Chapter 8: Breaking Down Barriers

The tension from their confrontation in the courtyard lasted all day long. In class, Aria had trouble paying attention, as Ethan and Ryan's argument played in her mind. She doesn't know what disturbs her more, Ryan's sudden request or Ethan's dogged behaviour.

After the last bell rang, Aria went to the library to work on the project in order to clear her mind. Ethan is already there sitting in a chair with his feet up on the table. She didn't expect this.

"Aria said, "You're early," as she placed her bag down."

Ethan glanced up, smirking. I couldn't help but want to see you, Bennett.

She rolled her eyes without real bite that made me laugh.

For a moment they worked in silence, a nondescript buzz in the library one of calm. As time went by, Aria felt that Ethan's watchful eyes were fixed on her.

"What?"she finally asked, looking atude prohibited.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders. You've been mute all day. That's not like you.".

Aria was considering whether to wave him off. But something in his tone, a softness she wasn't used to, threw her.

She admitted that Ryan suddenly appearing was just too much. "It threw me off.".

Ethan sat back in the chair looking straight. "He's an idiot. You know that, right?".

Aria sighed "I know." "But it's complicated.".

"Doesn't have to be," said Ethan. You should not settle for low than what you deserve. Better things are on their way.

Aria blinked, not expecting his sincerity. Wow! That was really a kind thing to say!

Ethan smirked, but I could sense some weakness in his eyes. Don't make it a habit, Bennett.

She chuckled quietly, and for a moment, the walls between them fell away.

I'm curious why you are so interested?Aria inquired, as her tone slowly dropped.

He didn't speak with usual confidence. "Perhaps it simply angers me to see you hurt," he finally said.

Excitedly, Aria's heartbeat quickened at his words, but he stood up before she could utter anything.

He picked up his bag and said, "Come on."

"Where are we going?" she asked, confused.

You'll see, said Ethan with a smirk.


He led her to a place she has never been before- the school rooftop. Wow, the sunset view of our campus looks breathtaking with bright hues of orange and gold.

"Wow!" Aria stated, approaching the edge.

Ethan leans against the rail and says he thought you could use some air.

After a pause, they stood there without uttering a single word.

"Thanks," Aria said, looking at him.

"For what?''I am kinda hungry'' Ethan said.

"For standing up for me. And look at this," she said, pointing to the view.

Ethan shrugged but there was a small smile developing at the corners of his mouth. "Don't mention it, Bennett. Try to stay out of trouble!

The evening was filled with her laughter.

Aria noticed that something had changed between them once again as they walked back down. The rivalry was nearing blurring into something and was no longer clear.

She wasn't certain if it scared her or thrilled her.