Chapter 31

January 15th 2007 

In Preston, Max has finally found Alucard after all this time, it turned out that he was in a wine cellar that Aurora had created, and it needed a special key to open it, so you could be anywhere in the world and use the key, and you walk down some steps into the wine cellar and there is Alucard chained up surrounded by light. She got the key by seducing Aurora's second eldest child Conner, he told her about the key and where his was.

So she stole it and used magic to make a copy and put it back. With the whole family split, Max decided that now would be a perfect time to rescue Alucard. She unties him and gives him some blood from the blood bags that she brought in. Out of the shadows steps Charon.

"I wouldn't take him if I was you miss Max." Max jumps and looks at him.

"Well I'm taking him, and you ain't going to stop me." She says to him.

"Of course not miss Max, I just suggest that you don't take him." He says to her.

She ignores him and helps carry Alucard up the stairs and back into her apartment where it's pitch black. Alucard's start's to scream then he turns to dust. Max collapses to the floor and begins to sob. The light flicks on and Antony and Chris are sat on the sofa waiting for her.

"I'm pretty sure Charon said not to take him." Chris says with a smile.

"How did he die?" Max says with tears in her eyes.

"Chris and Sean did a spell, so darkness was his weakness, hence why it was so well lit down there." Antony says to her. Max stands up and sees five dead bodies in her flat she recognised Conner. Antony turns to Chris and says something to him.

Chris says an incantation and Charon appears then goes up in flames.

"Why did you kill them and Charon?" Max asked.

"Because Amon wanted them dead, so they are dead. You have a choice, serve Amon or die?" Antony asked her she bends her knee and says.

"I'll serve Amon."

The moment she says that she goes up in flames.

"Asif we could trust you Maxikeen." Chris says to the now dead burnt body.

"Aurora is going to be mad when she finds out about her children being dead." Antony says.

"Oh she will, but she'll believe that it was Max, and we killed her before she killed Sean." Chris says. Sean is laying on the floor with his eyes wide open and drool coming from his mouth.

"But we were too late to save his mind." Antony laughs out. 

Jasmine walks into the room with Danielle, with her new beautiful long blonde hair cascading down her back.

"Well done boys, our part of the plan is done also." Jasmine says.

"So Stuart's sisters are dead?" Antony asked.

"Of course there dead, there is only Sabrina who can't be trusted outside the family." Danielle says to them.

Jasmine kisses Antony and her Antony leave, Chris opens a portal for him and Danielle to go and contact Aurora to break the news.

Once outside they walk through the streets linking arms like a loving couple for a while then stop by a block of flats, they walk in and take the elevator to the top floor, and it opens up into a massive apartment. Amon is just walking out of his kitchen with a can of Carling in his hand.

"So how was your evening love birds?" He asked them with a smile.

"Aurora's children are dead, Max and Alucard are dead, Stuart's sisters are dead." Antony tells him.

"There is just, Kat, Alexandra, Aurora, Claudia and Sabrina who can cause Jehovah problems Ben." Jasmine says.

"This is good. Amy's team is going strong, so are the twin witches that work with Amy. Ethan and Kirsten and there Boys are also going strong finding wolves for the army of light. The good witches of the Devon coven are strong, Felicia is playing Arius and Persephone like a fiddle, Louise has been training and once I meet her in a few months. We'll start building an army of light." Amon tells them.

He goes and sits down on the sofa and cracks open his can. Jasmine and Antony sit on a chair and Jasmine sits on Antony's knee.

"What do you want me to do with Christian cousin?" Jasmine asked.

"Absolutely nothing, he is nothing, he's just a silly boy with mummy issues." Amon laughs. 

In the next moment portals opened and out stepped, Stuart, Havana, Danny, Lucas, Emma, Danielle and Chris. Then more portals opened and out stepped Felicia and Amy's teams and the twin witches. They all drop to their knees.

"We are all here my Love." Danielle says, as her and Amon have started up their relationship again. Even if what Katherine has just told her scared her. Amon gets up and smiles.

"You are all here because, you've pledged your loyalty to Jehovah and see me as your general. Everyone who could not be converted has been killed. All except Kat, Aurora, Alexandra and Claudia. The wolves and the magics and the demons who have no leader thanks to the Simmons sisters and Callum." Amon says then Angela, Kimberly and Callum chuckle and bow to him.

"I can't believe that you killed Aurora's kids." Amy says to him.

"Aurora is an Angel and her children where half Angel, I was just wiping the board before the war. We could never win while Aurora and her children are on Lucifer's side." Amon tells her, even with Amy's children they wouldn't stand a chance.

"We could have converted her mate." Chris says to him.

"Chris I know that Aurora is your best friend, but she was never going to turn her back on her mother, she loves Kat too much to ever betray her." Amon tells him, Chris nods as he understands.

"We could try and convert Kat mate." Antony pleads with him as he's feeling guilty for killing Aurora's children as he's watched them grow up, he was their uncle.

"I know most of you love Kat, Alex and Aurora but Kat can't be converted, she hates Hunters more than she loves any of us, and apart from me and Felicia you guys are all Hunters now because you took the cure." Amon tells them all.

"I need to point out the elephant in the room. You are still mated to Persephone, how can we trust you?" Felicia asked.

"Because I'm your best shot at killing Katherine and you know it. I left her and hopefully I'll find a way to break that bond." Amon says to her.

"Felicia he has a point, she'd kill us all, and you know it." Amy says to her.

"We could do a spell to destroy her." Angela said.

"Wouldn't work Aurora has done a spell on Katherine, magic doesn't work on her, she'll have to be fought hand to hand." Amon tells them.

"Can you defeat her Ben?" Amy's husband Cassius asked.

"I honestly don't know, she's been my best friend for over 300 years, this is a massive betrayal. But I know that I'm the only one who is strong enough to go toe to toe with her." Amon says then takes a sip of his can.

"Why are Ethan and Kirsten not here or there children?" Amy asked.

"Ethan and Kirsten are in the middle of a war with Ethan's brother and his children are with them." Amon tells her, Amy nods at this answer. With that portals opened and everyone left, all except Jasmine

"Are you sure that this is what you want Benjamin?" She asked him.

"I didn't want to kill my grandchildren, but I did, I don't want to kill two of my daughters, but I will, and I don't want to kill my best friend, but I'll give it ago. I'd much rather be laying by the pool in Barbados drinking rum and having a great time with my family. But I can't do that, hopefully in the future I can have that dream with Louise." He says to her, Jasmine kisses his cheek then a portal opens, and she walks through it. 

A beautiful brunette walks through the walls and stands In front of Amon.

"Thou art doing the right thing my love." Louise says to him.

"I know I am it's just hard thinking about betraying Katrina." He says to the ghost.

"Thou was always destined to be great, it's why I loved thee so much. Just do what thou thinks is right by thee my love." She says to him.

"I know that this is in my head, but thank you for coming, you could always make me feel better Louise thank you." He says to her and she disappeared. 

Amon opens his eyes and is sat In front of the TV watching football with his can in his hand. He must have fell asleep. His phone goes off, and it's an unknown number, he answered it.

"Hello Benjamin." The female voice says.

"Ameerah is that you gorgeous?" He asked.

"Yes it's me, it's so good to hear your voice handsome." She says to him. "Why are you ringing me beautiful?" He asked her.

"I'm ringing you to tell you that I've finally become a mother." She tells him.

"Congratulations, when did this happen?" He asked, now realising that Lilith and Ameerah will also have to die and now Ameerah's new Childe.

"Just after the second world war." She tells him,

"and it's took you this long to tell me that we have another Princess?" Amon laughs out.

"Well as a Princess I'm very busy and training my daughter with mother's help, it's a lot different training a princess than a new fledgling my love." She tells him.

"How come you never had a party for your new daughter?" He asked her.

"Mother is paranoid, she thinks something big is happening, and we are not safe. I heard that you left Persephone." She says to him.

"That I did lover, and as a Prince, am I of high enough status to court a Princess?" He flirted to yer.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask mother, but it's good to hear your voice again handsome." She flirts back to him.

"Out of curiosity what is your daughter's name?" He asked, Ameerah begins giggling.

"I can't believe I forgot." She giggles.

"She's called Diana." She tells him. Amon just realised that Diana is going to be Katherine's mate, and he kills her.

"That's lovely, I need to go as I have some meetings." He tells her.

"Yes that's fine, if you are ever in Rome, come out for a drink, and we'll catch up ok." She says to him.

"I'd love that, goodbye Ameerah." He says and then hangs up before she can say goodbye.

March 8th 

Preston Lancashire, BDA Enterprise building in the city center at the very top of the high rise building, you can see the whole of Preston. Amon is standing in his office at the window looking out at the city in a very expensive black Armani suit, he has a lit cigarette in his hand and a glass of rum on the table next to him.

There's a knock on his door, which brings him out of his train of thought, Chris and Kirsten walk in, Chris wearing a light gray Hugo Boss 3-piece suit and Kirsten wearing a blue shirt with white lines going down, a dark pencil skirt which shows a lot of her leg as it only comes just to her knees, with some very expensive open toe high heels, with a pair of glasses on to complete the look.

Amon sees her and giggles "what's with the glasses love?" He asked with a smile.

"I think that they complete the outfit and make me look like a businesswoman." She says and takes a seat on the sofa surrounding a glass round table with two piece sofas on both sides of it and two large lazy boys at the top of the table. Amon just smiles and shakes his head, he brings the alcohol over on a tray and puts it down on the table, Chris and Kirsten both help themselves.

"Are you sure this is a good idea mate?" Chris asked.

"He's right Ben, this puts us all at a great risk, Ethan is King and a member of the Council of Supernaturals. I just hope you know what you are doing." Kirsten tells him.

"I've thought about this, I need to give Kat, Alex and Rory a choice. If they choose not to side with us, we all know where we stand with them." Amon says to them.

"It's still dangerous mate, we are no match for Rory, she's an army all on her own mate." Chris says to him then stares at Kirsten's nicely shaped legs, and begins to get turned on.

Kirsten smells his arousal and turns to him with disgust.

"Seriously? Your horny right now Chris." She says to him.

"What? You're hot, it's not my fault that I want you." Chris says with a smirk.

"Rory is Michael and Lucifer's daughter, making her a full celestial she can't fight, Jehovah will pull her out, her children where half, so they could, it's why I had them removed." Amon tells them.

"So that is why Aurora is so powerful, but how is Chris so powerful?" Kirsten asked.

"Because his mother is Selene and his father is Raphael." Amon tells her before Chris could.

"As a bastard, I was thrown into the orphanage with Max and Rory by my own mother instead of being raised as a Prince with Sabrina. My father only found out about me once I became a man and no longer needed him, but we've gotten very close over the centuries." Chris says to her.

"Do you think that we could win Ben?" Kirsten asked him.

"With my family by my side, a hundred percent yes, without them, it's anyone's guess now." Amon tells her.

"Well let's hope that they agree to help us." Kirsten says. 

A portal opens and out steps Alexandra, Aurora and Katherine all wearing knee-length dresses, Aurora's is purple, and is very tight-fitting and covers her small breasts, Alexandra's is green and has a boob window, Katherine's is black and low cut to show off her breasts, it also has a slit up one side to show off more legs, all three women look absolutely gorgeous.

Aurora sees Amon, and she's about to run into his arms and so is Alexandra, but he looks at them like they are strangers, Katherine also noticed this. Aurora has become so mentally unstable since they were told that Max killed her children.

"This better be good Benny boy, we are very busy." Katherine says and sits down on the other lazy boy, opposite Amon and pours herself a glass of rum, she opens and crosses her legs to show Amon that she's not wearing any underwear, and she's clean-shaven.

Chris put's two viles of the cure on the table.

"What's this Chris?" Alexandra asked.

"This is the Vampire cure Alex." Chris tells her with a straight face.

"Why the fuck are you showing us this?" Katherine asked.

"Because we want you to take it." Kirsten tells her very calmly, not wanting to rile them up too much.

Amon reaches into his pocket and pulls out a packet of Lambert and Butler cigarettes, he pulls one out and sparks it up.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Katherine says with anger in her voice. Chris put's the red liquid vile down on the table.

"What's this one Chris?" Aurora asked.

"This Rory is a humanity suppression, so the guilt doesn't drive them mad." Chris tells them, Amon takes a sip of his rum.

"We want you to fight for Jehovah." Kirsten says.

"Now I know this is a joke, Ben what the fuck is this all about?" Katherine asked him in rage.

"You and Alex need to drink the vile" Chris demands.

"And what if we don't?" Alexandra asked.

"You can open a portal and fuck off" Kirsten tells them.

"Listen hear dog breath, I'll kill you and your fucking son's if you speak to us like that again." Alexandra says now in full Vampire face, Kirsten just laughed

"You and what army sweetheart?" Kirsten asked.

"My death squad, that's who." Alexandra says to her, this just makes Chris and Kirsten laugh.

"That death squad was trained by Amon to serve Jehovah, he just let you lead. It can still be yours if you drink the cure Alex." Kirsten says to her.

Amon just sits there drinking and smoking. Chris pulls out a third vile of the cure.

"Who's this far?" Katherine asked.

"It's for Ben if you decide to take it, so will he." Chris tells her.

"Are you really going along with this father." Alexandra says to him. Amon just chooses to ignore her.

"Ben your daughter is speaking to you." Katherine says to him.

"Kat just take the cure." Chris says to her.

"I'm sick of listing to you two, I want Ben to speak because you are being awfully quiet about all this!" She yells at him.

"No need to yell smell, I'm sitting across from you fat ass." He says to her with a smile on his face, this makes the whole room calm down.

"My ass is not fat." She laughed out at him.

"What has Rory's mother given us really? Because we made our names famous not her, she gave us Rory, to keep an eye on us, Angel's are not aloud to fight, so our so-called big gun is useless! The war comes down to me, and you Kat." Amon says to her.

"Is this why mother left you? Because you joined Jehovah." Alexandra asked.

"I left Dorothy because she was using us all and hiding behind our reputation, Dot craves power she always has, she'll never change, the next time I see her I will kill her and Arius if he gets in my way." Amon tells her.

"Who's on your team?" Aurora asked.

"When they take the cure, and you let your grandfather help you, then I'll tell you everything that you want to know." Amon says to her.

"I helped you take over the world Ben." Katherine said.

"No you didn't, you just helped create an army for Jehovah." Amon tells her.

"How long have you been working with my father and grandfather dad?" Aurora asked in rage.

"He personally approached me in 1695 after I had just turned Amy. I accepted his offer in 1709 after Persephone betrayed me, you had gone and so had Cole, I felt alone then Jehovah told me that my cousin Jasmine was alive, and I didn't feel alone anymore." Amon tells her.

"We are your family, not some leggy Hunter who is going to die by my hands." Katherine tells him.

"You are my family, it's why I want you to take the cure, so we can still be a family." He pleaded with them.

"What does the cure do to us?" Alexandra asked.

"You can't be serious Alex?" Aurora says to her.

"It makes you human, but you keep your abilities, so technically you become a Hunter." Amon tells them. Katherine looks at him with disgust.

"Lucifer granted me this amazing life and my daughter, I could never be a Hunter, I fucking hate Hunters." Katherine says to him.

"If you don't take the cure, there's a strong possibility that your vision will come to pass." Amon tells her.

She looks at him as she can tell that he knows something.

"You know where Diana is." She says to him.

"Yes I do Ameerah rang me and told me that Diana is the name of her new daughter, Diana is a Princess." Amon tells her.

"What vision are you on about? Who's Diana? Wonder Woman?" Kirsten asked.

"Kat had a vision some years ago, and it was the end of days battle, nearly everyone was dead. Diana was possibly Trina's mate, with how grief stricken she looked after I killed her." Amon tells them all.

"You betrayed me for over three hundred years Ben, I can't forgive you for this, we meet again I'll kill you" Katherine tells him,

"I'm with mother on this father." Aurora says and begins to open a portal.

"I'm a sorry dad, but I'm with auntie Katherine on this, you've completely lost your mind, all of you have." Alexandra says and all three walk through the portal.

"Well that went swimmingly mate" Chris states with a smile.

"The next time we see them, they'll try to kill us." Kirsten says.

"Only us three as I never told them who is on our side, Kat will figure it out." Amon tells her. Kirsten looks at Amon's hand and noticed that there is a small black fob key.

"What's in your hand Ben?" She asked.

He holds it up and shows her "it's a device to completely disable supernaturals, Chris and the twins worked on it with my R&D department. It sends out a pulse in a one-mile radius, all magicals loose there powers, you couldn't change into a wolf, or back human if in wolf form, daylight rings would stop working on vampires." Amon tells her.

"Was you going to use it?" She asked.

"I honestly don't know." Amon tells her. 

There's a knock on the door and Danielle walks in wearing a figure hugging red dress that's low cut to show her breasts, and it's very short, she's also wearing closed toe high heels also red.

"So how did it go guys?" She asked as she walked in and sat on Amon's knee.

"Well they never took the cure, and they never started a fight, so I'd say it went swimmingly." Chris tells her as he talks to her breasts.

"My eyes are up hear Chris." She says to him.

"Yes but them beautiful tits are right there." He says to her. Danielle just glares at him, Amon just strokes her legs, and begins laughing.

"Seriously Chris, first Kirsten and now Dani, who's next?" He asked.

"Amy and the twins or Felicia, her tits are as lovely as yours Dani." Chris says with a smile. Amon pulls out his phone and types,

"it didn't work." Then sends it to everyone in his phone book.

Kirsten stands up, walks over to Amon and Dani and kisses both their cheeks.

"I have to go and tell Ethan what's gone on today, see you soon." She says Chris opens a portal for her, and she walks through it. He gets up and heads out.

"I'm going for a drink, I'll speak to you later mate." Chris says.

"See you later Chris." Amon calls back.

"Alone at last love, the bed was lonely when you left this morning." Danielle says to him and begins kissing his neck.

Amon begins to get hard, Danielle feels it and runs her hand down his chest to his manhood and begins rubbing it through his trousers.

"Dani you know that we have to stop this." He says to her.

"I do Ben, but I want you for as long as you'll let me, I might be human now, but my feelings for you haven't changed." She says to him, he grabs her and begins kissing her passionately. She moans into his mouth as he begins groping her big breasts.

"Open a portal to home beautiful." He tells her, his phone goes off and he looks at it. It's a picture from Katherine, he responds to it and puts his phone away. 

Danielle begins to concentrate as Chris and the twins showed her and a portal opens up, Amon picks her up, and she wraps her legs around him, he walks her through the portal, and they end up in his bedroom. Amon decides in that brief moment that he's going to show Danielle the time of her life, because this will most likely be there last together as she leaves for China tomorrow with Jasmine to look into this Luther business.

He stands her up and gently turns her around, so he can unzip her dress, he lets it fall down and realized that she's completely naked, he kisses the back of her neck, and begins working his way down her body, to her big beautiful plump ass, he nibbles and kisses her bottom, he runs his hand up the inside of her thighs, she opens her legs wider, and bends forward slightly. Amon uses both hands and opens her ass cheeks and begins licking her asshole as he knows that she loves that.

With one hand firmly against the wall for balance, she uses her other hand to grab the back of Amon's head.

"Ahh yes Ben, eat my ass, just like that." She moans out.

He grabs her and puts her on all fours on his bed, she puts her head down and lifts her ass right in the air, Amon just stares at the beautiful creature before him. He begins taking his suit off very slowly, Danielle begins leaking with anticipation she turns her head to see what he's doing and just watches him strip, when his shirt comes off, and she sees his ripped muscles, she feels like she could come from watching him.

Then he drops his pants and boxers and his huge manhood springs free she moans out and her hand goes to her wet pussy and begins rubbing her clit. Amon sees this.

"If you don't need me Dani I can leave." Amon says with a smirk.

"Don't even think about leaving me this horny." She says to him. He bends down behind her and goes back to licking her ass and starts licking her pussy.

"Oh Ben yes, just like that, don't stop, it feels so good AHH!" Danielle begins moaning out, while he's licking her pussy, he fingers her asshole and when he's licking her asshole he begins rubbing her clit, the bed is wet through as Danielle begins squirting all over.

"AHH FUCK! I CAN'T STOP COMING!" She screams out in pure pleasure. He whole body begins twitching and collapses on to the bed.

"Are you ready for me Dani?" He asked her. Without looking

"I'm always ready for you Ben." She says to him, Amon position himself at her entrance and pushes himself inside her, he begins going in and out of her very slowly, Danielle begins screaming out as Amon picks up the pace. 

For the next few hours Amon had fucked Danielle in every hole that she has and the order amazed Amon. They're both laying on their backs covered in sweat and both completely satisfied.

"I'm going to miss you Ben." She says through short breaths.

"I'll miss you too, but now that you are human, you can start a family and get married, considering that you never mated while you was a vampire." He says to her.

"The man I wanted was mated to someone else, I could've made you very happy Ben." She tells him.

"We had longer than most humans get, and you made me very happy, and you still do, and I don't mean just the sex, we get on very well, and we are great in public." He says to her. She kisses his cheek.

"Thank you, Ben, that means a lot to me. But like I told you centuries ago, you've ruined me for anyone else" she says with a giggle.

"I aim to please darling." Amon tells her, then kisses her, and they fall asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning they have morning sex, then they have sex in the shower, they leave the bathroom and Jasmine is sat on the bed with a smile on her face wearing a flimsy black dress that comes just past her thighs and is risen up her leg with how she's sat. Amon has a towel around his waist, Danielle has a big towel wrapped around her body and one wrapped in her hair.

"Did we have fun?" Jasmine asked with a cheeky smile on her face.

"You should have joined us Jazzy." Amon says to her with a smirk.

"I'm very happy with Antony and don't feel like cheating sorry, plus we have a plane to catch, twenty minutes ago." She tells him.

"Considering that it's my plane, I'm sure it will only leave when you get there." He tells her then drops his towel and his erection just stands there.

"Holy fucking shit, I can't believe that you can handle that." Jasmine says to Danielle.

Danielle smiles at her and drops her towel and begins drying her hair. She walks over to the vanity table and begins blow-drying her hair, then straightens it. She begins applying her make up, while watching Jasmine through the mirror, not taking her eyes off Amons cock.

"Just give it a go Jasmine I can see that you want to." Danielle says. Jasmine just shakes her head.

"Fuck that, I'll pass." She says to him. Amon just smiles and begins to get dressed. Once Danielle is dressed she kisses Amon goodbye and so does Jasmine, and they leave for the air strip.

June 1st 2007 

Preston England. Amon arrives back home very late night after spending all night drinking and whoring about just like when he was human. When he gets home he goes straight to bed, for some much-needed sleep. Now he's up, he fancy going for a drive, he drives through town, how much it's changed since he was human and sees someone that he recognises, he pulls over and winds his window down on.

"Hello Joy you look amazing," he says with a smirk.

"Oh my god, Ben is that you? You don't look like you've not aged a day." Joy says, she thinks that he must be a hunter like her daughter's and her son.

"It must be my black jeans, you look good after what? 17 18 years? Your daughter must be all grown up now." Amon says with a smile.

"She's just turned 18, time flies doesn't it." She says with a friendly smile.

"That it does, I hope you've been looking both ways before crossing the street?" Amon says while laughing. She laughed also, they say there goodbyes and Amon drive's off to Brookfield.

He pulls up outside a spar shop and looks around, he remembers when this was all fields. He leaves his car and begins to walk towards the shops. The big green where some kids are playing football. He must look out of place, in the hot sun, and he's wearing, black boots, black jeans, a black silk shirt and a leather trench coat that goes to his knees.

While everyone else is in shorts and t-shirt.

"I'll have a pint in the Brookfield arms". He says to himself, when he gets there it's been burnt down.

"Fuck sake that means I've got to go to the Gamull pub." Wanting a pint he begins to walk down Mearley road then onto Gisborn road, walks down the hill onto Heathfield drive and walks down the street to Garsdale road and hears people laughing and joking with each other he turns to walk down Garsdale road.

"I think I'll cut through the old railway lines and onto Sion close and walk up to the pub from there." He says to himself.

"Hello handsome, not seen your face around here before. Are you not hot in all that?" The rather nice looking girl with large breasts says to him.

"Not really miss, hot and cold don't really bother me, so I wear things for comfort and style." He says with his trademark smirk.

He hears a females laugh, and it's like music to his ears. Furthermore, he turns to the sound of the laughter and sees the most breathtaking beautiful young woman of his long life.

She's got long blonde hair, strong shoulders, lovely voluptuous breasts, a beautiful toned body, great child baring hips, a full on ghetto booty, with amazing long toned legs on her small 5ft something frame, she's perfect. She's wearing a yellow spaghetti top, that shows off her amazing cleavage and her belly button ring on her toned abs, and some light blue jeans that look like they were a night mere to get over her ass. Furthermore, she turns, and they make eye contact and the whole world melts away. They've found there soul mate, Amon can't believe the likeness between this Louise and his Louise that died over 300 years ago, he's just glad that they've finally found each other after so long.