Rudra was in the Bhavani temple. The walls were coated with a layer of vermillion and on the wall hung a fresh garland of red hibiscus.
There was a copper pitcher in front of him with the swastika drawn on it. On the top of the pitcher rested a brass coconut that was covered in a red silk cloth and other garlands of flowers.
Rudra sat facing the pitcher, in front of him, on a brass plate, rested grains of rice and fruits that had been cut into small pieces.
They had been arranged neatly, with the rice in the middle of the plate in a heap, the fruits surrounding it and a small sweet rested on top of the rice.
A copper vessel rested on his right side, filled with flowers of different varieties. There was a shiny copper kosha-kushi* that rested beside him that was filled with water.
There were rice grains and black sesame seeds that rested in the water.
"Om…bhur bhuva swaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo deva sadhimahi yoyona prchodayat!"
Rudra took an orange marigold, dipped it in the water from the kosha and sprinkled it on the plate containing the naivedyam.
He dipped the flower in the water again and circling the plate with the flower he chanted, "Om Dev savita prasuva satyam tvartena parishinchaami. Om amrutopastara namasi."
He looked at the pitcher and started chanting, "Om pranaya swaha! Om apanaya swaha! Om vyanaya swaha! Om samanaya swaha! Om udanaya swaha! Om brahmane swaha!"
He folded his hands and closed his eyes to pray when suddenly the air stopped flowing and the sunny afternoon lost its heat and light.
He could feel the change in temperature around him on his skin and something struck him.
He flung his eyelids open and looked at the copper pitcher in front of him. It had started emitting a faint golden glow. The vermillion on the wall also emitted a similar sublime light.
Rudra got up from his asana and headed outside in a hurry.
The sky was a light purple and the planets were all visible. The 27 constellations shone brightly in the sky and there were numerous people on the street staring at the sky.
He continued looking at the sky and realised something. He started speeding into the temple mumbling something while still staring at the sky when suddenly *dam* "OOOFF….!!"*THUD*
He had bumped into a pillar and fallen over on his back.
"Ahhuch!! Tsktsktsk!"
He got up again and walked in to fetch his shoes, then he was off towards the academy.
It took about five-ten minutes to reach the academy and upon entering through the front gate he saw Arya. He was standing and all across the school ground lay countless chunks of ice.
Arya was glowing and then the glow faded and he fell to the ground, unconscious.
Rudra rushed over to his side. Looking around for witnesses, Rudra pressed his index finger on Arya's forehead and chanted something.
"HEEEIII!! *cough cough* hah! hah!" Arya was woken from his slumber. He had taken in a lot of air, making it go down the wrong channel.
"Aru no time to explain, come with me." Rudra spoke, a very clear sense of urgency and haste coloured his voice.
Arya did not hesitate or ask questions. He got up and followed his uncle out of the academy grounds.
Moments after they had left, a group of 50 people marched into the academy grounds. They were all wearing golden hued metal armor sets. They carried golden tiger crested sheaths housing longswords on their back and their hands held a silver spear with a golden head.
"Spread out…check every single place and secure the victims for treatment." one of the men said. His helmet was bigger and more elaborate as compared to the rest of them, possibly implying to his high rank.
"The Goddess has descended, search for the one who did this and secure them." the man continued.
The sky returned to normal, as the planets and the constellations started fading out of sight.
"Sir there are no survivors, except these four." an armoured man reported, bringing in Pratim and his three companions, all of them unconscious.
"And the one who did this?"
"No clue sir."
"Tsk! The Lions must have got them." the man shook his helmet in disappointment. "Anyway take them in, they might prove to be useful."
They all marched out.
"Wha-what's going on uncle? What happened?" Arya asked his uncle after reaching the safety of the bhavani temple.
"Good question, bad timing." Rudra said, putting a finger in Arya's lips. "Listen to me first and then ask questions."
"Your life will never be the same again. You will be encountering truths that may not be easy to digest but you need to trust me."
"But…" Arya interjected.
"Don't interrupt me son." Rudra cut him off. "I will take you to a place, it's high time i do."
"What place?" for a moment Arya was excited. The thought of going outside Amravati existed him.
"Are we not there already?" Arya asked, starting to doubt his uncle's sanity. His expectations were dashed.
"It's the same place but in a different location…one that was kept hidden from prying eyes and the one that was built by the 1st king, Nripathi Raj."
Arya could say nothing or do anything to clear this newborn confusion in his mind. He decided to follow his uncle and let the headache inducing thoughts be his uncle's problem.