June 12th 1845
Galway Ireland. Persephone and Amon are walking through the Street, it's midday with a nice cool breeze coming in from the sea, as the sun is very warm.
"We've never been to Ireland before, what made you want to come here?" Persephone asked.
"My grandmothers family was from Ireland, I heard from Lucas that him and Emma came here and they both really liked it, it's why Emma bought a cottage here." Amon tells her.
"Well I love it, it's beautiful, and they couldn't even see it during the day. Poor Dani stuck in the cottage." Persephone says with a grin.
"Not for long my love, I've got my magical making daylight rings for my Childer and there mates." He tells her. She just assumed that he means Chris.
"Dani isn't your Childe though." She says quite cross with this news.
"She's blood oath to me, she's as good as my Childe and I treat her like mine." He tells her, Persephone looks really mad at this then it dawns on her.
"That means that you are not making my sister one." She says with a smile.
"She's not mine, she's Vlad's, and she isn't mated to Danny, so she doesn't get one." Persephone grabs him and kisses him with such passion as he's made her very happy and very wet, telling her this.
"What about Stuart and Antony? Will you be making them a daylight rings?" She asked.
"Antony and Stuart will get theirs as well, but in time." He tells her,
"I wonder why Sabrina has never made Celeste one." Persephone says quite confused.
"Because only a demon, or a celestial can make them." he tells her.
"Lucifer made yours and Kat's, Max is half succubus, and she made mine. So who have you got making everyone else's my love?" She asked him quite curious.
"It's a surprise, kind of like Vienna in 1753. You really surprised me there. I honestly don't think that anyone was left alive in that little village just outside of Vienna, they say that humans where killing themselves during the cleanup". Amon says with a smirk, this brought a smile to Persephone's face.
"I'd forgotten about that, I just couldn't stop myself, my word we had some great sex on top of them body's my love. Now I'm starving."
In the next instance a portal opens and out walks Katherine, looking battard and bruised, holding her side. Amon runs to her, and she collapsed into his arms.
"Who did this to you Kat?" Amon asked her with concern in his voice. She strokes his face and looks him in the eyes.
"It's Cole." She says with absolute fear in her voice. The shock on Amons face, just confuses Persephone as she has known these two forever and has never heard of an Cole.
"Who's Cole?" Persephone asked.
Amon bites his wrist and gives some of his blood to Katherine to help heel her a bit, once she's had enough she pulls back and looks at Persephone, her bruises and cuts start to heel instantly.
"He's Ben's cousin, Vlad made him a year before Ben, but because he was a slave Vlad treated him as such, he trained to fight with us, and we could never beat him, he left Vlad when he was still a fledgling and no one had heard from him since. We honestly thought he was dead, now he's hunting other vampires, no wonder that no one has been able to kill him or his human, if he has taught this human everything he knows I don't think we could stop them." Katherine says with slight fear in her voice.
Persephone has never seen Katherine scared, Katherine is the thing that people fear.
"Surely the great Pulchra Creaturae can deal with this Cole person." Persephone says quite confused about the whole situation.
"Are you brain-dead Dorothy what part of I've never been able to beat him did you not understand?" Katherine just glares at her.
"I'm sorry Kat, I just find it funny that there is someone that makes you scared, I can smell the fear coming off you in waves." Persephone says to her, Amon just looks at Katherine
"Why have you come to me Trina?" He asked her. She just looks at him and can't believe he just asked her such a stupid question.
"Because I need your help, you tit, you are the only person I know that could take Cole." Katherine says to him. Amon just laughs at her.
"You are crazy, he used to beat the shit out of me, and he enjoyed beating me, so I don't think that I could help you kitten." Amon says to her.
"I don't have anyone else to turn to, it was Aurora's spell that saved me, the one if either of us was separated and about to die it teleports us to the other." Katherine says. Amon can tell it's serious if that spell kicked in. He looks at her
"Let Godfrey deal with Cole, I'm not getting involved I was never."
He grabs Persephone's hand and begins to walk away.
"You know that I can't stop him or the two Hunters on my own, they'll kill me," Katherine shout's after him.
"Then you die, I've told you to come home, you won't listen, what happens next is on your head kitten." Amon shouts back and carries on walking through the streets.
"Are you seriously not going to help her?" Persephone asked rather angrily.
Amon just ignores her and carries on walking towards the cottage that Lucas and Emma bought, once inside he calls for Aurora. A portal opens and out steps Aurora, who is dressed in a cloak and has wet hair.
"This better be good father I was having a bath with a friend of mine." Amon looks at her
"Does your mother know about your friend?" She shakes her head
"No, and I'd like to keep it that way, she killed the last two." Amon just shakes his head, Katherine is so overprotective of Adele.
"I need you to send me to your uncle Cole who is in America please," Persephone extends her hand and goes.
"Hello I'm Amon's chosen mate, and you are." Aurora eyes her up
"I'm Aurora, Ben and Kat's daughter. Pleasure to meet you." She walks over to Amon completely ignoring Persephone as she already doesn't like her, and pulls out a piece of his hair, says some words then opens a portal.
"Once you are done just say my name and a portal will open and bring you back here." Amon kisses her cheek and thanks her.
"Go to your mother with something to eat she's in a bad way." Amon says to Adele.
Then he grabs Persephone's hand and walks through. They end up in a large home inside the study, stood behind the desk in the study is a slave.
"Hello Benny long time," a tall slim handsome black man says.
"Hello Cole, yes it's been a long time, how have you been?" Amon asked, Cole eyes him up.
"Have you come to kill me cousin? And who is this creamy beauty?" Cole asked.
"No I haven't come to kill you or your two Hunters. This is my chosen mate Persephone." Cole smiles and sits down at his desk and brings out some glasses and is about to pour some brandy but Amon stops him and pulls out his flask and pours all three of them a drink, Cole sniffs it then takes a sip.
"My word cousin this drink is amazing, I know it's rum but not like any rum I've tasted before." Amon laughs.
"It's from Barbados, home of where our family comes from." Cole eyes him up.
"Our family? That's funny cousin, I was a slave while you played in a castle, Vlad turns me first and treats me like a minion, but he favors you. I left and tried being a violent vampire, but I hated vampires too much for the way Vlad treated me, so I went and trained for years and then Natasha found me, was going to try and kill me, but I offered to help her, it took her a long time to trust me, but we eventually became friends then some blonde haired bitch tortured and killed her." Cole said in anger, Amon just puts his head down.
"It was Katrina." This makes Cole laugh.
"Oh so this is why the mighty Amon has come and found me after all these years, your scared that I'll kill her and I will kill her." Amon stands up and puts his flask away, grabs Persephone's hand and says Aurora and a portal opens, he turns and looks at Cole.
"No cousin I'm scared that she'll rip you to pieces." With that said they walk through the portal and are back in the cottage in Ireland.
A tall handsome well-built brown skinned man comes into Coles study.
"Who where them vampires and why didn't you kill them father?" The man asked.
"That was my actual cousin Lord Amon and his chosen mate Pulchritudo, turns out that it was Pulchra Creaturae that we beat the shit out of before. I never so her face." Cole tells the man.
"You have an interesting family tree father." The man laughs out.
"Katrina will be better prepared the next time we face her. We'll have to be more careful, especially you. Now you have something to lose, she'll make your life hell son until you are begging for death." Cole tells him.
"I guess we should have killed her before then?" The man says.
"Yes Joseph we should have, I hope we don't come to regret that mistake." Joseph looks at Cole.
"In all my years knowing you, I've never known you to take that many hits, and I'll be out of action for a few days with these ribs that she broke." Joseph says to him.
"I'm the guy that trained her, of course she's going to be good." Cole says then takes a sip of his rum. Then decided that once Katrina is dealt with he's going to Barbados.
"So Lord Amon, that's the bastard that you and aunt Jasmine talk about. The one that raped and defiled my mother?" He asked,
"Yes son, that's your uncle Amon." Cole says to him.
"How am I even here? Vampires are dead, you shouldn't be able to have children." Joseph states, as he's always wanted to know how he's alive.
"According to the scrolls that Jasmine got me, it says that a Hunter and a vampire had a child thousands of years ago. It doesn't say how or why." Andrew states to him.
"It's just more questions that no one can answer, I'll see you soon father, I need to get home to Kelly." He says and walks out holding his ribs.
Cole opens his desk draw and pulls out a scroll that is written in an ancient lost language, Jasmine and himself have tried to read it for years with no avail, it seems to be a blend of Adamic, Vedic, Enochian and Sumerian. Cole and Jasmine have translated all the Sumerian text, but it makes little sense without the other three. It's just random words like Prison, sins, demon, God, flesh, Hunter, birth, son of right hand, daughter of right hand. End of days. Champion.
This is all they could work out, and it makes no sense to them. Then he pulls out another scroll that they translated, it was written in ancient Greek and speaks of the Dhampir the human/ Vampire child, which is what his son Joseph is. It speaks of the female blood drinker and the strong man who she was supposed to kill but she fell in love with.
She gave birth to a child who was not affected by the sun, but did need to drink blood. It goes on to say that they're immortal if they drink blood, but will age if they don't. Strong people killed the 400-year-old Dhampir. Cole knows that Joseph can never know this and Amon can never know of Coles son, because he's actually scared of what he would do with the information. He just takes another sip of his rum and saves the flavor.
May 19th 1859
London Amon is walking through the streets looking for something to eat. He's not heard anything about Cole or Katherine, and it's been nearly 14 years, the whole thing is worrying him. But he's a master at hiding his emotions, so Persephone just thinks that he's past caring about anything but her. He's been trying to teach Persephone to fight, it starts well then ends with them both naked and completely exhausted to carry on training.
Amon stops in his tracks when he picks up Persephone's scent and follows it, he stops at and alleyway entrance and a white glove hand grabs him from behind and pins him by the throat then begins kissing him.
"Miss me my love?" Persephone asked him with a seductive tone.
"Of course I miss you my darling." He looks on the floor and sees a dead man.
"What a vile man he was sir William Greyson, he had to go." She goes to kiss Amon again, but he puts his finger to her lips.
"Did the street walker do something wrong?" Amon asked. Persephone just smiled.
"Oh no, she was just yummy." She says while licking her lips.
Amon grabs her hand, and they walk back on to the street. Then they both feel it. They look up and see a husband, wife and three daughters, the brunette in the middle radiates power, but before they can do anything a voice in their heads say.
"Not that one my children." Amon just shakes his head, as him and Persephone both know that it's Lucifer speaking to them.
"Come on Lucy, I can feel the power she has. I can mold it to suit us all." Amon just says out loud. Then a very scary demonic voice speaks
"Do as I say Amon, do not disobey me." Amon just shakes his head and Persephone slaps his chest.
"Sorry Goddess I'll keep him in line." Amon just looks at her and smiles.
"You'll keep me in line, that's funny, I'd love to see you try sweetheart." He says to her.
"I'll let you put it anywhere you want tonight." She says to him with a smile.
"Yep that'll do it darling." Amon says laughing.
She links his arm, and they walk off in the other direction. The middle child with the power locks eyes with Amon and a vision hits her, and she sees a war between good and evil. The man she just so is wearing clothes that she had never seen before, black pants, black boots, black shirt and a leather trench coat to his knees, but he looks like a slave but lighter. He's fighting vampires, werewolves with a beautiful blonde haired girl, and they are winning. The light of the lord is shinning down upon them. The vision ends and a smile comes to her face as she's just seen earth's Messiah.
Amon and Persephone walk around a corner and stop when they see a young girl of about 17 maybe 18 years old. She had long dark curly hair, quite slim, with nice sized breasts. From the smell of her, she was a virgin and very poor. Persephone approaches her.
"Hello, what is your name? You look kind of lost." The girl curtsies and says.
"My name's Alexandra my Lady. I'm no one you should be bothering with my lady." She says keeping her head bowed down.
"Nonsense you look hungry and in good need of a bath, please come to my home with me and my husband, we'll give you warm food and a bath and a nice warm bed to sleep in tonight. What do you say Alexandra?" Alexandra looks at the woman in confusion, as strangers especially strangers who have money are never this nice to her, but this woman makes her feel safe.
Then a tall handsome well-built man walks up and bends down and kisses the woman's cheek. He puts out his hand to shake hers which she accepts, and he kisses her gloved hands knuckles.
"Hello I'm Benjamin and I see my lovely wife is trying to offer to help you somehow." She nods her head and says
"That she is sir, she's offered me food and shelter for this evening, but I'm no one, why would you want to help me?" Amon looks at her and says.
"My beautiful wife has a thing for seeing greatness in people and if she wants to help you, then I offer you the same help as my darling wife."
Persephone links the girls arm, and they begin to walk off back to their town house. When they get home Persephone makes the minions make Alexandra some food and to draw her a nice bath and get her some new clothes. While she is eating Persephone asked.
"What's a sweet girl like you doing out on the streets late at night, there are many wicked men out there and would do horrible things to such a pretty young girl" Alexandra stops eating and answers.
"My father died and my mother became a street walker to pay for food, but she fell ill and died, so I'm all alone and started becoming a street walker as well to pay for food." She says with such sadness in her voice.
"How old are you my dear? Because you could pass for a girl of 18." Persephone asked.
"I'm 15 milady." Once she has eaten Persephone takes her to the bathroom where she can bath. Persephone leaves her to bathe and goes to Amon.
"I want her my love to be our daughter." Amon is shocked at this, they've spoken of having a Childe but not this soon.
"She's underage my darling, 16 is the limit. Young fledglings draw too much attention from the humans." Persephone looks at him and says
"Me and Kat where turned young we don't draw attention." Amon just laughs at her.
"Pulchra Creaturae and Pulchritudo don't draw attention that is funny, you two are like the most beautiful women on the planet, you do nothing but draw attention to us." Amon says to her, Persephone just looks at him.
"When you say things like that it really makes me wonder if you and Kat have been lovers." She says with a wicked smile on her face. Amon just glares at her.
"You know me and Trina have never had sex." He says to her. She realizes that they are getting off-topic.
"I want her she can pass as 18, and you know it, why are you being so stubborn?" he just shakes his head
"I'm not, but I need to know are you sure? You can turn her, but I'm training her, those are my conditions." She gets up on her tip toes and kisses his lips.
"I agree to your conditions my love." Amon just laughs.
"So how do you want to change her, drive her insane first, chop a piece of her off, defile her?" Before she can answer the door opens and Alexandra is standing in just a towel Persephone looks at her then Amon and says.
"Kind of like this," and with in a second Persephone has Alexandra by the throat and is in full vampire face and biting into her neck drinking her blood, Alexandra doesn't even have a chance to scream it happens so fast, once the heart beat begins to slow she stops and slices above her breasts and pushes Alexandra's head in there to drink.
"Wow virgin blood, took everything I had to stop drinking."
Once she finished drinking from Persephone she fell down dead in Persephone's arms. Amon grabs Alexandra and places her on the bed and covers her up. Persephone falls to the floor.
"Wow she took a lot from me." Amon picks her up and places her on the bed next to Alexandra.
A few weeks later Amon, Persephone and Alexandra now called Alex are stood in an alleyway. Amon and Persephone are watching her kill a young man, that she had lured into the alley. She lets him drop to the floor and turns to her mother and father with blood dripping down her chin, Amon steps forward and pulls out a handkerchief and dabs the side of her mouth to whip the blood off.
"We have to be clean when we are just eating, but we can be messy when we are causing fear and panic, is this clear my Childe?" She bows her head slightly and says
"Yes father."
Then looks at him and backs her lashes at him and purrs at him. He turns to Persephone and says
"I'll never be able to discipline her if she pulls that face, I'll never be able to stay mad at her, why would you teach her that look? I'll be out of pocket with you two." This makes both of the ladies to laugh, he offers his arms and they both grab either side of him and begin to walk out of the alley.
"What are we doing tonight father?" Alex asked.
"Your mother wants to go to the theater, so that is where we are going, but both of you be warned if I get board I'm killing everything that moves." Amon tells he, Persephone reaches up and kisses his cheek.
"I'm really hoping that you are board, your father is amazing when he wants to be, and it turns me on so much." Alex just pulls a disgusted face.
"Alexandra your face will stay like that if you pull that face again." Alex turns to her.
"Sorry mother." Amon just smiles to himself, knowing that these two are going to be hard work over the years to come.
Then Amon senses two vampires not for from them, one female whose scent seems familiar but can't quite place it and the other a young male just over a hundred years old.
"Is that Lord Amon my darling?" The man asked in a thick Irish.
"Oh yes my love that is him, the demon God made flesh." The woman says to him and turns to look at the Irish man to reveal Layla.
"Shall we go to the theater and watch the show my dear?" He asked her.
"I think that would be a marvelous Idea love." Layla says to him. They arrive at the theater and kill a rich couple in a box. Amon pays for his box.
One hour in and Persephone is enthralled by the play, but Amon is board stiff, Alex is enjoying the play but keeps looking at her father to see when he'll snap and as if Lucifer herself answered her pray a young man walks in to see if they would like some refreshments. Amon is out of his seat and grabs the young man and bites into his neck then rips his head off, he then chucks the head at one of the actors and hits him right in the face and all his face caves in.
"What a shot that was!" He says to himself and before Persephone and Alex knows what is happening Amon has jumped from the box to the people below and just starts ripping people apart and biting them, there is blood and limbs everywhere, people are screaming and running in fear. Amon grabs a man and completely twist his head, so he is facing his own ass.
A woman screams and Amon grabs her by the legs as she tried to climb over seats and just slammed her down on her face then up and over and slammed the other side of her face and repeats it a few times. Her face is completely smashed in. A woman tries to scurry away and Amon sees her.
"Now where are you going sweetheart." He says with a sick smile in full Vampire face.
He opens her legs and places his foot on her crotch and begins to push his foot down, and she begins to rip in half all the way up to her neck. Which he rips off and looks up at the boxes and sees a man just watching he chucks the head at him at full speed and the head gets stuck in his chest, the woman's eyes just looking up at him.
"I told you that your father was amazing, you two didn't believe me that this would be a good show and people would be talking about this for years to come." Persephone says with a chuckle.
"Is father always like this?." Alexandra asked.
"Oh your father is exactly like this, he's the most vicious killer in the world and no one comes close, but your auntie Katherine is the most deadly, I hope you get to meet her my dove." They just carry on watching. In a box Layla and the Irish man are watching the show.
"You wasn't kidding, this man is amazing." The Irish man says completely enthralled by the sight before him.
"I told you that he was fantastic and you my love will be just as famous, you are already the most famous nomad in history." Layla says with pride.
Persephone is getting very wet watching him, he's truly magnificent, he looks like he's enjoying himself so much. He has a man by the leg and is spinning him around and around then he lets go and the man splats against the wall.
"They'll be picking him off that wall for weeks," he laughs out. He walks over to the stage and gives a bow, he's killed at least 50 people.
There isn't anyone alive in the room. Persephone and Alexandra are clapping and cheering and so is Layla and the Irish man. Amon just smiles and waves at them.
He runs and leaps back up to the box and kisses Alexandra's forehead then turns and kisses Persephone deeply on the lips. Alexandra is licking and sucking the blood off his fingers while Persephone is licking the blood off his face and neck. When he is cleaned up they all leave the box and head out of the theater and back on the streets of London. They start to head back to their town house.
"Layla was in there tonight with the Irish man I told you about." Amon says to Persephone. Persephone's face turns from aroused to angry.
"That fucking whore better stay away from you." She says.
"She will, she left Prince Leon to be with the Irish man that she made." Amon tells her. Alexandra just looks at her mother.
"Who's Layla mother?" She asked as in the few weeks that she's been a vampire she's never seen her mother so mad.
She comes across as so loving, well as loving as a sick twisted, soulless monster can be,
"Layla my darling is a whore who has tried to get your father to bed her." Persephone tells her.
"She did once, and I turned her down, and I wasn't even mated to you then. I've been told that she's a good fuck as well. So you know that you are my always, my heart." Amon says to her with such love in his voice.
Persephone starts walking faster to get home cause no doubt Persephone wants Amon to fuck her senseless all night long. Alexandra is just amazed at how brutal her father is. But he's so funny and kind, it's hard to believe what she just witnessed. Her father is truly amazing. They reach the town house and all head inside and close the door behind them, moments pass and the sounds of Persephone giggling is heard as no doubt Amon has decided to chase her, Layla and her partner step out of the shadows.
"Should we say hello to them tomorrow my love?" The Irish man asked. Layla just looks at him like he's as mental as Vlad's Childer.
"I don't think that's wise, Persephone hates my guts and Pulchra Creaturae and Amon are best friends, he might kill you if he knows what you tried to do to her." She says to him.
"You women are so sensitive sometimes, I was only going to rape her." He laughs out at the lie he told her.
She just glares at him, this makes him laugh harder. She just slaps his chest and chuckles at him.
"That family is completely insane, you smelt Persephone's arousal in the theater. Completely unstable darling." She says to him.
"I get what you mean, it was fantastic to watch, but there was no art to it. It was just brutal unnecessary bloodshed." He says to her.
She just smiles and walks him back towards the theater and stops in an alleyway and sees all the fear and panic.
"It was to cause fear and panic my love, and he succeeded just like he always does. It's the reason his name is feared throughout the whole world. Learn from tonight, and you will be great also Arius." She says to him and kisses his cheek. He just stares at the scene before him. He has caused fear and panic but nothing on this magnitude. Furthermore, he just smiles and laughs a sick twisted laugh.
March 19th 1866
Seattle, Katherine is laying on her back, her outfit is torn, cuts and bruises all over her body, she's just staring up at the night sky. Godfrey had been tricked into going on a train, which him and Irina was both killed by Cole and some leggy brunette Hunter, called Jazzy, which is what Cole called her. The male Hunter helped them and his wife Kelly killed Samantha. Her beautiful Samantha.
The Hunter's wife thought she was Katherine after Katherine had killed her son. Katherine thought the whole thing was off so decided to stay away from the fighting that night and ended up loosing her best friend Irina and her lover Samantha. So for the last few years she's been plotting against Cole and the two hunters, the female hunter disappeared, but the male hunter who she found out was called Joseph.
His scent drives her mental as he smells like Cole a little, and he also smells like a vampire, but he has a heartbeat. He was playing a game with her, he lured her into an abandoned building to kill her, but his throat had been ripped out when she found him. She's never been able to find this Jazz person whoever she is.
She is going to make sure that the hunter's wife gets what is coming to her. Not only that, but she did find Cole, and they fought and Cole was just about to end her when a stake went through his chest and he turned to dust. Katherine just collapses from exhaustion having never been so badly beaten by anyone before.
Cole truly was on a different level to her and Amon. When she regains her senses, she's on her own just staring up at the night sky and in serious amounts of pain. There is no one around, and she has no clue who staked Cole. Over the next few weeks she can't get the image of Cole beating her, it's really starting to effect her as she's never been so close to death before, and she hates that someone had to rescue her like a damsel in distress. She wants to thank the person, but she also wants to kill them.
Katherine realises that she's just going to go out of her mind if she stays in America any longer and decides to leave for England and get back to Amon and Persephone and meet this new niece of hers.
"Hold on to your tits Dorothy, big sister is coming home to play with Benny boy after you've been keeping him warm for me." Katherine laughs to herself.
April 1st
Pandora's box
"All your enemies are dying my love, there is only Leon who stands in your way once you are free." Jezebel tells Luther. Luther just begins laughing at the whole situation.
"This is brilliant, with Godfrey and Judas dead, no one but me knows where Silas body is and with them both dead my vengeance is complete as everyone who helped put me here is now dead." He says laughing.
"That they are my love, as soon as I find this Hunter, we'll get the information to free all of you." She says, then she lifts her skirt to show Luther her pussy. He sits in his chair licking his lips.
"I've missed being inside you my love." He tells her, she can see that he's getting hard.
"I've missed you too darling, is there anything else you need me to do?" She asked him then starts playing with herself, she pulls a breast out of her dress and begins pinching her nipples. He stands up in rage, his vampire face comes out and he drops his pants to reveal his enormous manhood and he just starts pleasuring himself, they both begin to moan and grunt in pleasure until they both orgasm. When Luther regains himself, he pulls his pants up.
"You need to either go and see Leon yourself, or send someone in your place." He tells her. Fear crawls up Jezebel's spine as everyone is scared of Leon, he's the Vampire that gives vampires nightmares about, he actually looks like a demonic vampire. He's an ancient, the second oldest vampire on the planet after Lilith.
"What do you want me to do my love?" She says, and he can hear the tremble in her voice.
"I need you to tell my uncle Leon, that I'll be out soon and as long as he bends the knee, he can live, and I'll help him free the originals from there prison." He tells her.
Just as Jezebel is about to respond they hear the sound of heeled shoes coming down the stone steps, in the barely lit Pandora's box you can make out a female figure in a cloaked hood. As the woman gets closer to Jezebel and Luther, Jezebel sees the woman's face and changes into her vampire face.
The woman pulls her hood down to reveal long flowing red hair, it was Lilith. Ceto is banging on the force field "I'm going to fucking kill you mother!" She screams, Lilith just ignores her and a second chair appears. She sits down and looks at Luther, who's also in his vampire face.
"Hello Luther, it's been a long time grandson." She says with a smile.
"What do you want Lilith?" He asked. She laughed out very loudly and began giggling.
"Not you!" She says and gets up and goes to Cain.
"Stepmother, you look as beautiful as ever." He says to her and she smiles.
"Still has charming as ever and still as handsome." She says to him.
"I must get that from my father." He says with a smile.
"Well it wasn't from your whore mother that's for sure." She tells him as she really hates Eve.
"Is there a reason you are talking to me Lilly?" He asked her.
"No I was just in the area and decided to come see my beautiful daughter, my lovely grandson and my handsome stepson." She says with a smile, then she hears the growl.
"You still smell magnificent Lilith." Lycaon says to her. She sniffs the air and makes a disgusted face,
"and you smell like wet dog, have you been licking yourself again." She says this gets a few chuckles from the other cells. Lycaon just growls in rage.
"Have you come to free us Lilith?" Circe asked her.
"As you know I can't my friend, even though I much prefer you to your sisters and Damien." She says to her, Circe just smiles.
Lamashtu begins making noise from her cell, Lilith smiles and begins making the same noises back to her. Cain is just staring at her and begins giggling and so does Ceto, no one else understands her.
"What did she say?" Jezebel asked. Lilith smiled.
"She just said she misses me, and my hair looks lovely. So I replied that she looks beautiful as always, and she's truly missed." Lilith tells her.
"You two can understand her?" Jezebel directs at Cain and Ceto.
"Of course we can she's speaking Vedic, a language spoken after Babel." Cain states. Lilith gets up and begins walking out.
"It was nice seeing you all" she says and leaves.
"Well that was fucking pointless coming here." Ceto says.
"It was to rub your noses in that she's alive, and you are trapped in here." Cain tells her then begins laughing like he knows a joke.