Chapter 17

On an island in the center of the Bermuda triangle is where the council of witches is stationed, at the far end of the room is three thrones, on the left is Luna a beautiful blonde haired woman in a purple raveling dress that covers very little, on the right is Selene, a beautiful brunette wearing a black dress very much the same as Luna's and in the middle is Damian, long flowing blonde hair, with rippling muscles, which is shown off perfectly in his Greek toga. There are seats all around the huge room all positioned facing the three thrones, all the witches and warlocks take their seats, muttering and whispering wondering why they have all been summoned.

Then a portal opens in the center and a cloaked figure comes skipping out like an excited child, the figure stops skipping and looks up to reveal Aurora wearing, high-heeled shoes and a black bodice top that looks like a spider web on it, she has her hair in pigtails plats and black around her eyes and a smile plastered on her face which makes her look innocent and menacing at the same time. Damian stands up and addresses the crowd.

"Lady's and gentlemen it's been brought to mine and my wife's attention that people have been plotting against the saviors of Salem Lord Amon and Lady Katherine, we will not stand for this, but it is over now," he grabs his wife's hands and electricity flows through them and through the whole crowd, then a beam of light goes into Aurora.

When this is over Aurora collapses to the floor, when she looks up she has an orgasmic smile on her face.

"For those who don't know, this is Aurora daughter of my sister Andrea and her husband Andrew born in 1666 and bound to Lord Amon and Lady Katherine." He lies to his people as no one can know that Lucifer is her Mother.

"If any of you plan to do anything against Lord Amon or Lady Katherine, Aurora will sense it, and she has the right to kill you or send you to Lord Amon or Lady Katherine is this clear?" Selene says with a booming voice, in unison the whole crowd shout back

"Yes my King! Yes my Queens!" Aurora gets up and begins to skip up to the thrones and kisses the cheeks of both Luna and Selene and Damian, she skips back to the middle of the room and waves at everyone with a big smile but gives princess Sabrina and Max a stern look that sends shivers down there spine, she then turns bows to the king and Queens then opens a portal and skips through it, Selene stands.

"You all may leave, but you've all been warned," she says with a stern tone.

"There is no 2nd chances," Luna says.

Then portals opened and everyone left leaving the King and Queens behind.

"I think that went better than expected my lovely wives." Damien says to them and they both kiss him on his cheeks.

"It was good thinking using our dead siblings to be her parents." Selene states.

"It also makes people believe that she's a princess and has her parents seat on the throne. Instead of them knowing that she's the heir of Hell." Luna says to them. 

October 8th 1809 

Salem Massachusetts. Jasmine is walking through the town, she can feel the evil energy in this town. Every person that she asked about the Walton family is dismissed, people have never heard of them or if they have, they are not sharing the information. As she walks past a trinket carriage, a very old woman grabs Jasmine's arm.

"Go to the cottage at the end of town to find what you seek." The old lady tells her.

"And what do I seek?" Jasmine asked her. The old woman looks at her and begins to walk away then looks over her shoulder.

"The Morningstar." She says and carries on walking away. Jasmine begins to ask people which direction is the cottage at the end of town. 

People got scared when she asked about the cottage. A man is watching her and decided to introduce himself.

"I heard that you are looking for the cottage at the end of town little lady." Jasmine at this point has had enough and grabs the man and lifts him up by the throat.

"If you know where the cottage is then tell me, if not don't waste my time little man." She says to him angrily and glares at him with such fury.

"It's about a mile in that direction milady." The man chokes out and points to his left. Jasmine let's go, and he drops to the floor.

"Thank you, was that so hard?" Jasmine asked sarcastically. The man shakes his head no and gets up and begins to run away. She walks in the direction that she was told and was starting to think that the man lied to her, and she was about to head back to town and give the man a good beating for lying to her. 

Just then, the cottage comes into view, she walks over to the front door and contemplates kicking it in, but decided to knock instead. She knocks three times, then she hears the most beautiful voice telling her to come in. Jasmine opens the door and steps inside. 

There is a dark haired woman so beautiful wearing a dress out of silk, that just hugs her voluptuous curves and low cut to show her beautiful big breasts, Jasmine has never been attracted to women except Tasha, but she can feel her pussy begin to drip.

"You must be miss Hale." The beautiful woman says.

Jasmine is getting nothing but pure energy from this woman, there is nothing evil about her. Jasmine steps further into the cottage and closes the door.

"How do you know my name miss?" Jasmine asked.

"I know because I'm the Morningstar, and it's a small town." She giggled out which sounded like music to Jasmine's ears.

"So if you're the Morningstar, can you help me find the Walton family please." Jasmine asked, feeling quite comfortable in this cottage.

"You are funny Jasmine, I can see why Amon let you live, you are quite the beauty." The woman said.

Jasmine didn't realize that she was walking closer to the beautiful woman, but once she says that to her, Jasmine stops dead in her tracks.

"How do you know all that? It was over a hundred years ago." Jasmine asked her.

"Because I know everything about my children." The woman says.

"Who are you?" Jasmine asked.

She gets up and walks over to the table and with a bottle of dark liquid and pours herself a glass, puts it to her lips and takes a drink.

"Mmm your cousin always gets the best drinks for me. I'm Lucifer Morningstar my dear." She says to her.

"As in the devil?" Jasmine asked quite scared now.

"Exactly darling, but I ain't evil, I just have daddy issues sweetheart." Lucifer says with a chuckle.

"A old lady said that you could help me." Jasmine says to her.

"She was right, I will help you. But first you have to do something for. A deal with the devil." Lucifer says.

"What do you want from me?" Jasmine asked.

"I need you to kill someone, then I'll fix Natasha's mind, so that it was as if your cousin never raped her. How's that sound?" Lucifer says to her.

"I'll do it, who do you want me to kill?" Jasmine says with her arms folded trying to look intimidating.

"You are just like Amon, you would've made a great vampire Jasmine." Lucifer tells her with a smile and takes another sip of her drink.

"I'm nothing like that monster, I'll just do anything to help out Tasha, she's family to me." Jasmine tells her.

Lucifer claps her hands like an excited child.

"Very well then, go back to Idaho and find Gemma Jackson and kill her, once done I'll meet you at Coles home and fix Natasha's mind." Lucifer says to her. Jasmine just laughs.

"The person I've been looking for is the shopkeeper's wife?" Jasmine laughs out.

"At least you know her, that should make it easier for you to kill her." Lucifer says with a straight face.

"Yes it should." Jasmine says with a smile. 

Lucifer waves her hand and fire surrounds Jasmine, when it vanished she's stood in Coles parlour with a smile on her face, she can save Natasha because Lucifer told her who the Sion is. Jasmine runs out of the house and through town to the shop where Gemma is. When she arrives the shop blows up and throws Jasmine through the air from the explosion.

Lucifer walks over to her and kneels down.

"Thank you, Jasmine, I couldn't of found her without you love." She says laughing and then flames away.

Jasmine just lies on the floor with tears in her eyes. This was her only hope to help Tasha. As Katherine said all them years ago, humans crave hope, so it's all the sweeter when you take it away.

January 15th 1811 

Nepal, a hidden temple deep inside the Himalayas. The temple is protected by ancient magics, put in place by Lucifer and her brother Michael. No violence can bestow this temple and only a supernatural can enter. It's made from pure gold and divine metals like what Amon's sword is made from. On the top floor is the prophecy library, every prophecy ever made throughout history is sent here to be cataloged.

On the first floor is the training facilities, where supernaturals come to better their skills. The underground levels are for prisoners too powerful to be killed, as the Angels are forbidden from actively getting involved in supernatural affairs, hence why they use champions. In the prisons are seven supernaturals, two vampires, a werewolf, a good Sage, a witch, a demon and an immortal human. The prison is called Pandora's box as every person in the prison is one of the seven deadly sins.

If even one was to escape it would cause chaos upon the earth. Lamashtu the demon goddess, is Gluttony as she couldn't stop feasting on children, Moses is the good Sage, and he is Sloth for he was a great leader and should've carried on, but he gave up and went up Moab to die, giving up made him the Sloth. Cain is the immortal human and the sin of Envy. Circe the first witch is the sin of Greed, Lycaon is the first wolf and the sin of Wrath as he cannot control his rage. Ceto the ancient siren as Lilith's first vampire Childe, using her beauty and her voice to lure her victims, and she is lust. Luther is the vampire of pride as he believes that he should be the King as he is the best and the strongest of all the vampires including Lilith. 

A beautiful brunette with large breasts and evil written all over her walks into the temple and down to the prison, there she is stopped by two Angels Ramiel a tall handsome black man and Baraqiel a small strong looking Indian looking man.

"What is your purpose here vampire?" Ramiel asked.

"I've come to visit my mate Luther." The woman says. Baraqiel put's his hands towards her forehead and a light shines out.

Then it stops, and he stares at her for a moment just to admire her beauty.

"You are clean Jezebel, you may see him. How about we have fun later Bel?" He asked her with a smile. Ramiel just smiles and shakes his head as he knows where this is going. She looks him in the eyes very seductively.

"You and me having fun later Bar?" She asks and runs her soft hands down his naked muscular chest.

"Yes how does that sound?" He asked.

She strokes his cheek and looks him in the eyes with lust.

"I couldn't think of anything more disgusting than an Angel touching me." She laughed out and walks down some more steps.

There are three lots of prisons on her left and right. They have the name of there sin above the transparent force field and at the very end is the pride prison. The supernaturals shout and growl at her, but she ignores them and reaches her destination. There is a chair waiting for her at the entrance of the cell, she takes a seat and a tall handsome black man walks over to the force field and stares at her.

"Have you come to free me my love?" He asked her in a deep manly voice. Then he takes a seat in his chair.

"Not today my love, but soon. I've come with information about a new vampire. Also, Marcus is dead, him and Draco killed each other in a trial by combat." She says to him. Luther starts laughing.

"That is fantastic news. Ramiel come here." He shouts. Ramiel comes to him.

"What is the matter Luther?" He asked.

"You have to let me go, Marcus is dead I'm the rightful Prince of my line." he tells him. They hear laughing coming from Ceto's cell.

"I'm the rightful princess, yet I'm locked up as well, you stupid cunt!" She shouts at him while laughing.

"Nice try Luther but unless, Lilith or Lucifer free you, you are staying with us" he tells him, then walks away. Luther is burning with rage.

"Calm down my love, I will free you, but it's going to take time. I need the blood of Jesus Christ to free you." She says to him, he calmed down.

"So tell me of this new vampire my darling. Why do you need Jesus blood?" He instructed.

"He is called Amon, Vlad turned him in 1666, they say he is a demon God made flesh. Hunters stay away from him as he scares them. We need powerful blood to free you, Michael created the first Hunter Seth. His firstborn was Enos and Jesus is Enos decent." She tells him, Luther shakes his head.

"Then I'm never escaping as Jesus was the last of that line." He says to her sounding defeated.

"I just need to find a special spear, the one that stabbed Jesus, his blood will be on it." She tells him.

"Oh you can find his siblings or his children." Baraqiel tells them with a smile.

"Children? Siblings? Now this is news to me." Jezebel says sounding rather shocked.

"The Sions are from his siblings and the demon God made flesh is his descendant." He tells them.

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked

"I want to lay with you and I can help you find the Sions as getting to Amon will be suicide for you." He tells her with a smirk. She turns to Luther.

"I have another lead now, thanks to this idiot. Goodbye my love I'll see you next year." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Goodbye my love and good luck." He says to her. 

She stops at each cell to tell them some form of information because as Luther's mate she is the only supernatural that is aloud in Pandora's box once a year that was the deal that she made with Lucifer. She tells Ceto that Ameerah is in love with Amon, she tells Lycaon that his grandson Ethan is still alpha, she tells Circe that her sisters are still Queens of the magics. She tells Cain that his wife Awan misses him and is still living on Lucifer's land in Ethiopia.

Furthermore, she walks past Lamashtu as she speaks an ancient dead language that only the Angels, Ceto and Cain can speak down here. Likewise, she walks to Moses cell and just stares at him and puts on her vampire face

"When you are free I'm eating you Moses." She says with a smile.

"I might not agree with you Jezebel." He says with a smile. She growled at him and walks back up the stairs and out of the temple, with a smile on her face as she has new information on how to free her true love.

December 5th 1822 

New Orleans. Cole, Natasha and Jasmine have been hunting and killing vampires like it's a sport, Cole has killed a few master vampires, all older than himself. No one has given him any problems, and he doubts that there is a vampire alive that could defeat him. Cole hates vampires as he's seen, as nothing to them. Victoria used him then ran off back to Stuart, Christian went with her.

Cole not realising that she's been ordered to stay by Stuart's side as he felt that his life was in danger. Vlad treated him like shit, treating him like a slave when he was a fledgling not a minion. Benjamin was meant to be family but just aloud Vlad to treat him like that without defending him. Katherine was to busy being up her own ass to care about him. So he decided to help Natasha, he's been teaching her to meditate to help her deal with what Amon did to her. They've grown very close over the years, she became his best friend. 

He still kills humans but only the deserving one's. Jasmine has tasked herself with finding the Sion bloodline. They are scattered around the world. Jasmine came back to spend Christmas with Cole and Natasha, then she's leaving for Jerusalem, to find Judas' home as she learned that he kept a scroll of the Sion bloodline, as he was tasked with finding and killing them. According to the supernaturals that she's captured and tortured for information is that he never found a single Sion before Katherine killed him.

Jasmine believes he was to lazy to find them or his information is a pile of horse shit. But she'll find out soon enough.

"So Jasmine will you be staying long with us?" Cole asked her as he drove his stake through his vampires heart. Then Jasmine did the same to her vampire.

"Just until the new year then I'm off again." She tells him. They turn and look at Natasha who is sat on top of her vampire just smashing his face in with her fist.

"Tasha sweetie, you can stake him now." Jasmine calls over to her. 

Natasha ignores her and just keeps punching the male vampire. Cole can smell her tears and oddly her arousal. Cole walks over to her and pushes her off the vampire and stakes him. Natasha jumps up and

"What the fuck is your problem? I had everything under control you prick." She shouts at him with tears in her eyes.

"We don't fight them, you taught me that, get in stake them, get out. Because it only takes a moment, and you are dead." Cole says to her very calmly. Natasha looks at him and it dawns on her. If there was a lot of vampires tonight, and she was doing that, Jasmine and Cole could've been seriously hurt.

"I'm sorry Cole, you are right. I just get so angry and you vampires are the few things on this earth that can take my full strength punches." She says to him. Cole and Jasmine just hug her. 

Across town at Godfrey's plantation, Godfrey is sat down with Irina as a minion tells him of what is going on.

"The Vampire that is helping them is very strong master." The minion says.

"So is there anything else that you've heard about this vampire that is very strong?" Godfrey asked.

"No master, just that he's tall and slim looking, he wears a hood to cover his face and that he killed master Jericho and mistress Ruth two days ago." The minion says with his head bowed to scared to look his master in the eyes.

"Fucking hell he is strong, Jericho and Ruth where nearly as old as Judas. So it's definitely a man, and they have definitely been around for at least 2000 years." Godfrey says.

"Why do you think that my love?" Irina asked him.

"Because only someone older could defeat Jericho and Ruth at the same time." Godfrey tells her. Irina just smiles at him.

"Sometimes you can be so silly my love, Amon and Kat could have defeated them, and don't forget about all the assassin's that Alucard and Judas sent after them and they are still standing, defeating everyone that was put against them." She says to him, he looks at her.

"You are correct my love but Katrina and Amon are special, I very much doubt that any vampire as old as them could defeat Jericho and Ruth darling." He says to her with a smug smile. She walks over to him and kisses him deeply.

"Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong, but I'm excited to find out." With that said she walks away, Godfrey just watches her leave, not being able to think of any vampire, who could do this apart from Amon and Katherine. Then it dawns on him.

"The reason I don't know who it could be is because it's a nomad." Godfrey says to the minion.

"What would you like me to do master?" The minion asked. Godfrey just looked at him and smiled.

July 19th 1823 

Athens Greece Katherine's home. Up the stairs inside Amon's bedroom.

"AHH yes Ben, don't stop fucking me. Ahh yes yes, AHH! BEN YES!" Can be heard coming from the room.

Aurora can only imagine what Amon is doing to Danielle this morning as like everyone else in this house knows that Danielle is becoming to clingy and Amon hates it, so soon Amon will be punishing her, everyone is rather excited to see what happens to her. Aurora is currently stood outside Amon's bedroom door, listening to the sounds coming out of it

"Oh yes it's so deep, I can feel you in my stomach AHH YES!" Aurora has her hand on the handle it's shaking as she's has to remember that she's here on a mission and not for pleasure no matter how aroused she is right now.

She takes a deep breath and turns it and walks in. Danielle is suspended from the ceiling, with her hands and feet bound together and Amon is stood in front of her just fucking the shit out of her pussy, Danielle's eyes are rolling into her head and drool is coming out of her mouth, the pure look of pleasure on her face excited Aurora. The smell of someone else's arousal enters Amon's nose, but he doesn't turn to the new person, he just fucks Danielle harder and faster than empties himself inside her. Danielle is just lost in ecstasy, he pulls out and turns to Aurora l, who is aroused but puts her head down, as she can't get distracted by her father today.

"Did you enjoy the show sunshine?" Amon asked her.

"Every time I need you for something, you are always fucking, how did you manage to make a name for yourselves if you are always fucking someone." Aurora replies.

She eyes his cock and thinks that she's definitely fucking him when she's not busy.

"It's a gift sunshine," Amon replies with a smile and begins to get dressed.

"What has brought you to see me?" Amon asked her. Aurora can't help but look at Danielle who looks like she died with a smile on her face.

"I've actually been sent to get mother, but I can't seem to find her, apparently a vampire in America has started killing other vampires and the council want's to send Kat to look into it." This shocked Amon.

"A vampire is killing other vampires and the council want to send mother to look into it. Why not Godfrey he runs the slaves over there in the south," Amon asked.

"It was Godfrey that asked for mother personally, apparently a Hunter convinced this vampire to help her and taught this vampire how to hunt your kind." Amon walks over to Danielle and slaps her ass then moves to a table at the end of the room and pours himself a glass of rum and sits down on a chair.

"When do I leave?" Katherine asked from behind Aurora in the doorway.

Aurora jumps startled at Katherine's voice. This makes Katherine giggle.

"Fuck sake mother, must you do that all the time, you know that scares me." This just makes Katherine and Amon laugh. Katherine walks over to her and kisses her cheek.

"You look thin, are you eating enough, are you getting enough sun, you look a little pale. What are you wearing? You dress like one of Benny boy's whores" Katherine states.

Aurora looks down at her outfit, her black bodice spiderweb with low cleavage and high heels with a black cloak. Katherine is such a mother to Adele, always worried about her.

"I'm fine mother, you worry too much, if you must know we leave when you are ready." the mother comment makes Katherine laugh and just hugs Aurora,

"I'll be ready to leave tomorrow afternoon if that is okay with you my darling, until then you are coming out drinking with me tonight come on." With that said Katherine grabs Aurora's arm and leads her out of the room.

"Amon are you going to untie me?" Amon ignores her and begins to walk out of his bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Amon haha very funny, let me down please," there is silence.

"Ben fucking cut me down, it's not funny any more Ben, Ben you still there, BEN!" She screams. Followed by more silence. Samantha walks past the room and looks in and just burst out laughing at how Amon has Danielle suspended from the ceiling.

"Samantha please come help me get down, he's always conveniences me to try new things, and he gives me great pleasure, but these pranks of his are annoying me know," Danielle pleaded with Samantha, this only makes Samantha laugh harder and walks away laughing.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Samantha, you stupid little bitch," she screams after her. Which, was met by utter silence. Then out of the shadows steps Charon and the door closes, all that is heard is the sounds of Danielle screaming in pain and fear.

February 13th 1830 

Hungary. Amon has been summoned by Lady Elizabeth Bathory, she wishes to meet with him, Lady Elizabeth was the 2nd most famous vampire after his sire Vlad. Now Amon and Katherine are the most famous vampires in the world. Amon travelled alone, Katherine is still in America with Irina and Godfrey sorting out this rogue vampire. He might have a sneak into America and find this vampire and see if he or she is willing to fight for God.

Katherine took Aurora, Charon and Samantha. Danielle is back in England living with Lucas and Emma in the Asmall estate. Stuart begged him not to go to Elizabeth's home, she might not be as old as the people on the council, but she scares most of them, not much is known of Lady Elizabeth except that she killed and tortured a lot of women and children, and that was before she became a vampire, no one liked her except Vlad her sire. 

The only thing that people know is that she rampaged through Eastern Europe for centuries then built a home in Hungary, and she surrounded herself with beautiful minions. Amon's carriage arrives at her home, and he opens the carriage door and steps out, he is greeted by 20 armed guards all women all beautiful.

"I was sent an invitation by Lady Elizabeth, I am Lord Amon."

The women clear a path for him to walk through, and they open the doors for him, and he steps through, he is met by a semi naked beautiful blonde haired woman wearing a light green toga that covers her breasts and crotch area her long legs which just seem to go on forever, that leads to a tight toned ass, beautiful toned body with small but lovely shaped breasts and a lovely face.

"Hello I am Abigail, right this way Lord Amon," she says in a thick Russian accent.

"Lead the way beautiful" Amon says with his trademark smirk.

"You are as handsome and charming as Vlad said you are" she says with a flirtatious smile and a little giggle.

"You new Vlad?" Amon asked her very confused.

"Correction. I know Vlad," this shocks Amon.

"Well I'm sorry to say this, but Vlad was killed many years ago," Amon says with sadness towards his old sire and mentor.

"Ha wrong again, Vlad is very much alive." This throws Amon completely.

They arrive at a large banquet hall inside are two people having a drink a dark haired man and a dark haired woman. Amon walks past Abigail and into the banquet hall, the man turns to him and says.

"It's been a long time my boy," Vlad says.

"Vlad? How are you alive?" Before he can answer Amon runs over to the man and touches his face and chest and once that he is happy it's Vlad he grabs him and hugs him.

"I've missed you to my Childe, come sit, meet your sister." Amon just looks at him confused but sits down next to him just staring at him.

"Again how are you alive?" Amon asked.

"When you told me that you didn't trust Richard, it made me think long and hard, so I went and found some Gypsies to teach me there magic, it allows me to turn into certain animals and into mist or fog, and also allows me to reassemble my body." This made Amon look at him.

"So when Willy killed you, you just reassembled yourself and fled to Lady Elizabeth's home." Amon asked.

"Yes I turned myself into a bat and flew here, and I've been here ever since, waiting for the right time to return and take my castle back and just rest." Amon turns to Lady Elizabeth.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you Lady Elizabeth, my word you are beautiful." He says with his trademark smirk.

"Oh you are charming indeed and very handsome, will you be helping us get Vlad's castle back?" She asked him.

"To kill Willy I'm in," he replied.

"We are not killing Wilfred or Persephone, we are simply taking back my castle." Amon just looks at Vlad in confusion.

"Then I'm not interested in helping you get your castle back, I was only willing to help you kill Willy because I hate him more than I am mad at you for making me a nomad, if that is all then I'll be on my way sire." With that said he stands up and begins to walk towards the exit, 6 armed male guards stand in his way.

"You know my sire is alive we can't allow you to leave until he regains his throne," Lady Elizabeth states.

"If you are making me a prisoner until then, I want a room with a view and Abigail for pleasure purposes and I will not cause any problems or try to leave until you give me permission" Amon says calmly.

"You can have your requests, but you try to escape you become our enemy, and we will kill you." Elizabeth states. This makes Amon laugh

"I'll play your game for now but if I decide to leave I'll bring your house down with you inside I'm not a vampire to be fucked and Vlad knows this, now show me my room and something to eat and I'll be on my way."

Elizabeth glares at him before she can do anything Vlad claps his hands together and Abigail walks in.

"Ah Abigail could you show Amon to a room with a view please, and you will entertain him while he is here," she bows her head and grabs Amon's arm and begins to escort him out of the banquet hall and up a great flight of stairs until they reach the landing, she then begins going down the west wing of the castle and stops outside a door and opens it, they walk inside the room. 

The room has a big 4 posted canopy bed, there is a balcony that overlooks the valley below Elizabeth's castle. There's a room to the left which is the bathroom.

"Is this too your liking Lord Amon?" Abigail asked him.

"It's just what I was expecting beautiful." He grabs Abigail and kisses her deeply which she returns the kiss.

Amon reaches down and grabs her ass and picks her up, she wraps her long sexy legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss she begins to rip his shirt open and rubs her hands over his muscular chest, he grabs her hair and pulls her head to the side and begins kissing her neck which makes her moan, then he places her on the bed and rips the green toga off her body, and just admirers how slim and toned she is and very sexy. He rips the rest of his shirt off, kicks off his boots and pulls down his pants, where his enormous manhood springs out.

"By Lucifer is that thing real?" Abigail says with pure shock and disbelief plus she is very excited to see how he's going to fit it in her, her pussy starts to drip with excitement. Amon walks over to her and rubs his cock up and down her folds rubbing her clit as he does this, which just makes her moan with anticipation, when Amon thinks that she is wet enough he begins to push his manhood into her entrance.

"Oh my goodness it's stretching me out, go slow and let me get used to it," no one has asked Amon to do this before, but then again he doesn't give them much choice, but he listens to her and begins to go in and out very slowly, she reaches down and begins to rub her clit, which makes her wetter, and she moans louder.

"AHH YES! Just like that, this is amazing" Amon gradually picks up speed and with each thrust he goes deeper and deeper inside her, and she begins to scream in pleasure.

"AHH AMON! YES, YES YES! AHH I'M COMING! YES YES AHH! IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD!" Amon just laughs and carries on fucking her hard and fast while she screams, then he grabs her legs and pins them behind her head and just jackhammers her into the bed.

"AHH YES! SO FUCKING DEEP! I'M COMING AGAIN! AHH YES! YES! AHH!" She screams out and with her second orgasm Amon empties himself inside her.

They continue the fucking session until the sun is just about to rise, Abigail collapsed on top of Amon's chest.

"Wow you are truly a God Lord Amon." Abigail says completely sexually spent. With a smug smile on his face he says.

"I aim to please Abi." 

He climbs out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

"I've had many lovers, but you are by far the best Amon, I've never done that spray thing before, that was amazing." She says with a spent smile on her face.

When Amon returns from the bathroom he is fully dressed with his sword strapped to his back and walks over to the thick curtains covering the window to the balcony and opens them. This makes Abigail gasp as she thought he was going to kill himself but nothing happens.

"What are you doing? You can't leave, how are you in the sun?" She asked him.

"Well Abigail I don't like being told what to do, probably something to do with being a nomad for nearly 100 years, I have a special ring from Lucifer herself." Amon replies, suddenly Vlad burst into the room,

"Amon please don't leave, help me?" Vlad asked.

"That's funny, help you, you discarded me, and I was framed by Willy, but you believed him over me, and look what's happened. I even stayed after Katherine left, so the days of you telling me what to do, are long overdue father!" He says this with venom in his voice.

Then runs and leaps out of the window into the morning sun and drops to the floor in a crouch position then runs towards the castle walls and leaps up and over landing also in a crouch position, he begins to take off at speed down the valley to the nearest town where his carriage is waiting for him.

"Is everything ok my Lord?" Chris asked.

"Everything is just fine Chris, we need to go to Stuart's home in Naples." Amon says. With a wave of Chris' hand, a portal opens up and Chris rides through and the portal puts them right outside Stuart's home.

Amon exits the carriage and rushes into Stuart's home and walks over to a minion and says.

"Go wake your master, tell him Ben is here, and it's of great importance." The minion bows and rushes off up the stairs to Stuart's bedroom to wake him. Moments pass and Stuart begins to descend the stairs fully dressed.

"This better be important Ben!" Stuart says.

"Vlad's alive and living with Lady Elizabeth, is that important enough for you Stuart?" Amon says with sarcasm, this news shocks Stuart.

"How is he alive and what does he want?" Stuart asked.

"He learned some dark gypsy magic. He can make is body come back from dust, and he can also change into animals. He just wants his castle in Romania back from Willy and to be left alone, he will be mounting an attack on the castle in the next few days, but he doesn't want to kill Willy or Persephone and for that reason alone I refused to help." Amon responded, he turns and begins to walk away.

"Where are you going? If Vlad attacks Alucard he declares war on the council," Stuart says.

"Then give him his fucking castle back and Willy gets to keep everything else, so there is no war, I'm going to America to tell Kat that Vlad is alive, good day Stuart." With that said he walks out back to his carriage and a portal opens and the carriage rides through it.