Chapter 9

November 11th 1709 

It's been over 10 years since Amon had seen Katrina, he really missed her. She still has regular visits to Aurora as they can't be apart from each other for two long, Aurora is still a secret and with Katrina gone he doesn't really see Aurora that much, they only speak when Aurora needs to pass on information to him, and she never tells him about Katrina only that she's seen her, and she's fine.

He heard that Katrina was back in England being chased by a Vampire Hunter after she killed his wife and newborn son, she also goes by Kathrine now. Apparently she killed the mother then ripped her stomach open then put the baby in side, sawed her back up then kicked her stomach then hanged the woman in the bedroom for the hunter to find. That's only one of the story's that he's heard. He's been trying to get revenge for the last 3 years. Amon wants to run to England and help her, but she told him about hunters and that she wants to kill them as her own personal challenge. So Amon will leave her for the time being and help her only if she wants it. 

He also heard that Cole is currently living in the colonies, and that is the only thing that he's learned about his cousin, he's just glad that she's still alive. Vlad made Emma and Imogene his Childer and Amon made the other vampire Daniel his, but he calls him Danny, no one has reached master status, Vlad says that's because they lived on their own, with no master to teach them. Amon never thought that he would have four Childer before he was 70 and that was including his human years.

It's been hard work looking after Dagon and Amy, Dagon mainly spends his night's in whore houses, which means that he gets to spend time with Amy and Persephone. Who at the moment is at odds with Amon as Amon caught her in his carriage having sex with Vlad and drinking from each other, something that Vlad has never done in the twenty years that Persephone has been with them. Vlad just said that she was his, and as his fledgling he's free to fuck her when he sees fit. Persephone just laughed at the whole situation, saying that he has a Childe, and he's fucked her, so it's only the same.

Amon couldn't argue at her statement because she was right. Then he started hearing that he was fucking all the women in the castle except Amy as her grand sire he doesn't have much say in fucking her, she'd have to want to not because he demanded it. Amy is too loyal to Amon to ever do that. 

Since Katherine left Persephone has been very distant, only come to him when she wanted sex and always left after they were done, she moved into a different room. She never lets Amon into her room, they always have sex in Amons room. But she's been spending more and more time with Vlad. Going to Ball's with Vlad, but as soon as she sees any woman speaking to him, she's over in a flash dragging him somewhere to fuck him senseless.

So in their weird new relationship it seems that Persephone can fuck her sire and Amon, but Amon can't fuck anyone but Persephone and he'd had enough, so he left to go to Stuart's for a while to clear his head. He took the boys and Amy with him, as he was never leaving Amy with Vlad and Persephone, even though Amy can beat anyone but him and Vlad in a fight, Amon is currently training Lucas and Daniel in hand to hand, they're getting rather good but neither can beat Amy, there fights with Dagon are closer.

Amy just beats them all up like they are human, and she has a smile on her face while she does it, because she knows that her sire is proud of her. He'll find out one day what is wrong with Persephone, so they all left for Spain as Stuart has a home there. So Stuart, Amon and Daniel are sat around the dinning table just having a laugh, Stuart had grown fond of Daniel, and they've become really close friends, Amon believes that Daniel will stay with Stuart once he becomes a master.

"So what are you going to do black boy about Persephone and Vlad?" Stuart says with a smile. Amon just laughs.

"Fuck you. You fat bastard," Amon says laughing.

"We can tell how much it's got to your sire, there seems to be a lot of rage in your kills and in your training," Daniel tells him.

"I'm not denying that it's got to me, I'd just like to know what to do next?" He asked

"You could take over," Stuart says.

"Yes I'll kill Vlad and take over his court, because Marcus won't kill me for killing his heir," Amon states.

"He might not do," Stuart says to him.

"I'm pretty sure that Marcus would want me dead, for killing his heir and considering Persephone is not my mate, I'd be put to death," Amon says.

Just as Stuart is about to respond four laughing women come into the dinning hall and Victoria has a sword in her stomach.

"Fucking hell Victoria what's happened? Are we under attack by the wolves again?" Stuart cries out in panic. The women just fall about laughing again.

"We were sparing and miss Amy here got lucky and stabbed me," Victoria says.

"Luck had nothing to do with it Vicki, you've just got lazy in your old age. Isn't that right sire?" Amy asked.

"That is true my beautiful darling, when vampires reach over two hundred, they stop training and that's why they get killed by Hunters and other younger vampires," Amon states.

"You are funny Amon, I'd kicked your ass." Isabella says to him rather mad.

"Amy has never laid a hand on me, and Victoria is the better fighter of you two, and she ended up with a sword in the gut, do you really want to see how this plays out?" He asked, the whole room could feel the power coming off him in waves.

"He has you there Bella." Havana laughs out. The four women all take a seat around the table.

"Where is Lucas and Dagon?" Stuart asked.

"They are out, Dag is showing Lucas is taste for whores," Amon says.

"What is it with your Childe and whores?" Stuart asked.

"It's because he has a thing for Layla and Layla was a whore, it's his way of being close to her. I just think he needs to find his true mate." Amon replies.

"I don't know how he eats whores, I just don't like how they taste, I'd much prefer an animal, lamb or goat," Danny tells them, everyone just looks at him like he's mad. Just then a short brunette with big breasts walks in and walks over to Stuart and kisses his cheek.

"Good evening father, whose thy friends," she says

"Laura my darling this is Lord Amon and his Childe Daniel, but we call him Danny, this is his other Childe Amy. Ben this is mine and Havana's Childe Laura, we met her in Yorkshire about 6 months ago," Amon stands up and so does Danny and Amy, they bow there heads Amon steps to her takes her hand and kisses it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you milady," Amon says with his trademark smirk.

"The pleasure is all mine my Lord, especially after hearing the stories that thy sire has told of you" she says with praise.

"They are all lies never believe a word that he says," Amon says laughing.

"I only tell the truth to my Childe, I have said nothing but praise about you and Katrina," Stuart says.

"Is Lady Katrina here I'd love to meet her?" Laura asked rather excited to meet her Idol.

"Sadly no milady, thy have not seen her in over 10 years," Amon states, and you can hear the sadness in his voice.

"How have you gone on without your prank wars?" Stuart asked laughing.

"Quite easily actually, I was getting board of winning," Amon replied laughing. 

The next minute Lucas and Dagon come through the door laughing, then Dagon stops once he sees Laura.

"My word you are beautiful," He says to her, this makes Amy and Isabella's Childe Westby giggle, Westby is a very beautiful blonde with large breast and a curvy body, Amon actually calls her giggles as she giggles at everything he says.

"Thank you kind sir." Laura replies.

"I am Dagon Childe of Lord Amon" Dan says his full title with confidence, he takes her hand and kisses it.

"I'm Laura Childe of Lord Stuart," she replies with some arrogance, which Dagon finds to be a very sexy quality about her.

"As the night is still young would thy like to go out for a hunt milady?" Dagon asked her.

"I'd love to," she walks over to Stuart kisses his cheek and goes and links Dagon's arm and off they go.

"He hurts her Havana will kill him, then I'll ask Lucifer to bring him back, so I can kill him" Stuart says.

"If he hurts her you can send him to Trina," Amon replies and that made Stuart shiver as he was there while she tortured Dagon on the torture rack, and it still freaks him out what she did to him.

"Have you heard from her in the last 10 years?" Stuart asked Amon.

"No, I've heard the stories about what she's been up to, but that's all I know, have you seen her?" Amon asked.

"Me and Havana so her 7 months ago when we were in England, she stopped with us for a few days but left to carry on tormenting the Hunter," Stuart tells him

"Tell me of this Hunter, I've never come across a Hunter, and you'd think that with the bodies I've left over the years I'd be a priority on there list. Is he as good as they say?" Amon asked.

"Do you know the story of the Hunter's?" Amon shakes his head.

"I know a little, but that was from partly listening to a conversation with Godfrey and Kat. Vlad never told us about them," Amon tells Stuart.

"The Hunter's were created by Michael, and they've been around nearly as long as vampires. There are three different types of Hunters, one hunts us and other types of demons, one hunts werewolves and the other hunts witches, warlocks and magic based demons," Stuart tells him.

"What is the difference between them?" Amy asked rather curious about a good fight.

"They all have great strength, speed, agility and can use magic. They all have a healing ability that rivals ours, and they are immortal like us. The ones that hunt us are stronger, the ones that hunt wolves are faster and the others are more developed in magic," Stuart states.

"Anything else to add fat boy?" Amon says with a slight smirk which makes everyone laugh including Stuart.

"There's a lot of them, and it seems to run through a bloodline, when one dies it carries on through the family, unless the family is completely wiped out. All the Hunter's come from Seth's line who was the first hunter to stop his stepmother Lilith," He states.

"He obviously failed to do that, tell me about the Hunter after Trina," Amon asked.

"That he did my friend. This Hunter has been a Hunter since 1520 and has killed more vampires, werewolves and other demons than any other Hunter in history," This shocked Amon, as to kill a vampire or even a wolf is no easy feat.

"Trust Kat to pick a fight with the deadliest Hunter in history," Amon says laughing.

"I know, I'd of believed you to do it, because you love causing trouble. I can't believe that you are not worried about her, even Lilith is worried," Stuart says, and you can hear the worry in his voice.

"Of course not, Kat can take care of herself and if she needs help she knows where I am," Amon states.

"What did you mean by other demons?" Amy asked.

"Lilith is the mother of demons. When she left Adam she laid with the angel Abaddon and she gave birth to twins a daughter named Mazikeen who's the lead torturer in Hell and Lucifers general. The son is called Maris but he's had many names over the years and he is the demon ruler of demon's on Earth. If you are not a magical, vampire or werewolf then you are under his command," Stuart tells her.

"All this talk is making me hungry, I'm going to go out and hunt," Amon states then gets up.

"Please don't rip the town apart, I do have to live here black boy," Stuart says laughing.

"Not my fault if humans are so brakeable," Amon says and walks out, once outside he looks up at the moon and says

"Hope you are alright Trina," Amon says with a worried voice. 

He needs to go and kill a few dozen people to make himself feel better. He heads off with a smile on his face.

"I'll help you Jehovah," Amon says to the heavens.

"You must have realised that you have a soul, you will convert who you can, and you'll have to be my spy within Lucy's army. You must find Jasmine as she is a Hunter, and she will be your guide. You may carry on with what you are doing, we have to keep up appearances Benjamin," God says to him.

December 1st 

Katherine is running through the streets of Lyon France while arrows are being shot at her.

"This Hunter is relentless, man can't take a joke all I did was kill his family, it was 3 years ago, you'd think he would have gotten over it by now," she thinks to herself which makes her chuckle to herself.

She cuts through a side street and an arrow just missed her head and hits the wall.

"Fucking hell that was close," she shouts out laughing.

She decides running on the ground is dangerous and runs and jumps off one wall and makes it to the roof on the opposite side and begins running over the rooftops and sees a church in the distance.

"He'll never think to look for me in there," she thinks to herself.

She runs across the roof and makes a giant leap to the church and grabs onto the side of the building, climbs to the top and climbs in through the bell tower, she looks down and says.

"Thank Lucifer for vamp strength and speed, cause no human could have done that," 

Once in she begins to make her way down and the lower levels she gets a tingle almost like butterflies in your stomach, and she begins to get a faint smell of blood, which is an unusual smell inside a church, the smell of blood gets stronger and stronger, and it's making her hungry.

"Why does it smell of blood in a church?" She asked herself, she soon gets her answer as soon as she walks through the door of the bell tower access.

There are body's and pieces of people and nuns scattered throughout the church and at the front is a tall, well-built man with a hood up, pulling on some rope which is lifting the priest up on a cross, which he is nailed to and his guts are hanging out.

"Bit theatrical if you ask me, but I do like it," Katherine calls out to the strange man in the hood with a seductive voice.

"Thought you always loved me being theatrical," the stranger says as he turns around and pulls down his hood. It was Amon.

"Benny boy?" Katherine says shocked to see him.

"Miss me kitten?" He asked, she runs over to him and jumps into his arms and wraps her arms around him and starts kissing him, when they pull apart Amon looks at her.

"I take that as a yes," he laughs, she slaps his chest

"What is thy doing here? Where is everyone?" she asked, because she doesn't want Persephone getting hurt.

"Persephone, Emma and Imogene are with Vlad and the boys are with Stuart, Dagon took a liking to Stuart's fledgling Laura. I was heading to Germany as I've been invited to Marcus Christmas Ball, no fledglings aloud unless they are a companion, that is why Amy is on the other side of town as she's coming with me." Amon says.

"As great as it is to see you, it's not safe to be around me at the moment" she says quite worried.

"Oh yes the Hunter that you pissed off," he laughs,

"What can I say except that I don't like men thinking that they are better than me and this Hunter thinks that he is," Katherine says. 

But before Amon can say something sarcastic like he normally does the door open and an arrow is fired at Katherine's head, Amon catches it inches from her head. Amon turns towards their attackers.

"That was rude we were talking," Amon says.

A tall handsome man with a beard and long dark hair steps forward through the church doors with some weapon drawn on them that looks like a crossbow but a modified one, he looks at Amon and can sense great evil from him, just like he senses from Katherine.

The room with them both in just screams evil. Which is just baffling the Hunter as they are in a church.

"Who are you?" The man asked Amon with a stern voice, Amon eyes him up.

"Who am I? You just shot an arrow at my best friend you fucking arsehole. Who are you good sir?" Amon asked.

"I'm Sir Johnathan Benson the Vampire Hunter, so again vile creature, I ask who are you?" More men start to enter the church and all there faces pale at the scene. Then a young boy looking about 14 years old sees the massacre and starts to vomit, Amon sees this and smiles.

"I'm Lord Amon my good sir, I see you boys like what I've done with the place," he says with a smile.

The men's eyes widen in fear and step back, even sir Johnathan Benson looks scared.

"How come I didn't get that reaction when I told them my name?" Katherine says a little hurt.

"Maybe your not as scary as me, you do have a fat ass, it makes you less intimidating," Amon says laughing, then an arrow flies at them and Katherine catches it then chucks it at the boy, and it goes straight through his eye and kills him.

"We were talking, that was just rude," Katherine says annoyed.

"Good shot by the way, I'm guessing that was a relative of his? He looks rather upset," Amon laughs out.

"Yep, that was his nephew. Come now boys no-one has ever challenged us two together and won, walk away this is your final warning!" Katherine says laughing back insanely.

Amon pulls out his sword then goes into his cloak and pulls out a small sword and passed it to Katherine

"Had it made for you. It's made from same metal as my sword, they don't seem to be leaving, you take John boy, I'll take his 20 men," Amon commands.

"You just want to do the heavy lifting, typical man," Katherine laughs out.

Then Amon changes into his vampire face and runs at the men and slashes and thrusts with his sword 3 were dead instantly, a twirl and a few slashes 7 more where dead 5 ran off. Katherine had still not moved just smiling at Johnathan, in all his years hunting vampires, witches and werewolves he has never been more afraid than he was right now. He got sent on this job by a reverend from the colonies, to kill Amon and Katherine. Amon was easy to track because of the body parts left behind, but he surrounded himself with other vampires, very powerful vampires, who have an army of minions, then he heard Katherine was traveling alone and decided to go after her. 

He underestimated her and his wife and son paid for it, so he hunted her and chased her from England to Scotland to England to France she always managed to escape. She was always one step ahead of him, and she would have got away tonight as well if they hadn't heard talking inside the church. Amon was not what he was expecting tonight, did Katherine know he was here did she plan this, he'll never know. He does know that Amon has just killed all his men in 5 minutes, and he is alone with the two deadliest vampires in the world, and he is scared beyond belief, something that he's never felt before.

Katherine runs over and Spartan kicks him in to the far wall, he bangs the back of his head, and it knocks him out. Katherine runs over rips his shirt and begins to carve a love heart over his heart and writes Trina. She stands up walks over to Amon links his arm, and they walk out into the beautiful French air.

"You like to keep people alive don't you Kat?" Amon says laughing.

"He was sent for us, but I don't know by whom, so he stays alive until I learn all I need, and then he'll die, slowly and painfully," Katherine says with anger in her voice.

"What did he do Kat?" He asked.

"He killed a friend of mine who I met while traveling," She tells him.

Amon can hear the sadness in her voice, so Katherine must have really liked this person, he can also sense that there is more to the story than she's telling.

"They were more than a friend Kat? I've known you forever you can't lie to me," Amon states.

"I would have mated to this man, he was perfect for me, we complimented each other perfectly. He reminded me of you, funny, charming, very theatrical with his kills. Also, he was an exceptional lover. Now I'll never see Felix again," she says with sadness in her voice.

"Wow you was courting Felix? The guys a legend, does Celeste know? They were together for a while once, any clues who sent the Hunter after you if that is the case?" Amon asked her.

"I sent someone to tell her, I think that it was the reverend from Salem, or the wife from Ireland whose family I made watch die 15 years ago, or the maid whose son I ripped apart and left his remains in her bed, there's been a lot of humans who I've done wrong to, it could be anyone of them," She states.

Then a smile crosses her lips has she remembers some of the things that she's done.

"That's because you leave people alive, I forgot about the reverend, he's probably killed himself by now, he would be completely insane by now after what we did to him," Amon says laughing.

"Let's go get a drink back at mine, and we can catch up on the last 10 years, Benny boy." Amon laughs at that.

"I've actually missed being called Benny boy," Amon tells her.

"Yes because being called black boy by Stuart, just doesn't have the same charm to it," Katherine says while chuckling.

Amon just looks at her and shakes his head, Amon can honestly say that Katherine is his best friend as they've been apart for 10 years, and they act like they've never been apart. They begin laughing together and continue to walk towards Catherine's home.

Over the next few days Katherine and Amon tormented Johnathan, killing everyone he spoke to even if it was just a hello in passing. This really scared Johnathan as quite a lot of the people that have been killing where people he spoke to during the day. Katherine and Amon would place the people for Johnathan to find. 

Then one afternoon Amon decided to pay Johnathan a visit in the alehouse just outside of Lyon France where he was stopping. He was sat on his own when Amon walked in and walks up to his table.

"Mind if I join you sir?" Amon asked in a friendly voice. Not even looking up at the man while he was eating his soup.

"Not at all," he responded.

"Such a lovely day, hope it's not ruined by all these murders," Amon says with a straight and serious tone, this made Johnathan look up and sees Amon

"How are you here?" He asked.

"It's a public place John boy, I don't need any invitation to enter," he replies with a smile. "I mean in here during the day? I know the invitation myth is just to make humans feel safe in their homes," Johnathan says to him.

"Oh that. That's because I'm special, enough of the why and how, I'm here to talk, man to man," Amon says.

"You're not a man you're a demon," he says with a whispered angry tone.

"Yes I am, but I want to have a conversation with you, and then I'll leave and no one will get hurt, fail, and I kill all seven people in here and make you watch as I do it,"

There is a long pause while Johnathan ways up his options, as he believes that he is stronger and faster than this monster In front of him, but he's never seen a vampire so young move as quickly as Amon or Katherine or to hit as hard as them. They are truly a mystery to him, and he needs to know why they are so powerful for vampires so young, not even been vampires for 50 years.

Johnathan has killed vampires who are hundreds of years old even a couple that remember the crucifixion and none where as powerful and cunning as the two vampires that are tormenting him, this is the first time Katherine has bested him and he can't understand how. Johnathan looks him dead in the eyes.

"Ok what is thou art to talk about?" He asked.

"It's rather simple really, who sent you after Katrina?" He asked nicely. 

Then ask for a drink and a pretty blonde came over with a glass of ale for him, he paid way more than he should, and she walked away with a happy smile on her face. He takes a sip of his drink and just looks at Johnathan waiting for the answer.

"You've got until I finish this drink before I start killing," he states then takes a big swig of his drink.

"It was a reverend from the colonies," Johnathan says.

"His name?" Amon asked in a stern voice, then takes another drink.

"Mark Crawford," he replies swiftly. Amon begins to chuckle.

"I thought he would have killed himself by now or be completely insane," Amon says.

"He is insane, but you and Lady Katherine have made quite a name for yourselves and when he told me what you did to him and his family I had to take the mission," he stated, then took a spoon full of his soup, never taking his eyes off Amon.

"Well that was very brave of you," Amon says smiling.

"I tracked and followed you both for years and once Katherine was on her own I thought I could take her, and I did every time we fought, but she's a clever one, I underestimated her and she always escaped," Johnathan says, sounding disappointed with himself.

"A lot of people do underestimate me Jonny," came a voice to the side of the table, Johnathan turned and Katherine was sat next to him.

"We have two options, we can kill you, or we can leave, and you do not chase us again, because the next time we meet it will be your last month's on earth, because Katherine wants to torture you and if you've heard the stories then you know that she's the best, you must have heard about Charon," Amon says.

"The skinless vampire eunuch?" Johnathan asked. Amon nods,

"She skinned him while he was human then chopped his manhood off before she turned him, just think about it because that could be you my friend," with that said Amon and Katherine stand up she links his arm, and they walk out into the sun.

"How are they both walking in the sun?" He asked himself.

December 20th 

Katherine and Amon are in a tavern drinking just outside of Germany. There is body's and body parts littering the floor, walls and ceiling.

"Still can't get over the fact that Dorothy slept with Vlad," Katherine states.

"Neither can I, but what is done," Amon says.

"Something isn't right with her, because she's absolutely in love with you and anyone can see it. You got any ideas what it could be?" Katherine asked and takes a sip of her drink.

"I don't know if this is it, but a few years ago, Dorothy was talking to Vlad about power, how he got power, how me, and you gained power. I think she's craving power," Amon says.

"That's stupid because she would have had great power if she mated to you," Katherine states.

"She's also stopped training completely, which I told her is stupid. But she just threw Celeste in my face and said she's thousands of years old and can't fight," Amon tells Katherine, this makes Katherine laugh

"Celeste doesn't need to fight, she's protected because of who her sire is, and she has an army of vampires surrounding her at all times," Katherine says.

"I told Dorothy all this, but she never listened to me," Amon says then takes a big swig of his drink.

"So are you going to confront them?" Catherine asked.

"I can't say anything as he's her sire, unless I kill him. But I don't want to as he's mine and your sire as well, plus by vampire law Willy would take over, and he'd be worse," Amon says.

Katherine gets up and walks over to Amon and sits down on his knees and wraps her legs around his waist and starts a make out session with him. She pulls back and looks him in the eyes with desire.

"We could mate," she says to him.

"Yes we could, and we would be fantastic together, but we'll start a prank war, and you'll kill me in my sleep, then you'll be mated to a big pile of dust," Amon laughs out. Katherine laughs and begins to grind herself on Amon's growing cock.

"You are probably right Benny boy, I would definitely kill you," she laughs out, then begins to moan has she dry humps against Amon's manhood.

She so tempted to fuck him, and she can see in his eyes that he wants to fuck her, he reaches up and pulls her dress down to free her breast, he gently squeezes them, then begins sucking on her nipples, she grinds herself harder into him. Not only that, but she moans out as he switches between her breasts, then starts kissing up her neck while still squeezing and pinching her nipples. Furthermore, she can feel herself about to come and so can Amon.

Amon grabs the back of her neck and kisses her with so much passion and they both end up coming together hard. They stay like this for a while then Katherine stands up and sorts her dress out.

"Come with me Benny boy, don't go to the Ball," She begged of him.

"I have to go to the Ball. Then I'll leave to venture out on my own for a while, and I'll find you kitten," Amon says, then stands up and kisses her deeply, when they finish kissing, Katherine looks at him.

"Just be careful at the Ball, Marcus only throws these Ball's and says only masters when he's going to execute someone," Katherine states.

"How do you know this?" Amon asked.

"Vlad told me years ago, so just be careful, there are a lot of vampires that hate you Ben, plus I won't be there to save you if you are the one to be executed," She states, which makes Amon look at her confused.

"What do you mean you won't be there?" He asked rather confused.

"Nothing has changed Ben even if hunting with you is just the best. I don't want to see Vlad, plus I never got an invitation which makes me more scared for you, just remember that you have a right to challenge your accused. There won't be many vampires that will want to fight you especially after what you did to Richard," Katherine says with a smile, Amon and Catherine stand up and walk out into the night linking arms,

"I guess this is goodbye for now until we meet again Benny boy," she says to him.

"I guess it is kitten, you still owe me some rum after you stole from me," he says and they both laugh.

"It's been great seeing you, hope to see you soon Benny boy, tell Amy bye for me," she gives him a small kiss on his lips and walks away.

Not realising that this will be the last time they see each other for over 80 years. It was just as hard this time to leave Amon as it was 10 years ago. Amon just stares at her as she walks away, once she is gone from sight he turns and walks away, from the shadows steps Johnathan.

"I'll kill Katherine first then Amon," he says then Alucard steps out of the shadows, just away from Johnathan on a rooftop.

"Once Marcus and Vlad are dead, and you've killed Katrina and Amon, sir Johnathan. I'll take out the other covens and then only my coven will stand, and then I'll kill the Hunters, then put the werewolves and magics under my control, and I'll be Lilith's high general," He says with a smile to the cloaked figure stood with him.

"I hope you know what you are doing going back to Vlad, you need to introduce me soon so I can keep watch over you my love," the cloaked figure says.

"You are correct my darling as always, what would I do without you my love?" He asked.

"Wither and die my love," the cloak figure says.

Alucard grabs the cloaked figure and begins kissing and pull the hood down and long dark hair falls from the hood, the figure is obviously a female. A portal opens, and she jumps into Alucard's arms, never stopping kissing him, and they walk through the portal, and it closes behind them. When Johnathan looks up at the rooftops there is no one there.

"I'll begin tracking Katherine tomorrow, but first I need to find my sister and Jasmine and tell them of Joshua," he says to himself. 

On the other side of town many hours later is Jasmine, walking on her own as Natasha has gone to find her brother, she sensed that he was in great pain, it's why they came from Milan Italy to France. Jasmine senses that she's being followed, she looks around but no one is there, so she carries on walking and finds herself on a farmers field, she locates the house and sees a light on, she knocks on the door and the door opens as if it wasn't closed properly.

"Are you going to stand outside all night long or come in Jasmine?" A familiar voice asked to her.

She opens the door and there is blood and body parts everywhere, she walks towards the light of the next room and her foot kicks something she looks down and a babies head is just staring up at her. Tears form in her eyes as she's never seen anything so vile in her life. She pulls her crossbow from her back and walks into the room. In a chair drinking blood from a glass and the rest of the baby at his feet is Amon.

"Benjamin," She says with venom in her voice and shoots the crossbow at him, the bolt leaves the crossbow and Amon catches it out of the air inches before his heart.

"Easy there Jasmine, God sent me," he tells her.

"He sent you to slaughter this family?" She cries out as tears fall freely from her face.

"Oh no, I did this all on my own," Amon says with a smile and feeling quite proud of himself. She loads the crossbow again and fires it, he catches it again. Then he runs and falcon punches her, and she's laid out unconscious on the floor.

Hours later she wakes up and realizes that she's chained to a chair. She looks up and sees Amon smiling at her.

"Listen up Jazzy, God sent me," He tells her.

"Why should I believe you? And don't call me that, only my cousin calls me that, and he's dead," she says with anger.

"If I was lying, you'd already be dead Jazzy. I have missed you. You did grow up and become breathtakingly beautiful cousin and them lushes long legs, I'm hard thinking about the fun we could have," He says with a sick smile on his face.

"You disgust me Amon," she says.

"The smell of your arousal says otherwise," He smiles at her.

Then a beautiful redhead walks in and Amon and Jasmine can sense her Divine power.

"I'm Ariel, my father sent me to explain about what is needed from you two," she says.

Amon just looks at Jasmine with a told you so look, and she just sticks her tongue out at him, and he smiles at her then turn to Ariel to listen to what she has to say.