After my battle with Sten, only a few more matches remain, one of them includes Claire Weiss. When her turn comes up, she reveals one of her flaws: Claire is an incredible healer, but a very poor fighter. She uses a spear, because it is the weapon most similar to her staff, and barely lasts a few seconds before her enemy defeats her.
There is one more match after hers, and once that's done the sparring session ends, and we help Ms. Ava put all the desks and chairs back where they were before.
Class ends soon after and I wait for everyone to clear out before going up to Ms. Ava. "I have a question," I say, "How was I able to bat aside Sten's shield? Was it really just because I'm that much stronger than him?"
I don't know why I'm asking her this. I think I just want to make completely sure. Besides, Rex trusted her, and as a player I trusted her. Also, she's a teacher and was watching my battle with Sten, so I feel like she'd know the answer best.
"Partly," Ms. Ava says, and I am surprised. She goes on to explain, "The difference in strength between you two certainly played a large role in helping you do what you did, but if a shield is held properly, it can withstand even a significantly stronger enemy's blows. Sten has only recently begun using shields, so he hasn't quite gotten in the habit of holding them properly yet."
"It was… technique?"
Ms. Ava says, "Make no mistake, as I said, the difference strength was the key to overwhelming him like that, but even with just swords, if you block properly, you can hold off a significantly stronger individual. Raw ability is important, but so is technique."
I nod slowly, "I see."
I thank her for her explanation and leave the classroom. Right outside I see Claire Weiss, and she's looking at me strangely.
"What?" I ask her.
"…Nothing," she says as she walks past me and back into the classroom. She must have a question for Ms. Ava as well.
As I walk down the stone halls, I think about what Ms. Ava said. Her words give me hope that perhaps I can indeed defeat Rex, despite our difference in stats. Who knew that Rex's most trusted teacher would help me against him?
But the thought of technique makes me wonder. These sword techniques, I didn't acquire them. They just… appeared in my head, and I understood them intimately for some reason. I can't help but wonder why. I don't have Thomas' memories, so why do I have his expertise? More importantly, I don't actually know how to train these techniques. I might have to go back to Ms. Ava again at some point.
Not now though. Training techniques is a long-time thing, trying to learn a new technique or two a week before my match with Rex will just be a waste of time. Better to focus on raising my stats.
I arrive at the entrance of the Great Dungeon, and I see that the crowd is here like always. I look around and spot Wyll before walking up to him. His head's on a swivel, and he seems to be on the lookout for something. When he sees me, he greets me distractedly, "Hey, Thomas."
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"It's Leila," he says, "We get free at the same time but she's still not here."
After a few minutes, I see Perri Faye approach. She greets me brightly, "Thomas!" And then she turns to Wyll and her expression and tone both go flat, "Commoner."
She's carrying a double-headed axe that's almost larger than her whole body. The axe blade is so wide that it engulfs her head and torso both. I didn't know she used an axe, that was never shown in Rising Hero. It's seriously weird that she's even able to carry that thing, let alone with such ease.
I think with intent, Analyse.
Perri Faye (Vanguard)
LVL 11
Con – 12
Str – 13 (+2)
Dex – 9
Sta – 10
Mag – 5
Fai – 6
So she's a vanguard as well, just like Sten. It's good to know that I can see stat modifiers as well, and I'm guessing her extra strength comes from her axe, just like Thomas' Sword.
"This is the first time you've asked to party up with me, I'm so excited!" Perri says giddily.
Is it really? I'm surprised. I never wondered this before, but how did Thomas Filmore level up? Did he enter the dungeon on his own? I suppose that's possible for the first level, but he'd already defeated the flame gorilla before I found myself in his body, so he must have had other people to team up with.
If I had to take a guess, I would say he temporarily teamed up with some of his other suck-ups.
"So? Shall we go?" Perri asks when she sees that we aren't moving.
"We're still waiting for our healer," I say.
"Do they still have class?" Perri asks.
"No, she's just late," Wyll sighs.
Perri looks aghast at that, "The nerve!"
We continue waiting, and as the ten-minute mark approaches, Perri says, "We should just go! No one boorish enough to make us wait this long is worth it!"
"We need a healer," I say simply.
"Who is this healer anyway?" Perri asks.
"Leila Freiss," Wyll says.
Perri's expression twists into something distinctly unhappy, "Oh… her…"
"Have you met her?" Wyll asks.
"A few times during balls and such. I've heard even more about her," Perri says, "She's from a noble family of good stock, but her behaviour besmirches their good name. Well, at least she isn't another commoner. Still, you've chosen odd members for your party, Thomas."
That I have: a healer with a provocative personality, a support that's actually a prince in disguise, and a tank who considers commoners completely looks down on commoners. Oh, and there's me, a person from another world.
Yeah, nothing about this party is normal.
As I'm thinking that, I spot Leila Freiss' shiny black hair in the crowd. She's walking towards us with a lazy, cat-like gait.
That, of course, seems to irk Perri.
"You're late, Freiss!" Perri scolds, "What kind of person makes their party wait and then doesn't even apologise about it?"
"…Who are you?" Leila asks, her tone indolent.
"I'm the tank! Perri Faye!" Perri throws up her hands in anger, "We've met before!"
I can see the anger growing on Perri's face, "If you don't remember, just say so!"
"I don't remember you."
Perri's stifled scream is inhuman. Wyll watches in fascination. As this goes on, I look at Leila and think once more with intent, Analyse.
Leila Freiss (Healer)
LVL 12
Con – 6
Str – 4
Dex – 6
Sta – 13
Mag – 14
Fai – 15
I smile as I vaguely notice Perri pulling on her own pigtails in frustration. Yes, this I can work with.