Over a matter of a few days, the entire global topography was changed.
As monsters started to pour out of the gate, there was little chance for normal people to survive.
There was continued slaughtering and there was nothing the Governments could do.
The governments were gaining no result even after exhausting their ammunition and armed forces.
As the threat of extinction crept closer, people started going crazy. When there was no attack from the demons, there were criminals.
Rape, murders and elopement, became more rampant. With a waning security force, there was a lack of law enforcers and the position of Those in power became shaky.
Over a period of months, all humanity saw was destruction and death. There was no hope nor a reason for the same.
Residential complexes and high rises were reduced to rubble and the survivors who hid at the sight of the monsters had no way of communicating with each other.
Some who host themselves under the rubble, some would take cover in the abandoned and convenience stores and such. They would hide, waiting for their death.
Then that fateful day came.
It was a bright morning, nothing new, just another day to survive. It was the state of Madhya Pradesh in India.
A slit appeared very suddenly, and without a warning it made way for another hoard of demons.
The survivors were tired of running. A hoard of lower ranking demons poured out. They had nothing at hand, no weapon nor any supernatural power.
A young man, Nripathi, stood up suddenly, among the group of survivors that had taken refuge under the remains of a large building.
He was frustrated at his powerlessness. He had lost everything, his house, his parents and his family. He cursed the fact that he was alive.
Tears welled up as he thought of all The happy moments he had spent so far. He bit his lips to hold back the tears from falling.
He picked up a partly rusted iron rebar that lay in the rubble and thought,
"If there is God, then he must have abandoned us. How could He abandon us? How could he be so cold? We pray in vain only to die and are taught that there exists a heaven, where bliss is eternal."
He looked at the wandering horde of demons and said, "Today I plan on dying. But I will at least kill one of these horned fuckers before I do so."
The other survivors looked at him in a daze. Everyone there had lost someone and in the process had lost themselves too, to the grief.
"Ah! He has finally gone mad." they thought.
His grip tightened on the rebar.
"HYAAAAHHH!!!!" he rushed at the nearby demon, with every intention to impale it.
The demon, surprised at the sudden appearance of the man, didn't find the time to lift its weapon and Nripathi, with all his physical strength, struck the demon's chest with the rebar.
"GRAAKKKHHH!!" the demon growled in pain. But that was the limit of the damage.
The wound was shallow. In its anger, the demon pierced Nripathi's stomach with his sword, puncturing his intestines, breaking through his spine before exiting from his back.
He lifted Nripathi in the air, on his sword.
"EEEAAAHHH!!!"*cough cough*Nripathi vomited blood as he screamed in pain. He had lost all feeling in his legs, but his spirit had not yet broken. He applied more pressure, attempting to get the rod deeper into the demon's body. "HYYYAAA!!"
The rebar started digging into its flesh, very slowly but steadily.
The demon growled in agony and pulled the sword out. However he could not fling Nripathi aside.
The commotion had invited other demons, and they were closing in too.
The demon raised his sword again to cut off this clinging pest but an aggressive rumbling in the sky stopped it and it looked up.
Dark gray clouds had started swirling in the sky and the lightning crackled in them. The sun had hidden from sight and all the demons looked above as the darkness grew more prominent.
There was another thunderous roar in the skies and without another warning a streak of lightning came crackling down before anyone could react and hit Nripathi.
The electricity passed through the rebar, into the demon and it immediately burst into a million pieces, splattering blood and flesh everywhere.
The onlooking demons were as shocked as the surviving human onlookers.
Nripathi was shocked himself as he looked at the iron rebar that looked red hot yet he did not feel any discomfort in holding it.
He touched his stomach and found that the wound had closed and there was no pain in his body. Only the blood stain on the torn shirt remained.
He looked at the cluster of dark clouds and then glanced at the rebar. He felt strangely energised and looked at his fingers. Electricity was passing through them.
His right hand bore a mark that looked a lot like a lichtenberg scar but it was very limited in area and small, not the typical type that should have appeared.
It appeared to be taking shape but as to what shape it would take was still unclear.
He was quick to realise the potential of the rebar that was in his possession then and raised it above his head, in an attempt to call the lightning again. But it was not the lightning that came.
Black particles started getting attracted to the rebar and clung to it. These particles came from his surroundings, arising from the concrete wastes that lay scattered. These were, in reality, iron shavings and dust.
The magnetised rebar was attracting them and arranging them on itself to reinforce its strength. It started looking like an abstract scepter with multiple sharp ends on it.
The demons sensed Nripathi as a rising threat and rushed at him.
Nripathi's eyes glowed white and as if possessed, he wildly swung his new weapon, unleashing a wave of electricity on the demons nearby, and bathing everything in a white unbearable glow. The demons were burnt to death and their charred remains crumbled down.
The thunder roared again in the skies and it started raining. The remaining demons started swarming him and he swung his weapon each time, unleashing powerful waves of lightning and burning his enemies.
When it started to get overwhelming, he used his free hand to grab the demons, burning them directly with the electricity that flowed through his hands.
He was almost done frying up the small fries when a demon, who looked quite different from the rest came in.
His complexion was a sickening red. He wore a golden girdle on his waist and carried a crude and curved blade in his hands. He had a skull garland hanging from his neck and skeletal hands hanging from his waist covered his genitals.
His red and long tongue lapped up the fresh blood from his lips and he looked at Nripathi.
"WieLdEr of InDrA's liGhTnIng, I aM PaSh. I aCkNoWleDge your sTrENgth bUt I mUst KiLl YoU. Put YoUr WeApo—" he spoke in an ancient tongue but he was not allowed to complete.
Nripathi had hurled his weapon at him and with a thunderous sound it sped towards the demon, hitting him squarely on the head.
And at that precise moment of collision, lightning fell from the clouds above, splitting the demon's body into two charred portions of flesh.
Nripathi walked toward the remains and saw that the iron rebar had turned to dust and lay beside the charred remains of Pash.
"Khyaaak…ptoo! Fuck you!" nripathi said, spitting before walking away, towards the survivor camp.
None spoke and the only sound that could be heard was of the rain hitting the ground.