Wyll and I separate, and as I'm headed to class, I realise that I could have just used the Analyse skill on Perri to find out whether she's a tank or not. I'm still not used to being able to just see a person's abilities at the drop of a hat.
I enter class and see that the teacher waiting inside is Ms. Ava. She's thin, far too thin, and looks sickly, with bags under her eyes and stringy black hair. She's the teacher who teaches the practical combat class, and the one I most remember from Rising Hero, because she's the teacher who Rex Cranz first meets.
She's the one who first spots Rex Cranz' talent and invites him to Ward Academy, and whenever he's down, she's the one he first goes to. The game heavily implies that Rex sees her as an older sister figure.
Luckily, she's a really fair teacher, so she never acts biased against Thomas or biased for Rex.
"We'll be sparring today," Ms. Ava says once all the students have arrived. As usual, the only people I recognise are Rex and Claire, "It's good to get your bodies moving once in a while."
She coughs a few times, and it really doesn't sound healthy, but no one is reacting like anything out of the ordinary is happening here. It makes sense, I suppose, all these students have gotten used to this by now. Although, Rex still looks a little worried.
"I'll draw lots from a box so that the match-ups are completely random," she says once her coughing settles down.
My insides freeze up. I want to fight Rex, I want to defeat him even, but it's too soon. If we get paired up with each other now…
Ms. Ava pulls out lots, two at a time, announcing who will be fighting whom. I listen closely, and then she says the name I've been waiting for, "Rex Cranz and Chris Razler."
I swallow the urge to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly I catch Rex's eyes. It's just a glance, but for some reason I can guess what he's thinking. He doesn't want our match to happen here either. He wants us to have a proper duel, at the time we decided.
After a few moments, my name is called as well, "Thomas Filmore and Sten Hayes." I don't know who Sten Hayes is, but only one other person perks up at that, and it's a large and muscular man with a bowl cut. He looks at me, and I don't forget to use Analyse this time.
Sten Hayes (Vanguard)
LVL 11
Con – 14
Str – 14
Dex – 10
Sta – 10
Mag – 3
Fai – 4
So he is Sten Hayes, and his stats aren't bad. However, the only stats he surpasses me in are faith and constitution, so I feel I have a good chance of winning against him.
But then I look towards Rex again. In the end, am I not trying to do the same thing? I'm also trying to defeat my opponent with inferior stats. Perhaps this will be a good example of what to expect in a battle where one person clearly outclasses the other.
The matches begin in the centre of the classroom (which has been cleared to make space), and some are quick, lasting only ten to fifteen seconds, while others take minutes. For each one, Ms. Ava always steps in just in time to avoid any major injuries. When Rex's turn arrives, Chris Razler, his opponent, looks nervous.
"Don't worry, this isn't life or death," Rex says encouragingly, "Just show us what you can do."
That puts some colour back in Chris' face, and they begin their spar. For the most part, Rex simply defends, letting Chris try any technique he wants to on him. They're all just basic sword moves, and he does use one skill where he unleashes an immensely quick stab, but Rex dodges even that. Once it becomes clear that Chris doesn't have any other moves in his arsenal, Rex dismantles him with ease.
Ms. Ava calls the match, and as Rex holds out his hand for Chris to grab and stand up, he says simply with a grin, "Not bad."
Chris chuckles light-heartedly as he takes Rex's hand and is helped to his feet.
Yeah… seeing that easy-going confidence, that helpful nature… I'm reminded once again of why I respected him so much.
A few matches later, Sten Hayes and I are called up. We take our places opposite of each other, and as Sten readies his sword and shield, he says with a sneer, "Time for this commoner to show you that you nobles aren't all that!"
Ah. Another person Thomas Filmore has pissed off. Wonderful. I don't say anything back. I mean, what can I even say? I have to pretend to have a change of heart at some point so this kind of stuff stops happening…
I raise Thomas' Sword, and Ms. Ava announces, "Fight!"
I wait for Sten to attack, and Sten waits for me to attack. He's a vanguard, a tank class in Rising Hero, so I suppose he's more confident in his defence than attack.
I decide to take him up on his challenge. I charge forward, and instantly I feel the difference from yesterday. It's like I'm flying, my speed is so much greater than before that it's almost incomparable. And the best part is, I feel completely in control.
A blink and I'm right in front of Sten. Sten cannot react in time. In fact, I know if I swing now, I'll strike him directly, ending the battle here and now. I can already see Ms. Ava out of the corner of my eye, ready to step in. So, I purposefully swing my blade at Sten's shield. Ms. Ava pauses, seeing that Sten is safe for now. I think that as well, but what comes next surprises me.
My blade strikes Sten's shield, and the shield is immediately batted aside, leaving Sten completely open. I'm too stunned to even take advantage of it, but I don't need to, because Ms. Ava steps in, declaring, "Victor—Thomas Filmore!"
I stare at my sword, barely hearing her. Was that… because of the difference in our strength stat? Sten has fourteen strength, while, with Thomas' Sword, I have eighteen. Does the stat difference really have this large of an effect?
"Did you enjoy that?" Sten spits out hatefully, "Did you enjoy toying around with me?"
Toying around…? Oh, right. I didn't go for the victory both times when I could. For someone of my reputation to do that, I must have come across as a villain mocking my opponent. I look at the crowd and see Rex and Claire glaring at me. Rex doesn't seem like he'd mind fighting me right now anymore.
I turn away from them and leave the centre of the room to join the crowd. I can't feel happy about my victory at all. Not because I garnered more hatred, I've been steeping in it since I got here, but because if the stat differences really matter this much, then do I even stand a chance against Rex?