Origins: The 1st King

Nripathi's performance and attainment of a new power, made the people around him wary of his presence. He walked into their midst and stood for a while, silently, staring at the ground.

Something had appeared in front of him. A blue translucent screen. This was new. It had quite a few things written.

*Name: Nripathi Raj

Constellation Name: Vajra

Constellation Lord: Heavenly Ruler

Title: 1. The one who overcame grief. 2. Raktim slayer


Heavenly Judgement (Lv.1)

King's Rule (Lv. 1)

King's Domain (Lv. max)

Thousand Eyes (Lv.1)

*requirements not met*

Karma points: 100

Pray to: ????


A new beginning

Build a safe place

Choose people to inherit divine abilities

Leave a mark for the future generation

Nripathi looked around to make sure if anyone else could see this transparent screen that he was seeing in front of him. He soon became sure that he was the only one who could see the screen in front of him.

"I wanted to die but it seems like I got a goal. I am planning on rebuilding and leading humanity to a new age. If you want to come, you are welcome to do so and I will respect your decision, irrespective of what it may be."

He looked around. The once tall high rises that stood proud, had been broken in half and the ground was filled with debris.

"This will be our new home."

But now what? He had said what he thought needed to be said. He knew nothing about the screen nor the strange things written on it.

Some things were understandable like how he could use the power of lightning and how it was associated with Indra but that was it.

Missions probably meant something for him to do. But how?

What was karma? What were these abilities? And what are these titles? He felt completely lost.

It was then that he remembered that one time when a colleague of his mentioned a certain comic where these sorts of screens popped up.

He had started reading one too but he felt so cringe after reading a few episodes that he stopped reading altogether. He had read till the part, where the main character gets some super human ability and shouts 'status' and a screen pops up.

So yes, that was the only step he knew.

He moved slightly away from the crowd and whispered status and the screen that was in front of him disappeared. He whispered status and the screen appeared again.

"Well that's one thing taken care of." he thought.

"Now let's see what these titles are." he thought and clicked on it.

More detailed information appeared.

"The one who overcame grief"

Title effect: Passive

You have taken a bold stance despite losing everything that was dear to you. You will always be able to keep your emotions in check and choose a more rational path.

"Raktim slayer"

Title effect: Active

You are the first to slay a demon of the Raktim race. Hence whenever faced by an adversary of the Raktim race, your offensive abilities will get a 50% boost.

The others were sitting, waiting for Nripathi to say something.

"What do these abilities do?" Nripathi thought. "I mean I know what abilities are but how do I use them? He explained to himself.

He clicked on abilities

"Heavenly judgement"

Cost: 50 karma points

A king requires the power to establish rule. This allows you to unleash a powerful lightning strike on someone you choose to be the target. You can choose it to either obliterate or shock your target.

"King's rule"

Cost: 20 karma points

The king's words are absolute. When in use, there can be no one who can disobey you.

"King's domain"

Cost: 100 karma points

The king requires his land to rule. Establish your kingdom and take care of your people. When in domain, your powers will be at its peak.

None will be able to break into your domain and you can modify it to your will. Everything within a 10km radius becomes a part of your kingdom.

"Thousand eyes"

Cost: Nil

The king is all knowing, nothing evades him. This skill helps you realise the talent your people hold.

"Alright…that is short and not so clear now, is it?" Nripathi said.

"This domain seems like something I must use now." Nripathi thought.

He stood up, dusted his buttocks and exhaled.

"King's Domain." he whispered, a little shy.

Suddenly the earth quaked and a wave of powerful energy spread out with Nripathi at its centre, disappearing far beyond the debris of the high rises.

Nripathi closed his eyes, breathed in and visualised a palace. A white one. With many pillars, many windows and more than 10 storeys. There was a garden in front with a huge central fountain, and a gravel path leading to the palace.

He visualised a hospital and a convenience store. He tried thinking of some other useful facilities but nothing came and thus he stuck to those two for the time being.

He opened his eyes and exhaled.

The earth shook again and this time the debris cleared out. The ground continued to shake and a white marble palace started forming out of the wind and so did the other facilities that he had envisioned.

"WOAAAHHH!!!!" he exclaimed. "This is awesome! I wish I could show it to Shree…" he stopped talking and stood in silence as he saw his surroundings modify themselves.

Shree was the pet name he used to call his wife, Shreya. It was a love marriage and they were approaching their 2nd anniversary.

Shreya was expecting too.

He was on his way to reveal the surprise to his parents when things went awry.

He looked at the sky and wondered, "Why must God be so cruel?"

There was a strange uncertainty about the future that bothered Nripathi.