February 14th 1838
Lisbon Portugal, a small home near the beach. In the bedroom sprawled out naked laying on there stomach is Persephone, completely exhausted from the wonderful sex session she and Amon had last night. For the last few years Amon and Persephone have been living like humans, out during the day and sleeping at night, well fucking through the night and going out late afternoon.
At the moment it's midday and Persephone is woken by the smell of blood, she opens her eyes and moves the hair that is covering her face, on a table next to the bed are a big bunch of flowers, Persephone thinks that they are purple lilies, they smell amazing, but the smell of blood is intoxicating she turns round and sees Amon stood there with no shirt on, his muscular chest is a sight to behold his hand is covered in blood as he is holding a heart, Persephone crawls over to him and puts her hand over the heart.
"It's still warm my love." She says to him.
Then she sees the dead teenage girl with her chest ripped open and two puncher marks on her neck.
"Happy Valentine's Day my love, a heart for my heart." He says, she gets up on her knees and kisses him. She grabs the heart and sinks her teeth into it.
"Mmm virgin, you always get me the best gifts my love." She sucks the heart dry then gets up and walks over to her closet.
Amon can't help but get hard watching her naked ass wiggle as she walks, she opens the closest, and she pulls out a small box and walks over to Amon and gives it to him. He opens it and inside is a solid gold pocket watch. He takes it out and examines it on the back it says.
"Ben and Dot forever." Likewise, he smiles at that, he opens it and inside it reads
"yours always."
Furthermore, he sits down on the bed and Persephone sits on his lap.
"Do you like my love?" She asked him.
"I love it my heart." He replied to her with a smile on his face. She begins to kiss his neck and nibbles on his ear, she feels his hard manhood beneath her,
"I was thinking that if you want we should get mated on All Hallows Eve this year, what do you think? I never want to be without you Ben, you are my world and I want to start a family with you." She says to him.
He grabs her and shows her his vampire face and bites into her left breast, this makes Persephone moan with pleasure, he pulls his head back and looks at her.
"That sounds perfect my love." She gets excited and gets up and pulls his pants off and his manhood springs free, she climbs back on to his lap and impales herself on to his cock and begins to ride the shit out of him.
All Hallows Eve
Notre Dame Paris France. It's very late at night and the archbishop can hear noises from the next room, so he stood from his kneeling position of pray and goes to investigate the sounds. He steps into the hallway and can see a flickering light, he follows the source of the light to the large cathedral. He walks in and sees a man and a woman standing on the high alter staring up at the large Oak cross, the archbishop is mad and begins to walk towards the couple, Not only that, but he says to them in French.
"It is late, you cannot be here at this time. Mass will begin on daylight hours." the couple ignores him, which makes him more mad and says.
"Sir I said you must leave. Come back in the morning if you must pray" Persephone turns her gaze from the cross to Amon
"Darling I do believe that this man is saying that we can't pray at this time." Amon looks at her and says
"You know me and other languages, but I do believe that you are right my love."
The archbishop feels a cold chill run up his body. He begins to step backwards away from them, he can feel the evil in them especially from the man.
"I apologize, but you must leave, you are not welcome here" he says in a French accent.
"That's a bit dramatic wouldn't you say your Grace," Persephone says in French and with a smile. Amon stares at him and fear crawls through him, then Amon's face charges and the fear is so over whelming that the rest of his brown hair begins to turn gray.
He begins to pray in Latin, Amon grabs his shoulders and once he has finished praying Amon looks at him and smiles saying
"Amen!" then bites into his neck and begins to drink very slowly. He released the man turns to Persephone and says
"Strip him off I have an idea."
Furthermore, he walks over to the cross and pulls it down and lays it on the floor. Not only that, but he walks over to the table closest to him and sees some iron nails and a finishing hammer.
Persephone has striped the man completely naked, takes out a small dagger and begins to carve symbols into his chest then underneath carves the word Zepar. Amon grabs the archbishop and lays the dying man on the cross and nails him to it like Jesus Christ. He then puts him back onto the wall, but upside down.
"A bit theatrical, don't you think my love." Persephone says to Amon with a smile on her face.
"You know me my darling, always had a flair for the theatrical." He laughs back to her.
They say a prayer that summons the Zepar, they stand side by side, a thick mist flows through the cathedral up to the couple then a tall handsome man appears and looks at the vampires.
"Why have you summoned the Zepar vampires?" He asked them in a deep demonic voice.
"We wish to be mated," Persephone says. The Zepar looks at her,
"you are already mated, I remember you, this is against the rules, I must summon Lucifer." He says a chant and flames appear and out steps Lucifer in a long red dress. She looks at Amon and Persephone
"What have you two done now?" She asked rather annoyed.
"They wish to be mated my Goddess, but I've mated this one before," he says while pointing at Persephone.
"Yes they can be mated, there was a spell used to trick you, but I fixed it, congratulations you two." With that said she flames out.
The Zepar looks at them and begins the union, he places his hands on their chest and say.
"By blood, by death, All mighty Lucifer bind these demons for all eternity. They shall move together through the fires of Hell and through the kingdom of heaven. These souls will never part from this day forth," the Zepar looks at the vampires
"Blood binds thee, biteth," Persephone offers her neck willingly, Amon bites into her, it's almost orgasmic for Persephone she can't help but moan.
Once Amon as drank enough blood from her, he pulls away and offers his neck. Persephone gets up on to her tip toes and bites into him and begins to drink. She can feel someone watching them. High in the rafters is beautiful blonde watching them as a single stray tear escapes her eyes.
When Persephone has drank she looks up and sees nothing. They both look at the Zepar.
"The ceremony is complete, may Lucifer watch over you always." With that said he turns into black mist and disappears. Amon grabs Persephone and puts her on the altar and makes love to her, something that they very rarely do.
Just before dawn they arrive back at there small home in Paris, as they walk in Amon can sense that someone is there. Sat in the lounge drinking a glass of blood wine is Katherine.
"I see congratulations are in order." She says sarcastically.
"What are you doing here Trina, thought you was in America helping Godfrey." Amon says.
"Oh I was, then I heard that my idiot best friend was seen with Dorothy, so I had to come and see, cause even Benny boy ain't that stupid, but low and behold he mated the woman that had us on the run for over 10 years." Katherine says with anger.
"Kat I'm truly sorry for what I did and like I told Ben I'll do anything to make it up to you," Persephone says.
"I told you that you are a terrible liar, but you are honestly telling me the truth, mated or not, you betray Ben again, and I'll have you begging for death. And you get betrayed again, and I'm just going to laugh at you for being so stupid." She laughed out loud. Then she embraces them both into a hug.
"Don't let me down Dorothy, me and Ben both love you, and it hurt us both. I'm willing to try but don't expect bath time anytime soon." She says.
"I promise I'll make it up to you, Ben has already chopped Alucard's hand off." Persephone says, Katherine goes and sits back down and carries on drinking
"Couldn't find the rum?" Amon says with a smile, Katherine just glares at him. He then pulls out a hip flask and pours himself a glass and rum comes out.
"It's magic, it's connected to my rum and as long as I have rum, it never runs out, saves me karting my rum everywhere." Amon says with a smile.
Katherine smiles and shakes her head at how cleaver Amon is. She looks at Persephone and says.
"Your sister is no longer with Danny, and he told me that Willy wears a hook for a hand now and is sailing North of Europe near the Netherlands and being a vampire pirate, didn't work so well when black beard did it." Katherine laughed out, this makes Persephone and Amon laugh.
"So how's it going in America?" Persephone asked.
"It's fine I killed the female Hunter, her name was Natasha Benson." This makes Amon laugh
"I raped her years ago in Salem," Amon says laughing.
"She told me that you did, she also told me that Willy was the one that has been sending the Hunters after me." Amon looks at Persephone.
"I honestly didn't know that, he kept that a secret even from me. I only knew of the assassins. Who's the Vampire that is helping the Hunter?" Persephone asked.
"I believe you, that my dear sister is a question I wish I knew the answer to." Katherine says not believing her, and takes a drink of her blood wine.
"You must have some clues Kat?" Amon asked her.
"None whatsoever, but he's a male vampire, and he's recruited a male hunter, who's young, but he's strong enough to kill a 700-year-old master vampire. There is also a tall beautiful brown haired woman that helps them." Katherine tells them, Amon just stares at her.
"Wow a 700-year-old master, that's not easy, even for a Hunter. Anything on the female?" Amon asked.
"Nothing except that she's tall and absolutely beautiful and hits like a train." Katherine says to them.
"Do you know this from experience Kat?" Persephone asked while laughing.
"Not me Dorothy, I've never faced any of them, when I arrive they've already vanished." Katherine says sounding disappointed.
"So what have you been doing out in America all this time?" Persephone asked.
"Absolutely fuck all, I'm board out of my mind. But under council law, I can't leave until I'm dead, the job is done or the council give me permission to leave." Katherine states.
November 12th
Jasmine is walking through Galway Ireland with a scroll that she stole from Judas's home in an ancient lost city. She found it very strange that it was left totally unguarded, so she stole everything that she could fit inside her carriage, she has enough gold and silver to last her four life times. Humans will find it one day or other supernaturals will want what's inside, and so she'd taken everything that looked and seemed important first then the gold and silver.
She's been tracking a man by the name of Liam McMyler. But she finds out that the whole village was destroyed in the late 1700s and most of the McMylers who survived moved further north, some said Castle bar others where saying Newport, Westport, County Mayo. It's a lot of ground to cover.
Apparently this Liam was meant to be a hunter, but he never became one. Jasmine is starting to get why Judas never killed any Sions, it's because they are so hard to track and one clue leads to ten more clues. Jasmine decides that she'll make her way north check out the clues there and hopefully find something about Louisa Murphy, she's supposable a good witch. Then she'll head to Yorkshire England to try and find Wesley Johnston a supposed Vampire Hunter.
Jasmine heads back to the Inn for some food and a good night's sleep. She enters and the Inn owners wife greets her in a thick Irish accent.
"Hello miss Hale, there is a Man and a woman here asking about you my dear." She tells her.
"Thank you, Mrs O'Connor, where are they?" Jasmine asked hoping that it's Cole and Natasha, coming to tell her that they killed Catherine.
She points to the table at the back and Jasmine sees two dark haired beautiful people. She thanks Mrs O'Connor and starts walking towards the people, two things that she noticed about the people. 1st thing is that they weren't a couple as they looked alike so definitely siblings and the 2nd thing that she noticed is the power that she can sense, she felt this when she met Lucifer. So these two are definitely angels.
"Hello I'm miss Hale, Mrs O'Connor said that you are asking for me." Jasmine says.
"Please sit Jasmine." The man stands like a gentleman and gestures for her to sit. Jasmine sits down.
"You two are Angels I can sense that much, but who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Raphael and this is my twin sister Gabriel." He tells her.
"I always thought Gabriel was a male Angel, but I also thought Lucifer would be a man as well." Jasmine laughs out.
"I get that all the time and so does Lucy." Gabriel says to her.
"You say Lucy like she's your best friend, she's evil." Jasmine says with such anger.
"She's still my sister and I still love her, the whole family does. Just like you still love Benjamin." Gabriel says to her, Jasmine looks at her with disgust that she can say these things to her.
"You are seriously messed up to still love her, I hate Amon, Benjamin is dead, has been for a very long time." Jasmine says through gritted teeth, not knowing if they knew about her and Amon.
"We are getting off-topic, we have two lots of news for you Jasmine, good news and bad news. What do you want first?" Raphael asked her,Jasmine looks at him, she could do with good news.
"How about the good news first." She says to him.
"Louisa Murphy is in Castle bar, and you will find her there and Wesley Johnston is in Sheffield, and you'll find him as well. We are tasking you to protect them as there great, great whatever granddaughter is very special. You will also find the Jones in San Francisco and the Larson family in Sweden. You'll have to leave everything that you know to for fill your mission. But it's your call after I tell you the bad news." Raphael says to her Jasmine's eyes dart between the two angels.
"What's the bad news." She asked not really wanting to hear it, Raphael puts his head down.
"Katrina tortured and killed Natasha, I'm so sorry Jasmine." Gabriel says to her. Tears start to stream down her face.
"I need to get back and help Cole." Jasmine says through sobs.
"If you leave and go back, you die and so does the future of good. But go on this mission, and you can save a lot of people." Raphael says to her. Jasmine gets up and when she turns back to the table they are gone.
July 27th 1840
Florence Italy in a large town house laying in bed are Persephone and Amon, Persephone is laying on Amon's chest both covered in sweat from the round of love making. She is drawing circles around his nipples with her index finger.
"Kat says that this unknown vampire is currently training a human to help hunt our kind, apparently this human is strong and uses an axe because he wants to have a fist fight first. According to Kat this human has killed about 20 vampires all masters and all older than her, I hope that she'll be alright." Persephone says with worry in her voice.
"You shouldn't worry my love, I'm not, because if I was, I'd be in America now hunting this vampire and this Hunter, and I'd rip them to pieces. Trina is the best at what she does have some faith in her." Amon says while stroking her hair then kisses her forehead.
"Why did Godfrey not ask for your help instead of Kat? Considering that you are friends." Persephone asked.
"It's because he deals with slaves and considering that I'm technically from a slave family I wouldn't help him, and he knows it, but I've warned Godfrey that if anything happens to Trina because of his slave ring, I'd kill him and any member of the council that got in my way." Persephone looks at him shocked.
"You'd do that for her?" She asked.
"Trina is my best friend, and I'd die for her. You are my mate, and I'd do the same for you my love." She reaches up and gently kisses his lips.
"I know you would, I'm just teasing you darling." She smiles at him and goes back to playing with his nipple.
"Well the way you keep spending my money, I might need to get a job of some kind." Amon laughs out, Persephone slaps his chest.
"You are not even funny Amon, you have gold, silver and Jewels scattered all over the world in banks and all the property that you own and the factory's that you've bought. You'll have money for all time my darling and don't forget all my money, we will still be living like royalty in the late 1900s and longer." She says to him.
"I know dear, I'm just teasing you." He says with a smile. She looks at him and smiles and can tell he wants to get up and go hunting.
"I don't want to get up I'm so comfortable and relaxed. How about I lay here, and you fuck me one more time than I'll get up." She says with a seductive smile. Amon just burst out laughing.
"If I fuck you again, you'll go to sleep, and I ain't bringing you a small boy to eat, if you want a child come with me." That said he climbs out of bed and walks to the bathroom. She can't help but stair at his well toned ass.
"Fine you win. I'll get up." With that said she gets up and walks into the bathroom and closes the door all that is heard is a giggle followed by Persephone moaning.
November 15th 1840
Jezebel finally gave up and asked Alucard for help. As she or anyone she asked didn't know where Judas home was. Apparently Judas told Alucard and his Childe Antony, but no one has seen him in years, he left his seat to Lazarus which is Fino's eldest son. Either Antony doesn't want his seat back or he has something planned to get it back as no one believes that Lazarus will give up his seat especially now that him and his sister Kali are mated bring together both there coven together. This makes them the biggest vampire coven in the world, with more masters and fledglings than anyone else.
"Why are we in this country, shouldn't we be near Jerusalem or somewhere in that area, not walking through a desert in the middle of nowhere ridding a fucking camel!" Loki screams out this just makes Alucard laugh.
"We'll be there just before sunrise." Richard states with a cocky smirk.
"So you brought us out in the desert to kill yourself and Jezebel. Seriously Maxikeen, this is the man you love, this fucking idiot?" Loki shouts at her, using her true name. Max just shakes her head as she hates her name, and goes into her bag and pulls out a black ring and chucks it to Jezebel.
"Put it on, it's a daylight ring." She puts it on and it shocks her.
"That hurt, why did it shock me?" She asked.
"That's, so you don't betray me, but it is a daylight ring, if it senses that it's in danger it'll bury itself inside you and rest on your heart. Not a bad idea for an idiot?" Alucard says smugly, Loki waves his hand over the ring,
"That is one powerful spell, it could take me thousands of years to crack it." Loki says with a smile, then Jezebel removes it from her finger and laughs.
"Like Loki said, you are an idiot if you think that we would fall for a little trick like that. I gave you my word, I have no reason to betray you so stop acting like everyone is out to get you." Jezebel tells him. She holds up her necklace, so Max can see it.
"That's how you can move around in the day, I thought my father put a shield around you." Max says to her. Just before sunrise Alucard stops in his tracks and turns to Max.
She raises her hands and the dessert In front of them begins to shimmer and before them is a beautiful city cast in gold and beautiful colors.
"Welcome to Babylon." Alucard says.
"How did Judas acquire Babylon? How's it still standing after all this time?" Jezebel asked.
"Lucifer gave it to Silas and because Silas loved Judas, and was he favourite. He gave him Babylon, it's been protected by ancient magics, only someone who can cast spells can locate it." He tells her.
They ride through the city and everyone except Alucard is in awe by this place. They reach the temple and get off there camel's and walk inside. Alucard instantly knows that stuff has been taken. Jezebel can smell a powerful scent.
"A Hunter has been here, a very old one, I've never smelt a Hunter this powerful before, they are no ordinary Hunter." She says as she walks around smelling the scent.
Alucard ignores her, and he starts walking towards the library, Max and Loki are hot on his heals, Jezebel is just dancing in circles savoring the hunters scent. When they reach the library Max is in shock with how enormous it is, the walls are just filled with books and scrolls, there are tapestries all over telling different stories from all over the world.
"This is going to take forever to locate the right material to find the Sions." Loki says sounding rather board.
"No it won't as Judas, charted everything and where it is. He told me that it took him a few hundred years to go through it all." Alucard says then goes to the desk in the middle of the room and begins opening draws. He begins to panic and Loki can tell.
"Let me guess. The chart is missing, so us four have to sit here and go through everything to find what we are looking for." He states in rage. Then he closes his eyes and begins chanting a spell but nothing happens, he tries again.
"Magic doesn't work in the city, so I hope you can read, and I hope it's in different languages, as this is going to take a while if you can't." Alucard says. Jezebel swans in with a smile on her face, then she sees that everyone is upset.
"What seems to be the problem Alucard?" She asked rather annoyed with him.
"Judas charted everything and someone has stolen the chart, so we'll have to go through everything." Alucard tells her. Jezebel is raging on the inside, but she seems so calm on the outside.
She was some close to rescuing her beloved Luther, and now it's been snatch away from her.
"The Hunter must have taken it, and knowing our luck, they've taken the reading material that we need. I have there scent locked in, I'll track them, find them, and then I'll kill them." She says with a smile and begins to walk out with Loki behind her.
"Maybe they haven't taken it, and then you'll have to come all the way back." Max states.
"Ok Maxikeen, I'll send you a hundred minions, it will take them about a month or so to get here, I'll only send the one's that know different languages." Jezebel says and leaves.
When they leave the city Loki feels his magic return.
"Would you like to go and see Luther to tell him what we know? Or go and get the minions." Loki asked.
"Neither. Open a portal to Sparta Greece, I wish to see my old friend Celeste." She says and Loki opens a portal, and they walk through it.
December 10th
Naples Italy Ethan is laying in bed with his beautiful blonde haired naked mate laying on top of him. Kirsten can tell that something is wrong with him as he's not been the same since he came back from the council of supernaturals many years ago.
"What is wrong my love, you've not been yourself for over fifty years, I can sense through our bond that you are keeping something from me. I've kept quiet, but our subjects have started to notice it now, so I can no longer sit and watch you descend into madness with the weight of the world on your shoulders." She says to him, she begins sniffing him, to see if it's another female, but he's been faithful to her.
"It's about Amon my love." He tells her.
"I know he's mated now and can't come and play with us." She says with a pout. He sits up and kisses her pouting lips.
"It's about when he was human and that he felt like he was being attacked while he was growing up." He tells her. She begins nibbling on his ear lobe and starts laughing.
"Is that it? I already knew all this." She says to him. "How did you know?" He asked her and grabs her roughly by the shoulders.
"I was your father's chief of his army, I was in all the meetings even when Lucifer paid him a visit in 1666" she says seductively, she begins to grind herself on him and moan out.
"Why did you never tell me?" He asked her, she laughed insanely.
"because you never asked me my love and I didn't think that you would care about some vampire." She says to him.
"Well I do, he's my friend, it's been cutting me up inside as I wish to tell him." He says to her.
"Would you follow him into battle?" She asked. He looks at her in the eyes.
"Of course I would, I'd lay down my life for that man." He says to her.
"Even if he fought for Jehovah?" She asked him with a straight face. He looks at her like she's gone completely mad.
"Are you being serious darling?" Ethan asked her.
"I'm deadly serious, I want to know how far you are willing to go for Amon." She says, all the sexual desire has left her eyes completely.
"If he asked me to follow him into battle, and it was for Jehovah, I'd follow him into battle against our Goddess, and I'd swear it on my blood." He tells her.
She giggled and claps her hands together like an excited child. Then she climbs off him and goes into her cupboard and takes out a silk dressing gown that she got from China in the late 1700s, and puts it on. Ethan looks very confused and extremely horny. She goes back into the cupboard and pulls out a small box, she opens it and pulls out a small disk about the size of her palm.
She says something and after a few moments a portal opens and out steps Amon with no shirt on, his long hair is wet and so is his body. Ethan starts to think that they've been fucking behind his back.
"What the fuck is going on here?" He asked quite mad.
"It's not what you think mate." Amon tries to calm him down, Ethan can feel himself getting mad and his body is trying to change into his wolf form.
Kirsten runs and jumps onto him and begins stroking his face, which is starting to grow hair.
"Calm down my love, Amon is here to ask you something. We are not fucking behind your back, plus you'd be able to smell him on me." She says, Ethan begins to calm down as she makes sense. Once he has regained his control he looks at them both.
"Why are you here Amon?" He asked.
"Kirsten used the disk to summon me, that lets me know that you are willing to be loyal to Jehovah." He says to him. Ethan starts laughing because he thinks that it's a joke, but he realises that Amon and Kirsten are not laughing.
"You two are serious about this aren't you?" he asked with a shocked voice.
"We are my love, and we want you to be a part of this, but we understand if you don't want to." Kirsten says to him with love in her voice.
Ethan stands up and wraps the bedsheet around his waist, walks to Amon and kneels down
"I pledge my loyalty to you and Jehovah God Amen" Ethan says. Amon nods at him.
"I told you that we could trust him, I have to go before Persephone notice that I'm gone. Kirsten will fill you in, and I'll see you in August for your birthday, and we'll talk privately then." He says then a portal opens, and he walks through it.
"What have I just signed up for my love and how long have you been a part of this?" Ethan asked her.
"You've signed up to fight for Jehovah, and I've been a part of this since I helped capture your grandfather, Ariel the Archangel approached me about joining up I listened to what she said, then I turned her down. But then I so Amon kill your father and when I heard that he converted in early 1700s, Ariel approached me again, and I accepted without question." She tells him.
"We've been mated since before my grandfather was captured in the 1200s, I can't believe that you kept this from me for over 600 years." He says quite angrily.
"I loved you too much to tell you as, they would have killed you, and when I did finally join over a hundred years ago, all Amon would ask is are you ready yet. He wanted you by his side just like I need you by mine." She says to him. He kisses her lips with such love.
"Well I guess we need to start making some pups for our new army as I believe that we've waited long enough now my darling." He says with a smirk.
"I think that you are absolutely right about that my love." She says to him with a smile, as she's wanted a family for centuries, but Ethan never wanted any, he always said, there's no rush, we are immortal.
"So was Persephone a spy for Amon, is that why she betrayed him, to get in Richards circle of trust?" Ethan asked her.
"No my love, she really did betray him as she craves power." She tells him. They climbed back into bed.
"So why did he take her back?" He asked.
"Because there demon's crave each other more than she craved power, so he forgave her." She tells him. He pins her down and kisses her deeply.
"Let's get started on making a family." He says to her with a smile. All that can be heard are there troughs of passion.
April 3rd 1841
Lucas and Emma's mansion in Manchester England, Amons carriage pulls up, and he helps Persephone out. They walk inside the grand mansion and are greeted by a minion.
"Hello Martin, please take our luggage to my room." he bows his head.
"Yes master! Right away master!" Martin says out of fear and respect. Martin claps his hands and a group of male minions come out to grab the luggage and two female minions to help Persephone with anything that she needs, she kisses Amons cheek.
"I'm going to get a bath before we go out hunting my love." She says then follows the female minions up to her room as she's never been here before.
Amon makes his way into Lucas' study and finds Lucas and Emma in a heated make out session. Amon coughs to let them know he's here. They stop and look at him then break apart.
"Where's Persephone?" Emma asked, Amon smiles
"She's gone up to my room to freshen up before we go hunting." Amon says. Then pulls out his flasks.
"Your room?" Lucas asked.
"Of course my room." Amon states.
"Oh shit." Emma says.
"What is wrong?"
Before they can answer they hear
"Danielle is here mate, we got told that you and Persephone was coming next month." Lucas says to him sounding ashamed.
"Who told you this?" Amon asked
"Amy dropped by last week and told us." Emma says, Amon just laughed.
"I so her two weeks ago and told her I was coming here, she knew Danielle would be here still." He laughed out. This is going to be a fun few days as all anyone can hear is Persephone and Danielle screaming at each other.
Upstairs moments before. Persephone opens the door and finds Danielle completely naked laying on her back, one hand in-between her legs and the other playing and squeezing her nipples on her very large breasts.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY FUCKING ROOM AND FUCKING NAKED!" Persephone screams in rage. Danielle jumps at Persephone screaming.
"Get the fuck out of my room, you fucking whore!" Danielle shouts at her.
"I'm the whore? Your the one playing with yourself on my bed." Persephone says.
"It's my fucking bed, and this is my fucking room you daft stupid cunt." She says to her.
"It's Amon's and my room, so grab your shit and get out." Persephone says to her. Danielle gets off the bed and stands in front of Persephone, Persephone can't help but stare at her breasts.
"If I was to take my stuff, this room would be empty as everything that you see is mine, so go down the hall to Katherine's room or downstairs to Amy's as they've never slept in them." She says to them.
In the next instance they are rolling around the bedroom fighting. When Amon, Lucas and Emma arrive, Persephone has been stripped naked and covered in cuts and bruises, Danielle has a broken nose and is sporting a black eye. Amon just stands there watching them rolling around naked in full Vampire face, scratching, punching and biting each other.
"Should we stop it sire?" Lucas asked. Amon shakes his head,
"I'm thinking Emma should strip off and join in, and we fuck all three." Amon says laughing.
Hour's later there are five naked bodies all covered in sweat and blood, completely sexually exhausted. Lucas looks over at Amon.
"You have some great ideas sire." Lucas says. Amon looks over at Persephone and Danielle kissing.
"My ideas change lives mate." Amon laughs out.