Chapter 12

A few weeks later Amon and Persephone are in Salem Massachusetts, walking through the streets.

"How much has it has changed in a hundred years?" Persephone asked him.

"Quite a bit actually, there seems to be more people living here, which is quite shocking after what me and Trina did here," they walk until they find Lucifer's cottage and walk in.

There is a beautiful brunette haired woman prodding the fire, she turns and looks at them.

"You must be Amon, my grandmother told me all about you," Amon steps closer to her.

"Are you a witch child?" he asked knowing she's not as he can smell demonic power.

"Why yes I am, what can I help you with?" She asked

"I'd like a daylight ring for my wife here, just like this one that Lucifer had made for me, if that's possible," she walks to him and rubs his hand and looks at the ring, Persephone growls at her for touching what is hers. The smell of Alucard hits Amon's nose.

"So this demon is Willy's lover, and by her scent she's the cloaked female that she was talking to a few weeks ago," Amon thinks to himself.

"I think that my grandmother made this for you, I'll look through her spell book to see if she wrote it down," with that said she lets go of Amon's hand and walks into the bedroom.

Amon could tell that the grandmother comment was a lie, he doesn't trust this woman, but he would fuck her as she's very attractive. When she returns a few minutes later, she is carrying a big old book and drops it on the floor right in front of Amon and gets on her knees, Amon as a clear view at her ample breasts. Persephone elbows him when she catches him looking he just smiles at her.

"What is your name child?" Persephone asked, trying to keep up appearances.

"My name is Max my Lady," she replies. Then looks up at Amon's crotch, this brings out another growl from Persephone. Amon can't tell if she can smell Alucard on the girl as she stopped her training before he left. Max puts her head back down and continues to read.

"I've found it my Lord, it seems simple enough, I can make you one," Persephone takes off her wedding ring and says.

"I'd like to use my wedding ring as my daylight ring if that is possible miss Max?"

Max accepted the ring and looks at it then gives it back to her

"I'm sorry my lady, but the ring has to be made with metal from hell it's self, I have some metal in my bedroom," Amon catches that some of what she said was a lie.

"I wonder what she is up to?" Amon thinks to himself. She gets up and walks back into the bedroom and a few minutes later returns with some metal.

"It will take me a few days to make, but I can make it to look exactly like your wedding ring if this pleases you?" Persephone looks at her and just nods.

Amon looks at the metal which looks nothing like the metal his ring is made from.

"There is definitely something off about her, but I'm just going to see how this plays out," Amon thinks to himself.

"You two are more than welcome to stay here with me if this pleases you," Max says.

"We will stay with you and if you are a good girl maybe even share our bed," Persephone says, which makes Amon look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You growl at the woman for looking at me, and now you are offering her to share our bed," Amon asked confused. 

They definitely know each other Amon is sure of this, but the biggest question is now answered as Persephone told the cloaked woman to be here. She gets on her tip toes and kisses his cheek and says.

"Silly Ben, she will be sharing our bed, but you won't be in it, I ain't sharing you with anyone," She states with a giggle. Amon just smiles and shakes his head.

"Well if I can't have her you certainly can't have her," Max is getting very wet just thinking about both of them having their way with her, as she has missed Persephone's touch.

"Darling if you let me have her, you can stick it in my ass," Persephone says.

"Deal, but I want to watch you two,"

Max just grabs a hold of Persephone and kisses her deeply and then pulls back and says.

"Deal!" This just makes Amon laugh, Max grabs Persephone's hand and leads her to the bedroom, the three of them end up having a wild night and Amon true to his word doesn't touch miss Max. 

Amon enjoyed watching them as he could tell that it wasn't there first time together. They seem to know each other's body's to well to be there first time together. You can be a fantastic lover with someone but to make your partner's body hum you need to learn what makes them tick and there likes and dislikes. That's why Amon and Persephone always have great sex, because they've taken there time to learn what each other likes, so they can bring each other to pleasurable heights.

Over the next few days Amon and Persephone cause fear and panic through the town of Salem, then one night Amon is out on his own and stumbles across the reverends old home, he walks inside, not knowing what to expect, maybe the reverend still led down crying. But there was nothing here, no beds, no bodies, everything has been removed, he hears footsteps and swirls round to find a young girl who looks 17 or 18 years old, with short brown hair and a pretty face, she was quite short, but Amon could smell power on her like Jasmine.

"Who are you?" Amon asked.

"You want to know who I am, when you're standing in an empty home at the dead of night. You my friend are sadly mistaken if you think you can boss me around," Amon is a little taken aback by how forward and confident this young girl is.

"Did you know that this town used to hang and drown women for being as outspoken as you? Again what is thy name child?" Amon demands.

"My name does not matter as I know you to be Lord Amon, the most brutal vampire on Gods green earth, where you go Lady Katherine isn't for behind, been tracking you for a long time," she states.

Amon looks at her, then takes a step back as he's never had a fight with a Hunter before and doesn't know how strong or fast they are, so he's being very careful.

"You're a Hunter, you do know Trina is killing your kind for sport," he says with a grin.

"Oh I know she is, and I was thinking if I killed you, would she somehow sense it and come running, then I'll kill her," the girl says with a smile.

"Considering that you know me and Kat so well why don't you tell me your name?" He asked again.

"My name is not yours to know, as you'll be dusted in an hour when the sun rises," she states.

Amon now realises that she is scared of him, so he'll use this to his advantage. Amon just laughs, and backs up to the wall and just leans his back against it, like he doesn't have a care in the world, just looking at his finger nails, then he sniffs the air and picks up Jasmine's scent on this girl. This makes Amon mad as this is Jasmine's lover.

"Not what I expected, are you not going to fight me?" She asked very confused at his actions.

"No, I don't see that I have to, if I wanted to leave then I will, because some slip of a girl isn't going to stop me, even if you are a Hunter. So I think I'll just wait for the sun, it's been a long time since I've seen the sun rise," Amon says with a smile. 

The girl thinks that he's completely mad to want to see the sun rise. But she's also pissed off that he thinks that he could take her and a sense of relief washed over her as she really doesn't want to find out.

"So we have an hour to kill, how about a fuck, it could be my dying wish," Amon asked with amused smirk on his face.

"Eww God no, you're disgusting, you vile demon," she says with disgust.

"Aww come on I'm a superb fuck," he says laughing. She opens her coat and pulls out what can only be a small crossbow and fires it at Amon's heart.

Amon catches it, then looks at the arrow and then at her

"nice shot, I'm not normally impressed with humans, but that was amazing," he says with amusement.

"Thanks, but it was meant to kill you," she says with anger in her voice.

"I'm sorry, if you didn't want to fuck you could have just said so, didn't need to shoot me with an arrow, my word that's just rude," Amon replies smiling. "Is everything a big joke to you?" She asked.

"Yes actually, it's quite a funny story," Amon says laughing.

"I've heard and read everything about you and Catherine," She says to him.

"Aww that's so sweet, but by the look of you, you want to ask me something, so go ahead. I'm an open book beautiful," Amon says with his trademark smirk.

"How come you never stayed with Katherine it's obvious that you like each other?" She asked.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, but some days I do regret not traveling with her," He says honestly.

"Don't worry I'll send her to Hell, and you can save her a seat,"

This just makes Amon laugh. "Come on tell me your name, why you wish to kill Trina so badly?" He asked.

"If you must know Katherine killed my brother and his wife and child," she says.

"That doesn't really narrow it down to who you are, her body count is nearly as big as mine," he replied.

"My name is Natasha Benson, sister to sir Johnathan Benson," Amon just started laughing.

"That is so funny, your brother couldn't kill her, and he was the best vampire hunter in the world. You my pretty little thing, don't stand a chance against Kat, she'll do things to you that haven't even been invented yet," Amon can see the sun about to climb.

"It looks like our time is almost up Natasha," Amon states. Natasha turns and looks out of the window.

"So it would seem, it's been fun," she says sarcastically.

"It really has beautiful," he says with a smile. 

When the sun is high enough and Natasha is bathed in sunlight Amon begins to walk out towards the sun and stops at the foot of the sunlight right next to her, then walks right into the sun and grabs her by the throat.

"I'm sorry did I forget to mention that I can walk in the sun," he says laughing. Fear is coming off her in waves.

"Now let's see about that fuck that I offered you," He rips her dress and coat off, chucks her to the floor, then starts to take his pants off, she can't help but look at his huge manhood and gulps.

"Oh shit it's huge," she thinks to herself.

He reaches down and grabs her throat with one hand and grabs his cock with the other and pushes himself inside her.

"AHH FUCK! IT'S TO BIG! AHH!" she screams and cries as Amon begins to violently rape her with a smile on his face, he turns her over and starts to fuck her arsehole, blood is coming out of both her holes and this is only arousing Amon more, he then changes into his vampire face and bites into her neck and begins to drink. Her blood is not like anything he has ever tasted before, it's completely intoxicating.

He empties himself inside her arsehole. It takes every ounce of restraint to not drink her dry, because leaving her alive after being so violently raped, leaves mental scares for as long as you are alive. You see the person everywhere, they live in your head rent-free. He gets up and gets dressed and begins to walk out into the sun back to Lucifer's cottage. He stops at the door and looks back at the cowering mess on the floor.

"See you around Natasha" he says laughing and carries on walking. Natasha just lies there crying praying for death after what that monster did to her. 

When he arrives back at the cottage Max and Persephone are in bed asleep, he walks over to Persephone and moves a strand of hair from her face and kisses her forehead. Amon truly does love her and would spend eternity with her, but she's playing him, and he's playing her because he doesn't trust her. She senses someone and wakes her up.

"Ben where have you been? You smell of sex and strong powerful blood," she asked him quite angrily as he's fucked someone else.

He sat on the bed and starts to take his boots off,

"I went to the old reverends home, I was tracked by a female Hunter, the sister of Johnathan Benson. She was going to kill me, but I asked for the sunlight, she accepted and when the sun came up, and she was bathed in sunlight I walked right to her and grabbed her by the throat, then decided to rape her, because she needed putting down a peg or two, I drank a lot of her blood and left her there in the house," Amon says while still getting undressed and not having a care in the world, once naked he climbs into bed and Persephone lies on his chest.

"Wish I could've watched you, you know how raping women gets me wet, let me taste her," she's about to go under the covers but Amon stops her with a smile on his face.

"I raped her arsehole and that's where I finished," he laughs.

This just makes Persephone mad that he thought it was acceptable to climb into bed without cleaning himself, the dirty bastard.

"Get out of bed and go get a bath," she demands and starts booting him out of bed. He falls on the floor and starts laughing, Persephone turns to Max and wake's her.

"Max darling would you draw Ben a bath please" Max sits up says an incantation then looks at Ben, eyes fall straight to his cock and says.

"It's ready for you my Lord, would you need help?" She asked sexually, which earns her a growl from Persephone and turns to her in her vampire face. Which makes Amon and Max laugh, Max kisses her mouth and says.

"You are so easy sometimes," this comment also amuses Amon as it's only been a few days, Max can't know what annoys Persephone already unless they've known each other for a few years, Max then curls back into bed and falls straight asleep.

"How does she fall asleep so quickly?" Persephone says with a smile.

"Are you coming to help me love?" Amon asked.

"Sorry darling I'm too tired, wake me when you are clean, and you can fuck me senseless," she says to him with a smile.

"Oh! So you are too tired to come help me bathe, but not for me to fuck you?" Amon asked with a chuckle, Persephone just looks at him with a smile.

"I'm never too tired to be fucked and never forget that my love," Amon just smiles and walks out of the bedroom and heads to the bathroom, once in the bathroom and walks over to the bath and tests the water, it was lovely and hot, he climbs in and just leans back and begins to relax. 

Once he has cleaned himself and drys off, he walks back to bed and just climbs into bed and wraps his arm around her waist and drifts off to sleep. Amon wakes up to an empty bed, but a note attached to his chest.

"Can't believe that you didn't wake me, went out for something to eat, come find me once you are dressed. PS you are in the bad books with me mister," Amon just laughs and climbs out of bed and begins to get dressed, when he walks out into the living room, Max is just doing the finishing touches to the ring.

"Is that finished Max?" Amon asked.

"It will be in the morning when I bathe it in sunlight and do the incantation" she replies.

"We owe you big time for this Max, you name it and if it's within my power you shall have it," he states. She looks at him with a raised eyebrow and sticks her index finger into her mouth and looks very seductive

"Anything you say?" she asked with a smile. Amon just laughs

"You really do have a death wish Max, she'll rip you to pieces," they both just laugh.

"You are just as easy as Lady Persephone, I'd like to come with you two and be your personal witch," Maxine says, as she needs to keep an eye on Persephone. 

Amon likes this idea because he can keep an eye on her. But why a magic would want to travel with him, he'll never know, because even Jade won't travel with him, she tried it once, and she spent more time being sick, because humans can't stomach what he does to his victims. So now he never kills In front of her. There is only Aurora who would travel with him and Katherine as she's as sick as the pair of them, he'll contact Aurora soon and see if she knows anything about Max.

"I'll go find Dot, and we'll discuss it, but I don't think she'll have a problem with it. You are immortal aren't you?" He asked she nods her head.

"Yes I'm actually 109 in a few months,"

Amon smiled at this information as that makes her the same age as himself, Aurora and Chris. Amon just clears his mind and walks out into the night to find Persephone, he sniffs the air to track her scent then follows it. 

He tracks her scent to the church and walks in to find a lot of bodies and pieces of people scattered everywhere. He sees that she missed someone and walks over to the man who was trying to crawl away while Persephone was drinking from a small boy.

"You missed one darling," he says to her. She stops drinking the child's blood and looks at Amon.

"No I didn't I was saving him for you my love" she says then goes back to drinking from the child.

Amon grabs the man and turns on his vampire face and sinks his teeth into his neck, once he drains the man dry he rips his head off, then chucks it at the wall, and it goes splat. Persephone walks over to him and kisses him.

"Your ring will be ready in the morning, where would you like to go after you get the ring?" He asked her.

"I'd like to go back to Barbados for a few weeks and work on my tan" she replies.

"Then that is where we will go my dear, Max wants to come traveling with us and be our own personal witch, what do you say my beautiful wife?" he says to her

"I love it," she says, Amon could hear the waiver in her voice, which makes Amon believe that Max coming with them isn't part of the plan. Persephone grabs his arm, and they walk out into the night. 

On the other side of Salem walks Jasmine looking for Natasha, Jasmine still walks as if she is royalty and just turns heads where ever she goes as she was truly a sight to behold with her beauty, and she knows it as well. She walks to the old reverends home, the door is already open, so she walks inside, and she finds Natasha, completely naked, laying on the floor, red face from her tears, dried blood covering her ass and in-between her legs and her neck has dried blood on it, with puncher marks.

Jasmine runs towards Natasha and drops to her knees, tears fill her eyes.

"Tasha please be ok," Jasmine says. Natasha groans in pain and opens her eyes and looks at the woman, then begins to cry.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't kill him," Natasha cries out.

Jasmine takes off her coat and wraps it around Natasha and then grabs her and holds her close and begins rocking her and stroking her hair. Both women had tears streaming down their faces.

"He'll get what's coming to him Natasha mark my words, that fucking bastard will pay," Jasmine says. Natasha looked at her and shook her head in fear.

"No he's too powerful for a human to defeat," Natasha says.

"I'll defeat him, Katrina and his whore, for what he did to my family," She says with such rage in her voice.

Natasha looks at her and strokes her cheek.

"Jasmine, you need to stop blaming yourself, you were a child when he did that. I heard of a vampire that is more powerful than Amon and Katherine and would kill them both as he hunts other vampires," Natasha says.

"Cole can't be trusted to help us, sure he hates my cousin, but he also loves him as he's his cousin as well." Jasmine tells her.

"Your cousin needs to die and so does Katherine because every Hunter that goes up against them dies, maybe only another vampire can stop them, we have nothing to lose Jasmine," Natasha says with a pleading look.

"Fine but let me nurse you back to full strength first before we leave to find Cole, I know he's in America, just don't know where," Jasmine says to her.

She helps her up then picks her up and cradles her into her body and begins to walk out of the reverends old home and into the night. Jasmine may be able to get Natasha's body strength back, but her mind will always be fractured. Jasmine should've killed Natasha Benson as that would've been mercy for her, but the longer she's alive the more Amon wins, while he lives in her head.

The next day Max is finishing up the spell and once done she chucks the ring towards Persephone who catches it, then puts it on, she hesitated to put her hand in the sun, she finally does, and she's not in pain, so she runs outside and stands in the sun.

"Wow this is amazing, I forgot how much I've missed just being in the sun," Persephone sequels with excitement. Amon steps outside and just stares at her.

"Wow I forgot how beautiful you where in sunlight, the sun makes your beautiful brown locks shimmer," Amon says. Persephone looks over at Max and says.

"Can you open a portal to Barbados? I wish to lie in the sun naked on the beach," Max smiles and opens a portal and they all step through, they are back in Persephone and Amon's home in Barbados.

"Come, let's go to the beach," Amon grabs her arm and says

"I can't come, I'll begin to tan, I'll stay here, you and Max have a great time, you deserve it," she gets up on her tip toes and kisses him, then grabs Max and they both start striping off as they run down to the beach. Amon just stands there watching them from the shadows of the door that they just left through. 

He walks over to the table with his rum and pours himself a glass and takes off his clothes except for his under shorts and goes and sits outside in the shadows with an unplayed chess game In front of him watching Persephone and Max. So many unanswered questions ran through is mind. What is Alucard planning for him? What is so special about Persephone's daylight ring? He'll get Aurora to check that one out. Why did Max want to come with us and who is she? It's been nearly 50 years since Persephone joined him, why is he making moves now after so long? He takes a sip of his drink then moves a white pawn two spaces.

Amon also learned that Katherine isn't hunting the Hunters, they're tracking her like someone is giving her position away. But that's another question unanswered. He'll kill them all if Katherine gets hurt because of Alucards and Persephone's quest for power. He takes another sip of his drink and looks at the girls splashing about in the sea naked. A smile forms on his lips.

"I'm going to need my old Pal Antony's help," Amon says to himself with a sinister smile on his face. 

Then he hears the sound of a portal opening and Jasmine's scent hits his nose.

"Have you come to kill me cousin?" He says to her. She stands there with a stake in her hand and tears in her eyes.

"Why did you do that to my friend?" She asked while crying.

"Because it needed to be done, I need Hunter's to back off from me and that sends a clear message not to fuck with me," Amon tells her.

"You didn't need to do that, you could've beaten her up and left her there battard and bruised. You didn't have to violently raped her. You sick bastard!" She screams at him.

"I'm sorry, but it needed to be done, I'll be doing a lot of things in the future that you won't agree with, but they need to be done," He says, then gets up and kisses her lips, she melts into the kiss.

"I hate this, I hate what you've become, and I can't talk to you right now," she steps back and opens a portal and walks through it. Amon just goes and sits back down and watches the two beautiful naked brunettes dance about in the waves of the sea with a smile on his face.

November 29th 1788

Amon, Persephone and Max are currently traveling through Egypt, Persephone wanted to see the pyramid's nobody knows why, because she learned the hard way that the sun doesn't like her very much. The ring protects her from dying but not from getting sun burnt as she has very pale skin, so here they are walking through Cairo all 3 with an umbrella, even though Max does tan very well.

Amon and Max learned that Persephone is very jealous and possessive person in the last 10 years, she has aloud Amon and Max to have sex but only when she is in the room, never without her and no one is allowed to have sex with anyone else. This all came to blows when Maxine started courting a Spanish human man 8 years ago and Persephone caught them in bed together, Persephone tortured the man for 3 days straight and made Max watch and telling her that she is hers and Amon's lover and no one else's, this was when she aloud Amon to fuck her senseless.

Max couldn't walk straight for days afterwards and was quite scared the next time they all had sex not wanting Amon to plow her like he did the first time as he had ripped her fanny. Amon would catch Max glaring at Persephone, then every so often a smile would come on her lips, like she knows something that no one else does. Aurora found out that the ring has a spell in it to confuse the Zepar the demon that mates you. 

Adele also found out that Max is a nomad demonic witch that has bound herself to Alucard and only a powerful witch like Sabrina can reinstate her, which means that Celeste is involved just like Antony told him, as Sabrina and Celeste are very close friends.

"Oh Benjamin have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" She says about the pyramids. Amon is to busy mesmerised by her beauty in the sunlight.

"No darling," he says still staring at her. Max sees this and chuckles

"What is so funny Max? It's truly a work of wonder these pyramids," Persephone says.

"It's not that, it's just Ben was staring at you when you asked him the question," Max says. Persephone turns at looks at Amon and stands up on her tip toes and kisses him.

Over the last decade Max has watched Persephone and Amon, and she can honestly say that for two soulless demons they are madly in love with each other. It's why she can't understand why she would betray him to Alucard, but she sees why Alucard sent her to watch Persephone as she can't be trusted not to go through with the plan. Amon and Persephone always have to be touching each other and if one goes off without the other, they immediately rip each other's clothing off and fuck for hours on end once they are with each other again. 

They still haven't mated, but they do drink from each other, so they are as close as mated as anyone without doing the ritual. Max and Persephone know why they are not mated, but what she doesn't get is why Amon hasn't pushed for it, almost like he knows something is wrong. Amon and Persephone argue like any other couple, and they don't speak for days, but they always make up. Max believes that something went on in their past which makes Persephone very jealous if Amon looks at another woman. Maybe he cheated, or she did, she doesn't know and has never asked. Max thinks about Amon, for someone so scary and so brutal and what he does to people, when it comes to Persephone and herself he's so nice and can be gentle and loving, his foot rubs are amazing.

She almost feels guilty about betraying him as he's treated her better in the last decade than Alucard ever has and Amon truly is a God in the bedroom.

"Benjamin where would you like to go after we've finished here?" Persephone asked. Which makes Amon and Max look at her with raised eyebrows. Amon turns to Max.

"This has got to be a first, she normally tells us where we are going next," Amon says.

"Oh she's shocked me as well, never thought I'd hear the day," Max replies laughing.

"Ha ha ha, you two are so funny, I always ask the both of you where to go," Persephone says not amused.

"If you say so darling, if you must know, I want to go back to France, I heard there was a war going on I'd very much like to see it," Amon says.

"That sounds amazing my love, we'll leave for France next week," and begins to walk away, this just makes Max and Amon laugh again. She turns round and stare daggers at them both, which only makes them laugh harder, Amon turns to Max and says.

"In all the years that I have known my D, she's always cutest when she's angry," Persephone just gives in and smiles at them both, Max has grown into Persephone's best friend and would be lost without her at times. She trusts her completely almost as much as she trusts Amon. 

It's just a shame that both of them are betraying the one person that would look after them forever, and Max did trust her. Persephone has enjoyed Egypt, there have been a lot of people from around the world doing a lot of digging trying to understand the ancient Egyptians and Amon has been leaving very unruly dead bodies for them to find, and he's been coming back with loads of gold and Jewels for Persephone and Max, a couple of swords and daggers for himself, things that would take humans at least until the 20th century to find, vampire strength certainly helps. 

A few days later they are in Alexandria. Persephone has fallen in love with the name, the place and the people, finally understanding what Katherine said all those years ago about different types of people taste differently. As they were walking through the streets one afternoon a tall well-built handsome clean-shaven man approaches them. Amon instantly senses celestial power coming from this man, and he recognises the man's eyes.

On instinct Amon steps in front of Persephone and Max. The man steps right into Amon's face.

"So you are the legendary Amon that I've heard my sister talk about. Can't say that I'm impressed," The man says. Amon shows no fear.

"Why don't you fuck off and come back again, it might sink in then," Amon says with a smile. The man looks him in the eyes then just burst out laughing.

"My sister was right about you, you are funny. I'm Michael, and it's a pleasure to meet you Benjamin," He says then offers his hand, which Amon takes and shakes, not wanting to cause trouble with an angel.

"Nice to meet you Michael, Lucy says that you are her twin brother and that you used to be fun. She told me that you all did, well except Gabriel," Amon says laughing which also makes Michael laugh.

"Yes that's very true, well if you promise not to go on a killing spree tonight I'd very much like to go out with you three for drinks." He says to them.

"I'd like that very much Michael maybe you can tell me some funny stories about Lucy, but these two are not coming," Amon laughs out and puts his arm around Michael and begins to walk away.

"Oh definitely, I have plenty of them," he laughs. Amon turns to look at Maxine and Persephone.

"Go have fun I'll see you later love," he said to them with a smile. 

They arrive at Amon's place and Amon pours them both a glass of rum. Michael takes a sip.

"Wow this is nice Ben, is this from Barbados?" He asked.

"Yes it is. Let's cut the shit, what do you really want?" Amon asked with a serious face. Michael just smiles at him.

"It's not to kill you if that's what you think, but to tell you of people conspiring against you," He says then takes another sip of his rum.

"I already know that Alucard, Judas, Celeste, Persephone and Max are conspiring against me. What I want to know is why you are telling me?" Amon asked.

"Because you my friend are to play a major part in the End of Days, so both sides kind of need you to be alive for that day," Michael says to him with a smile and downs his drink then disappears in a flash of light before Amon can ask him anything.

This is just more unanswered questions for Amon to figure out. Why would Michael not know about his deal with Jehovah, it's almost like God is keeping things from his children as he doesn't know who he can trust. The only Angel that Amon knows about him being a spy is Ariel, maybe there is more, he now knows that Michael is not one of God's chosen few. 

Walking through the streets, "so what do you think that Angel wants with Amon?" Max asked Persephone.

"I honestly don't know, but we can fuck it out of him later." Persephone replies with a smile.

"Still can't believe that you tortured my meal for three days, you know that I'm a half-breed. I need sex with mortals to feed my energies," Max says to her.

"I do, but it was fun, and it was to keep up appearances of the jealous woman," she says with a smile.

"Well I need to feed and vampires don't work on me," Max tells her.

"I've never asked, but you must be the first succubus/witch in history. How does that even work?" Persephone asked.

"Mother was a succubus, father was a warlock. I have both lots of powers, my mother's need for sex energies and her strength and speed, father's powerful magics. But because I'm a bastard, and my father was thrown out of the magical coven, I was made a nomad. When I was 14 Alucard found me, and I've been loyal to him ever since," Max says.

"Who's your mother and father?" Persephone asked.

"I don't know, mother gave me to an orphanage when I was a baby." She said to her.

"Then how do you know what you are?" Persephone asks her.

"Lilu the King of the Incubus's found me and told me who and what I am," Max sort of lies to her as it was her father Loki who found her when she was a small child, he couldn't take her as it was dangerous but he taught her how to control her magic.

"Was there any other kids in this orphanage?" Persephone asks her.

"There was a boy called Chris and a girl called Aurora there. We were all powerful beings that's why we were put there," Max tells her. Persephone looks shocked.

"I've met a warlock called Chris, quite handsome with blonde hair." Persephone tells her.

"That's probably Chris, his father was an Angel and his mother was Selene, one of the Queen's of the magicals," Max tells her. Persephone has just received new information and more questions. How did Amon know this Chris? This is the main question.