They had not shown us anything, not told us anything, and seeing the face of the soldier before me, he was short on just pushing me in the abyss.
To hell with laws, to hell with being a minor, we had lost all rights because we were prisoners.
The iron fence could be removed every half-meter, and I now saw down into the darkness.
Ah, there it was—the excitement I had so long waited for. As adrenalin made me giddy, the thought of slaughtering a few monsters and maybe humans aroused me quite a bit.
Following the rope on me with my eyes, I noticed that it was fixated on a big iron wheel standing far away. The wheel would slowly and automatically turn to give us more rope, to let us down. The rope now was just a bit loose.
I had the backpack on my shoulders, and turned my back to the abyss behind me. Raising my hands as if to fly, I looked at the soldiers eyeing me in the distance, and my soldier, who was losing his patience right before me.