March 20th 1789
Madrid Spain, Amon is going insane, Persephone has never seen him so mad, according to Amon someone is copying him, and it's been going on since Gibraltar two weeks ago. They've been carrying on, and according to Amon they leave no scent, or they know how to mask it. This is something only older vampires know how to do. Amon has been practicing over the last year or so, and Persephone struggles to track him when he masks his scent.
All serial killers have a type of victim that they go far, whether they like to admit it or not, Amon is no different when he wants to cause fear and panic. The main victim's that he likes are family's, a husband and wife with two children preferably a boy and girl these are his favorites. Finding a husband and wife killed is not that big, but two small children that are placed on their parents as of their parents where trying to protect them against some sort of monster. This scares people so much that they don't want to venture out at night with their families, which makes killing them all the sweeter, when they think that they're safe in their own homes.
This is because humans believe that unclean demon cannot enter there dwelling without an invitation, vampires and other demons let humans believe this.
"I'm telling you that someone is copying me! They are killing people that I want to kill in the way that I was going to kill them!" Amon states angrily.
"Calm down darling. Maybe it's just a young vampire that is idolising you and that is why they're copying you my love," Persephone says trying too sooth him, Amon shakes his head.
"No! They're as old as me. They have to be over a hundred years old to be able to mask there scent. This is someone who's been studying me for years, to know how I do the things that I do. I'm sorry my love, but I honestly don't think that you could pick my victims and to them what I was going to do, before I did, and you my heart have been with me longer than anyone," Amon states.
"I'm pretty sure that I can sweetheart, I also believe that I can do it better my love," Persephone states with confidence and a smug smile on her face, this just makes Amon laugh.
"You are funny my darling, but if you could do it better than you would. But instead you are predictable in your kills," Amon tells her, Persephone just glares at him.
"How do you mean by being predictable in my kills?" She asked, quite annoyed with him.
"You like to go after high status men, the sort of men that your father would've made you marry. All your kills are about sticking it to daddy," Amon says with a cheeky smirk as he just wants to annoy her.
"I do not have daddy issues," she says angrily and turns away from him in a huff, a few seconds later she turns back to him with sad puppy dog eyes.
"Am I that transparent my love?" She asked him, but she knows most of her kills have something to do with Lady Clare's older brother Theodore, the first person she loved, this just makes Amon laugh.
"How about we make a wager my darling," he says to her with a smirk.
"What sort of wager handsome?" She asked very curious.
"If you can do what I can do tonight, I'll never bring up your daddy issues again. But my beautiful dark haired Goddess if I win, I get to pick where we go after France," he states the terms of the wager.
Persephone just looks at his handsome face and wants to wipe the smug look off his face, so she sticks her hand out, he grasped it, and they shake on the wager. Max has been watching the whole thing and just starts chuckling.
"You two are by far the strangers couple I have ever met," she tells them laughing, Persephone looks at her and a thought pops into her head.
"To make it more interesting, the winner gets Max tonight all on their own," Persephone says with confidence, Persephones face just makes Amon laugh.
"I hope you are ready for a long night beautiful? Because she's never going to win," Amon states, Max just looks at him with a seductive smile.
"Oh Amon! I think that it's you that is in for a long night, as I need a really good seeing to," Max tells him as she rubs her hand against his crotch, she then gets up on her tip toes and gives him a passionate kiss on the lips which he gladly accepted, Persephone just glares at Max.
"You two are so fucking funny. It'll be you Max putting that sharp tongue of yours to good use tonight," she says to her, and you can hear the venom in her voice. Max breaks the kiss and turns to Persephone with a smile.
"Oh I know it will, as I'll be licking and suckling on Amon's beautiful cock and balls all night long," Max tells her, then grabs Persephone and kisses her deeply.
This just makes Amon laugh as Max really likes to annoy Persephone, it's quite funny to watch.
"I really hate you two sometimes," Persephone says and storms off.
"No you don't, you love us really. Doesn't she Max?" Amon calls after her, while laughing.
Later that night Amon and Max are walking together, Max is linking his arm, while Persephone is just out In front of them.
"I'm going to win," Persephone keeps telling herself over and over in her head, while she thinks very carefully on her victims.
Persephone thinks that she's spotted her victims.
"So you have to stalk them. Learn their names. Find out where they live. Lure them to the first family that you killed earlier tonight. Then kill them in there home tomorrow night. This is because they're too scared to leave there homes," she thinks to herself, this is all she has learned from all the years watching Amon.
Max and Amon are walking at a distance watching Persephone hard at work.
"How's she doing so far?" Max asked.
"She's already failed," Amon laughs out.
"How has she failed? She's stalking the victims for tomorrow night," Max asked so confused, as she knows how Amon works, even if it is over complicated.
"This is true, but she hasn't killed the first family that should look very similar to the one's that she's stalking now. This makes the whole thing more scary for the humans, as they look at the bodies of people who look similar to them," Amon tells her, then he stops walking as a scent hits his nose, so he begins sniffing the air.
"What can you smell Amon?" Max asked him.
"I just picked up a faint scent of blood and a vampire in the direction that my D is walking," he tells her.
Max takes a sniff of the air, but can't smell anything that Amon has said, being part demon has given her heightened senses, but she can't smell a thing, then she looks at Amon, who is just staring at her.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Seeing if I could smell what you was smelling," she giggled out nervously. Amon just shakes his head with a smile. The Persephone gets hit with the scent, the family walk through an alleyway and Persephone hears a scream.
She runs into the alleyway, and there is a dead family laying on the floor. The family look very similar to the ones that Persephone was stalking. Amon and Max turn up, and Persephone looks annoyed while the family is frozen in fear at what they are seeing. Amon and Persephone kill the family quickly, Amon then turns to Persephone.
"Do you see it now my love?" He asked her.
"Yes I do. How did this person know who to kill first, as I didn't even know until I so them," she tells him.
"Now you can see why I've been so annoyed lately," he says to her, Persephone nods her head.
"Yes I can. How was I doing? I believe that I won the wager my love," she says with pride in her voice.
"You failed my love, these dead ones should have been killed first followed by these tomorrow that you was stalking," He says with a smile as he likes to deflate her confidence now and again. Her mouth just hangs open.
"Shit. How did I forget about that?" She asked herself, then slaps her hand against her forehead.
He grabs her hand from her forehead and bends down and kisses her on the forehead.
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You were doing well, you just made a mistake. Considering that someone beat us to the punch, I'll declare the wager void my love," he says to her, Persephone reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck and brings him down to her lips and kisses him, she turns to Max and smiles.
This makes Persephone very happy, because the thought of Max having Amon all to herself tonight would drive her mad. Max looks very disappointed, as she wanted to Amon all to herself. She wanted just once to have his sole focus on just her needs and her pleasure. Don't get Max wrong, Amon satisfies them both every night and multiple times, but just once is all she asked for. Persephone is ok with them two being together, just as long as she's in the room and there sole focus is on her. She kisses Amon again, then turns and begins kissing Max. Amon starts sniffing around the alleyway and on the bodies to see if he can catch a scent, but he gets absolutely nothing.
Up on the rooftops watching the whole thing is Katherine, who is just laughing at the scene, Katherine just stays and watches the three people on the ground.
"You are going to kick yourself Benny boy when you see me." She says to herself.
She can sense that something is not right with Persephone, and she doesn't trust the brown haired witch, who happens to smell like a demon to her.
Over the last 80 years Katherine has had a very busy life, killing Hunter's, massacring towns and villages. Meeting new people, vampires, Werewolves and witches. Katherine met a few immortal beings and a few demons during her travels, she spent a few years traveling with Lilith and Ameerah, Princess Ameerah is by far the most beautiful woman Katherine has ever met not including her Goddess as she is just perfection. Travelling with them two was so much fun and the sex was fantastic, but Lucifer was the best, that woman really knows how to use her mouth and tongue.
She spent a few days with Lucifer in her home in Ethiopia Africa, she never understood why Lucifer built her cottage there, she said it was about sticking it to her father. It was also the one place that Lilith never wanted to go, that's something that Katherine never understood neither, because it was beautiful and the garden was enormous. It had two rivers running through it, flowers, trees, and waterfall. Not only that, but it was truly the most beautiful place that Katherine had ever laid eyes on. Katherine can't wait to tell Amon everything, but she has to have her fun.
Down on the ground Amon is searching for clues but coming up empty.
"They seem to be very good whoever they are," Amon states.
"I didn't believe you until tonight my love, but now I do," she says to him, he just looks at her with a confused look on his face.
"Why would I make this up?" He asked her, she just shrugged.
"Don't know. What will you do once you catch them darling?" She asked him.
"I'm thinking of teaching them a lesson so brutal and vile, that all the other covens will think twice before messing with Amon the taker of lives," he tells her with a sick twisted smile. Max turns away from him as she feels her face pale as fear spreads through her body.
Amon's smile and the way he said it just frightened her, she's so tempted to tell Alucard to call the whole thing off, before Amon kills them all. Persephone instantly smells Max's fear and turns to look at her.
"It's okay Max, the smell of blood must be too much for you," she says and puts her arm around her to lead her out of the alleyway. Amon turns to them leaving with a smile.
"Or I'll invite them to come and play with us. I haven't decided yet," Amon calls after them, has one last look and follows Persephone and Max out of the alleyway.
Katherine could smell the fear coming off Max in waves and this shocks her because she must have seen Amon do worse things than that. Max intrigues Katherine, and she can't wait to find out what she's hiding, and she smells like a demon.
"I bet you already know what her and Dorothy are up to as you are always steps In front of everyone else," She says with a smile and heads off into the night.
July 15th 1789
Paris France. Amon and Persephone are walking the cobble streets alone as they tired Max out, she told them that she'll eat and meet them later. Persephone has a huge grin on her face, as Alucard has contacted Max to tell her that he'll be killing Vlad very soon.
"Oh Ben! You were so right about coming here. The fear, the panic. It's intoxicating," She moans out sexually.
"Oh! Last night the Bastille getting raided by that angry mob, I'm still wet thinking about it," She tells him, and reaches up to kiss him deeply.
"I told you that it would be fun," He says, the smell of her arousal is really getting to him. He's about to lean down and kiss her again and most likely drag her into an alleyway to fuck her up against a wall, but he stops himself and takes a sniff of the air, furthermore, he smells blood and begins following it.
"Bloody hell darling, your nose must be amazing as I can't smell anything yet," she says to him rather confused. Amon just ignored her as she's beginning to prove his point to him, in the last 60 years Persephone has not been training, she shit at hunting, she's shit at torture, she's a very bad tracker and her fighting skills are disgusting.
If Persephone had to fight for her life she'd run as fast as she could, because she'd die without a strong protector. Amon vows to train her starting tomorrow whether she wants to or not, as it's for her own safety. He might not be around to protect her, and she needs to know this.
His nose takes him to an alleyway, he walks down it with Persephone hot on his heels, and they find a family neatly laid out.
"They strike again my love. It's been weeks since they've done anything. Do you have any clues who it could be as it's starting to drive me nuts now," She says to him and looks at him to see him smiling.
"I have some ideas," he says with a chuckle.
"You know who it is doing it?" She states, he turns and looks at her.
"Of course I do, I figured it out in Bordeaux. I kicked myself when I figured it out. I'm just waiting for them to slip up, so I can catch them red-handed," Amon says still smiling, Persephone playfully slaps his chest.
"Well who is it?" She demanded to know.
It's driving her nuts that some vampire out there knows her Amon better than she does, and that really grates on her. Persephone also thinks that they are complete geniuses, or they are complete idiot's to be annoying her Amon so much. They must surely have a death wish, because if Alucard's plan wasn't so good she would never have agreed to help him.
Persephone knows first hand what Amon is capable of doing to his enemies, which obviously makes her all the more stupid for even thinking about betraying him. Then it just clicks, there is only one person in the whole world who can get her Amon this worked up, Katherine. She turns and looks at Amon and just burst out laughing.
"It's not that funny my love. You must be very dumb if you only just figured it out," He says to her.
Max has tracked them to the alley and sees the bodies.
"Is this your work handsome or the Copy Cat?" She asked. This makes Amon and Persephone start laughing.
"Copy Cat I love it!" He laughed out. Then he looks at Persephone like she might know about it as they've always tried to get him back over to manure prank.
"Don't look at me like that mister. Now that I think about it, this just screams prank war," Persephone says to him, then sniffs her hair, Max is just standing to the side looking at the couple, with a rather confused look on her face. She wants to know what's a prank war and who they're on about.
"What's a prank war?" Max asked. Amon looks around and holds out his arms for his two ladies to take.
"We'll tell you everything when we get home," He tells her, they take an arm each and head off home.
When they arrive home, they all sit down as Amon pours them all a nice glass of rum, they all take a sip of their drinks and Persephone says.
"The prank wars where this stupid thing that him and Kat did every five years," She stops talking and takes some of her hair and begins sniffing it again. This little action just makes Amon burst out laughing.
"You can't surely still smell manure. It's been about 95 years since I did that," He says still laughing.
"You are a cunt, because I still smell manure now and again. You've really messed with me," she tells him with a glare.
This just makes Amon burst out laughing all over again, he decides to come clean with her because it's just so funny.
"You smell manure because I put it under your pillow some nights just to mess with you," He tells her still laughing and whips his tears away. Persephone just glares at him with rage.
"You are a fucking arsehole Benjamin Asmall!" She shouts at him, as she's so upset and hurt by him doing this to her, this just makes Max burst out laughing, Amon turns to her.
"Don't know why you are laughing beautiful. Have you never wondered why you attract bees so much?" He laughed out. Max stops laughing and glares at him.
"What did you do to me? I honestly thought that I messed up a spell," she says to him, Persephone puts her hand on Max's leg in a reassuring way.
"Don't feel too bad darling. Amon is the King of pulling pranks. He'd let Kat believe that she'd have a great prank, and he'd flip it on her," Persephone says to her, this makes Max even more mad.
"What did you do?" She asked again.
"I've been putting pollen in your hair for years," he says and just slaps his knee as he can't stop laughing.
Max is raging, and it's taking every ounce of her control to not change into her demon form. Amon calms down and him and Persephone begin telling Max all about Katherine and their pranks. Max begins to panic as she's heard stories of Pulchra Creaturae and if her and Amon join up again Alucard could be in trouble, she really hopes that he knows what he's doing.
"So when are you going to confront her my love?" Persephone asked him.
"I'll confront her by the end of this month my heart," he tells her.
"Just as long as I'm with you, I'm not really bothered when you do it. I've just missed her so much, and I've missed the sex," she tells him.
Amon put's his drink down and just stares at her, this makes Persephone burst out laughing.
"She's that good?" Max asked. Persephone just nods.
"If Amon had ever fucked her, he'd know exactly what I'm talking about. Your cock is truly amazing and nothing beats it, but Kat can do things that no man can," She says, but she's glad that he never has.
"Obviously over 60 years means nothing to you," he says with a smile. She leans over and kisses his lips.
"60 years pr 600 years. It wouldn't be long enough with you my love. These six decades have been the greatest of my 100 years on this earth, my human years including," She says laughing, as this is the first time Amon has been insecure since he caught her in bed with Vlad.
"I'm glad you said human life as you don't turn 100 for a few more months." He tells her.
"I know don't remind me. I feel old as it is," She says with a sad look on her face. Amon just looks at her and a smile spreads across his face.
"Is that a gray hair?" He asked her.
She grabs her hair and starts looking at it, she runs over to the mirror in a blur and starts looking at her reflection. Amon finds this to be the funniest myth about vampires not being able to cast a reflection, or they don't have shadows. Even dead people have reflections and cast shadows. If this myth was true, Amon believes that Persephone would've killed herself long before now as she spends hours looking at herself. She also spends hours getting ready, just making sure that not a single hair is out of place. Amon and Max just watch her and burst out laughing.
July 28th 1789
Paris France. Amon, Persephone and Maxine are walking through the streets and are getting off on the mayhem that is going on. Persephone really wants to start chasing after wars, and she hopes Amon does as well.
"This could be our new thing my love. The fear and panic, it's something that I could get used to, especially with you training me," she says to him with a smile.
Max just stares at her like she's gone mad and given up on Alucard's plan, even though she told her that he's making his move soon.
"That's great news my love as I have noticed that you've gotten quite sloppy in your fighting skills," he tells her, she leans into his arm.
"I shouldn't need to be fighting, not when I have a big strong man to protect me," She says with puppy dog eyes, while backing her eyelashes at him and stroking his big strong arms.
"I might not always be around to protect you my love. But I'd always avenge you my darling," he tells her lovingly, then he gives her a tender kiss on the lips. Amon pulls away and sniffs the air, it's a scent that he's not smelt in 80 years.
He starts to follow the scent and Persephone and Max don't have much choice as he seems to drag them along.
"What's going on darling?" Persephone asked.
"I have her scent. So she's either fucked up, which I very much doubt. Or she's figured out that I know, which is the most likely," Amon states.
"You honestly give her too much credit, she's probably fucked up," Persephone says to him, Amon stops and looks at her and raises his right eyebrow.
"Do you even know Trina?" He asked her. Persephone just raises her hands into the air.
"Who am I kidding. She's definitely on to you," She states, and just starts chuckling. Max just looks at them and says.
"Is she really as good as the stories say she is?" Persephone looks at her and says.
"Amon is by far the best killer, but Kat is the deadliest, she could make you kill yourself, just by stalking you, she's that good," Amon looks at her and says.
"She did that one time and I still think that you two made it up to piss me off," Persephone kisses his cheek.
"Trust me it happened, I was there. It was very impressive," She tells him with a grin.
"How is that even possible?" Max asked.
"It's not possible, it's why I don't believe it!" Amon states in an angry tone.
"You only don't believe it because you've never done it," Persephone says with a smile and begins to chuckle, she'd forgotten how much this story annoys him, even if it is a lie.
"If I've never done it, then it can't be done as I'm the scariest demon on the planet. Hunter's avoid coming after me but not Kat," he says, and you can hear the jealousy in his voice. He's never been able to find out if this story is true, and it drives him nuts.
"Aww my handsome man thinks he's scary, when he's a big softie at heart." Persephone says in a patronising way, while patting his cheek with her soft gentle hand. Amon just storms off following the scent, he can hear Persephone and Max giggling behind him.
Amon follows the scent to a rather large home, Amon opens the front door and walks in with Persephone and Maxine right behind him, they go through the parlor and through another door which brings them in a library.
In the corner of the room is a cloaked figure, this scares Max and the smell of fear aroused Persephone and Amon, this shocks them both as Maxine isn't easily scared.
Sat in a chair infront of a large roaring fire is a blonde haired woman wearing a long black cloak.
"Bit theatrical don't you think Trina? Especially having German boy in the corner," Amon says with a chuckle. Charon steps out from the shadows and bows to him.
"You caught me in Bordeaux, but you had me thinking that it was last week didn't you Benny boy?" The woman turns round to reveal Katherine, this makes Persephone and Amon smile.
Katherine gets up from the chair and goes running and jumps into Amon's arms and hugs him tightly, wrapping her long toned legs around his waist, his hands go straight to her big ass, she then pulls him in for a passionate kiss which he gladly accepted. They pull away, but he doesn't put her down he just enjoys having her in his arms again.
"I've bloody missed you Benny boy," she says with tears in her eyes.
"I've missed you too kitten," he says back to her, he then begins to get hard having her in his arms like this is just bringing floods of memories back of the last time that they were in this position in the tavern. Amon is just so glad to have his best friend back in his arms.
"I can tell, it's kind of digging into my leg," She says with a giggle, they carry on holding each other for a few moments longer. Then they hear a cough, they let go and both look at Persephone.
"Oh I'm sorry. Did I interrupt your little moment," Persephone says with a cheeky smile on her face.
Katherine walks over to her and grabs her and begins kissing her very passionately, there tongues wrestling for dominance in each other's mouths, after a few moments of kissing Katherine let's go.
"I've missed you as well little sister."
Persephone just smiles at her and puts her fingers to her lips.
"I'd forgotten how good of a kisser you was." She says to her. Katherine just smiles and turns to Max.
"Now who is this little beauty? Have you two brought me a new plaything?" Katherine asked them with a sick twisted smile on her face, then she turned on her vampire features, this action makes Max take a step back.
"Kat this is Max. She's our friend, lover and our new witch. So please play nice." Amon tells her, with a smile on his face.
Katherine walks over to Max still in her Vampire face and strokes a finger down her cheek. The smell of fear coming off Max is intoxicating. She gently grabs some of her hair and sniffs it. Katherine kisses Max cheek then turns off her vampire face and looks at Persephone.
"You share her with him. I'm deeply offended, as you never shared with me." Katherine says with pouting lips trying to look sad.
"I did share with you. It's not my fault that you two didn't do anything to each other." Persephone says with a smile.
"It's because we could smell your jealousy even when we kissed. Plus Vlad wouldn't of liked me violating his Pulchra Creaturae." Amon says with a smile, Katherine glares at him and then she looks at them all and suggested for them to sit down.
"Charon please pour us all a glass of rum and one for yourself if you please." She tells him.
"Thank you my Goddess." He says then he goes and makes everyone a drink, they all sit and get comfortable. Amon takes a sip of his rum and smiles as it's quite nice.
Katherine looks at Persephone and Max, she really wants to get into there head and find out why they are dumb enough to betray Amon.
"So Max you are beautiful. Where did they find you?" Catherine ask.
"Thank you, Lady Katherine. I met Persephone and Amon at Lucifer's cottage in Salem. I made Persephone a daylight ring, and as payment they allowed me to travel with them." Max tells her, this makes Katherine intrigued.
"You made her a daylight ring? Could you make more?" Katherine asked her.
"Yes I can, Persephone also asked me this, for when her and Amon have a Childe together." Max says, Katherine can tell that she's lying. Amon turns to Persephone.
"You never told me that you asked her to make more. Daylight rings are a gift and shouldn't be made for just anyone." He tells her, Persephone rubs her hand against his bristled cheek.
"You never asked so I never told you. One day I hope we have a Childe together, and they'll need a daylight ring, so they can play out in the sun with us." She tells him.
Katherine looks at her and doesn't buy what she's selling, she never has and never will. Persephone has a thing for power, she craves it, and she likes people with power, she hasn't changed much since she was human. She cheated on Amon because Vlad had more power, if she truly loved Amon she never would've done that, even if Vlad was her sire. When Amon got made a nomad, she would've left with him, not waited two decades, something is not right and Katherine can feel it. She looks at Amon and can already tell that he knows something is off as well, that explains why they're not mated, this brings a smile to Katherine's face, she can have some fun with this.
"A Childe you say. Maybe you should be mated first, so the fledgling sees you both as it's master." Katherine says with a smile.
"That is a brilliant idea Kat." Amon says with a smile, as he knows that she's figured out that Persephone and Max are up to something.
"Let's discuss this at a later time darling. Having a Childe is far off in the future." Persephone says sounding rather jumpy.
Katherine can definitely feel that something is off now, Max feels like they've figured them out. Katherine will be dammed if she lets anyone hurt her best friend. Persephone looks at Max and the look means keep quiet and stay calm.
Persephone wants to change the subject quickly.
"So Kat how long will we be seeing you?" She asked.
"Oh! I plan on sticking by you three for a long time as I need to be with family at the moment." Katherine says to her.
"That's brilliant. It's been a lifetime since we've been out drinking together. Do you still have the dagger?" Amon asked her, this makes Persephone look at him.
Katherine lifts her long cloak and the dagger is strapped to her leg. Katherine unsheathed it and shows it to him.
"You made her a dagger?" Persephone asked shocked.
"No. I had Dagon make it for her, I just told him what it should look like." Amon says with a smile.
Persephone just glares at him then holds her hand for the dagger, this makes Katherine smile, and she gives it to her. Persephone yelps and drops it, but Katherine with quick reflexes catches it before it hits the floor.
"You had Dagon use the same metal as your sword. How did you get her blood?" She asked, still shaking her hand.
"Simple really. Vlad has jars of blood of all his Childer. I stole some and added some of my blood, so it didn't burn me while I was carrying it around." He tells her.
"I didn't know that. Why have you never made me a weapon?" She asked sounding hurt.
"Because you don't use weapons and even though we come from a fighting coven, you my darling are not a fighter." Amon states.
"What do you mean by fighting coven?" Max asked.
"Each of the three coven's has a specific job role come the End of Days. Our line are warriors so myself, Vlad, Willy, Dorothy and the rest of the family will lead from the front to weaken the opposition." Katherine tells her.
"You never said what Amon's role is." Max states.
"That's because Ben's a nomad, he doesn't have to fight for anyone. He could sit back and do nothing." Katherine says to her.
"Would you sit back and do nothing?" Max asked him.
"I'd fight for family, but I'd never fight for Willy." He tells her.
"Who's Willy?" She asked.
"Willy is Vlad's eldest male Childe. Amon and Willy hate each other, Amon carved an A over his eye." Persephone tells her.
Max realised that Alucard is who Persephone was talking about. Katherine can hear sadness in her voice, it dawned on her that she's playing Amon for Alucard. Why be with someone for 60 years just to screw them over, and to screw with Amon is very dangerous. Katherine believes that Vlad was stupid for sleeping with Persephone, Catherine stands up.
"Charon I would like a bath please." She says to him in a loving tone.
"Of course my Goddess." He says and stands up to go draw her a bath.
"That's ok I can do it quicker." Max says to her, then closed her eyes then opens them.
"It's ready for you Lady Katherine." Katherine smiled and looks at Persephone.
"I see why you keep her around. Will you be joining me Dorothy?" Katherine asked her.
Persephone stands up and goes to kiss Amon's cheek then links Katherine's arm.
"Of course I'm coming, I've missed our bath times together." She says to her. Katherine turns to Charon.
"Anything Lord Amon and miss Max wants you tend to their needs." She tells him.
"Of course my Goddess." He replied with a bow.
Katherine and Persephone leave and Amon watches them.
"Can I have another glass of rum please Charon?" He asked.
"Of course Lord Amon, would miss Max like another or some food prepared?" He asked.
"No thank you. How come you are completely covered by your cloak?" She asked, he looks at Amon who just smiles.
"Just show her." He tells him. Charon does as he's told and removes his hood and cloak from his face.
Max looks at him and vomits, Charon covers himself back up. Max wipes her mouth and looks at Amon in utter fear.
"Why does his face look like that?" She asked.
"It's not just his face, his whole body looks like that. Katherine did it as a training exercise and Persephone chopped his manhood off." He tells her.
"What did he do wrong?" She asked.
"Absolutely nothing and now he's her walking masterpiece of art." He tells her with pride in his voice.
She really doesn't want to mess with these two now, first chance she gets she's telling Alucard to call the whole thing off.
"I've been meaning to ask you something. How are you so powerful for someone so young?" Amon takes a sip of his rum.
"I don't know what you mean Max." He says with a smile.
"I heard stories of the legendary Lord Amon, growing up. You killed an Alpha wolf and beat a Vampire who was a hundred years older than you." She states.
"I did some research on my family lineage. I come from the Enos line. The first Hunter after Seth." He tells her.
This shocks Max as she knows that the Enos line was killed off nearly 1800 years ago.
"Wasn't Jesus Christ the last Hunter from that line?" She asked.
"That's partly true, but Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene and the line continued." He tells her.
"The prostitute?" She asked.
"She wasn't a prostitute, she was Jesus's wife. It's why Judas betrayed him, because he was in love with Jesus and once Mary got pregnant he knew he could never have him." He tells her. She's just about to say something when they hear Katherine and Persephone scream.