Trip to Sea City

As he was walking towards Sea City he found a way to pass the time and it was to find some interesting topics to discuss with Kuma.

(So any thoughts about a new team member anything you want them to be able to do?) Alex has his own preference but he wants to know what Kuma thinks about the matter and maybe see something he had forgotten.

(Honestly i want someone that can either be in the back line like a healer or pure magie or a scout i think that's where we lack but still we would need parts and it would not be weird to think that getting good monster parts would make a better team mate.)

Alex found that fair because he was also thinking about someone in the back line to control the fight or heal but he did not considered a scout.

(What would you think of human teammates?) Alex asked Kuma wanting to see if he hated humans or not.

(Honestly if you trust them i have no problem but its best to assess them as a group so maybe do a quest or two with them and then we discuss if we want them on the team.) Kuma told Alex with no hate it was just that getting betrayed can happen and Kuma did not want that to happen.

(Fair enough it also allows us to see their abilities and see if that is what we need or if it works well.) Alex agreed it was a good thing to maybe see their abilities and see if it made things easier or harder for them.

With that out the way their conversation came to a end untill one of them has a different topic to talk about.

Talking with Kuma was fun a few good topics came to light such as finding psychic spells or seeing how to increase the psychic affinity he has.

A different topic was talking about spells Kuma could use and his evolution that can happen or just improvement.

With those topics they made it pretty far on the first day but it was getting dark so Alex went a little of the path to put up his tent that he grabbed out his back bag.

The tent was a bit on the small side it was big enough for 2 people maybe 3 of they could squeeze together but definitely worth the money it was easy to unpack and set up the tent.

Once the tent was up Alex put his back bag in the tent and grabbed his sleeping bag in the place he wanted to and went out the tent.

While he was doing that Kuma collected fire wood and when Alex got out the tent he and Kuma made a fire it was a little hard at first but eventually they made a fire.

They decided that Kuma should have first watch since he night vision was better and Alex should have second watch.

So around 1 am Kuma woke up Alex even though the teddy bear did not need sleep from a biological stand point Kuma does actually need sleep just like a human even though he does not eat or drink.

Anyway Alex let Kuma sleep the 7:30 am just incase Kuma was more tired then usual it took about half a hour to take the tent down and in the backbag.

So at 8 am they started moving while Alex ate the rations while they walked just so they dont waste time to get moving.

While walking this early in the morning was great about a hour walking Alex saw a group of adventures waking up and having breakfast.

The group saw Alex and Kuma on his shoulder they looked at Kuma a little confused but waved at Alex nonetheless and Alex waved back at them.

Unlike the first day it was a bit hard to come up with good topic of discussion there where only a few interesting topic.

One of them was Kuma asking Alex if he wanted a girlfriend and Alex of course said yes after all on earth he did not have a girlfriend so Kuma asked questions about Alex preference in girls.

Another interesting topic was if they did make a adventurer party what the name should be and Alex had no idea and said that he would probably ask the people he wanted to make a party with if they have ideas for a name.

But those topics where the only interesting topics they had to talk about although they did see a wild boar they decided it could not hurt to fight the boat even though Alex had heard that board can rock your shit if your not careful.

F+ rank monster wild boar

Just seeing it was F+ rank meant that there was a chance it could use magic just like the warrior rat they fought in the sewers.

The earth claw hit the board leg which broke one of the legs but the boar did not care about the broken leg and charged at them so Alex made a barrier infront of him.

And when the board was about to hit the barrier Alex moved a bit out the way just in case the boar destroys the barrier.

And to Alex's suprise the boar did not break through the barrier but he thinks that it was probably the broken leg that made it unable to get to top speed.

Kuma send another earth claw which hit the same leg and this time they boar lost a leg and fell on his side unable to move.

So Alex just walked up and killed it which his axe and decided to bring the tusks it has because he has no way to preserve the meat so he only took the tusks he was not sure if he wanted to sell it or use it to make a new plushie with it.

And with that out the way they moved on for the rest of the day where there was nothing of interest going on.

So another day came to close and they did the same thing as they did the last day with Alex setting the tent and sleeping bag up and Kuma getting fire wood.

Sitting at the fire Alex looked at the map although he has no idea how close he is he was looking to see if there is a crossroads and there was and he needed to go left and then he would be pretty close to Sea City.

With that they also used the same nightwatch schedule and the same time of waking up and getting back on track.

About a half a day they finally came across the crossroads and went left just like they needed to.

There where no interesting topics coming up in their talking there was only hoping that Sea City had interesting quests to do and he would check how close he is with getting out of F rank and start doing more interesting quests then what they do in F rank like escort quests where he sees the world and gets money for it.

Walking up a hill and getting to the top Alex saw Sea City and although it was far away he could see how big it was and a few ships that where docked.

And he also saw the massive walls where at same places water was coming out from which just looked breath taking.

And with that picture perfect city on the horizon Alex stopped staring and started walking.

He could not get there with the day light he had so he set up his tent one last time and made a fire and everything he did the last two days.

It was the same thing in the morning with putting the tent back and everything and started walking for the last day.

He encounter a few gaints mantis monsters and took care of them and took their blades he did know that he would sell the mantis blades after all he could use some money when he gets there.

Because he only has 5 copper which is not allot and hopes to atleast get a few silver before moving on to somewhere else.

(I have a plan on when we should move on from Sea City.) Kuma suddenly told Alex out of nowhere but Alex decided to listen because it might be better than just getting a few silver.

(We should atleast get E rank and you should make a new plushie so we can deal with threats better so we can have more fun in the long run besides we are near a sea who knows what sort of monster parts you could get.) Kuma told Alex and he had a point he could probably find parts that would otherwise be hard to get or impossible to get unless your near to a sea.

With that in mind Alex agreed with Kuma to those conditions and after a few hours of walking they finally saw the massive walls up close and got to the gate where the guard wanted to see their card so showing his adventurerer card.

After the guard show the card they were allowed to go in the city and with that they where in Sea City and began looking for the guild.