Rise: Blessing of a Deity

It was a summer season, ten years ago and five year old Arya was standing beside his uncle at the doorway of their Bhavani temple.

Some kids were playing in the field adjacent to the temple.

"Uncle, Raya has received her Blessing. When will I receive mine?" Arya asked, his tone curious and a little envious.

His mood was a little depressed.

His uncle stood silent for a while before replying.

"Arya, know this that there is a time for everything. Until and unless the time comes, no matter how rushed you are, some things don't happen."

He looked at Arya. "Just have patience Aru, son...everything's moving in its own right pace."

Arya did not understand much. He just heard what his uncle had to say. But he did realise that maybe it would be futile to have this discussion again.

"Arya!!! let's go to the field and play." Raya called.

His uncle smiled as Raya waved to the both of them. "Go and play. Let these thoughts not pla---" he looked at Arya.

He was smiling brightly as if his spirits had been hoisted high up.

"Hahahaha...yes go and play."

Arya ran towards Raya and they ran towards the field together.

"Are you okay with not telling him, Rudra?" A man spoke from behind.

Rudra turned. "Ah! Aryesh...how's business these days?"

"Enough to get by, brother." Aryesh replied. He was Arya's father.

"So you heard us." Rudra said, looking in the direction of the playground.

The sun was setting and the sky was a mixed colour of orange yellow red with traces of purple, signifying the coming of dusk.

"Yes..." Aryesh replied, not sure how Rudra would react. "I didn't mean..."

"Doesn't matter what you meant to do, brother." His tone a little sharp.

There was a silence.

"Arya is still young, too young to know about truths that may not be so kind." Rudra said, breaking the silence.

"He may seem a little mature for his age, but he is still a child. He doesn't have to know about his fate and duty, until it's time."

"Don't you think we should give him time to prepare?" Aryesh asked.

"We have already failed as adults when we started depending on a kid." Rudra spoke with a hint of disappointment. "He is a kid and asking him to risk his life for humanity is not something I can do as his uncle."

"It's a strange feeling for me." Aryesh sighed. "I want him to become famous and strong enough to be away from harm's way but at the same time, it's a path I don't want him to take."


"I know it's selfish but I wonder what Lata would have wanted for her son." Aryesh continued, his voice now slightly trembling. "She just had to leave me alone. We...we promised....we would go together.*sniff*...."

Rudra stood quietly. Then he spoke.

"Arya is strong. He knows of his mother's passing and still chooses to smile that brightly."

"I had told him..." Aryesh began.

"A childish lie...I know. According to you she is travelling somewhere far huh? Haha...but Arya knows...he understands death." Rudra exhaled. "The longing he has in his eyes when looking at Raya's mother caring for her daughter.....hah!!"

"....." Aryesh could not speak.

"We'll let him choose when the time comes. Let him enjoy for now." Rudra said and the fondness he had for his nephew, sparkled in his eyes. "He may be special, but he is just a kid to me and i will all that is possible to protect him."

Aryesh looked at Rudra.

"I am sure my sister would have agree with me." Rudra's smile was lit by the last rays of the setting sun that fell on him.


Arya started remembering all the times he had spent with Raya as he saw her melting away, screaming his name.

The demon was flailing his arms, breaking through classroom walls. Burning and melting everything around it.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Arya's face contorted with the bitter and raw grief that started setting in with the realisation that he could not do anything, except see her die.

"No, please God...no..." Arya tried reaching out for Raya. But he failed. Every bone in his body was broken.

His body was just not listening to him.

The demon extended his hands to grab Arya and he panicked even more.

It was then that he remembered something his uncle had told him.

"Arya remember this one name I teach you. Call out to that name whenever you feel like, whether you are in sorrow or joy, alone or accompanied, in trouble or not. Just call out and you shall see a miracle."


Arya screamed. His voice voice filled with anguish.

For a moment he felt that it was useless. Nothing had happened.

The people outside saw a strange phenomenon. They could see all the planets in the sky that had turned red. All the 27 constellations were visible in the sky.

The wind stopped blowing and there was not a sound anywhere. The people looked at the sky in awe, unable to take their eyes away.

For Arya time had stopped. The demon stood in front of him like a realistic statute.

Arya tried moving. He expected the broken bones to torment him but miraculously he felt no pain.

He got up and saw in front of him a bright light that shone blinding, bathing everything in its warm golden hue.

A voice issued from the light. It was as soothing and peaceful as the light. Like a mother who had been waiting for her son.

The voice said,

"Child, I have been waiting for you to call out to me."

There was something in the voice that made him long for his mother.

"Who...who are you?"

"The energy that exists in the entire creation, powering the cycle of life and death, I am that energy." The voice said.

"Are you Durga?"

"That is but one aspect of my nature. You may call be anything you want."

Tears welled up formed in Arya's eyes. He did not know why or maybe he did. He said, "Ca-can I call you Mother?"