Chapter 14

Up in the bathroom moments ago, Katherine and Persephone are lead in there favorite position, Katherine laid out at the back of the tub and Persephone lay with her head on her chest.

"So Dorothy darling, how's Benny boy treating you?" She says then begins to kiss her neck and play with her right breast and nipple. Persephone let's out a soft moan.

"He's treating me like his Queen, oh that feels good Kat" she moans out.

Persephone slips her left hand behind her back and finds Katherine's pussy and starts to play with it, gently flicking her clit this makes Katherine moan.

"Oh Dorothy yes just like that, you and Ben would be the 2nd ultimate power couple if you were to mate, no one could stop you, ahh yes, right there," she removes her right hand from Persephone's breasts and move's down her body to play with her clit this makes Persephone moan, Persephone brings her right hand to play with her own breasts.

"What do you mean 2nd? AHH, yes so good" Persephone moans out.

"Ahh Dorothy yes yes, just like that, Amon and I would be the ultimate power couple, Ahh so close, don't stop AHH YES! YES AHH! DOT YES!" Katherine screams out her orgasm but never stop pleasuring Persephone.

"AHH YES! KAT AHH!" Persephone screams out her orgasm. When Persephone composed herself, turns round and kisses Katherine then says,

"I've missed this, it's also funny that you think you would be more of a power couple," Persephone says laughing.

"Its funny because it's true sweetheart, your just lucky that me and Benny boy decided to be friends instead of lovers" Katherine states. 

Persephone kneels In front of her and starts kissing her neck and working down to her big beautiful breasts and takes her left nipple in her mouth, which brings out a moan from Katherine.

"I heard you and Ben on the night you left, telling him that you love him, and he loves you," Persephone says with hurt in her voice, then goes back to sucking on her breasts, Katherine grabs Persephone by her shoulders and makes her look at her.

"You know nothing you stupid little bitch, I do love Ben, and he does love me, but as each others best friend, is this why you are betraying him to Willy?" Katherine says angrily. This shocked Persephone, as she may have made a mistake, but she's too involved now.

"I'd never betray Ben, all of this life should have been you, me and Ben, it hurt me when you left, you were my lover and big sister, you taught me so much." Persephone says to her sounding rather upset.

Katherine kissed her then started kissing her neck and nibbled on her ear,

"I did teach you a lot, but I never taught you to lie, it's why your bad at it. Don't worry sweetheart I'll never tell Amon what you are doing, because I want to see what Ben does to you and Richard." She whispered into her ear.

"Aren't you scared of what he might do to you for lying to him?" Persephone says with a smug smile.

Katherine reaches up and grabs Persephone's throat.

"Listen here and listen well Dorothy, when you're out of the picture I'll fuck Ben so good that he won't even remember his little whore. This is Ben we are talking about, he already knows." Katherine says smugly.

Persephone just glares at her, and then it dawns on her that Amon will already know, then at the same time a pain went through their chests and they both screamed, Amon came barreling through the door.

"What's happened?" He asked. Max show's up with Charon.

"You didn't feel it?" Persephone asked.

"Feel what?" He asked confused.

"Vlad," is the only thing that Katherine said.

"He's dead?" Amon asked.

"Yes how did you not feel it?" Persephone asked after she composed herself.

"I'm a nomad, I've been cut off from the line, can't even feel my Childer anymore," he stated.

In the next moment a portal opened and Sabrina walked out

"Prince Alucard requests your presence Lady Katherine and Lady Persephone," Sabrina says to them, trying not to look at there beautiful naked wet bodies.

"That didn't take Willy long." Amon states.

"What are you implying Ben?" Persephone asked.

"Don't be stupid Dorothy. Willy's killed Vlad, and now he's summoned his best warrior and you, a bit suspicious don't you think." Amon states.

"We don't know that until we see him." Persephone states to them. 

Katherine looks at Ben and climbs out of the bath followed by Persephone.

"Are you seriously this thick?" Katherine says to her rather angrily. Persephone just smiles and shakes her head, then looks at Max.

"Could you please get me and Kat dressed Max." Persephone asked her. Max did an incantation and Persephone and Katherine where dried and dressed.

They all started walking towards the portal and Sabrina steps In front of Amon.

"You are not invited Amon," she says with a tremble in her voice. Amon just smiles and says.

"Who's going to stop me? You? Don't make me laugh Sabrina," fear crept up Sabrina's spine then Katherine steps In front of him, before Sabrina grows a set and begins squeezing his brain.

"We'll go see what the prick want's and be right back, Max, Charon please stay with Ben please," Charon nods his head and bows to her. 

Max just smiles at her, with that said she grabs Persephone's arm and walks through the portal with her, and Sabrina, then the portal closed. Amon screams in rage and starts punching the wall.

"Ben please stop and tell me what's going on?" He stops punching and drops to the floor.

"What I feared! Willy killed Vlad and took over as head of the line and became the Prince, he can make Persephone and Katherine stay with him and if they refuse he'll either kill them or make them nomads like me."

Max just started laughing, but it's more of a demonic cackle.

"And you fell for it hook line and sinker, you've been getting played for a very long time Amon." She steps back opens a portal and walks through it then it closes before he has chance to react. But a body flies into him, as they get through the portal.

"If you have something to do with this I'll make your death truly painful Dorothy and that's a promise," Persephone just smiles at this. Alucard is stood at the top of the stairs smiling down at them.

"Pulchra Creaturae, Pulchritudo it's so good to see you both again." he begins to walk down the stairs and Persephone walks to him and kisses him deeply and turns to Katherine.

"Can't put one over on you can I, oh wait I didn't need to. Lucas and Emma are nomads, Dagon and Danny have been adopted by Stuart, Amon is a nomad. Alucard is the only male in the family line, so no one can take his place."

Then there is laughing followed by Judas and Celeste.

"Us three control the most powerful covens, join us" Celeste says. Antony walks out and winks at Catherine.

"I'd rather die, and when Amon finds out that you've played him Willy, he's going to rip you to pieces." Katherine states.

"Oh he can try, but it will be months before he reaches us here and by then, we'll have an army waiting for him," then a portal opens and Max walks out and Katherine runs and jumps through it and lands on top of Amon.

"Ben we've been seriously screwed." Amon just laughs, Katherine stands up and looks at him and thinking what is so funny, then it dawns on her that he knew what Persephone was up to all along.

"I've known for years, now you know why we never mated. If we had mated Willy would never of trusted her, Antony told me of their plans and what Dot was sent to do, Max was the true spy, sent by Willy as him and Max didn't trust her, but Lucifer told me about her, the daylight ring was a perfect opportunity for them to infiltrate my home with Dot. I thought it was weird that she wanted to come traveling with two vampires and be our witch, but as you know I already have a witch who is bound to me and you that neither of us use, because we want to keep her a secret." Amon tells her.

"So all this time, they thought that they were playing you, but you've been steps in front of them the whole time, is Dorothy to be trusted?" Catherine asked.

"Not on your wildest dreams could she be trusted, she'll jump ship once she realises she's on the loosing side, she craves power and clings to people who have it". Amon tells her.

"You truly are magnificent Benny boy," Katherine says and gives him a friendly punch in the arm.

"I know. I even had you fooled that I made you think that I figured you was copying me in Bordeaux, but I knew from the first night, you can mask your scent but not your arousal," he laughs at her.

"You are a pain in my ass you know that, what are we going to now, they are going to assemble an army, as good as we are we can't defeat an army by ourselves." 

Amon stands up and walks out of the bathroom and back down to the library, Katherine follows him. Charon is waiting for them with a glass of rum each. They grab a glass, then a portal opens and out steps a beautiful red haired woman in a beautiful red dress, she bows her head and says.

"Mother, father so good to see you both." She runs over and hugs them both.

"Rory as great as it is to see you, what are you doing here?" Katherine asked.

"I've been working with father for years and helping him from behind the scenes, I've gathered the wolves for you and some witches with Chris and Jades help and other vampire covens which Amy did, they're ready to move at your command father." Aurora says.

"Wait what have you been planning Ben? Wolves, witches and other covens," Katherine asked confused.

"You never learned anything from prank wars, as fun as that was, I was always teaching you to stay a head of the game, when we killed the wolf leader I befriended there next leader and his mate Ethan and Kirsten Duke. We became very close" he says with a smirk.

"The witches are all Rory's doing as she is the most favored witch by Lucifer, which is why she was presented to us as we are the favored vampires." Katherine just looks at him and smiles.

"How long have you been planning this war against the council." Amon looks at her confused.

"No you missed the point, I brought them together for the war against God, but this serves my purpose. I've known what Willy was planning at Marcus ball. I knew I'd been framed, I thought it was by Stuart, but he would never do that, Willy was at Stuart's and heard the conversation and told Judas. Judas wants power but couldn't have it due to Marcus and Draco, them out the picture, bring Celeste around, and you have 3 very high ranking vampires. Kill off other high ranking members and turn their heirs onto your way of thinking. Only people he couldn't kill was Prince Leon, Stuart, Godfrey, Mikael's cult and Prince Silas because no one knows where he is as he's not been seen in over a thousand years, plus most of us don't even know what he looks like. Stuart surrounds himself with trusted people and his two sisters who are seriously protective of him. Prince Leon is just not someone to mess with." This all makes sense to Katherine.

"When do we attack?" She asked geared up for a fight.

"We don't, we go about our normal lives, because that's what they expect, always do the opposite of what people expect, it confuses them, we'll get them when there guard is down, I don't care if it's in a hundred years or more, we aren't getting any older, we have nothing but time." Amon says while taking a drink of rum with a smile on his face.

Seattle late afternoon at the about the same time, Cole wakes up from his bed holding his chest and cried out in pain. The beautiful naked white vampire, with long curly brown hair shoots up.

"Cole is everything ok?" The woman asked. After a few moments the pain in Coles chest stops, a single tear escapes Coles eyes.

"Vlad is dead, Victoria." Cole says to her.

"Do you think Amon did it?" She asked him.

"Only if he hurt Katrina, other than that I don't think that he did it." Cole states.

"How did you feel it aren't you a nomad?" She asked him.

"I act like a nomad, but I was never made one, so I'm still connected to the line." Cole says to her.

She reaches up and kisses him. This confused Victoria.

"If you are not a nomad, that means that you can challenge to be Prince of the warriors line." She says to him. He smiles and kisses her.

"I don't want any of it, I only want you my love. They can keep the crown." He tells her, and she can tell that he's telling her the truth.

"I'll have to leave soon, Stuart will want to know if he doesn't already." Victoria says to him. Cole cups her cheek and kisses her deeply.

"Forget your brother, stay with me, I'd mate with you Victoria and you know this." He says to her.

"When I return after seeing my brother I'll mate to you, you have my word my love." Victoria says to him with love in her voice.

Cole and Victoria have been together for 10 years, Victoria had been traveling with her fledgling Childe Christian who she turned in 1766. When she bumped into Cole one evening feeding off a rapist, they were instantly attracted to each other and have been inseparable ever since. She treats Christian like her son and has never been his lover. His skills in torture could rival Katherine's skills especially after what he did to his family, he called it the human centipede, Victoria honestly believes if she was still human she would have vomited as it was grotesque and sick. She couldn't of been more proud that he thought to do that and while he was so young. The people of Seattle still talk about it, and it was over 20 years ago. Christian is lying in bed with a dead brunette, listening to the sexual noises coming from the next room.

"AHH COLE YES! I LOVE YOUR BIG BLACK COCK!" Christian can hear Victoria shouting out. 

At first Christian wanted to kill Cole, but as time passed he grew to respect him and now considers Cole his best friend and mentor. Cole is the only person he's met that can beat his sire in a fight, and she has over 1500 years on him. So it speaks volumes on how much of a skilled fighter Cole is when he is nearly 125 years old Master and can best a vampire who's over a thousand years old Elder and who is a skilled warrior herself.

Cole is the only vampire Christian has met who isn't a monster, Cole kills to feed, and he only kills the deserving, rapist's, murders, thief's and slave owners. He tries not to kill negros. Victoria will kill to feed, but she also kills for the fun. Christian will kill everyone just for fun. Cole knows that Christian is going to be a great vampire one day as long as long as he listens. Something Cole did, but got treated like shit, even though he was Vlad's the best fighter. No one has bested Cole and what does he hear about for over 100 years, Amon and Katherine.

A few weeks later, Victoria and Christian left to see Stuart, Just after sunset there is a knock on the door. One of Coles minions opens it and is greeted by a tall beautiful leggy brunette. The minion can smell powerful human blood coming from this female.

"I wish to speak to your master." Jasmine says to him, he invites her in and tells her to wait in Coles study while he goes to fetch his master. Jasmine is walking around Coles desk then decides to sit on it and cross her legs. Cole walks in and can instantly smell Hunter blood, he stands ready to fight. He looks at the beautiful brunette and something about her seems familiar.

"Do I know you?" Cole asked.

"We've met a few times when I was a child, I'm the daughter of Earl Edward Hale." Jasmine tells him. Cole tries to flick through his memories. Then it dawns on him who she is.

"Hello Jasmine, you are as beautiful as our cousin said that you would be." Cole says while eyeing her up sexually.

"Well that's good that he said something nice about me, considering he slaughtered my entire family." She says with sadness in her voice.

"I remember, because I was there. I was also there when he decided to let you live. So you should be more grateful to our cousin Jasmine." Cole tells her with a strong tone.

"Yes I should thank him for killing my mother, father, brothers, grandparents and the rest of my family. Then he raped my best friend, and she's completely barking mad now thanks to him." Jasmine says with tears rolling down her face, Cole just begins to laugh.

"Unless you have come here to die, you better have a good reason Jasmine." Cole asked her. Jasmine wipes her tears away, then she walks over to him.

"I want your help in killing Katrina and Benjamin and me and Natasha will give you something in return." Coles hand shoots out and grabs her by the throat and lifts her up.

"You come into my house and threaten my little cousin who I loved like my little brother and expect me to go along with your plan and not kill you." Cole says.

"We expect you to join us and help us defeat your cousin, and I'll get you the cure for vampirism." Natasha says as she climbs through the window. Cole drops Jasmine and her hand goes to her throat.

"You can cure me?" Cole asked.

"Yes I can, and you get to keep your strength and speed." Natasha's says and Cole can tell she's telling the truth. Cole smiles at her.

"I'll help you, as much as I love my cousin, I hate this life more." Cole tells them. Natasha and Jasmine just smile at each other.

November 11th 1789 

Hell, Lucifer's throne room. There is a high throne which Lucifer sits in wearing a deep blue silk tight toga dress which hugs her voluptuous curves and shows off her big plump breasts, then below it is six other thrones, to Lucifer's left sits three thrones occupied by the King and his two Queens of the magicals. To Lucifer's right sits Lilith, next to her was Lilith's tall well-built handsome son Maris, he is the ruler of the demons and next to him is a slim handsome man Ethan, and he is Alpha to the wolves. Only the rulers are aloud on the throne stage and there is to be no violence. Lucifer has called this meeting of the high council of supernaturals to listen to her monsters problems and to try and fix the issues. 

The monsters that are brought to the Goddess and the King's and Queens are either for a crime or to ask a favour, or they will be given a mission. At the front of the throne room are big doors and a beautiful voluptuous black woman. She is Mazikeen Lilith's daughter and Maris twin sister there father is Abaddon a fallen angel. Lucifer made her a vampire not long after giving birth to them. Mazikeen is Lucifer's high general and in charge of running hell and torturing souls.

"Maze please bring in your sister Ameerah." Lucifer orders.

Mazikeen scoffs at this but opens the door and Ameerah walks in looking like a Goddess of beauty. She walks like royalty up to the thrones and takes a seat in the chair across from them.

"State your purpose for being here Princess?" Lucifer asked.

"I wish to be with Amon, but you and mother are keeping me away for some strange reason." Ameerah says angrily.

"This is not a valid purpose to come before us Princess Ameerah." Maris says to his sister with a smirk, like Mazikeen he doesn't like Ameerah as there mother favors her over them, Ameerah scowls at him.

"Your brother is correct my darling, we have more important matters than your little crush." Lilith tells her. Ameerah stares daggers at her mother.

"Crush? I fell in love and wanted to make him, but you forbade me from doing it, then you let Vlad turn him, and now he's dead. If your lot are not careful, Amon is going to bring the supernaturals down on your heads if you go against him." Ameerah tells them.

Luna the Queen of the magicals looks at her sister Selene the other Queen as Sabrina is her daughter and is friends with Celeste.

"If no harm befalls my darling daughter Sabrina I'll consider with my husband and sister a truce with Amon and Katherine." Luna tells the other rulers. 

Then the King, Damien stands looking like a Greek god in his toga and long blonde hair and rippling muscles.

"I agree with my wife on this. But no harm can come to our daughter." Damien says then sits down. Selene knows she's out voted so doesn't say anything even though she agrees with her husband and sister, Ethan stands

"I am friends with Amon, and I'll make a bond, so no wolf can harm him." he tells them all.

"I like Amon, but I make no promises like that, but as long as he keeps out of my business then I'll leave the vampire alone." Maris states. Everyone turns to Lilith

"I make no promises either, the high vampire council can deal with Amon." Lilith tells them. Everyone claps then Lucifer stamps her pitchfork on the ground.

"Ameerah my dear, what do you think we should do?" Lucifer asks her.

"Let Amon and Katherine have there fun with Alucard then send representative from your respected children to inform Amon on what you are going to do. I offer myself to speak to him on my mother's behalf, as we know Leon will only send Layla." Ameerah tells them with a smile.

"I agree with you Ameerah and you will represent the vampires but on two conditions." Lucifer tells her. Ameerah looks her.

"What are your conditions my Goddess?" Ameerah asked, knowing that she's not going to like what is said, but she holds herself like the princess that she is.

"You can not tell Amon, about that you were sent to kill him when he was young and that I was behind all the attempts on his life." She tells her.

"Of course my Goddess, I would never betray you." She tells her and means it, to a degree.

"The second condition is that under no circumstances are you to tell Amon of your feelings for him." Lucifer tells her. Ameerah looks at her in a rage.

"You can't be serious my Goddess." She says.

"Oh, but I am and to make sure that you stick to the conditions I'll be watching and listening to you. If you break these conditions, Mazikeen will be your jailer for 100 years. Is this clear child?" She commands. Ameerah stands up then curtsies.

"Yes my Goddess. Thank you high council of supernaturals for seeing me today." Ameerah says to them, then walks out of the throne room, once she has gone and the door is shut.

"Amon told me that he felt like someone was trying to kill him when he was a child, and you were behind it this whole time. Did my father know of this?" Ethan asked.

"Of course he did, your brother was to be next if Vlad failed. You are forbidden from speaking of this to Amon. Do I make myself clear Ethan?" Lucifer says with a stern voice.

"Of course my Goddess, just shocked that I didn't know of this. I believe that my brother and father would have met the same outcome if Vlad failed. So I don't really give two shits what you did in the past." He tells her.

"Mazikeen send in the next one." Lucifer tells her, Mazikeen opens the door and in walks Richard, he walks to the chair with his head down. He bows to the council then sits down.

"State your reasons for being here Prince Alucard." Lucifer commands.

"I've been reading through Marcus and Vlad's journals, and it says that Amon will play a vital part in the End of Days war. Is this true?" Alucard asked.

"That is true, but you don't need to know this." Lilith says to him.

"But I do my Queen and as Prince of my line and a member of the council of vampires I have a right to know who I have available in my army." Alucard demands, this makes Lilith laugh.

"It is not your army, I answer to Lucifer and the vampires answer to me, so it's my army. So you don't need to know anything about Amon, is that clear Alucard?" She shouts at him, he shakes his head.

"No it doesn't, because the Black Sea Scrolls speak of Amon as someone who can tip the scales for either side. So if he decides to fight for your father, we all could be fucked." He says to them with confidence.

"He is a soulless vampire, why would he fight for my father?" Lucifer asked.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, but it's not a chance I'm willing to take, let me take care of him, and take him out completely. With him gone we still have Katherine, and she loves you two." Alucard says to them.

Lucifer thinks about his proposal for a few minutes.

"You have a deal. But I have conditions." She says with a smile. Alucard nods at her.

"Thank you my Goddess, what are your conditions?" Alucard asked her.

"You have free rain to kill Amon and Katherine, but you can only use vampires, and Amon and Katherine will not be judged by anyone for their actions if you fail. Is this clear Prince Alucard?" She commands of him. Alucard doesn't like his options, but they are better than nothing.

"I accept your conditions my Goddess, thank you for seeing me high council of supernaturals." He says then bows and walks out.

"If the next person is a vampire or if it's anything to do with Amon I'm leaving. Lilith get your people inline." Damien says to her. Lilith changes into her vampire face in anger.

"Watch yourself boy, you forget I'm the original supernatural and not to be fucked with." She says then changes back to her human face. Damien laughs.

"you are beautiful when you are angry." This makes everyone chuckle. Lucifer bangs her pitchfork on the floor for silence.

"Mazikeen send in the last one please darling." Lucifer tells her.

"About fucking time I'm getting board." Mazikeen says under her breath. 

She opens the door and in skips Aurora she skips to the chair and sits down and puts her feet up and relaxes.

"State your business Aurora." Lucifer commands her.

"My mother and father sent me to tell you all that if anyone helps Alucard they'll come for you." Aurora says to them with a smile on her face.

"We don't take threats lightly little girl." Maris says to her, Aurora just puts her fingers together and Maris' mouth is closed shut as if there was no mouth there, this makes Mazikeen laugh and the others.

"My word his voice annoys me." She says with a chuckle. Rage fills Maris' eyes, and he makes a powerful fireball and throws it at Aurora who catches it and begins to inspect it then throws it back, and he gets thrown from his seat and onto the floor.

This shocks everyone as Maris is very powerful and could go toe to toe with an angel. So to be taken down by a young witch is shocking to see.

"There is no violence here Aurora. Sort Maris' mouth out." She says to her, Aurora waves her hand and Maris' mouth is normal again, but he's still unconscious.

"You've heard my parents words, respect them." She says.

Lucifer uses a fraction of her powers and lifts Aurora off the ground, and she begins to choke.

"You do not come in here making demands and attacking members of this council. Don't forget who your real parents are child." Lucifer says to her, then lets her drop to the floor, and she lands on her feet. She looks up and glares at her.

"I know who my parents are mother, you and Michael left me in that orphanage and then gave me to the most ruthless vampires in the world, they could have killed me. But you didn't care and neither did father. But they loved me and raised me as their own in secret. Katherine is my real mother not you. You've been warned all of you." She says then goes to walk out

Mazikeen is about to stop her but Lucifer waves her out, Mazikeen can see the sadness on her face. She loves Aurora, but couldn't keep her as she could be used against her. So she gave her to Katherine and Amon for them to do with as they so fit. She is a true Angel but has been raised as a witch. Lucifer told her who she was on her 21st birthday, and they've had a rocky relationship ever since.

November 13th 1789 

Paris France. Amon and Katherine are sat in her dinning room having a nice drink with some of Chris' homemade mutton stew.

"Oh my goodness this is so good." Katherine says.

"I told you that it was good, but you never believe me." Amon says with smile. Then a portal opens out walks Aurora, with tears in her eyes. Katherine sees this and is instantly wrapping her in her arms.

"What is wrong sunshine? Who upset you?" Katherine demands, Aurora looks at her

"My mother upset me." She tells her.

"Trina what did you do to her?" Amon demands sounding very mad.

"I didn't do anything darling." Katherine says sounding rather upset that she's done something to upset Aurora.

"Not you. My real mother, the one who gave birth to me." She tells her.

"Your parents where killed by Witch Hunters and you were put in the orphanage until Lucifer found you and gave you to us." Aurora says, sounding rather confused.

Amon steps up to Aurora and puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Lucifer is her mother, and her father is Michael." Amon tells her. Adele looks at him.

"How do you know this?" Aurora asked. He kisses her forehead and grabs some of her hair.

"It's the same color as Hell fire, and you have your mother's nose and smile, you kiss like your mother, and you have her temper, but you have your father's eyes sunshine." He explains to her, then flames appear and Lucifer steps out.

"No putting one over on you Amon. You do know that no one can ever know she's my daughter, the Angels will try to kill her." Lucifer says to them. Katherine walks up to Lucifer and gets in her face.

"She's my fucking daughter, I was the one who read her to sleep, taught her to read and write, get dressed, feed her bath her. You may have given birth to her. But I raised her, she's mine, and I love her like my own." Katherine says to her.

"That she is Katherine, and I'm so grateful for what you both did for her." Lucifer tells them, she is to a point, but she's mad that Katherine messed with her mind.

"Then why are you here Lucy?" Aurora asked her.

"To make sure that this secret stays secret, I know I can trust you two thank you so much." Lucifer says to them. 

Katherine strokes Aurora's cheek with a smile on her face. Amon puts his arm around them both.

"Are you staying for the sex Lucy?" Amon asked with a cheeky grin.

"Sadly no, but have fun you three, and Aurora I do love you, and I believe that I did the right thing giving you to these two. They really do love you and I couldn't ask for better parents to raise my little girl." Lucifer tells her with a smile and then flames out, Aurora looks at the table.

"Is that Chris' homemade mutton stew?" She asked with excitement. Chris walks out with a bowl for her

"Yes it is and this is yours." He tells her and all four sit around the table and dig into the food.

"So what's new with you guys?" Aurora asked.

"Your mother was just about to tell us about the person she fell in love with, while she was on her travels." Amon tells her.

"You and Claudia was so good together." Aurora says, then goes back to eating her stew. Amon just stares at her.

"Claudia? As in Sebastian's Claudia?" Amon asked Katherine.

"Yes, that Claudia." Katherine says with shame in her voice, because she knows that she shouldn't have gotten involved with her.

"Are you mental, they're a cult. You shouldn't be getting involved with them. Evan Vlad told us this, how could you be so stupid Trina?" Amon says with disappointment in his voice.

"You are just jealous because she turned you down in 1678 when Vlad was dragging us to every ball in the world." Katherine says back to him with a smile. Chris walks in with a bowl for himself and begins to eat.

"Wow someone turned you down father, I didn't think that there was a woman alive who hasn't fallen for your charm." Aurora says with a smirk to annoy him.

"Is she attractive?" Chris asked with a mouth full of food.

"Oh she is gorgeous, long flowing blonde hair, long toned legs, nice sized breast and a really great ass." Katherine tells him.

"So you fell for her? Shut up Aurora." Amon says, Aurora sticks her tongue out at him.

"I really did, but she wouldn't leave Sebastian, so I left. I told her that I'd ask her one more time to leave with me. There won't be a third." Katherine tells them.

"Can't believe that you told Rory and not me." Amon says with hurt in voice.

"Irina also knew before you as well." Aurora says laughing.

"Stop annoying Benny boy, that's my job. I've turned him down, and I've been doing it for over a hundred years." Katherine says with pride.

At that point Aurora had taken a sip of her wine and spat it out all over Chris and just starts laughing. Chris just wipes his face and carries on eating.

"You two have done everything but have sex, if you are scared of his monster, take it from me. You get used to it." Aurora says with a seductive smile. Katherine just shakes her head at her daughter.

"I'm not scared of it. We just never had before." Katherine states.

"Well Persephone's out of the picture now, maybe you can just give it ago. You'll be amazing together. Just the three of us like it should be. And if Amy comes back the four of us." Aurora says, even though she's never met Amy.

"I love your father, but it won't work with us. Plus I'd end up killing him." She says then leans over the table and kisses him on the lips.

"I love your mother, but I value my life more." He says with a smile.

"I just think that you would be great together." Aurora says sounding rather disappointed.

"We are great together as best friends, us not being together hasn't stopped your wonderful upbringing has it?" Katherine asked her.

"I just wished that I wasn't a secret mother." Aurora says.

"It's not forever, just a few more years my sunshine." Amon tells her, this makes Aurora smile.

"That's fantastic father, once I've tired Chris out I'll let you stretch me out if you want?" Everyone just stops eating and stares at her. She just smiles and carries on drinking her wine and eating her stew.