Rise: Arya's Capability

The oldest memory that Arya had of his mother was on a hospital bed.

She was sitting up supported by pillows, stacked behind her.

Arya would go to meet her everyday and she would flash her bright smile just for him.

Arya could not remember much of her face but he remembered that smile of hers.


The voice replied in a very soft and sweet tone, "So be it."

Tears fell down Arya's eyes. He allowed the tears to fall without resisting them or wiping them away. It was a strange warmth that filled his heart.

He then remembered the situation he was in and wiped away his tears.

He looked at the cluster of light that shone brightly still with eyes full of determination.

"Maa help me. I need your help to defeat this demon that is in front of me." Arya said, his voice firm and devoid of hesitation.

"Very well, since you have shown me your resolve let me show you a bit of what you are capable of." The voice said.

Arya could imagine a smile in the voice.

The light disappeared and time started flowing again.

Suddenly Arya's heart pounded heavily inside his chest and it continued to do so. "THUMP... THUMP... THUMP"

"Grr...KIEEEKKK!!!" The demon screamed and started advancing again.

Arya was hyperventilating as the demon closed in on him. But as it raised its lava hand to strike Arya, there was a ringing headache that Arya encountered.

He closed his eyes shut and held the lids together tightly hoping the headache would go away but he could not bear it.

So great was the pain that he opened his eyes and screamed out.


His eyes were replaced by bright lights, like the one that had appeared before him, that radiated out of the eyeholes and flung the demon back with the sheer force of the scream.

"SCREEEEE!!!!" The demon was taken aback.

It saw the weak human who was lying on the floor not too long ago walk towards it.

Arya glowed golden. His black hair was replaced by golden hair that shone brightly and flowed freely behind him.

His eyes were fully golden white, shining and radiating golden light from them. His brows were drawn in a frown.

"CHII…CHIIII….CHIIIIIIII!!!!" The demon sensed something ominous about this and started panicking and screaming.

"HAAAA…..PHOOOOOO!!!!!!" Arya breathed in and exhaled loudly, bringing a stop to the flow of wind as he breathed and raising a cold storm as he exhaled.

The wind that left his mouth was colder than the coldest temperature that was known and as the demon continued screaming for its life, it froze over completely, into a statue of ice.

Arya kicked the statue with tremendous force and it broke down into small pieces.

Pratim and the others had observed the entire incident unfold in front of their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

Arya started approaching them.

Pratim could not think of anything and started shouting.

"NO…NONO…NO…Don't you dare closer…step away…*sniff sniff* please step away…please i am sorry…i will never bother you…*sniff* please i beg you, don't kill me pleaseeeeeEEEEEEHHHH!!!! Eh?!!"

Arya had raised his hand, as if to hit him and then stopped, his hand hanging midair and his palm outstretched in a slap.

Pratim had tightly shut his eyes and shrinked away, holding his hands over his face, in an attempt to defend against the slap.

When he opened his eyes after not feeling the blow to his face, he saw the scene and sighed in relief.

Arya kneeled down to bring his face closer to Pratim's.

"Heh! Coward…" Arya said, looking down at Pratim's trousers. They were soaking wet in his urine.

Pratim glowed red in embarrassment and lowered his hands attempting to cover his urine covered trousers. That was exactly when Arya brought his hand down and a loud slapping sound was heard.

Arya looked at the others who were shocked and white as a sheet after witnessing Arya's transition.

"HIEEEK!!!" They screamed. "Please spare us!"

"Shhh…." Arya raised his finger to his lips. "Not a word or…" Arya's voice trailed off.

"N-no no we swear—not a word."

Arya got up and snapped his fingers and all of them fainted.

He took a last look at the ashes where once Raya stood and sighed before leaping out of the fourth floor window.

The school ground was littered with both full and half burnt corpses.

More such lava-bodied demons were roaming around.

"HYAH!" He pulled his hands inwards and breathed in.

"HSSUU...PHOOO!!" he pushed his hands out as he exhaled.

Another ice storm blew over the entire school and this time it lasted a little longer and the demons froze over into blocks of ice.

Arya stood as he watched the frozen creatures and then struck the earth with a heavy blow of his feet, sending targeted tremors to the places where the frozen statues stood, cracking them and then shattering them.

The golden glow from his body faded and he fell unconscious on the ground.


It was a big room with high ceilings. Silken red curtains hung from the doorway and the room was lit with a strange circular energy mass that resembled fire but was not fire.

It displayed a molecular structure and glowed brightly, lighting up the large room.

A man walked in through the curtains, he was wearing a red shirt. The shirt had pointed shoulders and it had a corset like fitting around the stomach.

He wore a red fluffed and flared red patiala and carried a longsword in a red, lion crested sheath.

"Salute! Sir…The 27 constellations…" he began.

The man that stood with his back to him raised his hand.

"Hah! I know...She has manifested."