lord Benjamin Asmall," Carl states, quite taken aback by Amon's words and the fact that he knows his father as he looks too young to know him.

"Who do you think I am my boy, but Lord Benjamin Asmall, thy hopes that you win. I choose this one," Amon declared, everyone laughed because he was so small.

"Good luck my boy, if you win we have much to talk about," the Amon whispered something to him and walks off and everyone else chooses their champions, then head off back to their seats.

"Amon why did you choose that small man?" Vlad asked.

"His father made Black Panther for thy 18th birthday," he replies. Vlad looks shocked, if the boy survives, Vlad will order him to make him a weapon like Amon's.

"What is Black Panther Amon?" Marcus asked. Amon stands up and takes off his coat and on his back is a sword in a sheaf strapped to his back, he unsheathes and shows Marcus his sword. It has a solid gold gilt and the blade is completely shinny black.

"My word this is beautiful, what is it made of? No metal that I have ever seen," Marcus says.

"According to Darren Smith the blacksmith that made it, it's made from a fallen Star, so is the hilt, it looks gold, but apparently it's not, he also used thy blood in making it to give me a connection to it, as a human I couldn't feel it, but once I became a vampire it called to me. I've yet to find something that it cannot cut through," Amon says with a slight smirk.

"Can I hold it?" Marcus asked, looking completely mesmerized by the beautiful sword.

"Unfortunately not my Prince, it burns anyone who is not me," he states.

"A weapon from the stars and can cut through anything, that sword maybe able to kill a celestial being and maybe even God himself," Marcus says with a smile.

"It can kill a celestial, not sure about God. But Lucy allowed me to see if it cuts her, and it did, so that's Stuart's dagger and my sword that can hurt Angels," Amon says then he put his sword away and sits back down as the fighting had begun. 

All the men completely ignored Carl and ran towards the biggest men, within 5 minutes there are 6 men left out of 30. The 5 men ignore Carl who is leaning on a spear, and try to kill each other, there is blood and limbs and chunks of flesh scattered throughout the arena. When 4 of the men are dead, the last man stands on shaken legs as he is wounded badly looks at Carl who picks up the spear, and he begins to twirl the spear around with so much skill then hurls it at the man, and it goes through his eye. The man falls down dead, the vampires cheer loudly.

"You knew he would win, how?" Vlad asked

"Quite easy sire, first I picked him because I knew him as a baby and second people always underestimate the smallest man," Amon states.

"Sometimes your genius astounds me Childe," Vlad says.

"Only sometimes sire?" Amon says laughing, which makes Vlad and Marcus laugh.

Amon gets up and walks down the steps of the arena and flips over the barrier and walks over to Carl.

"Very good my boy, no harm will come to you if you do as I say. Is this understood?" Amon says in a very stern voice

"Yes my Lord," Carl replies still quite scared.

"Good follow me and I will get you some food and drink and a bath," they walk off back towards the castle with Amon's arm wrapped around Carl's shoulder.

Down in the basement Katrina is in the zone, she has done wonders so far the man has his skin on his face and genitals. Just finishing peeling the skin off his ass. She stops and walks over to the minion who has a flute of blood wine for her, she takes a big swig of it, then whips her forehead. She normally takes her time and something like what she's doing she would do in a space of days or even a few weeks. Not only that, but she then turns to the other minion and says.

"Clean his back and give him something to drink and some broth," the minion nods and does as she says.

Everyone is amazed at her work and the fact that the man is still alive.

"Is thy enjoying thy selves?" She asked everyone and they all clap and cheer.

"We move onto the hardest part now the head and the cock, because he could die, and we don't want that, so to make sure that doesn't happen, what should I do?" She asked no-one in particular tapping her fingers against her chin with a smile on her face.

No one answered her, even Celeste, Irina and Layla kept quiet, they were just mesmerised by what they have been watching.

"I have two options, and I'm going to let you lovely people decide, option one is slow and steady, but he could die through the pain, or fast, and I make him a eunuch, you decide," Katrina says then goes and sits down next to Persephone.

"What do you think Dorothy?" She asked.

"I think that you are amazing, and I'm voting for eunuch, if that option wins don't forget to burn the wound, so he doesn't bleed out," Persephone says.

"Well spotted darling," and kisses her full on the lips.

She stands back up and asked what everyone thinks she should do, they all vote eunuch. So she has another sip of her drink, then picks up her Knife and stands behind the man and says to him

"If you survive, I will give you a gift," she says with a smile on her face, she then grabs the back of his head and kisses him passionately, this got a few whistles from her audience.

"Please just kill me," the man asked in German with tears in his eyes.

"I can't kill you, I'm madly in love with you and I want you by my side for all eternity, so please survive my love," she says to him and then kisses him again. She pulls away and then begins to cut and rip the skin off his head and face, the screams echo around the room, she walks over to Persephone and says.

"Does thy what the honor of chopping it off" Persephone nods and Katrina hands her the Knife.

Persephone goes to the man and drops to her knees and takes his manhood into her mouth and begins to suck and lick him, he begins to get very hard in her mouth and just when he is about to come she pulls her head back and brings down the knife and off goes his cock and balls, Persephone stands up and whips he then burns the wound. The almighty scream is heard all around the castle. She looks him in the eyes,

"Now you will be on the verge of coming for all time," Persephone says with a wicked smile on her face. Persephone sits back down and then Katrina bows and says

"Here ends the lesson," everyone is clapping and cheering for Katrina.

"That was truly inspiring Trina" Celeste says.

"We must take him upstairs to show everyone your art work" Irina says with excitement in her voice as she's never seen anything quite like this before.

"What will thou do with him afterwards" Persephone asked. Katrina smiled and said

"I'm going to turn him, so everyone will be able to see my art work for all eternity," this shocked everyone and they began to laugh. 

Layla looked at Katrina and a sudden realisation came over her, Katrina is completely and utterly insane to want to be lumbered with a walking corpse for all time, it just screams madness. It would be like making someone completely insane then turning them, and you have to be left with a lunatic for all time. Killing them would not be merciful to them but also to you. Layla now see's that she wants nothing to do with Vlad's Childer. Her job tonight was to seduced one of Vlad's Childer and hopefully make them defect to her Master, but after witnessing this, she wants nothing to do with any of them, no matter how attractive Amon and the women are. They are all to unstable for her liking.

Up in Amon's room, Carl is just getting dressed when Amon walks in.

"Was thy food nice Carl?" Amon asked him

"Yes it was my Lord," Carl replies.

Before Carl can react Amon has grabbed him by the throat and bites into his neck and begins drinking his blood, when Amon feels Carl's heart beat begin to slow he stops drinking, which was very hard for him as he's never done what he's about to do before, he then cuts his wrist and makes Carl drink, which he does greedily, when he has taken enough he falls down dead, Carl will awaken a vampire by tomorrow night. Amon sits on the bed to try and regain himself as it takes a lot out of you making a fledgling, then he remembers what Catherine looked like in Salem after she made Lucas and Emma. 

Once he feels better he gets up and decides to head back down to the party. He sees a minion walking around with a tray, with drinks on it, grabs a glass of blood rum, just as Katrina walks on stage.

"Tonight I did something that has never been done before, so I'm proud to present to all of you my art work," she says with such happiness in her voice. The man is wheeled in on the vice completely skinless and been made a eunuch, but what shocks every one is that he is still alive. Amon walks over to the man to inspect him turns to Katrina.

"Bloody brilliant Trina, this thy best work yet, please tell me that you are going to turn him, so all can see your splendor for all eternity?" he says to her with such pride in his voice.

Layla hears him and notes that he's completely insane as well to want to do the same thing Katrina does. She'll be telling her master to stay clear of these two as there insanity isn't good for his cause.

"Benny boy, you know me so well, that's exactly what I'll be doing," she says to him with a smile, with this said she walks off-stage and goes to the man and makes him a minion. 

To make a minion a vampire only has to give a little of blood, they are loyal to their maker completely and easier to train, to make a fledgling a vampire needs to give up a lot more blood hence why Amon felt so drained after turning Carl, it takes longer to train a fledgling cause the maker has to take there time. It's why there are a lot of minion vampires in the world over a million but not a lot of true vampires about 50 thousand or so and about 45 thousand are fledglings and the other 5 thousand are master vampires. The council of vampires keeps a record of all masters, how many fledglings they have and how many minions they have, sometimes vampires slip through the cracks like nomad vampires, which are vampires cast out by the head of there line, or they've left on their own before they became master.

It's 4am and the party has died down, people have either left or gone to bed, all except the group of Amon, Katrina, Persephone, Celeste and Antony. They are sat around a table talking, Persephone is sat on Amon's knee curled into his right neck, Katrina is sat on the chair to his left curled under his arm, trying to not fall asleep, Celeste is sat on Antony's knee sat across from Amon.

"So what is next for you Amon?" Antony asked.

"What do you mean?" He replies, rather confused.

"You are the youngest fledgling to reach master status in history, will you be going out and traveling on thy own?" Celeste asked hoping that he comes to spend more time with her. When you become a vampire, you are a newborn for anything from 6 months to 5 years, then you become a fledgling for any from 35 to 80 years. What Amon has done is remarkable. He will be a master until his next change when he becomes an elder but that will be 3 centuries away at the very least. Once you reach a thousand years your power grows again and you become an ancient.

"Why would I travel on thy own when my two best friends and my woman are still fledglings. Before Persephone came along me and Katrina had plans to travel together for a while and I hope that is still the plan when she is ready," he responded, Katrina sat up and kissed his cheek and says

"I'd travel the world with you and Dorothy forever, if you'd both have me?" Persephone leans over and kisses her mouth and says.

"After tonight I know that I can learn a lot from you and would be honoured to have thee as a travel companion, if and when we are ready to leave master. But there will be now sharing Amon," the last bit made them all laugh.

"As handsome and as great in bed as I've heard he is, he annoys me too much to ever allow him near me like that, so you have nothing to worry," then kisses her.

"But you Persephone are always welcome in thy bed after tonight," Katrina says with a wicked smirk on her face.

"If thy is lonely tonight you can always join me and Celeste," Antony smirks at her, Celeste playfully smacks his chest and says.

"Why do you think that you are bedding me?" she asked with a seductive smile.

"Well you are sat on my knee," he replies.

"Well look around, there are 3 seats at this table and all are taken and your knee was available and thy is pretty sure that Lady Persephone doesn't want to share Amon's other knee to me, considering that Trina is lead there," Celeste rants.

"A simple no would have surfaced Lady Celeste," this made every one laugh

"I didn't say no," then reaches down and kisses him deeply.

"I can honestly say that I have never thought of you like that Antony, but if Celeste gives a good review I might consider," she says with a smile, as she lied because she has thought of Antony like that even when they were human before he married her handmaiden Kirsty.

"Really?" Antony says with excitement.

"No you daft fuck," Katrina says and everyone just laughed at Antony.

"You are really mean sometimes Trina, good job we are friends," Antony says and leans over and kisses her forehead.

"I love you to Antony, after Amon you are my most trusted male." Katrina says with a smile. This shocked Persephone.

"What about Master?" She asked.

"Oh the man that treats me like a trophy and a prize to be won just like my father did and just like your father did to you, I can honestly say that Antony is above him on my trust list. You'll learn this in the years to come," Katrina says then Katrina falls asleep. 

"Well I'm tired, so I think that I'll carry Kat to bed and all 3 of us can sleep in Katrina's room tonight as mine is occupied with thy soon to be fledgling," Amon says, Persephone nods and gets off his knee, then Amon picks up Katrina and carries her to bed.

"Good night Antony and Celeste, have a good time and I hope to see you both before we leave," Amon says and heads up to Katrina's room, when he gets there he finds that Persephone is already naked and cuddled up in bed.

As her dress is just discarded onto the floor, He drops her on the bed and Persephone begins to take Katrina's dress off. Amon gets a minion to draw him a bath.

Once the bath is ready he then climbs in and has a nice long soak, with a nice glass of rum, not liking the taste with blood in it. He lays there thinking about the last few days and gets this odd sense of guilt for what he's done over the last two decades, but he just shakes it off. Once he feels clean he then gets out and walks into the bedroom and Katrina and Persephone are cuddled up together naked, he climbs in bed next to Persephone also naked and wraps his arms around his girls and falls asleep.

A few days later just after sunset, people are leaving Marcus castle and heading home. Katrina is linking Vlad's arm and saying goodbye to Irina and Godfrey.

"You'll have to come to our home in Sweden soon, it's the nicest place I've been to at night," Irina says.

"That's because you can't see it in the day," Katrina says with a chuckle, while flashing her daylight ring at her. Every single vampire is very jealous of her and Amon for being able to walk out into the sun, it's the one thing that all vampires miss doing the most.

Katrina's new minion has woken up and is currently sat in the luggage carriage.

"It's been nice seeing you Vlad, you and Amon will have to come to my home in Madrid sometime, the wine and the blood is amazing and when mixed together, I have not tasted something so lovely." Godfrey says.

"And you my friend have tasted Hunter blood like me, so Spanish wine mixed with blood must be good," Vlad says to him.

"What's a Hunter?" Katrina asked.

Vlad, Irina and Godfrey looked at her, shocked that she never knew what a Hunter was.

"A Hunter Katrina are humans blessed by Michael with immortality, strength, speed, a healing ability to rival ours and a small degree of magic to hunt vampires, werewolves and magics. If they hunt witches they tend to focus on their magic abilities, they are split into three categories the Slayer of Vampires, The Bane of Wolves and the Light of Witches to kill a Hunter you are truly powerful as they were created to hunt and kill us monsters," Godfrey tells her. A smile crosses Katrina's face as she might have just found her next challenge.

"Don't be getting any crazy ideas about trying to kill one of them to make a bigger name for yourself my Pulchra Ceaturae," Vlad says to her with a worried voice.

"I wouldn't dream of trying to kill one sire," Katrina says.

"I'm going to try and kill everyone that I come across," she thinks to herself. 

Amon and Persephone are saying goodbye to Stuart and Havana. Antony and Celeste walk downstairs linking arms. Celeste has a huge smile on her face as Antony is an amazing lover, one of the best she's ever had.

"Ahh Benjamin, where are you off to?" Antony bellows.

"We are all heading to Romania to Vlad's castle as soon as my fledgling awakens, what about you my friend?" Amon asked.

"Judas has aloud me to accompany Lady Celeste back to Greece, but I must return to him before Christmas," he replies. Then a minion comes running downstairs and says in a thick Baltic accent.

"My Lord your fledgling has awoken" with that said Amon ignores every one and runs off upstairs and right into his room.

"Good your awake Carl, I will get someone to bring you a drink, and then we shall leave, and I will teach you how to hunt my Childe," Carl bows his head and then a minion comes in with a flute of blood for Carl, he drinks it down greedily,

"More Benjamin," Carl demands.

Amon punches him the face

"Rule one, you will never make demands to me, rule two you will follow my instructions to the letter, rule three never touch what is mine, rule four address me as sire or master and rule five let's try and have a good time," Amon says laughing.

"Sorry sire," Carl says as he picks himself up from the floor and whips the blood from his now bleeding nose.

"Come my boy the night is young, and we have a long journey a head of us," with that said they head off back downstairs to leave.

Katrina comes over and kisses Carl's cheek.

"Welcome to the family nephew," she says with a smile.

"Introduction's, everyone this is Carl my fledgling, Carl this man here is Vlad, he is my sire, you may address him as sire, master or my Lord, this is Katrina, thy sister, you can address her how she sees fit, this is Persephone thy other sister, address her how she sees fit, this is Antony my best friend, this is Lady Celeste, this Stuart and Havana his mate, and he is thy oldest friend. This gentleman is Prince Marcus my sires sire. Thy will explain more as time goes on, but we must be off," Amon says, Carl and Persephone just glare at each other as they know each other.

"Well said Amon and yes we must be off, goodbye sire," Vlad says and him and Marcus hug. 

With that everyone jumps into their respective carriages and the Vlad family is on there way to Romania.

"So Carl where does thy hail from?" Katrina asked,

"Lancashire England milady," Carl replies.

"The creepy bastard is from Preston," Persephone says.

"You two know each other?" Amon asked.

"Yes Carl's father was dropping something off for my father and he decided to watch me in a state of undress when I was 14. I screamed and he was band from Manchester, that was the last I so of him," She tells them.

"You was touching yourself while watching Lord Theodore Brookfield you harlot," He said to her, she growled at him.

"Carl's father made my sword, I met Carl when he was just a baby," Amon states, trying to defuse the situation.

"How did he survive? You massacred the whole town and burnt it down" Vlad asked.

"He and his family where in London at the time dropping a gift off the King, isn't that right Carl?" Amon asked

"Yes sire, that is correct, Preston has rebuilt since that day master," Carl says.

"Is any of thy family still living there?" Katrina asked."Yes milady, thy mother and 3 brothers still live in Preston," Carl replies.

"Then we must go there someday soon as family blood is always the best," Vlad says. 

They stop off in a small town, so they can hunt, Katrina's minion has to be cloaked because he could not pass as human considering he has no skin left on his body. Carl is a little freaked out by Catherine's minion when he sees him.

"What the fuck is that," Carl screams

"Oh that is Charon I renamed him after Hades ferryman, isn't he beautiful?" Katrina says while stroking his skinless face.

"He is Katrina's walking work of art" Vlad declared with such administration.

"Come Carl thy is going to show you how to hunt" Amon says.

"Oh don't teach him your way it's so hard, let me teach him," Katrina pleaded.

"No he is mine, and I want to teach him, he may find a better way that suits him, but for now I'll show him my way," Amon says.

"Ok but don't overcomplicate things for him, he's new, come Dorothy let's go find a child to play with," Katrina says.

"If we find a family, can I have the mother, while you have the child, there is nothing more satisfying than watching a mother watch her child being murdered," Persephone asked.

"Of course my darling" Katrina says and kisses her mouth, and they head off. Everyone just went in their own directions.

"Guess I'm hunting on my own tonight?" Vlad says to no one, but is stirring after Catherine.

"I'll punish you Katrina, for the way you've treated me these last two weeks, think I'll start making the 3 sisters tonight," Vlad says with a smile on his face.

May 4th 1695 

Preston Lancashire England, Amon thought that it would be best if he took Carl traveling on their own for a year, without any interruptions. Katrina who turned into a mistress 2 years ago thought that it was a brilliant idea. Until Amon told her that she wasn't invited, she sulked about it but wished him well on his travels. Persephone was raging that he wanted to leave her, that was until Katrina offered to keep her warm until he returned, that just made Amon smile.

Amon and Carl who has been renamed into Dagon after a serpent God, because Carl can be as slippery as a snake, and he has a quick-witted viper tongue. They're currently sat in Winter's tavern, which was under the ownership of Molly and Holly's family, which they got from Benjamin's death. Now the Dankworth's own it after they bought Molly and Holly out.

"We are sitting in the exact same seats as the ones that I met Vlad in," Amon tells Dagon.

"You've told me that every night this week sire. Why are we still here? I've killed my family and took the Star metal." Dagon asked.

Amon just smiles at him and is about to backhand him for being disrespectful to him. Then the reason for him being here every night walks through the door to have her nightly drink. A very beautiful and slim busty redhead called Amy. Amon has a slight fascination with her, he wants to turn her, but he knows that Persephone will go ballistic if he comes back with a beautiful female vampire as his Childe. Dagon watches his sire watch the beautiful redhead

"Will she be my plaything sire?" Dagon asked. Amon just looks at him and smiles,

"No Dag, she will be mine and mine alone," he tells him, this makes Dagon laugh,

"What would you like to be written in the vampire compendium about you? Here was Amon, the greatest vampire in the world but crossed shit head, and now he's dead," Dagon laughed out.

The compendium is a book that Lilith started and once you become a master you add your name and your feats are wrote down.

"I'm a master and Persephone is a fledgling, she is not my wife. So I have nothing to worry about," he says to him.

"Of course sire, you are correct," He says with a smirk. Amon gets up and goes to talk to the redhead, but stops and turns to Dagon.

"How mad do you think she'll be?" Amon asked quite scared. Dagon laughs, gets up and pats Amons shoulder.

"It was great knowing you sire," Dagon says laughing and walks out. Amon just shakes his head and heads over to the redheads table.

"Hello I'm Ben, can I buy you a drink beautiful?" He asked her. She looks up and stares into the most beautiful blue eyes which are attached to a very handsome face.

"Well Ben, I'll happily accept a drink from you, and I'll have what you are having," She says to him. He calls the tavern wench over and asks for two beers. The beers come and Amon takes his seat next to her.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours milady," Amon says to her.

"I'm shocked that you don't know good sir. I'm Amy Dankworth," she says to him, Amon just stares at her.

"Is that name meant to mean something to me beautiful?" He asked as he has no clue who she is.

"You must not be from around here, as my father is Peter Dankworth, the richest man in Lancashire and holds a lot of land around the northwest of England." She says to him.

Amon just burst out laughing as the Dankworth's where farmers and very poor people when he lived here.

"I grew up here and the Dankworth's where poor farmers before I left, how did they become so rich?" He asked.

This makes Amy laughs as she knows every handsome man in Preston but has never met this noble man before, and she can tell he's from money with the way he holds himself.

"The Asmall family was murdered in 66 and my grandfather bought up the land for cheap and my father sold it for a very high price twenty years ago, and as I'm only 17 I've never known anything but money in my family. You said that you grew up here, but I don't know you," she says to him, Amon takes a sip of his beer and smiles at her.

"If you wish you to know that I'll have to offer you a choice," he says to her.

"What choice will that be sir?" She asked never taking her eyes off him as he seems to have her memorized.

"The choice of this life or the beautiful one I'll show you," He says to her as he takes her hand in his never loosing eye contact, he brings her wrist up to his lips, and he kisses her pulse, this makes her become aroused, no man has ever made her feel like this in such a short while, no man has ever made her feel like this ever.

"I love my life, I'm beautiful, rich and can have my choice of husband," She says to him.

Amon just laughs and strokes her cheek with his palm of his hand and looks her in the eyes.

"Yes you are very beautiful, but it's your father that is rich, not you milady. Your father will pick your husband, and you won't have a choice. I'm offering you a choice. I'll give you until tomorrow night to think it over," he says to her then he bends down and captures her lips and kisses her like she's never been kissed before.

Her eyes are shut, and she melts into the kiss, when the kiss finishes and her head stops spinning, she opens her eyes and sees that Amon has disappeared and the whole tavern is staring at her. Her face just heats up as everyone is staring at her, and she is so aroused she can feel herself dripping, she gets up and walks out and climbs into her carriage. What Amy doesn't realise is that Dagon has killed her driver and is driving her home. He's debating whether to just kill her as he knows that she will become his sires favorite, and Persephone will probably try to kill him, so in Dagon's mind he is saving his sires life from his jealous wife.

As the carriage pulls up to Amy's home and a guard comes to let her out, and she begins walking into her home. Dagon is about to jump off the carriage, but a hand is on his shoulder, he turns to look at the person, and it's his sire.

"This is stupid Dagon," Amon says with a disappointed tone in his voice, he then snaps his neck. Amon takes the carriage to the stables, picks up Dagon's body and carries him home. Once they arrive at Amon's home, Amon takes Dagon and strips him naked and ties him up, hanging from the ceiling. 

A few hours later Dagon wake's up with a massive headache and sore arms, which can only mean that he's had his neck snapped, and he's hanging from a ceiling, he opens his eyes and sees his sire sat in a chair shirtless with a glass of rum in his hand.

"Finally your awake, I thought I actually killed you this time," Amon says then takes a sip of his rum.

"Sorry sire, I was trying to protect you," Dagon says, this just makes Amon spit out his drink with laughter.

"You fucking idiot, I'm your sire, it's my job to protect you. Why do you think I need protecting?" Amon asked laughing.

"Because Shit Head will kill you, if you sire this girl," Dagon says with fear in his voice, Amon just laughs again at his statement.

"I'm not going to sire her, for sex you dumb fuck, I sense an unkept strength in her. She has a warrior's heart, I sense the same thing with Kat," he tells him. Dagon looks at him confused, then realizes the mistake that he's made and fear fills the room and Amon smiles,

"I'm sorry sire, I was doing it with the best intentions, there's no need to torture me is there?" Dagon asked, Amon just smiles and all that can be heard are Dagon's screams of pain for hours on end.

The following night Amon turns Amy, then takes the body and drops it at her father's home, in his study, he strips her naked to make it look like she's be defiled. Her father will have the guards on night duty killed for allowing this to happen to his eldest daughter, the one that might get him a better status, as Amber his youngest is still young, and he doesn't know if she'll be as beautiful as Amy. His son is already married to a wealthy landowner's daughter, so he can't help him. Amy's parents cry for her for different reasons and only one of them cries for the love of loosing there beloved daughter. 

As Amon is walking home he gets the feeling that he's being watched, but he can't pick up a scent, see or hear them. He does know that he's being followed and that the person watching him is very powerful, he's starting to regret leaving Black Panther at home with Dagon who is still tied up. As he walks through the woods and is about to cross a bridge over the brook, a cloaked figure is stood on the bridge, Amon can instantly sense the Devine power coming from them as it's similar to being around Lucifer. As Amon gets closer but also staying on guard.

"Hello Benjamin, you have been making quite the name for yourself as Amon, who by the way would be fuming that you are taking is name and defiling it," The man says in a stern voice.

"What can I say except I like defiling things." Amon laughs out. The cloaked figure just shakes his head.

"You was meant to be a great warrior of light, but you got turned into a vampire and now the light will grow to fear you," the man says.

"So it should, any warrior of light steps in my way will be destroyed," Amon says while looking rather imposing, the man has still not looked at Amon.

He just stares over the bridge looking down at the brook.

"I believe that you will do that as well Benjamin. Amon, the demon God made flesh, that is what they will call you my friend. But all God's tremble at me, the one true God," He says, then turns to Amon and removes his hood, to reveal a very handsome slave with white hair and a small white beard, Amon steps back.

"You are Jehovah." He states.

"That is one of the countless names I've been called in my long beautiful life. This war is pointless even you must see that," God says to him, Amon just laughs at the whole situation.

"I feel like Noah or Moses as I'm talking to you, I know we are enemies, but it's still an honor to speak to you," Amon says with a smile.

"We are not enemies, not if you don't want to be," he tells Amon.

"It is pointless, as you or your wife could destroy everything and start again, but Lucy can't see that, but she wants war regardless, but I must be some sort of threat for you to want to speak to me." Amon states with a smile.

"Oh you are, as no Devine being can directly get involved with the war, so it's up to our champions, and I'd like you to be our champion Benjamin," God says to him, Amon just stares at him in complete shock then starts laughing.

"You are funny," Amon laughs out.

"I'm being serious Benjamin, be my champion," God says to him.

Amon looks at him and thinks about his offer, if he says yes he'll have to betray Katrina and Persephone, something that he doesn't think he could do as he loves them both so much.

"I'll need to think about it as I could help you, but I don't think I could betray Katrina and Persephone," He says to him.

"I understand Benjamin, let me know in prayer if you decide to be my champion, and call me Joe," Jehovah says with a smile, then in a blinding light he vanished leaving Amon on the bridge looking down at the brook, trying to process the information that he's just been given, he pushes off the bridge and begins to walk home to rising sun.