April 15th 2004
New York. Amon is walking through the streets alone, to find someone to hunt as he's not had a good hunt in months, it's getting harder as every city has cameras now, lucky for Amon, quite a few humans work for vampires around the world, they do their bidding and if there master is pleased with them, they'll get turned.
As he turns a corner he spots a very familiar face, someone he's not seen in a very long time. They sense that they are being stared at.
"Hello Ben, it's been a long time." She says.
"That it has Dani, how have you been?" Amon asked her, he doesn't get to close as he doesn't want Persephone to smell her scent on him, Danielle notice this but stays where she is.
"I've been good I'm currently on vacation, I'm Christians assistant in Seattle." She says, Amon can smell him on her.
"I hope that he's treating you right, because you are amazing, just a shame things never worked out with us." With that said he walks past her and carries on walking.
"I never stopped loving you Ben." She says under her breath and carries on walking in her direction. Amon was happy that she was alright, he was miles away when he bumps into a tall leggy sexy brunette haired girl built like a swimmer.
"Are you ready for some fun Benjamin?" Jasmine says to him.
Amon smiles and walks off, then he turns back.
"Are you coming cousin, we have a lot to talk about, and I'd like a drink." He walks into the club and heads to the bar.
"Rum and coke please mate, and a glass of vodka lime and soda for the hot brunette behind me." The barman was about to ask what brunette, but looks up and sees a gorgeous leggy brunette with a black dress which comes just to past her thighs, with black high heels on.
Amon drops a twenty dollar bill on the bar and says keep the change. Amon passes his cousin her drink, she looks at it and smells it.
"How did you know this was my drink?" She asked him to play along as they don't know who's watching, Amon just laughs at her.
"You never escaped back in 1666, I let you live, was going to find you and turn you, because I knew you was going to be very attractive Jasmine." Amon says and begins to rub his hand up her leg, she knows that she should stop him, but she finds herself not being able to resist.
All the women in town fancied Benjamin and what she's heard about him is that he surrounds himself with beautiful women, vampires, witches and wolves even few humans and a hunter from Los Angeles.
"Benjamin we can't be doing this, one we are cousins, two we are naturally enemies, and you killed our whole family." She says, but she doesn't remove his hand from her leg, her knickers begin to get moist from her arousal.
Amon can smell it, he begins to get hard as she smells fantastic.
"That was a long time ago Jasmine, It's great to see you by the way." He says and pulls her bar stool closer to him, so he can get a feel of her ass, and gets close to her neck, fear and arousal escapes her, he begins to kiss her neck then slides his right hand up the inside of her thigh and keeps going she opens her legs, so he can touch her, she wants him to touch her, but she has a part to play as well, he feels her wet knickers and begins to rub her pussy while also kissing her neck, she begins to moan, she reaches across to his crotch and begins to rub him, she rubs her hand from the top of his pants and follows the hard length, when she reaches the end she gives it a light squeeze, looks down and sees the outline of his cock and gulps.
"Guess it was true that you was the son of a slave, cause no white man has anything this big." Jasmine says.
Amon smiles and kisses her softly on the lips.
"It was great seeing you cousin, but I must be going, just know I'm not your enemy." With that said he downs his drink gets up and walks off through the club to the stairs at the back and walks up them to his office as this is his nightclub. Jasmine finally comes to her senses opens her eyes after the most intense kiss, she turns around and notice everyone is looking at her. She's in a vampire nightclub. They can smell her fear and arousal but also her powerful blood, she goes to get her stake from her thigh, and it's gone, he has stolen it from her.
She gets up and walks slowly to the exit, for some strange reason no-one stops her, until she gets to the door and a gorgeous brunette is stood there in a red shirt with the top buttons open, so you can see her black bra and cleavage, she has tight leather pants on and a long black trench coat with high heels.
"You must be Jasmine, I'm Persephone Ben's wife, you can't be leaving already, we haven't gotten to know each other yet" and puts on her vampire face and backhands her and sends her flying 10 feet away.
Jasmine stands up laughing and whips the blood off her cut lip.
"Oh I've heard of you, your Ben's whore because he can't get Katrina, or he's just keeping you around until his true love comes along. Why do you think he's stayed out of England for the last decade?" Jasmine says laughing at her. Persephone runs and charges her, Jasmine side steps and smacks her face with her fist.
They exchange kicks and punches blocking a few and the others are getting through, Jasmine is starting to get the upper hand. Persephone can sense that she's loosing. No one has joined in to help her, Jasmine begins to beat the crap out of her.
"Guess you should've trained better instead of jumping from bed to bed Dorothy." Jasmine says, grabs a bar stool and snaps it, so she has a stake. She goes to bring it down onto her heart but a strong brown hand stops her.
"You can leave Jasmine." Amon says. She chucks the stake on the floor and turns and walks out. Amon looks down at Persephone who is battered and bloody.
He just shakes his head picks her up and cradles her into his arms, and he carries her up the stairs to his office and lays her down on the sofa. He grabs a cloth and some warm water to clean her up.
"I'm so sorry I let you down my love." Persephone says through tears. Amon doesn't say anything, he just cleans her up, then bites into his wrist and offers it to her. He pulls his phone out and sends a text message.
Moments later a female Goth looking vampire comes in with a young teenage boy tied up and gagged. Amon kisses the Goth vampire on the lips gently.
"Thank you, Clare." He grabs the boy and drags him to Persephone.
"Drink my love." she bites into his neck and drinks the boy dry. She quickly begins to heal. Amon gets up and walks out of the room leaving Persephone there to cry.
Jasmine arrives back at her apartment and closes the door behind her, she has tears in her eyes, she puts her hand up her short dress and pulls her very wet knickers off. She chucks them in her laundry basket and walks towards her living room. She can sense that someone is there and flicks the light on. Michael is sat in a chair in dark gray suit pants and a white shirt with the top few buttons open, he has a brew in his hand.
"What the fuck are you doing in my home Michael?" she asked him rather angrily.
"I've come to see you, as my siblings said that we need to talk. For what it's worth I still love you, and I'm sorry with how things ended with us." He says to her.
"It's fine I understand that you was just trying to protect me against your sister." Jasmine replies. Michael puts his cup down, then gets up and walks over to her.
"I've also come with a mission, it's your choice if you want to take it." Jasmine just shakes her head and walks past him towards the kitchen.
When she returns she's got two glasses and a bottle of Scotland's finest whiskey. She sits down and pours herself and Michael a glass each then puts the bottle down. She sits in the chair opposite to the one he sat in. He grabs the glass and sits down. He can see right up her dress, she crosses then uncrosses her legs to show him that she's not wearing any underwear, she takes a sip
"So what is the mission Michael?" She asked him. Michael is currently mesmerised by her long beautiful toned tan legs.
"You have three choices. One you go to London and meet up with a Hunter there, two, you go home to Preston and help Amon's soulmate Louise." He says, she looks at him. Then it dawns on her, she hasn't been back to Preston in over 300 years, the memories are two painful.
"What's the third mission?" She asked.
He looks at her and smiles. "You retire and become an Angel and come home with me, and we start a family." He says to her. She looks at him shocked then burst out laughing.
"Get the fuck out you daft cunt. I decline all your missions. I'm going back to San Francisco. Goodbye." She says to him. He gets up and disappears as he knows that once Jasmine has made up her mind there's no changing it.
Jasmine downs her drink and walks into her bedroom where Amon is waiting for her.
"Louise is still in Preston Ben." She says to him and walks over to her wardrobe and pulls out some pj's then walks into her ensuite to get changed.
"Thank you, Jasmine, this means a lot to me." He says to her. She walks out in a pair of shorts and a strappy top then goes and lays down on the bed.
"Your family won't be happy that you've been playing them from the very beginning." She says to him.
"You scare and manipulate the right people they go along with anything." He says with a smile.
"You should've let me kill her tonight." Jasmine says.
"Why would I do that when what I have planned is so much sweeter cousin." He says to her. He walks over and kisses her forehead. Then walks out of the room and the apartment.
"I think I might dye my hair blonde." Jasmine says to herself.
August 9th 2005
Seattle. Amon is sat in his office in his nightclub, sat behind his desk looking over papers, him and Persephone haven't been on good terms since she got her ass kicked from his cousin Jasmine. She refused to train and learn to fight properly, she's a basic fighter and never refined her skills like Amon and Katherine have, even Alexandra can fight beautifully. Amon believes that Alexandra would beat Persephone in a fight.
A Knock brings him out of his thoughts. The door opens and the Gothic vampire Clare walks in.
"Your guests are here father." She says.
"Thank you, Clare show them in." Amon replies. Christian and Danielle walk in. Amon stands up and greets Christian with a handshake. Then turns and kisses Danielle's cheek.
"It's good to see you Dani." She's noticed that he is looking at her face instead of her chest.
She purposely wore this figure hugging red dress that was low cut and goes to her shins, with a slit that goes all the way to her crotch.
"It's good to see you to master." This makes Christian look at her.
"He's your sire? You said your sire was Kali." Christian says rather angrily.
"Calm down mate, she's blood adopted. She left, because her and Persephone hated each other. We never parted on bad terms. She's a lovely person." Amon says.
"Aww thank you master, I did love our time together, and I'm keeping up with my fighting technics I mainly do judo because too much movement, and I'll knock myself out with these things." She says and grabs her breasts seductively.
"That's good to know Dani, never a good hunter but wanted to learn to fight." Amon says.
"So Amon how is Alexandra doing these days, I've not heard from her for a few years now." Christian says with a smirk.
"She's helping Kat with a problem in Europe, would you like anything to drink before we begin?" Amon asked. Christian nods and Amon texts Clare what he wants. Clare walks in with a tray of drinks and hands them to everyone.
"Is there anything else master." She asks him seductively. Amon just shakes his head no, she turns and walks out giving her ass a wiggle as she walks and Amon stares at her nice ass in her jean shorts that show off her bottom beautifully.
After about an hour and half they finish their meeting and are about to leave he shakes Christians hand and kisses Danielle's cheek.
"You look amazing Dani, if things don't work out with Christian, you can always come home I have a few jobs that would suit your talents." Amon says to her. She gently kisses his lips.
"Thanks for the offer master, but I'm very happy where I'm at for the time being." She says with a wink and links Christians arm and walks out. Amon goes back to his desk and sits down and puts his feet up and turns on the TV.
There's a knock and Clare sticks her head in.
"Your wife is here master, but she seems to want to dance." She says.
"Just let her in if she decides to come up." He tells her.
"Of course master". She says and closes the door behind her.
About an hour passes and Persephone comes to his office rather drunk with a male and female vampire both still young not even a hundred years yet. Not expecting to find Amon, because she's horny and fancied a good time cause Amon hasn't been near her for months. She finds him fast asleep on his chair with his feet up on his desk. She turns around and says to the female vampire.
"We'll go back to yours, my husband is asleep in there." As they leave.
"If you smell of sex when I next see you, I'll kill you and them two." Amon says still not opening his eyes.
"Are you fucking kidding me, you don't come near me for months, some nights don't even come home for days, I have needs, and you ain't for filling them, you selfish bastard." She screams at him. Amon jumps up and in a blur he's grabbed the two vampires and ripped there heads off, and they turn to dust. Amon grabs Persephone and bends her over his desk he lifts her skirt, pulls down his pants and enters her in one swift thrust.
"AHH! YES BEN! I'VE MISSED THIS!" She screams out.
Over the next few hours Amon and Persephone fuck each other's brains out. The office is completely trashed. They collapse on the floor completely exhausted and sexually satisfied.
"Wow that has to be the best sex of my life. My body is still shaking." Persephone says with a smile. Amon rolls to his side and kisses her deeply. Then gets up walks over to his destroyed desk and pushes a button, the wall next to the TV slides open.
"Has that always been there?" Persephone asked curiously.
"Yes it has," Amon replies with a smile he walks over and switches a light on. Persephone gets up and on shaken legs walks over to look inside. There are all her clothes and one of Amon's black silk shirts which she grabs and puts on, and on the center shelf at the back is Amon's sword and a duffle bag, he opens it pulls out a large brown envelope and hands it to Persephone, then starts pulling his clothes out of the bag and begins to get dressed.
"What am I doing with this?" She asked.
"It's some forms that I need you to sign please, I've marked what you need to sign." He tells her and hands her a pen. She pulls out the forms and begins signing it without reading it. Amon puts his sword in the bag and walks out and over to a picture of Manchester United lifting all three trophies from there treble wining season. He pulls it back and there's a safe, he opens it with his hand print and eyes.
Then puts in a four-digit code and says Ubermensch and the safe opens. There is all different kinds of money, and he begins to put it in his bag. Persephone has seen all this and is shocked as she's never seen the hidden room or the safe before. She finished signing and hands it back to Amon.
"Thanks babe, you now own everything except BDA Enterprises and four things." Amon tells her. Persephone gets very excited.
"Oh my goodness that's amazing darling, what four things do I not own?" She asked.
"My apartment complex in Preston and everything that comes with it, my home in Barbados and everything that comes with it. My plane and my ship. But you own everything else all the businesses in America and in England and Europe and all the home's." Amon tells her.
"This is amazing, thank you so much, I'm glad that you trust me enough to run this for us." Persephone says.
"It's not for us, there is no us, I'm leaving you." Amon says with a straight face.
"You're leaving me because I got beat off a fucking Hunter, that you forgot to kill 3 centuries ago?" She says mad as fuck.
"No I'm leaving you, because you've been using me and this family and hiding behind us, I was blinded by love to see it. But like always you cling to power. You haven't changed and you never will. Goodbye D." Amon says.
"You can't leave me we're mated you dumb shit." Persephone says with arrogance.
"I know we are, but I am leaving you and I ain't coming back and don't come for me, because I will end you Dorothy." With that said he walks out. Persephone screams and starts chucking things about the office. She collapsed to the floor and begins to sob uncontrollably. As the love of her life has walked out on her.
When Amon walks out of the club Danielle is waiting for him.
"It's done Dani, spread the news that Persephone's in charge." He says to her.
"Of course master, will there be anything else master?" She asked him.
"No! Just keep doing what you are doing, keep an eye on Christian and Kirsty my darling." He says to her then kisses her deeply and climbs into the waiting car and drives away.
February 26th 2006
Nantes France. "Wow you actually left her man, I never thought that you would do that, but then again I never thought you'd get back with her after the whole betraying you thing, but you went and mated with her." Antony says with shock in his voice. Amon just smiles and shakes his head.
"Kat and Alexandra told me for years, but I never listened, it took my cousin kicking the shit out of her for me to realise what she has been doing for over 160 years. Hiding behind me and my reputation, she knew how to play me from day one, and I fell for it all mate." Amon says.
"At least she's got all your money to keep her happy." Antony says, Amon just laughs.
"Yes she has the businesses but as soon as word gets out, every vampire in America is going to cut her out and take over the businesses and all Persephone will have is the money she's saved and her own businesses." Antony just burst out laughing.
"That's fucking funny man." Antony says.
"I'll be gone in a few days I'm going to head to London to Kat's town house for a bit then I'm going home to Preston where I intend to stay for good. I'm done traveling and taking over the world, that was all for Persephone, and I'm done, I'll sign everything over to you and Stuart. I can make more money and I have enough money to last another 300 years." He downs his drink and heads off to bed.
"Night buddy, would you like me to come and tuck you in?" Antony says laughing.
"Fuck you Antony" Amon laughs back at him.
When he's gone, Celeste walks out wearing a silk skimpy nighty.
"He's up to something my darling." She says and walks over to Antony and sits on his knee.
"Oh I know he is," he says to her. He stands up and bends her over and in one thrust he enters her and starts fucking her.
"Ahh yes my love, deeper. What does he have planned my darling? AHH, YES!" She screams out.
"It's a need to know bases." He says and fucks her until he comes then brings a stake out and stabs her through the back with it, and she turns to dust. Antony just smiles,
"and you don't need to know darling." He sits back down and lights up a fag.
A portal opens and Chris steps out, and he sees the pile of dust on the table.
"Is that Celeste mate?" Chris asked. Antony looks up with tears in his eyes as Celeste has been his lover for centuries.
"Yes I did what I was asked." Chris nods and puts the small vile on the table with clear liquid in it.
Antony takes the vile and drinks it, he collapsed to the floor in pain and screams out in agony, he sits up onto his knees and black smoke comes out of his mouth then it disappears.
Antony puts his hands on the floor and begins heavy breathing, his heart begins beating, he looks up at Chris.
"I'm alive." He tells him. Chris helps him up and offers him another vile with a red liquid in it.
"No shit Sherlock, you just drank the cure, now drink this." Chris tells him with a smile. Antony takes it.
"What is it?" He asked while examined it.
"It's a humanity suppression, so the guilt doesn't overwhelm you, and it's to mask, that you are human now." He says.
Antony nods and drinks it. Chris opens a portal and Felicia the ex Hunter walks out. Antony sees her.
"What is she doing here?" He asked.
"She's kept her humanity after she was turned, apparently if a hunter is turned they keep their humanity, it was a fail-safe put in when Michael created them." Chris tells him.
Antony looks between Chris and the gorgeous Felicia, then he realized something. He looks at the far end of the room and Amon is stood there.
"No mate, I don't have my humanity, if I do, I must not give to shits what I've done." Amon tells him with a smile, as no one needs to know the truth just yet.
"Persephone has gone to Arius like you said she would, how did you know that?" Felicia asked.
"Because she has nowhere else to go, Kat and Alex are busy helping Claudia, so going to them is too dangerous for her. Staying with you and Arius is the safest bet." He tells her, then goes back up to bed. Chris opens two portals Felicia walks through one, and he walks through the other.
"Now I'm fucking starving." Antony says to himself.
May 17th
London, Katherine's town house. There's body's everywhere and pieces of humans all over. A man is tied up in a chair with chains.
"Oh Kat is going to kill me for making a mess of her place, now you my good sir. You need to answer some questions for me, cause everyone else is dead." Amon takes the duct tape from his mouth.
"I'll tell you everything that you want to know." The man cries out.
"So I don't need to torture you, you'll just tell me everything?" Amon asked and walks over to a body and pulls out it's small intestine and begins skipping with them. The man turns green and vomits.
"Anything you want to know, and I'll tell you I promise!" The man cries out. Amon just carries on skipping then suddenly stopped.
Walks over to a body and removed the head and sits down and faces the head next to the chained man.
"Ok Simon, I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer them ok." Amon says.
"Ok but my name's Nathan not Simon." He says. Nathan has met vampires and other demons in his line of work, but nothing has made him this scared before, even through working for Arius. This vampire is a monster and Amy wanted him and his team to bring in a hunter killer, to help with their problem.
He killed 5 female experience Hunters like they were normal humans.
"Very well Simon, first question. Do you think Manchester United will win the league this season?" Amon asked him with a straight face. Before he can answer his phone rings, Amon reaches over and grabs the phone from Nathan's pocket.
"Hay Nathan is Katherine going to help out or what, you haven't checked in." A female voice says.
"Hello Amy it's been a long time." Amon says
"Ben is that you?" Amon can hear the smirk in her voice.
"Yes it is, how are you girl? We should meet up for drinks." Amon says rather chipper.
Nathan just looks at him strangely, how could Amy know this monster and not have killed him yet.
"Please tell me everyone is alive?" She asked.
"Sorry ginge, only person alive is the person who owns this phone, said his name's Nathan, but he looks like a Simon." Amon says.
"So you killed everyone else?" Amy asked. Amon laughs.
"Oh no they killed themselves, it was quite sad really. They broke in with weapons and tear gas and started shooting, tried staking me, I defended myself, and they ended up splattered all over Kat's home, which she is not going to be happy about when ever she comes back home." Amon says then puts her on loudspeaker.
"I'm very sorry, they aren't meant to attack, just to talk to Kat about a problem that we have." Amy says.
"Why are you apologizing to this monster, he cut through your Hunters like they were simply human." He yells out.
"Nathan shut up, I'm sorry about him Ben, he's a hot head. Nathan shows some respect, you are in the presence of Amon the deadliest vampire in the world." Amy says.
"Thanks ginge, but you will make me blush. Well for a hot head, you still slept with him. Maybe I can help you out, Kat and Alex are helping an old friend of ours called Claudia." Amon suggested, there is silence for a few moments.
"I slept with him years ago, how is my scent still on him? Never mind that, we need help locating a female Hunter living in Preston England. She's very important to us and to the world come the end of days." Amy says.
"Why would you tell Kat this, you know that she would kill her." Amon states.
"Well Kat would definitely try to kill her, but as it was you we wanted, Kat was wanted for information on where you was to help us." Amy says.
"Why would you think that I wouldn't just kill her?" Amon asked.
"Because she's your soul mate Ben." Amy says. Amon is quiet for a few moments.
"How did you find out about Louise?" Amon says, trying to keep up appearances, as he doesn't know if Katherine has surveillance inside her home. These Hunters attack before he could survey the building.
"Michael wrote it down and passed it on to the hunters." Amy says, knowing that it's a lie.
"Trina had a dream of the future where I was fighting alongside a blonde haired woman, and we were killing everything that moves that was evil. You know, and I know that this guy right here is going to get tortured, and I'm sending him to you in pieces." Amon states.
Nathan wets himself. But he knows that Amy will save him as he's got a wife and child waiting for him at home.
"Yes I do know that, and I'm currently writing my condolences card to his wife. You served your planet well Nathan." Amy says, and you can hear the sadness in her voice.
Amon closes his eyes and listens for a hum but he can't hear one so there is no surveillance.
"I'll help you. I'll be in Preston by next year." Amon says.
"Thank you, Ben, and please don't send me pieces of Nathan that's just disgusting. I'll send you the information to your address in Preston. Goodbye, Nathan." She says then puts the phone down. Amon looks at Nathan.
"Looks like it's just you and me boy." Amon's says and Nathan gulps.
"Hmm do I want you standing or laying down?" He says smirking.
"I think laying down will be best for my own comfort." So Amon unites him and slams him down on a strong sturdy breakfast table and ties him to it. He pulls out a knife and begins to cut Nathan's clothes off, so he's completely naked, pulls out his phone and rings someone.
"Hello Arius, good to speak to you, I have a soldier here called Nathan that works for that red haired hunter. I'm going to torture him for a few long hours. Would you like pictures?" Amon asked.
"Do what you want Ben I really don't care what you do to the boy, just make sure it's painful." With that said he hung up.
Arius is laying in bed and rolls to his side where a naked woman is laying with her back to him. He kisses her shoulder.
"Mmm Liam, you want to go again? My feeling in my legs has only just come back." She says and turns around and kisses his lips.
"What can I say I can't seem to get enough of you Dot." He says to her.
"Who was on the phone?" She asked. Not wanting to lie to her.
"It was Ben, he's torturing one of the hunters soldiers that's all." He tells her. She kisses him deeply then looks him in the eyes,
"Thank you for not lying to me." She says with a smile.
"I'd never lie to you, you and Felicia have been the best thing to happen to me, no one else has stood by me as much as you have. I love you for that, and I'll do everything in my power to prove that to you." He says to her, just the sound of power gets her excited and crawls on top of him and impales herself on to his hard manhood.
Felicia who is pretending to be asleep is listening to the whole thing.
"I guess I'll be killing them both when Amon gives the order." She thinks to herself. The bed begins shaking and the sounds of Persephone moaning like a bitch in heat is all that can be heard.
Back with Amon "now then the toe bone is connected to foot bone, wait that's a mistake, there are four bones in your toe. I'm sorry Simon please forgive me." Amon says then proceeded to smash his bones with his bare hands crunching and twisting them, then he snaps his foot bones, then the ankle bone on his left foot.
Nathan screams in pain, Amon looking like Stevie Wonder enjoying the noise like its music. The fibula and tibia go next then he pops out the knee cap.
"Don't worry I'll get to the cartilage later on mate." Then he starts on the other leg, then onto the thighs. Chops his cock off.
"Aww Amy will love this," he takes a picture and sends it to her. He unties the crying man and flips him over onto his belly and straps him back down to work on his back all the while singing what each bone was connected to.
November 11th
Manchester England mid-afternoon, Amon is driving his Audi R8 up the drive of the old Gunther estate, it looks quite abandoned. He pulls up his car and gets out, he walks to the front door, and it's open, so he walks inside. It's in complete darkness, he instantly senses that a vampire is living here, the vampires scent is familiar, but he can't quite place it. He follows the scent upstairs to the left and to the last room at the end. Persephone's old scent hits his nose, it arouses him, but he shakes it off. He opens the bedroom door and walks inside the completely darkened room, he looks for the light, but there isn't any.
He can see someone is a sleep in the bed. So he pulls his phone out and uses the flashlight on it. He walks over to the bed, and he noticed that the room smells of damp and is very cold and old, he also smells arousal coming from the sheets on the bed. He points his phone to the figure laying face down, he noticed that it's a female with long brown hair. The female senses that someone is in the bedroom and instantly vamps out and spins round to face them, but a bright light is in her face.
"Hello Imogene. Why are you living here?" Amon asked Persephone's sister.
"Amon is that you?" She asked.
"Yes it is, now Gunther, what are you doing here on my land?" He asked. He sees some candles and starts lighting them with his lighter than sparks up a cigarette. Imogene sits up and lets Amon see everything.
"How do you own the land, I sold it to Midson Incorporated." She tells him and begins pinching her nipples.
Amon has a look of disgust on his face.
"I am Midson Incorporated will you stop that as it's the most disturbing and disgusting thing that I've seen, and I've done a lot of vile things." Amon says to her. Then grabs her clothes off the floor and chucks them at her. She just glares at him and begins getting dressed.
"You'll fuck my sister but not me?" She asked Amon just shakes his head and walks out and goes and sits in the study which is full of mold, dust and vermin everywhere.
Amon pulls out his flask and sits on the desk, which seems to be the cleanest thing in the castle. A few minutes past and Imogene walks into the study wearing a dress from the 1800s, Amon just shakes his head at how stupid she looks.
"You do know that it's 2006, not 1806?" Amon laughs at her.
"I do, but I loved the 1800s it was my favorite century. Why have you come here my Prince, if not to fuck me?" she asked.
Amon just laughed and pulls a small vile out of his coat pocket and puts it on the desk.
"This is the cure, it's yours if you want it, Dorothy and I are no longer together, I'd rather kill myself than ever touch you. I'm knocking this shit hole down next week, so fuck off." He tells her then chucks the cure at her, and she catches it.
"I hate being a vampire, I was happier as a human." She says then drinks it.
She drops to her knees in pain and begins breathing, her heart starts to beat.
"I'm alive." She says, Amon starts laughing and pulls out a red vile and crushed it in his hand.
"That was to control your guilt, but you deserve to feel it all." He says to her with a smile. She brings her hands to her head and begins to scream in pain as all her past crimes begin torturing her.
Amon walks out and pulls his phone out and dials Persephone's number.
"All is forgiven if you come home." Persephone says to him.
"Not happening lover, but I do have some good news for you." He tells her.
"What is it?" She says with anger in her voice.
"Your sister took the vampire cure and is human. She's living in your old house in Manchester." He tells her, she squeals with delight.
"Is this a sorry gift and I can come back to you." Persephone asked.
"No you daft cunt, I'm hoping you two kill each other to be honest." He tells her giggling.
"You prick, I'm fucking Arius and Felicia, and he's way better than you ever was Benjamin." Persephone says to him.
"Well he can look at your constipated orgasm face, because I can't stomach it anymore." He says laughing then puts the phone down. He climbs back in his car and drives away laughing.