February 17th 1698
Madrid Spain, Godfrey's castle down in the lower levels is Amon and Amy training in hand to hand. Amy has been a vampire for a few years, and she is already starting to make a name for herself. The humans call her the fire in the night because of her bright orange hair she looks like a flame blurring through the darkness and killing everything that moves, Amon is so proud of her. Dagon is very jealous of her as she won't let him fuck her, he can smell that no one has touched her except Amon and Persephone just that one weekend last year, she spends most of her time in Katrina's bed, killing men who put up a fight as she is a born fighter and if she's not fucking or killing she's training herself to be the best.
Amy has not even been a vampire that long and can already beat Dagon and can give Persephone a great workout as Persephone is a terrible fighter, but she has age on her side and a bit more experience than Amy. She is cut throwing kicks and punches like she's been a trained warrior all her life, Amon has one hand behind his back and blocking and evading everything that she throws at him like she's moving in slow motion, and he can predict everything that she throws at him. Vlad and Katrina are to the side watching the sparing session.
"She is fantastic Katrina, when she becomes a mistress you might have competition in hand-to-hand combat," Vlad says to her, Katrina nods.
"I must agree. Benny boy has done fantastic work with her in such a short time, she reminds me of Cole so much, with how much she wants to be the best," Katrina says, even though she knows that Vlad hates anyone mentioning Cole.
"You are correct, when I used to spar with him, I could see his mind trying to figure out how to best me, a few days before he left, he almost did best me," Vlad tells her as he's never told anyone else this. For a master vampire of Vlad's age to be almost beaten in a sparing session by his own fledgling Childe is rather embarrassing.
"That just shows how good he was and if he's still alive how good he is. I never come close to beating him, neither did Ben," Katrina says and puts her hand to her ribs.
"He left because I favored you and Amon over him and I treated him badly, I would apologize if I was to see him again," Vlad tells her.
But he would only apologise as he believes that Cole would kill him if he was to see him again.
"That's good to hear sire, as it really hurt Ben when he left, Cole was like his big brother as humans and as vampires." She says to him.
"Did it not hurt you when he left?" Vlad asked.
"To be honest sire, I didn't really give two shits, you taught me to fight for survival he taught me how to win and for that I'll be grateful, but I wouldn't care if I never so him again," she says and turns back to the fight in front of her, as she's never told anyone that she's the reason he left.
Amy runs, jumps and backflips over Amon who still hasn't changed his stance, and she lands she's met with a Spartan kick to the chest, and she goes flying back. Amon brings down the invisible stake, and she would be dead. He stands up and offers his hand, which she accepts and stands up.
"How did I beat you Amy?" He asked Amy, she is trying to catch her breath which she doesn't need to do as she's dead.
"You are too strong, to fast and two powerful," he backhands her, and she falls to the floor her face changes into her vampire face and looks up at him.
"You lost because you are too predictable in your moves, I back handed you, and you didn't see it coming. Be better my darling as I know you can, you are to be my sword come the End of Days and I need you sharp," He says to her then picks her up and kisses her now bleeding lip.
Which she accepts and melts into his kiss. When the kiss is over she looks at him
"I'll be better sire," she says to him.
"I know you will my beautiful fledgling, now go bathe, and we'll go out hunting. Katrina walks over to them.
"You did fantastic Amy, I loved the flip. Is there room on your hunting party for one more?" She asked.
"For you fat ass, you are always welcome," Amon says with a smile which makes Amy chuckle.
"Thy does not have a fat ass Benny boy," she says as she gets up in his face and glares at him, Amon leans down and licks her face and runs off laughing.
"You taste great fat ass," he calls back howling.
"You are fucking disgusting Benjamin," She says whipping her face.
Vlad just laughs at the whole situation and so does Amy. Persephone and Dagon walk into the training room arguing like normal and see Katrina chasing Amon around, and they are both laughing.
"What did he do this time Master?" Persephone asked then sniffed her hair.
"He licked her face," Vlad says laughing.
"Did you beat him yet sister?" Dagon asked with a smile. She just glares at him.
"Closer than you are you little prick," she says and storms past him and heads off to go clean up, completely ignoring Persephone. This just makes Persephone laugh at her, at first she was raging with Amon for turning her, but she's grown to really dislike her, but she does find her to be very funny.
"She's got you there Carl," Persephone says laughing.
"Ha ha, you are so funny! Your hair still smells like shit," Dagon says smiling and walks off back upstairs, this makes Vlad burst out laughing.
Even though Persephone is of higher rankings in the vampire community, there is only a few months between her and Dagon, so they tend to argue like siblings and annoy one another, doesn't help that they disliked each other as humans. Persephone sniffs her hair and brings it to Vlad's nose to smell.
"It doesn't still smell does it master?" Persephone asked rather paranoid.
"Of course not my dear, it smells amazing and looks amazing just like you always do," this makes Persephone smile, and she kisses Vlad's cheek.
"Thank you master that's cheered me up," She says to him.
"Anything for you my dear," He says to her. She turns to the two scariest vampires in the world acting like children.
"Ok enough you two, Benjamin, Katrina my room ten minutes I need seeing to before we go out tonight!" She shouts at them. They stop and salute her then burst out laughing and follow Persephone and Vlad back upstairs.
August 17th 1699
Vlad, Amon, Katrina, Persephone, Dagon, Amy and Katrina's minion Charon were in Greece staying at Celeste's Luxury home. Katrina became a mistress in 1692 making her to the youngest female fledgling and the second youngest fledgling to reach master status. Vlad was expecting her to leave, but she's still with them after nearly seven years. What Vlad doesn't know is that Katrina is just waiting for the right moment to leave.
Katrina has spent the afternoon outside in the sun naked reading a book and a flute of blood. All the minions watch her from the shadows, they've seen there mistress Celeste naked, and she truly is a sight to behold, but to see Pulchra Creaturae is sunlight with beautiful browning skin through all the sun bathing is a sight no one could ever describe as the female minions get wetter just looking at her and the male minions get painfully hard. Katrina can sense them watching.
"If you don't fuck off I'll make you all look like Charon," she shouts at them. They all run off in fear.
As night falls she gets a minion to do hers and Persephone's hair then they decided to have a bath before they go out with Celeste later tonight. They are laying in the bath, Katrina is at the back and Persephone is between her legs with the back of her head on Catherine's chest.
"Kat, why does Ben not spend time in the sun like you do?" Persephone asked.
"Seriously after 10 years you really don't know him that well" Katrina laughs.
"We rarely talk about anything, we just love fucking each other, it's very animalistic," Persephone says smiling.
"I know, as I do have ears, as you know Ben is a negro. If he spends time in the sun he will brown and not pass as a white man," Katrina explains.
"Ben is not a negro," Persephone says shocked at this new news, and rather disgusted by it, Katrina just laughs.
"Seriously you two need to talk more, I'm shocked that you didn't know," Katrina says.
"Well it's never come up in conversation, we are normally to busy to talk," Persephone laughs out.
"Does it bother you that he is a negro?" Katrina asked.
"I don't think so, and because he passes as a white man I can't say that I'm all that bothered as they all taste the same," Persephone says with a chuckle, as it sort of does bother her, Katrina can always tell when she lies as she's so bad at it.
"Still so young if you think everyone tastes the same, they all taste different to me," Katrina says to her.
Katrina begins to play with Persephone's nipples and Persephone begins to moan, turns round and kisses Katrina deeply, they soon end up in a heated make out session. Amon walks in and just stands there watching them.
"Why is it that every time I come and find you two, you are either kissing, naked or both?" Amon says laughing while holding a glass of rum. He kneels down and kisses Persephone then gives Katrina a kiss on the cheek.
"Give me some of that," Katrina asked.
"No get your own, the bottle is on the side in the bedroom," Amon tells her, she's always stealing his rum, he wishes he never introduced her to it, she's been a pain in the ass since.
"Charon darling, will you get mummy a glass of rum please," Katrina calls out in her sweet and innocent voice, a few minutes pass and Charon walks in with a glass of rum and a flute of blood wine for Persephone.
"Thank you, Charon, you may go out and hunt if thy wishes," Katrina states
"Thank you my Goddess," he says with a bow.
"Give mummy a kiss, and you may leave," Charon walks over and kisses Katrina with a tender kiss on her lips.
"Mmm you taste lovely as always my love," Katrina says to him. Charon gets up and walks out of the bathroom.
"Aww aren't you the loving mother," Amon says teasingly.
"I love Charon he looks after me and worships me, so I treat him amazingly," Amon just chuckles, but he also likes Charon, now that Charon can speak English, he likes him a lot more.
Persephone looks around and notice that Amon's perverted Childe isn't with him.
"Where is Carl?" Persephone asked, as she's never called him Dagon.
"He's out with Vlad, they are going to get some whores" he replies.
"Seriously what is it with your Childe and whores?" Persephone asked with disgust.
"He's only been after whores since we bumped into Layla in Spain in 94 just after Benny boy's birthday in Porto. That was a fantastic birthday night out," Katrina says with a wicked smile on her face.
"Maybe for you two but I had that child's eyeballs underneath my finger nails for days afterwards," Persephone says while inspecting her finger nails.
"That does make a lot of sense because she was a whore when she was human and her and Dagon did fuck for most of the time she was with us. Then she just up and left, and I never understood why. So if you two want me, I'm yours this evening as I've got no one to play with," Amon says.
Katrina knows exactly why the stupid bitch left, it was because Katrina told her to leave and if she didn't, she was going to send her back to Prince Leon in pieces. She hated that she was fucking Dagon and Vlad and kept trying to fuck Amon and annoying Persephone while doing it.
"Where is ginger bitch?" Persephone asked, as she's never to far away from her loving father, and on cue, Amy walks into the bathroom and bows her head to Katrina, then walks back out, not wanting to interrupt Katrina and Persephone's bath time, she learned that the hard way as Katrina torture her for five days for interrupting her orgasm.
Amon had to save her, before Katrina killed her. Katrina respected Amy after that as she was defiant to the very end. Katrina leans over and kisses his cheek and says.
"Sorry Benny boy, but us two and Celeste are going out later tonight." Looking disappointed, he kisses Persephone and Katrina both on the lips with a tender peck,
"I hope that you have a good time," with that said he downs his rum, then splashes them both and runs off.
"AHH my hair!" Persephone screams.
"I'm going to fucking kill you Ben!" Katrina screams.
"You'll have to catch me first ladies," Amon laughs back.
They both jump out of the bath and begin to chase him through the castle completely naked and dripping wet through, they corner him near an open window three stories up from the ground.
"Just take your death like a man Benny boy," Katrina screams with rage at him.
"Like I've already said thou hast to catch me first," He says with a smile.
"Thy have caught you, you dumb fuck, look what you've done to my fucking hair!" Persephone screams at him in pure rage.
This just makes Amon laugh then he somersaults out of the three-story window and lands in a crouch position, they get to the window and Amon shouts up to them.
"Thy shouldn't be running around castles naked and wet!" He salutes them and walks off into town and Amy links his arm.
They turn around and all the minions are looking at them, Amon had planned this and made them chase him naked from one end of the castle to the other. Then it dawns on them what he has done they both scream. They calm themselves and head back to the bath linking arms, they finally get into the bath and get back into the position they were in before.
"Does thy have a plan forming Kat? Just hope this prank war is not as bad as the last, it took me hours to get manure smell out of thy hair," Persephone states while sniffing her hair, then it dawns on Catherine.
"Has it been 5 years already?" A smile comes to her face.
Starting in 1674 Katrina and Amon have had a prank war, it last until Vlad says enough. Because Vlad is the master of his court, and he is in charge of everyone who is in his court even if they are at master status. Katrina begins to get excited and starts kissing Persephone's neck and playing with her nipples.
"Thy hope it's not as bad as the last one, poor Carl, can't believe you put him in the torture rack, just to find out what Ben was planning," Persephone says, then starts to moan.
"Don't be soft, Dagon is one tough bastard, 3 hours I had him in that rack, and he wouldn't tell me a thing, Amon has taught him very well," thinking about it makes Katrina really horny.
She then uses her other hand and slides it down Persephone's body and begins to play with her pussy.
"AHH! YES KAT! Just like that. It's not that Carl was tough it was because he didn't know anything, Ben knew you would torture him, so he didn't tell him anything, also why Vlad put an end to it, yes right there ahh," Persephone says while moaning.
"Vlad always ruining my fun, come join the winning side" Katrina says while inserting a finger into her while rubbing her clit with her palm.
"Ahh yes, winning side? Vlad told me that you've never won, and that you're a sore looser and would most likely kill Ben in his sleep, YES! YES! YES! AHH KAT! YES!" Persephone screams in utter pleasure, Katrina pulls her fingers out and sucks them
"Hmm you always taste good, I am not a sore looser, it's just Vlad treats Ben better than me, and he always has. But mark my words I'm going to be a legend." She says.
"Oh I have no doubt that you will, and I can't wait to witness it all," Persephone says, then grabs Katrina, and they begin to make out passionately again.
"In the last few years, I can't believe I've not asked. What do you think of Amy?" Katrina asked, already knowing the answer but wants to hear her say it.
"You probably think that I'm jealous of her, but I'm not, she's amazing, and I really like her," She says which makes Katrina laugh.
"You are a terrible liar Dorothy," Katrina says to her, Persephone pouts.
"Fine I hate her and I hate that she takes Amon away from me, Carl never took up this much of Amon's time," Persephone says rather annoyed.
"That's because she wants to learn, Dagon is not interested, Dagon is a lot like Vlad, he'd happily sit in a castle with his whores for the rest of his days," Katrina says to her and she means that Persephone is the whore.
"Yes you are right, I'll have to get used to her as she'll be traveling with us three when I become a mistress," Persephone says to her with a smile, not really getting what Katrina meant.
"She is very good in bed," Katrina states. "That my darling sister is very true, that thing with her small finger. Oh my it's good," she says with a smile, thinking about her one time with Amy.
Amon and Amy are walking through town, Amon has a smile on his face, as he loved what he just did, start small and end big, like his manure prank 5 years ago, as he walks through town he gets the feeling someone is following him. He sniffs the air and picks up a scent that smells very familiar to him.
"Who ever they are, they are idiots to be up wind of me," Amon says to Amy, she sniffs the air and can smell them as well, she just shakes her head and laughs.
"They are obviously untrained sire," she says to him, he kisses her forehead
"I'm going to have some fun, get to the rooftops and keep up beautiful, this is going to be fun," He says to her.
He decides that he's going to catch them, so he takes off running, through the town and runs through alleyways then double backs on himself and runs off around to get behind the person. Amy makes her way to the rooftops and takes off after her sire. When he gets behind the tall built man who was tracking him, he noticed that he looked familiar but can't place him, as he can't see his face. The man walks down an alleyway, Amon follows and kick's him in the back, then grabs him, spins him around and grabs his throat and pins him to a wall.
"Lucas? Why are you following me?" Amon asked.
"Hello Benjamin, been a long time, I didn't know it was you, so I followed you to see," Lucas explains, Amon let's go and steps back.
"What are you doing here?" Amon asked,
"If you must know I've been looking for Katrina," Lucas says
"Why are you looking for Trina? Oh shit, she's your sire and abandoned you, you're a fledgling not a minion, she gave you too much blood. I'm so sorry Lucas my friend," Amon says.
"Not just me but Emma as well," Lucas says, then 3 figures drop from the sky, it's Emma, Daniel and Imogene. "
Hello Benjamin," Emma says, Amon looks at the 3 new people and says
"Hello Emma, I know you. Your Dorothy's sister," Amon states
"Yes I am, I'm Imogene and this is Daniel," Imogene says
"I'm Lucas' cousin," Daniel says to him, Amon turns to Lucas as that makes no sense to him.
"How is he your cousin? And you made them?" Amon asked.
"Yes I did Ben. My mother and his mother are sisters, his mother was a child when we left for the colonies. It was by pure chance that I sensed that we were related," Lucas answers.
"Let me guess no control over them, he follows you because your family, and she follows him. It's why fledgling shouldn't make other vampires," Amon says.
"But Katrina made us," Lucas says, trying to defend his actions.
"That she did, but she made a mistake, she was meant to make you both minions not fledglings, for that I'm sorry and to make it worse she abandoned you," Amon says with sadness in his voice, as being abandoned by one's sire is meant to be heartbreaking.
"We've come to kill her," Amon laughed loud then uses his master status.
"Kneel all of you!" They all did.
"What's happening?" Lucas inasked.
"Because I am a master and you 4 are from the same bloodline and are untrained I get to control you, now on thy feet and follow me," Amon demands, and then Amy drops behind Amon.
"Is everything alright sire?" She asked.
"I'm sorry about tonight beautiful, but you need to go back to Celeste's," he says to her.
She just nods as she can tell something is off, so she kisses his cheek and heads off back to the castle, but she'll grab a snack for the journey back. He needs to track down Vlad first as he might have a solution to this massive problem. Amon picks up Dagon's scent as Vlad always masks his scent as he hates being followed. Amon has found it very difficult to track him down since he is no longer a fledgling. But it's just made Amon a better tracker over the years.
Vlad and Dagon where feasting on a couple of whores, Dagon was fucking a dead whores arsehole, while drinking blood from a whores breast. Vlad was sat at the edge of a bed with a whores served head sucking his cock, while the headless whores body was laying on the bed, and he had her heart in his mouth drinking from it. There was two whores cowering in the corner to scared to move or to even scream, then the door was kicked in and Amon stood there with his arms folded looking very imposing
"What did I tell you Dagon? Never leave thy food unattended," Amon says very disappointingly.
He grabs the redheaded whore with small breasts but a big ass, snapped her neck, so she was facing her back, then ripped her arsehole open, grabbed the small blonde who could be no older than 14 and shoves her head up the other whores ass, then smashing both hands on either side of the whores ass cheeks and decapitates the young whore, Vlad stands up raging at Amon.
"We were going to eat them!" He tells him.
Since Amon has become a master, Vlad feels like he's challenging him, Richard was the same and Vlad had to show him whose boss, he might have to do the same with Amon, but he has to be careful not to push him too much as he might leave like acole did, but he might take his Pulchra Creaturae with him, and she would go. Vlad gets up into Amons face, Amon bows his head out of respect.
"Sorry sire, but we have other matters than yours and Dagon's whore habits," Amon says with attitude.
Then looks Vlad dead in the eye. Vlad goes backhand Amon, but Amon catches his hand in a vice grip and says.
"We don't have time for this sire, Katrina has done something very wrong,"
Vlad looks at him with worry, for two reasons one because he's over 200 years older than Amon and should be a lot stronger but for some unknown reason, Vlad can't seem to break Amon's powerful grip. The second reason knows that there is only a few things by vampire law that is wrong.
"What did she do Amon?" Vlad demands, Amon lets go of Vlad's wrist, Vlad instinctively grabs and rubs his now sore wrist.
"She created a fledgling while still a fledgling, well she created two, and they have created two, she was meant to make minions, but I'm guessing she gave them too much blood, it's an easy mistake sire," Amon pleaded with tears about to form in his eyes as there is a strong possibility that he could lose his Katrina tonight.
"Mistake or not she has broken one of the Vampire laws, where are these fledglings? If they've not reached master status we can hopefully rectify this before the council hears of it," Vlad says also with sadness in his voice, because he is madly in love with Katrina and doesn't want to lose her like this and so soon.
"They are outside waiting for us, so get dressed, and I'll meet you back at Celeste's home," With that he takes off and is gone from sight, but you can hear the screams of everyone in the whorehouse as Amon kills everything out of pure rage and tears in his eyes which he finally let drop. Vlad listens to the screams and wants to be out there with him as he knows the law.
It happened during the crusades, a young vampire fledgling wanted to create an army of fledglings as they are stronger than minions, not realising that a fledgling can't control other fledglings, the fledglings ran riot through Jerusalem, because without a master they can't control their bloodlust, because they've never been trained to do so. So the Vampire Prince's stepped in and whipped them all out, then the master vampire who created the original fledgling was taken to hell by Lilith. Then Lilith created the law that no fledgling was to create another fledgling, but could create a minion. The law if broken would be sent to Lilith, and she would give the punishment, which meant being tortured for centuries by her daughter Mazikeen. Fledglings without training would wipe out the human race. Vlad can only think of the damage that these four fledglings have caused.
Once Amon is outside he grabs Lucas by the throat and lifts him up with one hand,
"How many villages, towns and cities have you four destroyed?" Amon asks angrily.
"None my Lord, Emma and I was driven to kill Katrina for abandoning us and Imogene was driven to kill her sister for reasons she would not share and Daniel just followed us, we didn't kill that may humans, we fed off livestock," Lucas states.
"Why did you feed off livestock?" Amon asked quite curious as it's not something that he's thought about before.
"Because there was plenty of times at night that we could not find any humans, so we fed off livestock and any animal we could get our hands on," Lucas explains.
"That is quite clever Lucas, we maybe able to save you four and Kat," Amon states.
"If we did kill humans we made sure that there were no witnesses as I've always remembered that you said in Salem that secrecy is key to our survival as vampires are low in numbers and if humans found out about the supernatural, they would stop killing each other and focus all there power in destroying us. So I made sure we were safe." Lucas says, Amon puts his arm around Lucas as they walked back to Celeste's home.
"I knew that you would make a great vampire," Amon says.
He tells them to wait outside, and he walks in and sees Celeste stood at the bottom of the stairs looking like a goddess with how beautiful she looked.
"Hmm Amon so good to see you, will you be joining us?" Celeste asked, Amon just ignored her and shouts.
"Trina get your fat ass down here now!" Katrina comes to the top of the stairs and sees him and can tell that something is wrong.
"Ben what's wrong?" She asked
"Lucas and Emma are here," she starts clapping.
"Oh goody, send Emma upstairs she can help me and Dorothy with our dresses, you had me scared there for a 2nd and I do not have a fat ass," Amon just shakes his head
"You don't understand, Emma has also brought with her Persephone's sister Imogene and someone called Daniel." Amon says,
"I don't understand just send them both up and they both can help us, I don't see the problem Benny boy," Katrina says confused. Persephone comes to stand next to Katrina after hearing her sisters name.
"How is that ugly bitch still alive, send her up I need a minion to wait on me hand and foot," Persephone says with a smile.
"They are not minions they are fledglings," Amon says, then it dawns on her what is wrong.
"Oh shit!" Katrina says, looking rather scared at the stupid thing that she's done when she was a fledgling.
"What is going on?" Celeste asked.
"Sorry Celeste but this is a family matter," Vlad says as he walks through the door like he is the alpha male in the house.
"That won't work on me Vlad one I'm a lot older than you and second this is my home," Celeste states eyeing up Vlad.
"Then we are leaving, come on everyone grab your things we are going home," Vlad says, Amon turns to his beautiful brunette witch and says.
"Jade will you open a portal to Vlad's castle please?" Amon asked.
"Of course Benny boy," she laughed and begins the spell and opens a portal, everyone grabs there things and walk through the portal, and they are back in Vlad's castle.
When the portal closed they all stood in the foyer, Vlad, Amon, Katrina, Persephone, Dagon, Amy, Charon, Lucas, Emma, Daniel and Imogene. Jade just clicks her fingers and disappears in a pink mist. Vlad marches over to Katrina and backhands her, she falls to the floor holding her cheek
"You stupid little bitch!" Vlad screams, Amon runs over and decks Vlad to the floor
"You do not touch her! Do that again, and I'll show you the fucking sun!" Amon shouts at him.
"How dare you touch me like that I'm your sire," Vlad says as he stands back up.
"You'll be my dead sire if you touch Trina again," Amon says as he gets right in Vlad's face. Persephone runs over and gets in-between them and pushes them apart,
"We shouldn't be fighting, we should be trying to figure out how to help Kat, we're a family, and we take care of each other, then she can help me come up with ways to torture my sister." Persephone says, while looking over at her sister with a wicked smile on her face, she can always make every situation about her. Amon steps back and says
"I know how to sort this," he bites his wrist walks over to Lucas and makes him drink, Lucas drank some but tried to pull away but Amon grabs his head and says
"drink more," after Amon new he drank enough he pulled his hand away.
"Now you are mine," Amon says
"Amon what have you done?" Vlad asked in shocked.
"I'm his sire now, after I've fed I'll turn another then tomorrow I'll do the other two," Everyone just looked shocked,
"I can still feel Katrina, but I feel a stronger connection to you Ben," Lucas says.
Amon nods liking what he just heard, he walked over to Katrina and helps her up. She looks at Vlad walks up to him and says
"I'm leaving," then turns and walks off up to her room, Charon follows her.
"My Pulchra Creaturae wait, I'm sorry my love!" Vlad calls after her. Vlad and Persephone turn and look at Amon.
"Are leaving with her Ben?" Persephone asked with sadness in her voice, he walked over to her and puts his hand on her cheek and looks her in the eyes with sympathy.
"I don't know, she's been my best friend for over 30 years, but I don't want to leave you, as I know you won't leave our sire," he says with sadness in his voice, the tears start to form in both their eyes.
"Your right I won't leave Vlad I'm still a fledgling, I need him, you understand this don't you?" She asked now she lets the tears drop, Amon just nods.
Persephone walks off and walks past her sister who was smiling and Persephone punches her in the face and walks away into Vlad's study. Imogene just lies on the floor unconscious, Daniel rushes to her side. Amon turns to Vlad, who also has tears in his eyes.
"If I can talk her out of leaving I will, because we both know that I'm the only one she'll listen to," Vlad just nods and walks to his study to speak to Persephone, Amon walks upstairs and without turning around he says
"Dagon, Amy get our guests something to eat," and carries on walking upstairs to Catherine's room, without knocking he walks in. What he sees is Katrina laying face down crying and Lucifer and Lilith comforting her.
"Amon so good to see you," Lucifer says
"My apologies but what art thou doing here my Goddess and my Queen?" Amon asked.
"I sensed Katrina's pain, and we came to see what is wrong with her," Lucifer replies
"Do not worry Amon she has been pardoned for her crime as it was an accident and the four downstairs are your problems, by the way very clever thinking with what you did with Lucas" Lilith says with a proud smile on her face.
"If she is pardoned why is she upset?" Amon asked
"Vlad struck her, it's the first time he's been violent towards her, it's shocked her more than anything" Lucifer said.
Lucifer and Lilith kiss Katrina and Amon goodbye and with that fire surround them, and they were gone. Amon walks over to the bed and sits down, as soon as she feels the bed dip she sits up looks at Amon and wraps her arms around him.
"I have to leave, been wanting to leave for a while, but I knew you wouldn't leave Dorothy," Katrina says with tears in her eyes. Amon wipes her tears and kisses her head.
"If this is a prank I'll surrender now and call you the winner," Amon says laughing.
She slaps his chest with a smile on her face, no matter the situation Amon can always put a smile on her face, and she loves him for that.
"I know we are evil monsters and I hate this feeling, but I hope you know that I love you so much, you're my best friend and I don't care if it's romantic love that I feel for you or friendship love, I just know that I love so much, and it hurts so much that I'm not going to see you every day," she says with tears rolling down her face, Amon also has tears in his eyes.
"Kat I love you too so much and like you said I don't know what sort of love it is. I really want to follow you to hell and back and spread fear with you for all eternity. We'll meet again and remember this, no matter where you go just know that I'll always love you," he kissed her forehead and holds her in his arms.
Unknown to them Persephone is stood outside and hears everything. She stands there with tears in her eyes, believing that Amon loves Katrina and not her. She takes off running to her room. Amon helps her and Charon pack. Then they hold each other all night, kissing each other in-between crying. They never wanted to let go of each other, and they never went any further than kissing even though they could smell each other's arousal, just not wanting to ruin what they have together as Persephone was not even on either of their minds.
Once the sun comes up, they load the carriage with her belongings and they both stand there in the sunlight, they kiss very deeply, and then she jumps in the carriage tears in her eyes,
"Don't forget me Benny boy," she says with a chuckle and tears running down her face.
"I'll never forget you kitten, don't forget to check in with Aurora," Amon says.
"I won't, you know I love spending time with her," Katrina says.
"That I do Trina," he replied to her.
"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, because I can't pull you out of the shit that you've caused," she says laughing.
"I can't do anything stupid, you're taking all the stupid with you. See you around fat ass," Amon says laughing, the carriage pulls away and Katrina sticks her head out
"My ass is not fat," she says laughing then blows him a kiss, he pretends to catch it and puts it to his lips. He just stands there in the sun watching the carriage ride off out of sight tears running down his face.
He can't believe that she's gone, first Andrew and now Katrina, it feels like everyone that he gets close to just ups and leaves him behind. Amon starts to wonder if he'll ever have the courage to leave Vlad or to be ever in his shadow.
Once he can no longer see the carriage he wipes his eyes, and then he walks back inside. Vlad is stood in the shadows with tears in his eyes.
"She's finally gone, I knew she would leave me one day, I always thought that it would be with you, but I was wrong it was my own doing," Vlad says,
"Come sire lets have a glass of rum then retire to bed," Vlad nods, and they walk into the study.
Persephone stands on the landing watching the whole thing, she believed that Amon wanted Katrina because she had power, and they complimented each other, so at that moment Persephone decided that she didn't need love as it always comes to heart break. What she needs is power, and she wants to be with someone that can help her get power and at this moment in time Amon is too young to get Persephone the power she wants, even if Vlad dies Alucard becomes next inline to Marcus not Amon.
Katrina has left her and that has upset her. But now Persephone has a new goal and that is to get everything that she deserves. She turns on her heals with tears running down her face and goes back to her room to bed. Amon walks to the table where his rum is kept, the rum is gone, but there is a note that says.
"Thanks for the rum Benny boy, guess I win prank wars this time," Amon crumbles up the note
"That fucking bitch stole my fucking rum" Amon says with a smile.
In the carriage Katrina is sat with a glass of rum
"Thanks for the rum Benny boy," she says with a smile and begins to laugh.