Chapter 10

Christmas night 1709 

Marcus castle Germany, the party is just starting and Amon walks in with Amy on his arm, it seems that whoever Amon walks into a room with, they just seem like royalty. Celeste sees him and a smile comes on her face she decides to make her way over to him. She walks up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. Amon turns to her and just eyes here up with lust.

"By Lucifer you look breathtaking this evening," Amon says to her.

"Thank you handsome it's so good to see you. Do you know why it's an only Master's Ball?" She asked while rubbing her hand up his muscular arm, Amy just rolls her eyes at how much she is chucking herself at her sire.

"Sorry Celeste I don't, but Trina seems to think that it's a trial or execution," he replied, this shocked Celeste.

"You've seen Katrina? Is she here?" Celeste asked about her friend.

"I've spent the last few weeks with her, she's doing well considering, she's not here, she didn't get invited. I'm sorry about Felix," she hugged him and kissed his cheek

"Thank you Amon, Felix was very special to me. My sire is also quite distraught," she sobbed out, Amon didn't buy her act for one second, and neither did Amy.

"Vlad is here with Wilfred and Persephone," this shocked Amon.

"What the fuck is Willy doing here?" Amon asked.

"Apparently he's begged Vlad for forgiveness and asked to come back into his court, with you and the boys storming out, he jumped at the chance to welcome him back," Celeste tells him.

This shocked Amon that Celeste knew so much for someone who never leaves Greece except for parties. He looks around and spots them, he kisses Celeste's cheek.

"Save me a dance beautiful, thy thinks that you and me and Amy are going to have a good time tonight," Amon says to her.

"I think I'll have the dance but I'm quite happy with Antony," she tells him, Amon nods and walks off with Amy towards them.

Celeste looks at him in a dreamy state, just remembering what he did last time he was between her legs. Katrina did tell her that Amy was amazing in bed, this also excites her, but she won't as she enjoys Antony's company and doesn't want to spoil a good thing at the moment. 

As soon as Persephone sees him she jumps into his arms and kisses him deeply.

"I've missed you my love," she says to him.

"I've missed you to my darling," Amon replies.

"Why do you smell of Katrina and Amy?" She says angrily then glares at Amy who just smiles and stays attached to Amon's arm.

"Because I've spent the last few weeks with her and it's Katherine now, I was helping her with her Hunter problem, don't look so mad D I'm home now, and I ain't leaving you," He lied, then kisses her deeply.

"You better not I'm so horny for you right now. How is Kat? I miss her," Persephone says with a pout.

"She is good, she misses you too. If you are horny why do you not fuck Vlad or Willy considering that you smell of them both," Amon says then he turns away from her and turns to Vlad.

Persephone just glares at the back of his head, Amy just looks at her and smiles, this makes Persephone more mad because as much as she craves power her demon craves Amon just as much.

"People are wondering what Marcus is up to as there are hardly any fledglings here, Kat seems to think that it's an execution or a trial, do you have any ideas sire?" He asked curiously, Vlad just looks at him with uncertainty.

"Sadly my boy I do not, how is Katrina?" Vlad asked missing his Pulchra Creaturae.

"She is well considering she's pissed off sir Johnathan Benson the Vampire Hunter. She's also still mad at you. But give her time she'll come round eventually," Amon lies, because he knows that Katherine will never go back to him.

"I do hope she does my boy, Richard has come home and all is forgiven," Vlad tells him, Amon just looks at Alucard and laughs.

"Nice scar Willy," Alucard looks at him with rage.

He turns to Persephone and grabs her hand to walk away from them two, but she pulls her hand away.

"I'm accompanying Alucard tonight," she says to hurt him. Alucard just smiles at him and Amon just laughs,

"Guess you traded down," Amon carries on laughing and him and Amy walk away to find Godfrey and Irina as Stuart isn't coming tonight. Once he finds them he kisses Irina's cheek and shakes Godfrey's hand, then Godfrey kisses Amy's cheek.

"My word Amon, rumor is that you and Katrina encountered a Hunter," Godfrey says.

"That we did, it was rather exciting," he replies laughing then grabs two flutes of blood wine and hands one to Amy.

"You two are very brave or equally stupid to want to piss off a Hunter," Godfrey says to him with a smirk.

"Not just any Hunter but sir Johnathan Benson himself," Amon says with a smirk.

"My word, you two are insane, I've killed Hunters before, but that is one Hunter I wouldn't be messing with Amon, he's the best and very dangerous," Godfrey says.

"Oh don't blame me, it was a fat ass that killed his family to piss him off, I was there by accident, but I enjoyed the ride," Amon says while laughing.

"Did you kill him?" Godfrey asked with hope in his eyes.

Amon just started laughing and this made Irina laughs as she knew what Amon was going to say next.

"Don't be daft, this is Trina we are talking about, she kept him alive to torment him some more," Amon says laughing.

In the next instance everyone watches Marcus walk onto the stage.

"A lot of you are wondering why I brought you here, some of you may have guessed right, this is a Christmas trial. The accused has conspired to have a member of my family killed over something as petty as a woman who they are not mated to" Amon now realised why Stuart isn't here because he betrayed him. 

He thinks about making a run for it, but he knows he'll be dead before he reaches an exit, and he might get Amy killed which he doesn't want as he cares about her very much.

"Might as well see how this plays out," he thinks to himself then takes another sip of his drink as if he had no care in the world.

"The accused is none other than my grandchilde Amon," all eyes turn to him, Amy grabs his hand in fear that she might lose her sire.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?" He asked with amusement which makes some people laugh.

"This is a serious matter Amon, you stand accused of plotting to kill my Childe Vlad over his Childe Lady Persephone, how do you plead?" Marcus asked with a very stern voice.

"Guilty my Prince, but I call for trial by combat against my accused who ever they may be," This shocks everyone.

"The accuser step forward," with that Alucard steps forward everyone gasped then Amon burst out laughing, and so does Amy, Godfrey and Irina.

"I'll give you one chance to call this off, and I'll tell the whole story under truth serum made only by Princess Sabrina, who's standing with Lady Celeste," Everyone just looks at him, and then over at the slim beautiful blonde witch standing next to Celeste.

"Wilfred what do you say?" Marcus asked, not wanting either of his line to die.

"Can I pick a champion to fight for me?" Marcus nods and says.

"You can pick a champion, but I doubt anyone would accept to fight Amon especially after what he did to you," Marcus says with a smile.

"Then I choose you to be my champion as head of our line, you have no choice but to fight for me, it's the law," Alucard says with a smirk, Amon now realises he's in big trouble, because he could never beat Marcus.

"I will be Amon's champion as he has no chance of beating you, at least with me, it'll be a fair fight," everyone turns to the voice and it's Draco, Celeste's sire.

He's a light brown skinned handsome man, tall and very muscular. Marcus and Draco have never beaten each other there fights have always ended with a draw, even though Draco is older and should be stronger, but Marcus is a direct link to Lilith where Draco is Prince Leon's Childe. Everybody has just realised that after tonight they might get a new Prince in Vlad if Draco wins, and if he looses Celeste becomes Leon's heir with Felix being dead, and she should get Draco's seat on the council. Amon steps forward and grabs Draco's arm.

"I can't ask you to do this for me," Amon says

"You are not asking I'm offering my aid to you," he turns to Marcus.

"Do you accept my challenge uncle?" he asked.

"I accept your challenge nephew," Everyone heads outside to the arena. Amon is under strict guard. Celeste comes to stand with him and Amy.

"This is Wilfred's doing he came to visit Draco a few days ago, he must have suggested all this, if Marcus looses Vlad becomes Prince as he's the only living heir as no one has seen or heard from Luther in thousands of years, and he's a lot easier to kill than Marcus, then Wilfred becomes Prince, if he has a Childe it will skip you if he dies," she says with genuine fear in her voice, but Amon doesn't buy what she's selling.

"If Draco looses you become the new heir to Leon's line and can invoke a pardon on my behalf, as Leon is not here, and you'll be his representative. This is why I agree with you that this is Willy's doing because Draco could have invoked to help. Willy must have promised him something," he says.

"We might have to call a rain check on our dance Amon," she says, he reaches up and kisses her lips tenderly.

"I had more planed than just a dance beautiful," he says to her, with lust in his eyes, he then turns to face the two fighters who stand opposite each other with swords and shields in their hands. Amy grabs his hand.

"You can't leave me father," she says with genuine fear in her voice.

Amon kisses her lips tenderly and Persephone see's this and jealousy runs through her, and also fear because she might have to witness the love of her life killed. Marcus charges Draco and hits him flush in the face with the shield, Draco swings with his sword and misses then they both clash with their swords, stabbing and slashing at each other, dodging and pivoting against each other's attacks, this goes on for a good 15 minutes, both with cuts and bruises where they had struck true.

Both men start to feel fatigued but not giving each other a chance to rest, slash and stab they go at each other, steel meets steel, that is the noise that can be heard all around the arena. Marcus sees an opening jumps at Draco with a downward slash, but Draco sees the attack coming and shoots up with an upward slash hoping to meet the other sword. The swords miss each other, and they go through each other's heads. They look at each other and smile as they turn to dust. The crowd is in utter shock, Judas walks out into the arena.

"As both our Prince and our brother Draco are both dead, the contest is a draw so Amon is free to go. Celeste, Vlad I'm sorry for your losses," with that said he walks away and winks at Alucard and Alucard nods back to him. The guards let Amon go, he lets go of Amy's hand and walks straight up to Vlad.

"It's not what you think it is sire, let me explain to you the truth" Amon pleaded.

"The truth is Childe, is that my sire is dead and that it's your fault, for conspiring to kill me, your sire. You are hereby banished from my coven, you are a nomad, Lucas will take your place once he becomes a master, farewell Amon," Vlad says.

"Listen here you Romania fuck whit, I've been framed, and I will prove it to you and Lucas is loyal to me not you," Amon says angrily.

"I have Emma, Lucas will learn his place, now get out of my sight negro," Vlad says and walks away.

Amon just stands there completely dumbfounded by what's gone on and absolutely raging. He feels a hand enter his, he looks down and sees Amy, he lifts her hand up and kisses her knuckles. Persephone has a relieved look on her face as Alucard drags her away.

December 26th 1709 

Amon is in a manor of a family he killed a few days ago drinking himself silly, then flames appear before him, once they disappear Lucifer steps out, wearing a lovely black dress which shows off her figure perfectly.

"What have you done Amon?" She asked.

"Don't you start Lucy, I've had a shit day, so if you'd be so kind and fuck off," he replies.

"What did you just say to me?" Lucifer asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, does fuck off mean something different in heaven?" Amon says laughing at her.

"You are on thin ice Amon," she says with fire in her eyes.

"Would you prefer for me to fuck you like the whore that you are before you fuck off." Amon says and starts to undo his breaches.

Lucifer walks over to him and grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the ground.

"Watch your tongue Amon, never forget who you are speaking to," she drops him to the floor. He stays kneeling down

"I'm sorry my Goddess, but I've lost everything.I think I was framed by Wilfred and Judas," Lucifer was taken aback by this.

"Be careful Amon, Wilfred is now heir to Prince Vlad," she says with rage.

"I know my Goddess, but I was never going to kill Vlad. Stuart and I were just talking," He replied still on his knees.

"What is it that you want Benjamin?" She asked, his temper calming,

"From you my Goddess nothing, you have given me enough," Lucifer is proud of his answer.

"I believe that you was framed to get Marcus and Draco to kill each other. I believe Celeste is with Judas and so is Richard, if Vlad dies, Wilfred takes his seat as Prince and you being a nomad can't challenge him for the seat, even I can not reinstate you as the Vampire council are in charge of their own, I do not get involved," she walks over to him and helps him up.

"What should I do Lucy?" He asked.

"You have two options, 1 you can continue with being the best demon on this planet and just do what you do best or option 2, you come to hell and be my consort and rule my army," Amon looks at her then grabs her arms and kisses her deeply, and she melts into his kiss.

He pulls back and says "I'm sorry Lucy, but I think I'll pick option 1," She looks at him with such desire in her eyes and says.

"I thought you might say that, but don't forget my request is an open invitation as I'm not getting any older," she smiles at him

"Oh don't worry, and thanks for not beating the shit out of me, but I'm all up for a shag," Amon says with a smirk.

"I know that I'm going to regret this but, go fuck yourself Amon," She says and slaps him.

She hits him so hard he goes flying into the wall and is completely knocked out. Not only that, but she looks down at him and then flames surround her then she is gone. 

Once she's gone Amon instantly stands up and Jasmine walks into the room

"That was the same drunken trick you used to do when you lost Louise," she says with a smile at his silly prank.

"Yes it worked then, and it worked now, just like I knew it would," He laughs out.

"So what now Benjamin?" She asked

"We continue as normal, you are hunting and killing demons and me slaughtering cities. Persephone will make contact in a few years." He tells her

"Why do you believe that she'll make contact, the sex can't be that good, she cheated on you." She says with a smile, Amon is on her in a flash and has her pinned to the wall by her throat.

"Would you like to fuck me and judge for yourself Jasmine?" He asked her in a sexual tone, he lets her down and steps back.

"You need to take a joke cousin," she says with a smile which makes Amon smile. He holds up his hand with his daylight ring on.

"She'll want one of these," he tells her

"What is that?" She asked.

"It's my daylight ring beautiful," He tells her. She walks over to him and kisses his lips tenderly.

"That makes sense. To answer your other question, one day I might let you fuck me," She winks and smiles at him then opens a portal and walks through it.

Amon just smiles and sits down in his chair and pours himself a nice drink, Amy walks in, wearing nothing but the bedsheet.

"I heard voices and a few bangs, is everything ok sire?" She asked him.

"Everything is fine Amy, just Lucifer checking up on me," he tells her.

"That's good, well are you coming to bed? I'm very lonely on my own," she says to him then drops the bedsheet and climbs onto his knees naked and begins kissing him with such passion.

Amon stands up and carries her to the bedroom and closes the door with his foot and for the next few hours all that can be heard is Amy screaming in pure ecstasy.

September 19th 1720 

Edinburgh Scotland Amon has started buying up land and property, he's currently laying in bed in his cottage home and Amy has her hands on his chest and just bouncing up and down on his manhood

"AHH YES SIRE! I LOVE IT! AHH YES! YES! AHH!" She cries out as her orgasm hits her.

Before she can fully enjoy it, Amon as rolled her off him and put her legs over his left shoulder and just starts plowing into her at full speed. Amy begins screaming in pleasure.

They carry on fucking for a few more hours, then they both collapse in a sweaty heap on the bed, Amy sprawled out on Amon's chest.

"Wow that was fun sire. My legs are numb," She says giggling.

"I'm glad you had fun beautiful. What are your plans for this evening?" He asked her.

"I'm going to make that man's wife kill him then I'm going to drain her dry," she says with a smile. This makes Amon laugh.

"I love your new hobby, killing men who have done wrong to their partners. I love the name the humans call you Pulchra Daemonium." He says with a smile, as it means beautiful demon in Latin, then she noticed that he's getting hard again.

"Seriously this monster is insane, I can't go again, we've done it 8 times since we've been in bed, I want some sleep before I go out tonight," She says to him. Amon just smiles leans down and kisses her lips, then rolls over and goes to sleep, and she shakes her head and does the same.

June 5th 1727 

Rome Italy. Amon is walking through the streets looking for his next victim, it's been nearly 18 years since he was made a nomad. Amy left him a few months ago, he woke up after a long night of fucking to find the bed empty and a note saying

"Now that I'm a mistress, I need to go out on my own, and make a name for myself. As much as I love with you father. I need to leave now or I never will. PS don't forget about me sire. Love Amy."

This saddened him, but he knew that she needed this so when he picked up her scent heading towards France from Switzerland he decided to not follow her and go to Italy. He is getting more and more famous as time passed and so was Katherine as she's made it her thing to track down and kill Hunters, she's left Johnathan alone, she's killed 3 Hunters so far. 

Other vampires have offered Amon a place in there court as having one of the most feared vampires in there court will raise their status. But he declined them all even off Stuart, they are still very close as he is throwing him a birthday party in his home in Naples. He left his new bed partner Mara in bed as he needed a meal. Amon finally spots his next victims, he sees a husband and wife that he wants and begins to stalk them. They walk through an alleyway, he follows them slowly wanting to take his time. 

As he rounds the corner and begins to walk through the alleyway he looses sight of them, this makes him confused.

"Where the fuck did they go," he takes a sniff trying to pick up there sent when both bodies drop from the sky, then a brunette drops right in front of him.

"Hello Amon how are you?" It's Persephone.

"D? It's been a long time darling," he says with a shocked expression on his face.

"Have you missed me my love," Amon grabs her and kisses her deeply.

"Does that answer your question darling?" He says to her

"Oh it most certainly does handsome," she jumps into his arms and begins to kiss him he pushes her up against a wall and releases his manhood, lifts her dress and with one push he enters her.

"AHH YES BEN! I've missed this so much," Amon begins to pound into her with speed and power, she begins to moan in shear pleasure,

"Oh yes Ben right there don't stop. AHH YES! YES! YES!" She screams he carries on pounding her then empties himself inside her. He rests his head against her head, pulls out and lets her down gently.

"What are you doing here D?" He asked her.

"I've been looking for you? I'm finally a mistress and wanted to be with you, so I left Vlad and Alucard," She says to him.

"I can smell Willy on you, so you couldn't of left that long ago," Amon states.

"It was a few days ago, I just realised that it's you I wanted." She says. Amon can taste the lies, but he'll play along for now.

"How is everyone? Have you killed your sister yet?" Amon asked with a cheeky smile, Persephone just shakes her head.

"Everyone else has left even Dagon he has moved in with Lady Laura as he wishes to mate with her once she becomes a mistress. My sister is still alive, not for lack of trying on both our parts," she tells him. He holds his arm out.

"Let's go get something to eat, considering you ate my meal," He laughs. She grabs his arm and allows him to lead the way.

A few days later Amon and Persephone are at Stuart's birthday party, chatting with the other guests. Amon sees Stuart and walks up to him and Hannah, he kisses Havana's cheek then hugs Stuart.

"Happy birthday you fat bastard, how have you been?" he says while laughing

"I've been good you black cunt," he says with a laugh. Persephone kisses his cheek

"Happy birthday Lord Stuart," She says with a smile.

"Enough of that Lord Stuart stuff, hope my friend is treating you well," Stuart says, she turns and looks at Amon with a seductive smile and says.

"He treats me very well, thy can't wait to travel the world with him," Persephone tells him with a naughty smile.

She then takes Amons hand and stands up on her tip toes and kisses him with a sweet peck on the lips.

"No Vlad or Willy here tonight Stuart?" Amon asked.

"No my friend but your family is around somewhere," Stuart replies.

"No family no more my friend I'm a nomad," Amon states.

"They'll always be your family Amon," Havana says.

"Lucas, Dagon and Danny could have left with me, but they chose not to. Amy left with me then left me a few months ago, to make a name for herself. They've all been masters for a few years now and never come to find me, but my Dot did," he says and kisses her hand.

"Danny and Imogene live here with me in my court and so does Dagon. Lucas and Emma are just traveling Europe and set up in Manchester England," Stuart says.

"So Lucas went back to England, that's a shock because Emma loved Spain," he states with a smile.

Amon knows why none of them came with him, it's because he asked them to stay and keep an eye on Alucard, his boys are loyal to him, but he has to make out like he's fell out with them, so not to arouse suspicion to themselves as he doesn't know all the players yet.

But he will find out every single detail, and he'll find out how Alucard found out about his and Stuart's conversation. Dagon walks over with Laura on his arm, he puts his arm on Amon's shoulder

"Hello sire long time no see," Dagon says with a chuckle, Amon can smell the alcohol on him, even though Dagon is quite loyal, Amon has trust issues with him, Dagon is one of them people that if he can get something from you, he will and if he can't, he doesn't want anything to do with you. Amon never taught him this, so this is all Vlad's doing.

"Hello Dagon, how have you been?" Amon asked him before he can answer Amon just turns and walks away.

"He still does that it, and it drives me nuts," Dagon says, Laura just laughs at him

"I still think it's funny that you fall for it every time," she says, and they watch Amon walk over to Irina and Celeste, kisses both there cheeks, but keeping a watchful eye on Celeste.

"Hello ladies how have you been?" he says to them

"Oh my goodness Amon it's so good to see you, is Trina here?" Irina asked.

"Sadly no, I haven't seen her for nearly two decades now. I heard she's killing Hunters for sport now," He says with a laugh.

"Oh she is, she came to visit last year, you are doing some interesting things as well for a nomad," Celeste says with sarcasm in her voice.

"I might be a nomad Lady Celeste, but I'm still Amon, and that my dear is not going to change," He says with enough sarcasm in his voice. Which makes Irina laugh, Godfrey walks over and shakes Amon's hand.

"What you did in Belgium was simply amazing Amon," Godfrey says to him. Amon takes a sip of his drink.

"Thank you, Lord Godfrey, them nuns where just in the wrong convent at the wrong time," Amon replies with a laugh which makes them all laugh.

"Have you given any thought on you joining thy court?" Godfrey asked him.

"I'm sorry Godfrey, but I'm happy being a nomad and hopefully Lady Persephone will be coming with me," With that said he walks off.

"Can't believe that he enjoys being a nomad, I told Stuart not to invite him at the last high council meeting" Celeste states.

"What is your problem with Amon, you used to enjoy his company?" Irina asked.

"It's because of him that I lost my sire and have to be a council member and trust me, they hate that I'm a woman," Celeste says angrily.

"They do not hate that you are a woman Celeste," Godfrey tells her.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes they hate you because you're a lying two faced bitch," Irina tells her and walks off laughing.

Amon is making his way back to Persephone and Stuart when he's stopped by two beautiful brunettes

"Hello Amon, when are you going to play with us like you've promised," Stuart's sister Isabella says to him.

"Sorry Bella but I'm not falling out with Stuart over you two, even though I'd love to," He tells them with his trademark smirk.

"Come on Amon I've heard about it, I want to feel it inside me, and you making me scream out in pleasure, your knew friend can join us," Stuart's other sister Victoria says to him. 

He's so tempted, because he's always wanted to fuck them both, but out of respect for Stuart he avoids them. Before he can say anything a minion comes running over to Stuart and bows his head.

"Master there is a large crate outside with your name on it from Lady Katherine," Stuart looks at the minion and says.

"Bring it in here," the minion bows his head and heads out with a few other minions, when they return they are carrying a big wooden box they drop it near Stuart, bow and walk out.

"Amon come help me open this thing," Amon puts his drink down.

"Excuse me ladies, but your baby brother needs my services," He says to them.

"But I need your services Amon," Victoria calls back to him.

"And so do I," Isabella says as well. 

Amon just smiles and walks to the other side of the box, they both grab a side and lift the lid off. They look inside and find Johnathan Benson dead with his eyes ripped out and his tongue missing, his finger nails and toe nails missing and his manhood as well as his ears next to him scattered around him are bottles of rum with a note. Stuart picked up the note and read it aloud.

"This is sir Johnathan Benson, the Vampire Hunter, he and a few hundred men where heading for your castle, I killed them all, and I gift to you the body of the most famous Vampire Hunter. PS tell Amon the rum is yours not his so keep his bloody hands off."

The last bit made everyone laugh.

"It would seem that Lady Katherine has killed her 4th Hunter," Stuart says.

"But not just any Hunter but the best Hunter to ever live." Havana says, everyone cheers.

Amon is too occupied with the rum and starts picking up bottles and smelling them. Stuart looks at him.

"She knows you so well even after all this time" Amon just laughs.

"She sent you this on purpose knowing that I would be here, she still owes me about 5 bottles that she stole from me," he picks one up turns to a minion and asked for two glasses.

The minion nods walks off then returns with two glasses, Amon takes them and places them on the box, opens the rum bottle takes a big sniff of it then pours the rum into the two glasses. He gives the bottle to Persephone for safe keeping, then hands one glass to Stuart, they clink glasses.

"To Lord Stuart happy birthday my friend," everyone shouts happy birthday then they clink glasses and both take a drink and both moan with pleasure.

"Fucking hell that is bloody brilliant." Stuart says. Amon just smiles at his glass

"That is good rum, I'm keeping the bottle Stuart," he says and grabs the bottle off Persephone and walks through the crowd laughing as he walks away.

"Ben that's my bottle," Stuart shouts.

"It's mine now you've got 11 other bottles, you need to learn to share fatty," Amon shouts back laughing.

People are just amused by there interaction, cause not many people would dare steel off Stuart and then blatantly shout abuse at him and get away with it, Stuart turns to Havana

"That fucker stole my rum," Stuart says laughing.

"You new he was up to something when you so him smelling them," Havana laughed back at him.

"Wow you two are still the same," Persephone says with amusement.

"It's him, he's so bloody rude," Stuart says laughing.

"Aww did baby brother lose his bottle," Isabella says laughing at him.

"You are not even remotely funny Bella," Stuart says with a stern look.

"Aww Bella he's giving us the look that father used to give us when we were children," Victoria says laughing, Victoria puts her arm around Persephone.

"So Pulchritudo are you up for a party tonight with me and my sister and Amon?" Victoria asked.

"No I think that I'll have a party with Amon all on my own ladies, nice try though," Persephone replies with a huge grin on her face, as they've both been complete bitches to her for the last several years since Amon became a nomad.

"You're just like my brother he never wants to share," Isabella says. Persephone walks over to Isabella and gives her a light kiss on the lips.

"I'll think about your offer, you me and Amon does sound like a good time," Persephone says with a wicked smile on her face.

"What about me sweetheart can I play?" Victoria asked. Persephone just turns and walks away, she can hear Victoria shouting her name.

Amon makes his way outside with the bottle and just sits on the wall. He holds his glass up. "To you Kat thanks." 

Persephone walks over to him and wraps her arms around him.

"Would you like some company my love?" He turns to her and gives her a kiss.

"Your company is always welcome love," he walks inside for a few seconds and returns with another glass and pours one for Persephone and gives it to her, she accepts it and takes a sip.

"Wow this is amazing," she says.

"I know. It's the first rum me and Kat drank together, and it's still my favourite. It's from a Caribbean island called Barbados. I'm going to go there one day, it's always been a dream of mine since I felt the calling of this rum on a Royal Navy vessel so many years ago," He stated then took another drink.

"Well you are part negro, maybe Barbados is where that negro part of you is from," Persephone says and takes another sip.

"I never really thought of that, maybe you are right, would you come with me?" Amon asked her.

He just doesn't want her out of his sight as he knows that she's up to something. You don't stop craving something, and she still craves power.

"Ben I'm not going anywhere, I'll travel to the end of the world with you my love," she pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"Well my darling what do you say, that we take this bottle and go up to our room and have our own little party?" He asked.

"Stuart's sisters want to know if they can join us," Persephone says.

"Maybe before we leave as I'm not going anywhere for at least a week, so who knows," Amon says, he can see the jealousy in her eyes.

"That's fine with me, I've shared you with Kat to an extent, so I can give it a try," Persephone says.

Amon not believing her answer, but he's going to take her up on her bluff. She kisses him and begins to walk away, turns her head and with a seductive smile says.

"Well Amon what are you waiting for?" 

He grabs the bottle and chased after her, you can hear the giggles as she loves Amon chasing her. It was always a fun game when they first got together all them years ago. She hates what she is doing, but she gets the best sex ever, because the twenty men and nine women she's fucked since she left Amon, just don't stand up to him. She always needs more and her demon isn't satisfied with anyone but Amon. Furthermore, she'll get power, and then she'll be satisfied. 

Across from Stuart's castle lay two cloaked figures looking through spyglasses are Natasha Benson and Jasmine.

"We should kill them all Jazzy," Natasha says and goes to stand up, but Jasmine grabs her arm in a vice grip.

"That is unwise Tasha, they'd kill us both before we got inside," Jasmine pleads with her. Tasha shakes Jasmine's hand off her.

"They butchered my brother, I can't let that stand," She says with tears in her eyes and sobs. Jasmine stands and wraps her in her arms.

"We'll get them I promise but not at the cost of our lives, we have to be smart about this sweetheart," Jasmine says to her and kisses her forehead while Natasha cries into her chest.