Cursed doll

As Alex was busy with his meditation Kuma was still looking at the sea.

It was weirdly calm if you knew what was happening and you looked at the sea when it is so calm it feels weird Kuma almost rather wished he did see something so he had something to be looking at the sea for.

After a few hours Kuma decided that the sea is not interesting enough but he could not talk to Alex since he does not want Alex to lose focus.

In the room next to them Emma was having a bit of trouble with falling asleep she was restless so getting up and also looking at the sea for a moment as she saw how calm it is she decided not to look for long.

She went to the bathroom and drank a bit of water and went back to bed trying to get some sleep.

After a lot of waiting it was midnight and Kuma was about to shake Alex to get him out of his meditation.

Just as he was about to touch him he felt that the mental pathway's reached a end of growing stronger and split having a second pathway which was for whatever Alex decided to do with it.

Ofcourse the system let him know of his achievement.

Host is able to make a second plushies or doll congratulations and keep getting stronger.

Alex looked at the system message for a second before he could do anything he heard someone else talking to him.

(Would you look at the you did with no second the spare congrats well your bag with the tentacles is here so go on i am curious about what your going to make.) Kuma also was happy even though he might not sound like it or look like it he was very happy Alex succeeded now he has someone else to talk to and he can act as a big brother.

(Thank you buddy and your right not a second to late well let's get started.) Alex thanked Kuma and went to his bag and grabbed the tentacles and smiled.

Although he got Kuma for free he knows his mana and materials will be used and his imagination will influence the outcome but Alex does not know by how much so he hopes for the best.

Closing his eyes he imagined what he wanted and put mana in the hand he was holding the tentacles in.

It began glowing brighter and brighter Kuma had to look away and when the light faded he was stunned at what Alex made.

Alex was smiling it was exactly what he thought off.

There was what looked like a porcelain doll but Alex could tell that it was much stronger than normal porcelain at the neck and upper back are tentacles black in color.

The doll has black hair was wearing a black shirt and a grey skirt the doll just as long as Kuma.

And now Alex needed a name and he already had a name he had thought about and decided to name the doll Annabelle as it fit pretty well in his mind.

Now that Annabelle had a name she came to life and the tentacles moved feeling around the room and the eyes of the doll moved unlike Kuma who just had buttons for eyes Annabelle had human eyes albeit not completely human as she has split pupils.

Alex decided to look at her stats.

Name: Annabelle

Race: cursed doll (evolution possible)

Hp: 100

Mp: 100

Affinity: water, curses

Agility: 80

Stamina: 100

Strength: 120

Defense: 115

Intellect 110

Skills: strength sapper, random curse, water prison.

Looking at her stats he was suprised when he saw her race and was suprised to see her as a cursed doll and he was just as suprised to learn that she naturally had two affinity's and that she is quite smart for someone just born.

Alex looked at her skills and saw most of them where centered at restraining the enemy and slowly killing them which was more than useful if your fighting a lot of monsters.

Alex decided to check his stats since its been a while

Name: Alex Mintz

Age: 18

Race: human

Hp: 100

Mp: 100

Affinity: plushies, psychic (small)

Agility: 110

Stamina: 175

Strength: 100

Mental strength: 105

Defense: 100

Intellect: 120

Skills: toy creation, barrier, telekinesis

While Alex looked at his stats he was pleased to see how much he improved and decided to only look at his and his plushies stats when he ranks up in the adventurers guild or when he gets a new plushie.

And with that he needed to check Kuma's stats

Name: Kuma

Race: Teddy Bear (evolution possible)

Hp: 100

Mp: 100

Affinity: earth

Agility: 105

Stamina: 150

Strength: 180

Defense: 110

Intellect: 105

Skills: claw, earth claw, earthquake, rock armor.

He was also happy with how for Kuma had improved well his ability but only because Kuma often sits on Alex's shoulder but aside he was happy to see Kuma was still stronger than him it is almost something was comforting.

But before he could do something else a new voice sounded in his head.

(Oh oh yes you give me the gift of live and your enemies are now screwed they will fear me.) Alex was suprised by how much Annabelle firts words or maybe reaction is so much different then Kuma.

Alex put Annabelle on the bed and Kuma was already there curious to see there interaction wondering if they get along.

(Hey nice to meet you i am Kuma how are you feeling?) Kuma was a bit unsure how to actually make sure how to talk to Annabelle not fully knowing her personality.

(Ah yes it is nice to meet you Kuma i am Annabelle and i am feeling pretty good.) Annabelle maybe had a different way of talking but it seems she is easy enough to get along with for now which was a good thing for Alex and Kuma they where a bit afraid that she would be more dark in a way thanks to her first reaction.

(It seems our god is quite tired so how about you let me know about our situation Kuma.) Annabelle seems to refer to Alex as god and in a sense so is not wrong but also not right.

(I am not a god my name is Alex and yes i am tired and i think its a good idea for you both to get to know eachother better if Kuma talks to you about what's happening any way i am going to sleep i will see you in the morning.) with that Alex carefully went into bed making sure not to hit Kuma or Annabelle off and as soon as his head touched to pillow he was asleep.

(Well that was fast anyway i will give you the summary of what's happening only going into detail if you ask since i know Alex learned a lot so i dont know what you already know is that alright with you?) Kuma asked the doll not wanting to anger her by thinking that she is stupid.

(Oh that is quite alright i am happy you agree that my intellect is a unknown pit waiting to be discovered.) Annabelle was happy with Kuma's decision to test her intellect while Kuma was wondering why she talked like something of ancient times but realized that he won't get a answer and not wanting to insult her he nodded he would just need to get used to her way of talking.

(Cool well anyway we are at a port city called Sea City and a part of the beach is overflowing with monsters and we just learned from a guild worker that some sea monsters are attacking ships that are on a safe route so we are in the position of getting a monster wave here and we are not sure if we want to leave or stay) Kuma explained everything that he found important to her first.

(I see some daring monsters of they still decide to attack with us here i am sure you already showed them your power and by the sound if it they are not afraid but take it as a challenge that is troublesome i agree.) Annabelle understood the problem and why the atmosphere seemed so tense for a moment when she got summoned but she had a question that she hopes Kuma could answer.

(I do have a question i seem to have knowledge about a human like Alex but this one used fire is it his alter ego?) Annabelle almost certain Alex had a different personality as this fire using girl.

(What is that no never mind the one your talking about is our party member Emma she uses fire.) Kuma wanted to ask what a alter ego is but decided just in case that it might be better if he does not know.

(Then where is she why is she not asleep next to Alex?) Annabelle maybe understood the situation with the monsters but does not seem to understand human relationships but who could blame her Kuma only know the reason why she sleeps in a different room.

The night went by pretty fast with Kuma explaining why Alex and Emma dont sleep together and other multiple things.