In a world where the line between magic and reality blurs, 21-year-old Felix Chang hides a chilling secret: he is a Mimicae, a cursed shapeshifter bound to a mistake he made in a past life. As a member of Rune, a wildly popular idol group, Felix has the world at his feet—adoring fans, a glamorous life, and fame. Yet, his days are shadowed by the curse, forcing him to avoid deep connections and constantly battle the stress that threatens to unravel his carefully constructed facade.
At the heart of Rune is Kelvin Wang, the group’s charismatic yet sharp-tongued leader. Their clashing personalities fuel a fiery tension that keeps them at odds, a lingering feeling of a bond neither of them can remember. What begins as hate between rivals turns into a shocking mystery when Kelvin starts to uncover the cracks in Felix's armor.
But the truth runs deeper than either of them can imagine. Felix and Kelvin share a history rooted in a past life—a tragedy that doomed them both. Felix, once a spiritual guardian, failed to protect Kelvin, the emperor’s son, leading to betrayal, death, and the curse that binds them now.
As the two navigate the chaos of stardom, a dangerous romance blossoms between them. With each secret revealed and every heated moment shared, the stakes grow higher. Unknown to them, Kelvin holds the key to breaking Felix’s curse, but the cost could be their careers, their lives, and their hearts.
Can they unravel the threads of the past to break free from the curse, or will history repeat itself, dooming them both forever?
Please trust this author once more ^_^
Fabulous, awesome, hot like fire.... great start all in all, keep going and you'll be the best expert in Bl, lol....lets gooooo, absolutely recommended if someone wants to read something hot and tingling
Different genre but nonetheless it's worth the read. Intriguing book, I hope the author update more chapters.
Damn man u cliffhanger but all is well I like it. Minor tweaking and you are good to go.
This is kinda my first entry for WSA and I honestly don't believe I'll win but I want to have fun making this book. so let's have fun together
Fantasy novel, flamboyant characters, they are really full of lives and souls! And the dynamics between them, chef-kiss! The comedy flows effortlessly and well-executed! All fun!