Chapter 18

February 22nd 

Late at night at Godfrey's plantation New Orleans. Godfrey, Irina and Katherine walk through the front door and what awaits them is body's and body parts all over the place, Amon sat on a table covered in blood and a slaves arm in his hand, and he's using it as a back scratcher.

"Oh yes that the spot right there." Amon says laughing to himself. Samantha is sat at the table wearing a bedsheet drinking blood from from a glass.

"Why the fuck have you made such a mess and where are my guards Amon?" Godfrey yells at him.

"I got board and hungry waiting for you three, your guards are dead, they tried to stop me from having a good time." Amon tells him.

"I did try to stop him, but we all know how Lord Amon can get." Samantha says, Katherine can smell her arousel.

Godfrey is raging with Amon, but just smiles and shakes his head, then grabs him into a hug.

"It's good to see you my friend." Amon ignores him and just looks at Katherine

"Vlad's alive, he was never dead, thought you should know, contact me whenever you are finished here." He kisses her cheek and turns to look at Samantha.

"Always a pleasure seeing you Sam." He says and walks outside and hops into his carriage.

"Back to Preston England please Chris," Amon says.

"Of course mate," with that said Chris opens a portal, and they ride through it, when the carriage comes to a halt, Amon jumps out and turns to Chris.

"Get some rest and some food my friend, because tonight I want to go out drinking." Chris just looks at him and laughs.

"Fucking hell mate I'm still recovering from two days ago when you ended up slaughtering the entire quarter in New Orleans." This just makes Amon laugh.

"Why do you think I said have a rest and some food, I need you fit and healthy for tonight," with this said Amon walks into his home and heads upstairs to his room, where he finds Danielle completely naked laying out on her stomach in his bed fast asleep. 

He strips off naked and climbs into bed beside her, he kisses the back of her neck and starts running his hand gently up and down the crack of her ass cheeks, this brings out a little moan from Danielle. He opens her legs more and gets his middle finger on his left hand and slides it between her pussy lips and finds her clit, he begins to slowly rub it, just gently flicking against it, which makes Danielle moan in her sleep, her pussy begins to get very wet the more he rubs her clit.

She suddenly wakes up and turns and looks at Amon and reaches over to kiss him.

"I've missed you so much Ben, stop messing with me and just stick that monster cock inside me." Danielle stays on her stomach and Amon gets on top of her and positions his manhood at her entrance and gently enters her.

"Ahh yes Ben, just like that, I've missed you inside me so much," she moans out, Amon goes in and out of her very slowly and tender, something he's only done with Persephone.

The thought of Persephone makes him miss her and that aroused him more, so he just starts fucking Danielle into the bed, she tells him to slow down, but he doesn't listen and just keeps violently fucking her.

"AHH FUCK! I'M COMING AHH!" She screams out, it's shocking that with all the pain that Amon is causing her he still makes her come like a common whore, and he's still plowing into her with such power.

A few more minutes of him smashing into her with no restraint, and she can feel herself coming again.

"AHH! I'M COMING AGAIN! AHH!" she screams then Amon bites into her neck something he's never done and empties himself inside her.

"I love you D." he says then rolls off her and goes to sleep. Danielle begins to cry because she knows that he wasn't thinking of her but Persephone.

Over the course of the next few months Amon starts hunting, killing, stalking and torturing young girls who have a look of Persephone and without Katherine around to talk him down as he seems very obsessed with what he's doing and Amon never gets obsessed with anything apart from causing complete fear and panic. Amon was currently in his spare bedroom and was violently raping the now dead girl who looked like Persephone.

Danielle walks in and after everything that she's seen Amon do, even she is disgusted by what she sees.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She screamed at him. Amon shoots his load into the corpse and then looks at her.

"Speak to me like that again Dani, and I'll get Charon to pay you another visit, is that clear?" He says to her with a calm tone and a smile on his face.

"Sorry master." She says with her head down and tears in her eyes, she thought Amon loved her and that he would've mated with her, but she's just being used by him. She won't give up without a fight, she'll do anything to win him.

"Clean me up with your mouth Dani." He commanded.

Danielle drops to her knees and crawls over to him, his cock smelled of decaying flesh and stale blood, if she was human she would have vomited from the smell alone. Amon sits at the edge of the bed and lifts the dead girl up into a sitting position, she's completely stiff so Amon brakes some bones to make her more moveable. 

By the smell of death in the room, the girl has been here for weeks and Amon is still fucking her corpse. He's completely snapped, yes the girl could've been Persephone's twin, the likeness is scary. Danielle takes the cock and begins to lick it and starts putting it in her mouth and sucking him off, good job she doesn't need to breathe, but the taste is vile, she'll need to have something to get the taste out of her mouth.

"There's a good girl." Amon says just enjoying Danielle sucking his cock. 

As the door is open Lucas and Emma walk past and see Danielle sucking Amon off while Amon is playing with the dead girls tits. The smell is horrendous, no wonder this door is shut and locked.

"Amon mate is everything ok buddy?" Lucas asked calmly.

Emma is holding her nose. Amon turns and looks at them, and then looks at his situation. He moves Danielle and jumps away from her. He walks over to his clothes and puts his pants on. Furthermore, he looks at Lucas.

"Get someone to clean up this room and get rid of the body, I need to go have a bath." Amon tells him.

"Of course sire, I'll get that done right away." Lucas tells him.

Amon just walks off to his room and slammed and locked the door. Danielle who is still on the floor and crying, Emma walks in to the room and helps her up.

"Are you ok Dani?" She asked her.

"No I'm not, he's completely lost his mind, and that was the most disgusting thing I've ever had to do in my life." Danielle says and storms off to her room. Emma turns to Lucas.

"You might have to get Danny or Amy as they are the only people Amon would listen to, as I'd very much prefer you get Katherine to help him." She says to him.

"I'll ask Chris later to go and get Danny." Lucas says with a smile.

"What is so funny Lucas?" She asked him.

"Just that I was thinking that if Chris was a vampire he'd be the scariest vampire in the world because he's completely insane. But my word, he's funny." Lucas says laughing.

"I couldn't agree more my love, you sort out Danny, and I'll sort this room out. But don't think that our conversation about a Childe is over Lucas." She ended up shouting after him as he ran off. Emma just smiles and shakes her head.

"Men? Asked them to mate, or sire someone together, they get cold feet." She says to herself laughing.

April 6th 1831 

The Gunther estate, Persephone is currently taking a bath, feeling aroused as she can feel him again, for nearly a year Amon has been stalking her, he's been leaving her body's on her bed of young girls that look like her, and they were always violently raped. She'd get the feeling he was there, her demon would scream out for him the hairs on her neck would stand up, he's finally come to kill her, first he would make her paranoid, like he could jump out at anytime, which is how she feels now.

She'd get pictures of herself sleeping, she'd find them on her pillow for her when she woke up. How he's getting in and how even Alucard or Max can't sense him is a mystery to her. He leaves no sent, the only reason that she knows it's Amon is that her demon can sense him, it craves him. She can't seem to relax, once he has her, she knows that he will torture her for months, he'd violently rape her and beat her. If the dead girls are an indication of what's to come to her.

Alucard hasn't even said anything to her about the minions keep getting rid of the dead girls. Amon will do the same to everyone she cares about until it is just him and her, then he will give her to Katherine to finish off. This is what she thinks he is going to do. But she secretly hopes that he's come to take her away from here and just be together as they once were. She hates herself for what she did, she's always loved Amon, but she thought that she loved power more, how wrong she was.

She'd do anything to change what she did, but she thought Amon was in love with Katherine and that was the driving force behind the betrayal. Likewise, she also feels compelled to stay with Alucard, yes they are mated, but she doesn't love him, she was using him for her own needs. Not only that, but she's never understood how the Zepar mated them, she doesn't even remember meeting the Zepar, she was very drunk that night though, furthermore, she looks up at the open window and can hear him

"Oh D, will you come out and play with me D?" He sings out to her. She begins to get aroused by him being so close. Before she knows what she's doing she shouts out to him.

"Give me an hour Benjamin." There is silence for a few minutes then she hears.

"Meet me where we had our first date lover."

She quickly cleans herself and gets out of the bath and is quickly getting dressed. She dresses in Amon's favorite dress that he got for her, it's blood-red, shows a lot of cleavage and figure hugging to show off her figure, she puts on a necklace that Amon got her, if she is going to die by the hands of the man she loves she's going to look good for him.

"I'd rather die tonight than have to spend another day with Alucard." She thinks to herself.

She leaves the room and begins to walk down the stairs, she feels a hand on her shoulder and her skin crawls at the touch, it's Alucard.

"Are you going out my love?" He asked her.

"Why yes darling I fancied going out for a hunt I haven't done that since we've been together, and I really do miss it, it gets me so wet my love" she practically purred at him.

"I can smell your arousal my love," he says while he sniffs her.

"And I can smell Max on you, so much for being mated, I thought it was against the law to touch someone else's mate," she says sarcastically.

He grabs her throat and says, "watch your tongue you little bitch, remember your place, you are my mate and will honor me and respect me like a good whore." He lets her go, and she carries on walking down the stairs to the front door.

She turns round and says, "Don't wait up my love," and is out the door and into her carriage, Alucard roars in rage. 

Max comes running out of her bedroom wrapped in the bedsheet as she's naked.

"What is the matter my love." Max asked him.

"I think that your spell is wearing off, she's becoming very distant and difficult." Alucard says to her.

"Forget Persephone, I'm all you need, come back to bed, and I'll pleasure you all night long." She says to him seductively and drops the bedsheet and begins rubbing his muscular hairy bare chest.

"I'm only with Persephone to get one over on Amon, you know this. I love only you darling. But why is your spell fading?" He asked her then picks her up by her ass cheeks, she wraps her legs around his waist and kisses his neck and nibbles his ear, he carries her back to bed.

"The only way my spell would break is if, her true love wanted her. But that's impossible as demon's don't have true loves." Max says and begins pulling Alucard's pants down to release his manhood, and she begins stroking him.

"I love you Max." he says to her, she kisses him.

"I know you do, but you know that demons can't have a true love darling, you can love wisely and lust and care. But true love is so rare even in demons." She says. Alucard grabs her arms and makes her look at him.

"You said rare, so it can happen?" He asked.

"I've heard of it happening, but it's truly rare, Stuart and Havana are true love. Soul and demon. Most times it's demons want each other and that is also very rare. The chances of Persephone breaking my spell because her demon found its true mate are near impossible." Alucard lets her go and Max bends down and takes his growing manhood into her mouth.

About 15 minutes later the carriage is pulling up next to the park where Amon took her for a picnic on there first date when he was courting her when she was still human. She hopes this is where he meant and not the home of the reverend on the other side of town because that was there first date when she became a vampire.

It's about 8pm and there are a few humans walking at the park, they are making Persephone hungry, considering all the blood she drinks now is from a flute glass, it's been so long since she felt warm Human blood run down her throat, she's pulled out of her thoughts as she can feel him. 

Amon is in a tree watching her, he still loves climbing trees and watching people, something he enjoyed when he was a child, playing with the slaves and his cousins and friends when they were playing hide-and-seek, he'd find a tree and climb it then watch as people would look for him.

This makes him think about his cousin Cole who he's not seen in over a hundred years, he also wonders what happened to Jasmine as he's not spoken to her since he raped her friend. He loves watching people looking for him just like Persephone is doing now. He looks at her and his demon is going mental for her, he's still madly in love with her. She walks under the tree that he is in and keeps walking looking for him. 

He drops behind her, she feels him behind her. She turns around and jumps into his arms and kisses him deeply he returns the kiss.

"Oh Ben I'm so sorry for what I did, I hate myself for it, just take me out of this horrible life that I thought I wanted, when all I've ever wanted was you, I'm so sorry." She begins crying, Amon pulls her into a hug, and she sobs into his chest. Flames suddenly appeared and out steps Lucifer in a cloak covering her completely.

"Why are you two breaking the law of the mated?" Lucifer says and can see genuine sadness in Persephone's eyes.

"I'm sorry my Goddess, but I hate Alucard I love Amon, I've always loved Amon, I've kissed him, but Alucard has bedded countless women how is he not punished?" She asked while still crying.

Lucifer steps forward and embraces Persephone, and she can sense some sort of spell, that the Zepar must have not felt, she waves her hand and the spell is gone.

"The spell is gone, it would seem that Alucard made you mate him, but he wasn't mated to you, it was a powerful spell that did this to fool the Zepar." She says.

"Not like you to be covered up my Goddess." Amon says with a chuckle. She opens her cloak, and she's completely naked and wet.

"I was having a bath, now that this matter is sorted I'm going back to my bath, goodbye my children," with that said flames surround her, and she is gone. 

Persephone and Amon stare at each other with such hunger Persephone is the first to move and jumps into Amon's arms and wraps her legs around his waist and kisses him deeply, he returns the kiss with just as much passion. She reaches down undoes his pants and realized his manhood which is hard as a rock, she lifts herself up and impales herself on to his rock hard cock.

"AHH YES BEN! I've missed this so much." She moans out and begins kissing him, he spins her around and pins her up against a tree and begins to fuck her hard and fast into the tree, he never stops kissing her, she moans into his mouth. Furthermore, she pulls her head back and screams in pleasure.

"AHH YES! BEN I'M COMING! YES, YES! YES! AHH!" She screams out her orgasm and Amon keeps pounding into her, her pussy grips his cock in a vice while he's pupping into her when it releases its grip she sprays all over his cock and Amon can't help but empty his seed inside her. They carry on kissing until Persephone moves her head.

"I love you Ben, I never stopped, I'll do anything to make it up to you, even if it takes me 1000 years I'll do it, I just never want to be apart from you again." She says with tears in her eyes, Amon lets her down and whips her tears away

"As much as I hated you for betraying me, I never stopped loving you, it's why I could never kill you, you're my always D." He says and kisses her which she accepts.

"Can we go hunting I'm starving?" She asked him, and he holds out his arm, and she accepts it, and they walk off looking for food.

Hours later Alucard is laying in bed with Max, and he hears Persephone coming home. Persephone is very drunk and giddy and completely satisfied for the first time in over 40 years. Alucard quickly gets dressed and goes to see why Persephone is making so much noise. When he leaves Max's room and stands on the landing, he can see Persephone with bags heading for the front door.

"And where do you think you are going Persephone?" Alucard demands.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm leaving you." Alucard just laughs.

"We are mated you can't leave me." She looks at him as he descends the stairs.

"Oh no we are not darling, you got Max to do a spell to fool the Zepar, but don't worry Lucifer fixed it for me." She says with a smug smile on her face, this also hurt her as she thought Max was her friend. Alucard is out raged.

"Amon won't have you, he'll kill you before you get two words out." He says with his own smug smile.

"Yes he might do, but anything is better than this life." She argues back at him.

"So you'll run off to be Amon's whore?" He yells at her.

"I'd rather be his whore than be mated to you!" She screams out. He goes backhand her, but his hand is caught in a vice grip. When he looks to see who grabbed him, he sees Amon.

"That is no way to treat a lady Willy." Amon says and in one swift motion Amon's sword is in his hand and Alucard looses his hand from the wrist. He screamed out in pain.

"One more thing Willy, Vlad's alive." Fear crawls up Alucard's back. Amon walks towards Persephone and offers his arm which she takes, they begin to walk out.Persephone turns round and looks at Alucard.

"You better be out of my house when I return, cause if you're still here when I return," she doesn't finish that sentence, she just carries on walking away with Amon to the awaiting carriage outside, they hop in, and it rides away. Max is by Richards side, saying an incantation to heal and regrow his hand. But it only heals his stub.

"Did Amon use his sword?" She asked him. "Yes, just grow my hand please." He begged of her. She kisses his lips.

"I'm sorry my love, but there are strange properties in Amon's sword, and I can't regrow your hand, I'm so sorry my love." She says to him. Alucard just screams out in anger. Then he looks at her.

"We need to pack up and leave as soon as possible. My new ship has been ready for a few weeks now, so we can set sail in a few days." He says to her.

"Where are we going my love?" She asked.

"Anywhere away from my bloody family as being at sea will be the safest place for now darling." He tells her. Two young black females are watching from the landing.

"Seems mother has finally left us Kiara." The other girl puts her head down.

"So it would seem Roxanne."

May 1st 

Amon's carriage pulls up to his Preston estate. Amon climbs out and holds his hand out, Persephone grabs it and gets out.

"You had it rebuilt my love, it's beautiful." She says to him. He smiles at her.

"I'm glad you like it, when word gets to me that Willy has left your home, I'll spend money on fixing it up if you like?" He asked her.

"I never want to go back there again so don't waste your money my love. Who lives here darling?" She asked as she can feel jealousy rising up inside her.

"There is Lucas and Emma, they have just been mated, I honestly don't know what took them so long? Dagon and Laura have a room here, Danny and your sister have a room, but she's never even stepped inside. Kat has her own room and there is a room for Amy and my magicals when they stay and other people." He tells her. They begin walking up the steps, and she stops dead.

"Does the big breasted one live here?" She asked him looking mad.

"Yes she does, but she'll be out of my room as I had a special room built just for us." He tells her as and he opens the door. 

Every member of his court is standing in the parlor waiting for him, except Danielle. When Persephone enters everyone's jaw drops wide open.

"Hello everyone, did you miss me?" She asked with a cute smile.

"What the fuck are you doing in my father's house?" Amy says as she descends the stairs.

"When did you arrive Amy?" Amon asked.

"Three days ago, why is she back here father?" She asked him. He goes to hug her but she backs away.

"You have got to be kidding me." They hear Danielle say as she comes in from the dinning room with two glasses of blood wine and hands one to Emma.

"Danielle calm down, Persephone is going to be staying with us, you and Amy need to respect that this is my home, and I'm in charge here not you two." He tells them with a stern voice. Amy throws her hands in the air.

"Fuck this shit, I ain't staying in the same house as her. And I definitely ain't staying around to watch you, descend into madness the next time she betrays you." Amy says angrily and storms out.

"Does anyone else want to leave because Dot is staying with me? Because if you don't like it, the door is there, you are free to leave." Amon tells them.

"I made a blood oath to you Amon, and until I don't feel like I'm needed I'll stay." Danielle says and walks off back towards the dinning room, Emma and Lucas follow her, Chris steps forward.

"Good to see you again Persephone, hopefully you can tame the big guy." He says with a smile then walks off towards the dinning room for some food. Amon turns to Persephone.

"Well my darling, I think that went swimmingly." He says with a smile, she slaps his chest playfully, and he puts her arms around her and takes her upstairs to show her there room. 

Outside Amy is on her horse riding to her home, just on the outskirts of Preston, about three miles away from Amon's home she begins hearing large wings, she stops her horse and a tall slim handsome light brown skinned man lands in a crouch position, and he stands his wings disappear.

"Zachariel, it's good to see you my love, but it's dangerous us being seen together." Amy says to him, he steps forward and embraces her then kisses her lips.

"I'm sorry my love, but Jezebel has found out how to open Pandora's box." He tells her. She looks at him very confused.

"Ok I have questions but can we talk about this at home and not in the middle of the road." She says. 

He snaps his fingers, and they are both sat in her dinning room at the table with a glass of whiskey each.

"Now we are at your home and have our drinks, what are your questions darling?" He asked her with a cheeky grin. She smiles at him.

"You are not even funny handsome. First question, who is Jezebel?" She asked, He can't help but laughs.

"I'm hilarious beautiful, Jezebel from the Bible. She's a vampire, she's Marcus fourth Childe, and she's mated to Marcus first Childe Luther." He tells her. She nods at this, now that he said it, she remembers Amon telling her there history.

"Second question is, what is Pandora's box? I know it's from a Greek myth." she says to him with a smile.

"Well to be fair my love, it's the same story to an extent, Pandora's box is a prison cell where the avatar's of the seven deadly sins are kept and Luther is the sin of Pride." He tells her, then takes a sip of his drink.

"Lucifer would love them to escape." Amy states, Zachariel just shakes his head.

"Lucy helped build the prison with Michael, nobody wants one of them escaping let alone all seven." He tells her.

"Why are you telling me this Zach?" She asked rather confused.

"Because I trust you, and we need your help, as Amon's blood is the key to Pandora's box." He tells her, then he pulls out a small vile, with liquid in it and puts it on the table.

"What's in the vile?" She asked as she can sense power radiating from it.

"This is water from Shangri la, it's the vampire cure. It kills the monster inside you and lets you keep your abilities and immortality, it technically turns you into a Hunter." He tells her.

He wants her to take it, then they can be together and start a family. She looks at him as this is a lot of information to process.

"Why don't the Hunters force, all us vampires to drink it?" She asked him.

"Because my love, it's a gift, you have to want to be cured. It's just water if you don't want it." He tells her, then takes her hand in his.

"If I take this we can be together, can't we? Is there a catch to taking it?" She asked him.

"Yes there is darling, with the monster gone, you feel guilt for the things that you have done. It could turn you insane, but I believe that you are strong and can overcome anything. Plus you only kill deserving cheating men." He says to her.

"I've done a lot more questionable things than that love. Fucking hell, Kat and Amon would kill themselves with the things that they've done." She says to him. He kisses her knuckles on her hand, to reassure her that he's with her if she decides to take it.

"That's why it's not to be taken lightly my love and I agree with you. The things that they've done, there humanity couldn't cope with the things that they've done." He says to her.

She gets up and walks over to him and sits on his knee then kisses his lips with such passion. They both melt into the kiss, she pulls back and stands up then looks him in the eyes.

"You need to leave and never come back, I'd never betray Amon like Persephone did." She tells him with rage in her voice, Zachariel just laughs

"Amon is working with my father and his Hunter cousin Jasmine. You know this as you heard the conversation after the trial by combat." He tells her, and he downs his drink and in a puff of smoke he's gone.

She just stands there completely shocked at the new information, she looks at the table and the vile is just sitting there looking at her.

March 10th 1834 

Netherlands Max and Alucard's home, Max is laying in bed asleep naked and Alucard is laying next to her wide awake, looking at his stump hand. Every time he looks at it rage fills him, everything that he's throw at Amon just comes back and bites him in the ass. Then a portal opens and out steps a tall slim man with long dark hair and a solid gold staff in hand, the other person is a busty brunette female who is very beautiful, Alucard can tell that she's a very old vampire.

"Are you Alucard, Childe of my brother Vlad?" The woman asked, this woke Max up, and she sat up and pulled the bedsheets to cover her. She looks at the man and recognizes him.

"Father? What are you doing here?" Richard looks at Max and the new arrivals.

"Yes I'm Prince Alucard and you two are?" He says with arrogance in his voice. The man and woman begin laughing.

"Alucard this is my father Loki and Jezebel your oldest sister." Max tells him. Then she snaps her fingers and her and Richard are fully dressed.

"I thought you didn't know who your parents are?" He asked her. "I lied, my mother is Mazikeen, Lilith's my grandmother and if my father is here, it means that they've figured out how to get into Pandora's box to free our King Luther and my grandmother Circe." She says to him with her head down.

"You have done well daughter, you can now leave this idiot." Loki says to her.

"I can't, I love him, and he can help us." She tells him.

"He's the Prince of my line? He's not fit to be in my presence." Jezebel says with a smile. Alucard jumps up and charges her for disrespecting him. She grabs him by the throat and lifts him like he weighs nothing.

"You let this worm touch you daughter?" Loki asked disgusted.

"I can help you." Alucard choked out.

"I know you can, it's why I'm here. I need one of two things, a Sions blood or Amon's blood." Jezebel says to him, then throws him on the bed.

"What's a Sion?" He asked while rubbing his throat.

"A Sion is one of Jesus Christ siblings bloodline." Loki tells him, Alucard laughs out.

"I finally have a shot at killing Amon and I don't have to go anywhere near him. Vlad keeps blood of all that he's sired." He tells them.

"That is bad news, the blood has to be fresh." Jezebel says.

"Then have fun with Amon, because that cunt has made my life hell." He tells them.

He gets up and walks over to the table with drinks on and pours himself a whiskey and takes a sip.

"Will my love, what about Judas?" She asked him.

"Do we really have to deal with Judas?" Jezebel asked as she's never liked him.

"Judas was tasked by Lucifer over a 1000 years ago to find the Sions, he has a full complete library in his home in a lost city, that is probably your best bet." Alucard tells them.

"Why don't we just go after Amon?" Loki asked, because he really wants to rescue his mother, Max and Alucard just laughed at this.

"Because father, Amon is a demon God made flesh and his witch Aurora is beyond anything I've seen before, she's even more powerful than me." Max tells them. Alucard pours everyone a drink and offers it to them.

"I've never heard of a witch called Aurora who is powerful." Loki states.

"According to Damien, she's Andrea's and Andrew's daughter." Max says to her father.

"Andrea couldn't have children and Andrew had three children before he got with my aunt, and they are weak and useless. How is this Aurora so powerful?" He asked in rage.

"I honestly don't know father. Separately me or Selene's son should be the most powerful and after the King and Queens, you and Sabrina should be the most powerful, but the royals are scared of her." Max tells him.

"Yes daughter you should but your magic is nothing compared to mine but it could be better with practice." Loki tells her, Alucard just smiles at the whole situation

"If I help you free Luther, I wish to be his heir once he's wiped out Silas and Leon. If he's as great as I've heard then they shouldn't be a problem." Alucard asked. Jezebel laughed.

"Why do you think that we need your help?" She asked him with a smile.

"I know where Judas home is and how to get in. Just never go after Amon. It will end badly for you, the prick has a thing about beating everything that is throw at him." Alucard pleaded with her.

"Thanks for the drink and once I speak to my mate I'll get back to you nephew." She tells him. Loki opens a portal and turns to Max.

"Are you coming daughter, surely you will not be staying with this bug." Loki says to her.

"I'm sorry father, but I love Will, and I'm not leaving him." She tells him. Loki just laughed, and him and Jezebel left once the portal closed. Alucard blurred to Max and grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up.

"You fucking betrayed me, I should fucking kill you!" Alucard shouts at her in rage. Max just smiles and her eyes turn red, her hair grows longer and turns into dreadlocks, her skin turns a deep blue, and she grows in size and her muscles get bigger, her clothes begin to rip. Tribal tattoos begin to form all over her body. Alucard let's go and begins to back up.

She marches up to him, and he backs up to a wall, and she puts her hand on his chest and looks him in the eyes, she's not even Max anymore, she's been replaced by this demon.

"I love you, I always have that's why I stay with you, I never betrayed you, I just chose not to tell you about my parents. I want forever with you." She says to him in a deep demonic voice.

She bends down and captures his lips and begins kissing him with such passion, Alucard responds and melts into her kiss, Max's body begins to change back to normal.

"Why have you changed, we could so have sex with you in that form." Alucard laughs out.

"That form would kill you my love, so it's best we don't try it." She laughed out, this made laugh nervously.

"You are probably right." He laughs out then reaches behind her and picks her up by her ass, this makes her giggle, and he carries her to bed as her demon form scared him but also really aroused him.