Chapter 15

September 6th 1800 

Essex England, the Ledger estate. A few months ago a male and female vampire came looking for Katherine as they had a Hunter chasing them, Katherine offered them protection as the female Summer was Felix blood oathed Childe. They had been sent to spy on Katherine and Amon, and they were purposely leading the Hunter to them.

The male vampire was Conrad he was Celeste's Childe he is over a hundred years older than Katherine and Amon, but Summer is 10 years younger than them. Katherine met Summer while she was traveling with Felix. The vampires acted like they were madly in love with each other, but Katherine seduced Conrad and Amon has been fucking Summer for the past few weeks.

Conrad is currently tied up in the basement as Katherine had enough of their lies, so she's torturing him. She has him stripped naked and is pulling his toe nails out while sucking his manhood. Aurora is behind him licking his arsehole, then she's shoving hot pokers up him, he screams out in pleasure and pain.

"Oh mother this is fun, we should do this more often." Aurora says with a wicked smile on her face, Katherine takes her mouth off his manhood.

"You are right sunshine, this is fun."

Then goes back to pulling his toe nails out and listens to him cry out in pain. She tells Aurora to play with his cock, and she lays down on her belly and brings out a small knife and begins to slowly cut the flesh out of where is toe nails use to be. She gets a small spoon and begins spooning the flesh out of the hole in his big toes. Then she starts slowly pealing the flesh from his left foot and takes it back to bone, until from his ankle down is just a foot bone. Then she does the same to his other foot. Aurora just stabs him in the stomach and opens him up and plays with his insides. Conrad's voice is completely broken with all the screaming he did.

"I'm hungry let's play with him tomorrow once he's healed my sunshine." Katherine says to her, Aurora links her arm, and they make their way upstairs.

"I'm going to see if father wants to come out." Aurora says to her and makes her way up to Amon's room, which used to be Katherine's brothers room when they were growing up.

Amon met Katherine's brother Oskar loads of times growing up as he came hunting with his family over the years. When Aurora reaches Amon's bedroom his door is open and Summer has her hands tied up and is sat on Amon's manhood riding him and squealing in delight.

"AHH YES AMON! I'M COMING! AHH YES!" She cries out.

Amon sits up and takes one of her nice breasts in his mouth the rolls her off him and puts her legs on his shoulders and just starts plowing into her. She begins moaning and screaming out in pleasure. Aurora walks over and kneels on the bed next to Summer and offers herself to him. He pulls out of Summer and enters Aurora, this makes Aurora scream in shock. Amon instructs Summer to get on all fours and Amon plows into Aurora then he'll switch between Summer and back and forth. They both scream in erotic ecstasy. Amon empties himself inside of Summer and all three collapse on the bed.

"That was great, but mother wants to go hunting tonight." Aurora says then gets up and walks out, Amon nods and gets up to leave.

"Can I come hunting as well? I need feeling in my legs first." Summer giggled out as she's never been this satisfied before, before Amon can answer he hears Katherine.

"Benny boy, there's a man here called Stefan that wants to see you." Amon blurs around the room and once the blur stops Amon is fully dressed.

He nods towards Aurora who smiles then smiles at Summer and in the next moment Summer is tied up in the basement next to Conrad, and she screams once she sees him. Amon makes his way downstairs and Thana and Stefan are standing in the parlour waiting for him. He nods at Katherine towards the study and all four walk into the study. Amon and Katherine sit in their throne like chairs and Thana and Stefan sit in the chairs opposite them.

"So what is the bounty Stefan?" Amon asked.

"Two hundred pieces of gold." He replied then produced the bag and empties it on the table.

Amon nods and smiles. Katherine clicks her fingers and Charon appears out of the shadows with two coin bags. Katherine takes the bags and kisses his cloaked cheek. Then he disappears into the shadows.

"Where the fuck did he come from and where did he go?" Thana asked quite shocked at what she's just witnessed.

"Charon can do that." Is all Katherine says with a smile.

"There's 500 gold pieces in each bag, that should be enough." Amon states to Stefan.

He nods and grabs the bags and is about to walk out when there is a knock on the door. Everyone looks at each other confused. Amon gets up to answer the door, and he is presented with a tall built man with long dark hair and a slight beard.

"I'm looking for Summer and Conrad?" The man says, Amon can sense power and strength from this huge man.

"They are in the basement being tortured, for being spy's." Amon says with a smirk.

"They killed my brother and his wife and their children I want them." The man says to him.

"Come back in a week, and they're all yours mate." Amon tells him.

"Either step aside or I'll take them by force." The man says angrily.

"Who do you think you are? Trying to muscle your way into my sister's home like this." Amon asked him, then Katherine walks into view and the man recognizes her.

"Pulchra Creaturae we meet again." He says.

"Hello Kirk, it's been a long time. How's Rupert and Mark doing?" She asked like they are old friends.

"You know this guy Kat?" Amon asked.

"Oh yes Amon, this is Kirk Maguire, him and his cousins Rupert and Mark are Wolf Hunters. They work with Claudia now and again." Katherine tells them.

"We don't work with her, we just don't like wolves." Kirk says.

Then 30 armed men and women come barreling through the door and grab Amon, Katherine, Thana and Stefan and subdue them onto their knees.

"Never thought this was how it ends for us Benny boy." Katherine says to him.

"You worry too much fat ass." He says to her. Then all of a sudden everyone apart from six people fall down dead.

Then walking through the front door is a person completely covered in black and there face covered, pulls out a Samaria sword and kills 5 men leaving Kirk alive. Amon stands up and walks over to Kirk who can't believe what's just happened.

"How did you know Summer and Conrad was here?" Amon asked then grab him by the throat and lifted him off the ground.

"We got a tip in a letter, and it was signed with the letter J at the bottom." Kirk says, Katherine looks at Amon

"Judas" she says.

"That's what I thought, you can come back in a week, and they'll be tied up and waiting for you outside." Amon says to Kirk who he lets down, and then he runs off.

Thana and Stefan grabs their gold and leave also. Aurora steps out of the shadows and links Amon's arm. Katherine turns to the cloaked figure.

"Thank you for helping us, but who are you?" She asked.

The figure, pulls her hood down to reveal long red hair and then her mask to reveal Amy. Amon runs over to her and swoops her up in her arms.

"I've missed you father." She says then kisses him deeply.

"I've missed you to Amy, but what are you doing here? It's not safe to be around me and Kat." He says to her. Katherine walks over and hugs her.

"It's good to see you again Amy, but Benny boy is right, it's not safe around us." Katherine says. They take this into the study and Charon pours everyone a glass of rum, they all sit down

"I've been traveling the world and learning to fight better, then I became a mercenary, there's a large bounty on your heads from Alucard. You guys are my family I came to see if you needed my help. I swear this on my blood." She says then offers her wrist up Amon walks to her and bites into her wrist, then pulls his head back.

"She's telling the truth," he tells them, Aurora looks confused.

"How can you tell that?" She asked.

"It's a spell, when you say the words I swear on my, you know. If a vampire drinks from you, you can see there whole life flash through." Katherine tells her. Amon gets on his knees and looks Amy in the eyes.

"It's dangerous my red vengeance, I love you, and I'm so happy that you're here and alive, but you need to go. When this is over with, you'll always have a home with me, never forget that." Amon tells her, she has tears in her eyes.

She bends down and kisses his lips then gets up and leaves without saying a word. Aurora looks at her parents and can tell that they're upset.

"So that was Amy?" She asked. Katherine just smiles at her.

"Yes that was your sister Amy, your father made her in 1695." Katherine says chuckling.

"Oh I bet Persephone wasn't happy when you came home with her." Aurora asked with a giggle. Amon just ignores them and takes himself upstairs. 

April 17th 1802

Alucard and Persephone are lying in bed after having sex in Marcus castle which is now Alucard's. Alucard looks completely satisfied, Persephone not so much.

"Wow is it me or does this get better every time we do it?" Alucard asked her. Persephone strokes the hairs on Alucard's muscular chest.

"It truly does, I don't think I've ever come so much before." Persephone lies.

Because in the last decade she's hardly comes once, she hates the fact that he always smells of Max. She wants to leave, but she feels compelled to obey Alucard. Alucard kisses her head. As great a lover Max is, there's just something about Pulchritudo that really does it for him, she's by far the best fuck he's ever had, and he's had Celeste and Vlad's three wives. Probably has something to do with her being Amon's lover first, and now she keeps his bed warm.

"Over a decade and they still haven't attack and every assassin I've sent after them, they've killed, or they've gone missing, how are they still alive they are young not even 150 yet." Alucard rants.

"You've underestimated them my love, they've done more in there short life's than vampires who have been around since before Jesus," Persephone say with a smug smile on her face.

"Well the assassin that Judas has sent will kill them, he's over a thousand years old, he's never failed according to Judas. But Amon and Katherine are just going about there life's, like nothing is wrong, even Katherine is powerful, after all the assassins I sent after her and she killed them all and these are meant to be the best assassins in the world, I don't know how they are doing it". He continues to rant.

"Is this why you've not sent Cassius after them?" She asks him.

"I won't risk him just like you won't risk Eli." He says to her, she just nods at him.

Persephone knows now after only 10 years that she's made a mistake. But she can't leave him, she needs Alucard and craves his power. Then there is a knock at the door, Alucard covers up Persephone then shouts

"Enter and this better be good," the door opens and in walks a minion with its head down.

"A large crate has just arrived master addressed to you my Prince." Alucard quickly climbs out of bed and gets dressed, Persephone does the same. 

Once dressed they head downstairs, where Judas, Antony, Celeste and Max are waiting for them.

"Has no one opened it?" Alucard asked.

"No my Prince we were waiting for you," a minion said, Persephone ran over and ripped his heart out, and he turned to dust,

"How dare you speak like that to your master." Persephone said to the pile of dust.

"Stand it up, then open it," Alucard commands.

The minions stand it up and then open the crate. Inside is the thousand-year-old assassin Demitri but he had no legs, no arms and was missing his, tongue, and eyes. His head was bolted to the crate, so he couldn't move.

"How did they do this to him?" Judas asked. Alucard walks to the crate and says

"Moan once for yes, and twice for no, do you understand me?" Alucard asked, the assassin moans once.

"Good, did Amon and Katherine do this to you?" he moans once again.

"Did they have any help?" He moans twice.

In the next instance an arrow goes through the assassin's heart, and he turned to dust and buries itself in Alucard's left shoulder just above his heart, with a note attached to it. Alucard screamed in pain and pulls the arrow out of himself and sees the note, he grabs it off the arrow and reads it

"Hay Willy Amon here, just a warning, call off all the assassin's and leave me and Katherine alone, and we'll leave you alone, this is a truce, the next arrows won't miss. It's over, you have a great life and so will we. Goodbye. PS your scar looks beautiful."

Alucard crumbles up the letter and turns to Judas,

"It's over they've won but are willing to let us carry on with our plans, and they won't interfere if we just leave them alone." Alucard says. Judas gets mad, and he changes into his vampire face and marches over to Alucard.

"Are you mad, they need to be sto" an arrow went through his chest and turned him to dust, before he could finish what he was saying, it also had a note on it Richard grabs it and reads it.

"Hello Katherine here Benny boy said that I wouldn't miss, the next one goes through Celeste, then you and I'll personally come for Persephone and Max." Fear crawls up everyone's spine except for Antony.

Outside moments ago are Amon and Katherine on a mountain ridge overlooking Alucard's castle, both with spyglasses, but Katherine has attached hers to a crossbow that she took off a Hunter several years ago.

Amon just finishing writing the note and attached it to an arrow which he gives to Katherine

"Don't kill Willy Trina," Amon says laughing, the last decade has been brilliant, it's been like they've never been apart.

"I can at least hit him," she says laughing.

"Of course, try left shoulder right above his heart, if you think you can do that, it's a hard shot" Amon says teasing her.

"Watch and learn Benny boy," she pulls the trigger, and it goes through the crate and into Alucard's left shoulder.

They see a light flickering, from Antony which means she got the assassin.

"Yes what a shot, and you said it was hard, who should I kill if Antony signals us?" She says as she begins to write her note quickly and attached it to a new arrow and sits and waits for the signal. Katherine and Amon both look at each other and at the same time say

"Judas." A light flickers and the arrow is let loose and Judas is dust.

"I really hope they like my note," Katherine says with a smile.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Amon asked Katherine with his trademark smirk.

"I'm thinking a massacre, it's been so long since we did that," she kisses his lips gently.

"Ok, but I want to have a beer I just have a thing at the moment for German beer," he replied, then he slaps her ass.

"Oww what was that for?" She asked him rather cross.

"No reason, I just love slapping and grabbing your fat ass." He tells her while laughing.

"Fuck you Benny boy, my ass is not fat." She tells him with a glare.

He smiles then reaches over cups her chin and kisses her deeply. He stands up and helps her up, and then they gather there things and start heading down the mountain where Charon and a few minions are waiting for them at a carriage.

"James, take us to the nearest town I think everyone here deserves a bite to eat." Katherine says with a wicked smile. This gets a cheer from all the minions

"Very good mistress," he replied. They set off and Katherine just curls up to Amon,

"I'm so glad it's over," she says.

"Me too kitten, but we'll still have to be careful for a few years," he says and kisses her forehead.

"Yea because of your ex Astrid," Catherine glares at him.

Amon just shrugged and looked out of the carriage window thinking about Astrid and can't believe she betrayed him.

"How long do you think we'll be together this time Ben?" Katherine asked.

"Until you decide to leave me again, because at the end of day, we are not lovers and never have been," he says laughing.

She lifts his head off his chest, puts her hand on his face then kisses him.

"If we were to be lovers I'd want to be your mate, because I couldn't share you with anyone" this shocked Amon.

"If that is the main reason to mate with me and I do think we would be a great match, it's not a good enough reason." Amon says to her.

"I know it's just since Aurora spoke about us, I've been thinking about their being an us. But I probably would kill you, for one of your stupid pranks." She giggles to him, this makes him smile as well.

"Plus you still haven't spoken to me about Felix, you've told me about Claudia, but not him." he says to her.

"I can't talk about him, I love Claudia, and it hurts not being with her. But I was in love with Felix and I held him as he died in my arms. So I don't like to talk about him." Katherine says to him.

He kisses her lips, and they ride the rest of the way in silence, he could hear the lie in her voice, there's more to the story.

May 4th 1805

Russia, Godfrey's estate. Stuart, Godfrey, Amon and Katherine are sat around talking about the council.

"We are putting a vote together to reinstate both your titles," Godfrey says.

"How many do you need to reinstate us both?" Katherine asked.

"We need 7 votes, we have 11 for Katherine and 9 for you Amon, the next council meeting is being held in person by Lilith at one of her homes in Portugal in August." Stuart says.

"Told you people loved me more and only tolerate you," Katherine says laughing.

"What happens if I'm reinstated?" Amon asked.

"You kill Willy and become the new Prince of our line." Katherine says.

"I don't want to be a council member or the new Prince and neither do you Katherine, I'm not interested in the political nonsense, I'd much rather be out there causing mayhem. I just miss being invited to party's, as Lord everyone has to invite me, or it seems that they are openly challenging me." He says with a smile.

"So let me guess, Willy didn't vote for me and Willy, Philip, and Louis never voted for Ben. Is that correct?" Katherine asked, Stuart just laughed

"That's exactly right. Everyone from the Marcus line except Jack, voted against you black boy." He tells them with a smile and Katherine chuckles.

"So out of curiosity, if I was to kill everyone in Marcus line who's on the council. Who would be on the council?" Katherine asked. Because if she likes the answer she's killing them all or making them step down.

"I would become Prince, even though it should be Cole before me, you, Persephone and Lucas because as a male, he has more right than Emma, even though Emma is older than him by a few moments." Amon tells her. 

Katherine gets a slight glint in her eyes and Amon notice this and so does Stuart and Godfrey.

"If I was to kill Persephone who would get her seat?" She asked smiling.

"If she's not sired anyone then it goes to the next oldest which would be Emma and I'd make Amy become my heir as Dagon is part of Stuart's court and no title because he's from a different line." Amon says.

"That's not true, I've made him my heir as he's mated to my only Childe Laura." He tells them.

Amon just looks at him and shakes his head as Dagon is like his name, a complete snake who can't be trusted.

"This sounds amazing to me."

"Why would you pick Amy and not Lucas as technically he is the eldest?" Katherine asked Amon.

"Amy is my favourite and always has been and always will be, plus she's mine, Lucas is mine but he's also yours. I really only have Amy now." Amon tells her.

"Thanks for clearing that up for me Benny Boy." Katherine says giggling.

She gets up and kisses Amon on the lips very passionately. Then walks away.

"Where are you going Kat?" Amon asked her.

"I'm hungry and horny, so I'm going to shag and eat someone." She says with a wink and a smirk. 

She walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

"She's going to find and kill Jack, Louis and Philip isn't she Amon?" Godfrey asked. Amon just shakes his head at what she's going to do.

"I have no clue what you are talking about council member Godfrey." Amon says with a smirk. By vampire law, if a member of the council has been targeted, if you are a council member you have to tell them, Godfrey just nods at him.

"Very well. I'd like your advice on something before I leave for the New world after Christmas." Godfrey says.

"Why are you going to America? What advice do you need my friend?" Amon asked.

"I'm getting into the slave trade and have bought land and a home in New Orleans. The advice is of my brother Mikael and his wolf problem. Alucard want's to launch a full scale attack and wipe them out and make the survivors our slaves." Godfrey tells him, as he likes this idea as this was how it used to be before the revolution.

"Willy is moron, it's only the Budapest wolves that Sebastian and Mikael have problems with. Ethan doesn't cause Stuart any problems. So I don't think that it's a good idea. The wolves of the world could retaliate to this, as an act of war." Amon states.

"And you say you don't like politics black boy." Stuart says giggling. Godfrey and Amon both laugh as well.

"Sabrina has got Max reinstated and was trying to rally the magicals to help take you and Katrina down. But someone named Aurora beat them to the punch and out of the two hundred high standing magics, one hundred and eighty sided with her to help you two." Godfrey says rather confused.

"You have to understand Ben that Sabrina is Damien and Luna's daughter, she's a Princess, no one is higher than her except her parents and her aunt Selene. So this Aurora must be very powerful to make the magicals side with her over the Princess." Stuart says to him and Amon just smiles.

"Speaking of Princesses, the Princess wants to see you, she'll be here in a few hours. You know Aurora don't you?" Godfrey asked him.

"I do and that's all you need to know my friend. So the Princess, is she as beautiful as they say?" Amon asked with a smile, he'd love to bed a princess. Katherine told him she was gorgeous.

"You said I was beautiful when I took your virtue Benjamin." A voice from behind him says. 

He spins round and sees Ameerah looking just like he remembers her, she was wearing jewellery in her hair that made her brown hair sparkle, a slim fitting black dress that went into a V shape in the front to show off her beautiful big breasts, the dress went all the way to her ankles with a slit up past her thighs on both sides to show off her magnificent brown toned legs and a long flowing cloak with a hood on it.

He stares at her in disbelief that she's here the woman that took his virginity.

"Ameerah?" He says not believing what he's seeing.

"Yes it's me Benjamin, it's so good to see." She says and wraps her arms around him into a hug, and he holds her. Getting her scent in his nose as he never wants to forget her scent.

She smells like strawberries, roses and sunlight.

"I've never forgotten about you Ameerah." Amon tells her.

"I've never forgotten about you neither Benjamin nor our last night together, under the tree of Louise's grave. It was very special to me that night." She tells him.

Stuart and Godfrey bow to her and walk out because this is a private matter. Ameerah and Amon sit down, and she takes his hands in hers and just stares at him with such love in her eyes of. She's been around for thousands of years the Third oldest vampire in the world, and she's never felt love like she does for the man sat next to her.

"It was special to me as well, I was upset, and you comforted me. I can't believe that you're the princess, I tried to find you after our night together and even a decade after I became a vampire. I stopped because I thought you were human and would probably be dead." Amon tells her.

"I know you did, I've been watching you from a far. When I told mother of you, I wasn't allowed to turn you as I'm only allowed to turn a female." Ameerah tells him.

"Why now, why not come to me years ago, we could have mated and been together for eternity. I never stopped thinking about you." Amon tells her.

She lifts her hand to his cheek and strokes it.

"That's sweet Benjamin, but we can never be. I'm destined to be Queen and I can't have a mate if I'm to be Queen. I'm sorry, but I do have some things to tell you. Then we are going to fuck like it's our last night on earth is that clear?" She says to him, Amon can tell that something is off, and he can see the love in her eyes and the hurt in there as well, and he could taste the lies. But he'll give her what they've both wanted for nearly 150 years.

"Yes that's clear. What is it that you wish to tell me princess?" He says with a smirk, she giggles and slaps his chest.

"I'm representing the vampires to tell you that you and Katherine are free of any changes, and you are both reinstated with your titles. No need for a vote now. My mother will be telling the council at the next meeting." She tells him.

Amon smiles and strokes his hand up her beautiful smooth legs. He leans in and kisses her, she melts into his kisses, she puts her hands around his neck and sits on his lap not breaking the kiss. Amon slides his hands up her thighs to her smooth big toned ass and begins squeezing her ass cheeks. She moans into his mouth and begins rubbing herself on his growing manhood. She pulls back and looks like she could rip his clothes off. Then her eyes go behind him.

"Why did you stop?" Amon asked. 

Then he hears a heartbeat and spins his head round and sees a rather large male slave.

"Princess where would you like your things putting? We also need to do that thing." He says to her, with a wink and a smirk.

"Just put them in Benjamin's room, if that's ok with him." Ameerah says.

"Yes that's fine with me princess." He says with a grin, she giggles and slaps his chest playfully.

"I'm sorry, Heka this is Benjamin that I told you about. See he's not made up. Benjamin this is Heka my best friend and my warlock." She tells him with a chuckle. Heka extends his hand and Amon shakes it.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I honestly thought she made you up in her head. I've never heard of a vampire called Benjamin, do you go by another name?" Heka asked.

"Yes I'm Amon." He says to him.

Heka's jaw drops wide open. He looks at Ameerah, and she shakes her head to him.

"Wow Amon, I've met some famous supernaturals in my time, but you are amazing my friend. Lady Katherine isn't with you by any chance is she?" Heka asked rather excited.

"She's out hunting, she should be back in a few hours." He tells him.

"That's fantastic, it'll be nice to see her again. Come on Ameerah you can ride his so-called magic cock later I need to speak to you now." He tells her. Ameerah kisses Amon's lips and climbs off his knee.

"Come to your room in an hour I'll be waiting for you handsome." She tells him, then she leaves the room with Heka.

An hour later Amon is walking to his room with a bottle of rum and two glasses. He thinks about knocking but then realized that it's his room and just walks in. He finds Ameerah still in her dress but all her jewelry and tiara is on the side, and she's taken her shoes off and is just laying on the bed with a glass of blood wine and a book.

"What are you reading beautiful?" Amon asked her.

"I was reading Romeo and Juliet before I was rudely interrupted. What do you have there handsome?" She asked with a smile.

"This gorgeous is my favorite rum and I want to share a glass with you." He says, she downs her wine then puts her glass down.

Amon pours them both a glass, and before they clink glasses.

"To old friends handsome." She says "to old friends beautiful." He replies then they clink glasses, and they take a sip. Ameerah moans out.

"Wow that is amazing, where is this from Benjamin?" She asks him.

"From Barbados, where the slave part of me is from." He tells her.

She puts her drink on the side then kneels In front of Amon and stroke his face.

"You where never slave Benjamin. You are a God made flesh." She says to him and begins kissing him.

They both moan into the kiss. Amon puts his hands up her dress and squeezes her ass and pulls her closer to him. He brings his hands up and begins to raise her dress up over her head. He pulls back to admire her perfect body, lust fills his eyes as he smells her arousal.

"Lay down on your stomach Ameerah, I want to give you a massage." He says to her, she does as she's in structured. She sees Amon begin to remove his clothes.

"You didn't need an excuse to touch me, handsome. I'm yours to do with as you wish all night long Benjamin." She says with a chuckle and gives her ass a little wiggle.

He gets completely naked and sits down at her feet, he lifts her left foot to him and begins to rub the soles of her feet with both hands and his thumbs are working the bones on her toes, he bends down and kisses her ankle.

"Fucking hell this is good." She moans out. After a few minutes he changes to her right foot and does the same.

Then he kneels in-between her legs and spreads them slightly and begins rubbing her calves, one hand on each leg. There seems to be a damp patch forming on the bed, she moans out in relaxation and pleasure. He moves up to her thighs, using both hands on one thigh then working on the other. He moves down the bed and bends down and begins gently kissing up her leg from her ankles, the closer he gets to her pussy her arousal becomes more intoxicating. He moves his hands to her ass cheeks, on instinct Ameerah's knees come up and Amon moves in and starts kissing and nibbling her ass cheeks.

He licks up her ass crack and this makes Ameerah moan. She bends farther forward, so he can get better access to her ass. He begins licking her asshole, using one hand to squeeze one cheek open, and he uses his other hand to go in-between her legs, which is wet through, and he begins to gently tease her clit.

"AHH yes Ben, that feels so good." She moans out.

He rolls her over onto her back, and she gets to see his manhood for the first time in other a century. She gulps, she says remembers him being big, but he's grown.

"My word he's got bigger, I was sore for days after last time." She says with a seductive smile.

"Well I was 15 at the time. I want to taste you." He says to her with a smile.

He puts her legs on his shoulders and begins kissing and nibbling down her legs until he's eye level with her clean-shaven pussy, he opens her legs slightly and inhales her scent. His face changes but he doesn't care. He begins kissing her lips and gently sticking his tongue between her folds.

She opens her legs more for him, so he can see her more. He begins slightly licking her clit, circling it with his tongue, he moves his hands up to play with her breasts. He pinches her nipples, never loosing rhythm on her pussy.

She begins moaning out, louder and louder, she can feel herself about to come he body begins to heat up and goosebumps begin appearing all over her body. Her nipples feel on fire, her clit begins to stiffen. She takes her left hand and runs it through her hair as she feels so hot, and her right hand is on the back of Amon's head as she doesn't want him to move or stop.

If someone was to walk in, they would think that Ameerah is possessed she's flaying about so much.

"AHH YES BEN! YES I'M COMING! AHH!" She screams out and her body jolts forward and her other hand comes over and grabs Amon's head, and she begins squirting all over his face, he doesn't stop licking her, and she begins grinding her pussy in his face to try and ride out as much of her orgasm as she can. 

She collapses on to the bed, completely spent. Amon looks at his beautiful princess.

"That was just the start, I hope you're ready for more gorgeous?" He says to her. She looks down at him, and he looks like he's been caught in a down pour. She reaches down and cups his cheeks to bring him up to her.

She kisses him deeply, her tongue goes into his mouth, and she tastes herself.

"I taste fantastic." She says to him, he smiles at her.

"Yes you do." He tells her then they go back to kissing.

He reaches down and positions himself at her entrance and gently pushes himself inside her, going in and out, allowing her to adjust to his size. The look of shock and pleasure is written all over her face. Amon begins picking up speed and going deeper inside her, she wraps her arms and legs around him for more access to her body. For the next few hours all that can be heard is furniture being broken and the sounds of Amon's grunting and Ameerah's screams and moans of pleasure. 

Many hours later the room is complete mess, Amon is laying on his back and Ameerah is laying on his chest completely wrapped up around him. Both are covered in sweat and look completely exhausted.

"You truly are a God made flesh Benjamin." Ameerah says to him with a smile.

"I aim to please. I don't want this to end between us Ameerah, I thought I lost you and I finally have you back." He tells her she reaches up with her hand and kisses him tenderly.

"Hush my handsome man, we'll make another like it before I leave, let's sleep." She says to him.

She tries to calm her emotions as to not cry. When Amon wakes up he's alone in the demolished bedroom and the broken bed, which is hanging on by a thread. There is a piece of parchment paper next to him folded. He opens it, it's a letter from Ameerah.

"Thank you, Benjamin, for a wonderful night. I've loved you from the moment that I so you. I was forbidden from telling you this. Also Lucifer was behind all your attacks as a child. I was sent to kill you but fell in love with you. So Lucifer sent Vlad for you. I'm sorry for any involvement that I had. Just know that I love, and I wish I could be with you forever. I leave because they would kill you and make me watch, I'd rather you be alive than with me my love. PS never forget me. Yours always Princess Ameerah." Amon just lays there and lets the tears fall freely down his face.