want to be feared

Waking up Alex was for a moment confused when he saw Annabelle but recalled that he had broken through last night so his confusion quickly went away.

(Oh good morning Alex Kuma had told me about your habit of waking up early and i agree with it waking up early is a great move especially when the enemy is still tired.) Annabelle was the first one to notice that Alex was awake.

Looking around he saw Kuma was also waking up Alex wondered if Annabelle slept at all Kuma and Annabelle did not need to sleep but Kuma did to pass the time.

It could also be that Annabelle does not see a need to sleep since she does not needed but Alex wanted to make sure.

(Annabelle did you sleep at all?) Alex asked her and Kuma also seemed to want to know the answer.

(Only for a bit but i did not like it besides Kuma said i dont really need it so i decided not to besides this way i could get used to my tentacles.) As Annabelle said that she used her tentacles and grabbed Alex's shirt and brought it to him.

Unsure of what to think Alex just nodded and took his shirt.

After getting dressed he walked out with Kuma one his right shoulder and Annabelle on his left shoulder.

Alex was thinking to himself that he eventually will just become covered by plushie which is fair they are not as tall as Alex or Emma so one step for Alex is 3 steps for the plushies.

Walking out his room he saw Emma waiting on him and as soon as she saw Annabelle she started smiling although Annabelle looks a bit scary Emma was happy enough to have a extra set of arms in case of the monster wave.

"You actually did it." Emma was suprised she had asked Alex but he could not give a solid answer but he also said that it should be close and now she was seeing the result of half a night meditation.

"Ofcourse i did i am a man of my word." Alex was proud but not to much but Emma did not mind he had every right to be proud because she felt a bit more safe even though she knows that in a big panic it won't matter but with one extra summon it will take a extra monster to make the panic.

"Well are you going to introduce me to them?" Emma was curious about Annabelle because she was not sure what Alex was planning with the tentacles but now seeing a doll with tentacles which are currently wrapped around Alex's shoulder so incase he makes a sudden movement she does not fall off.

"Oh yeah Emma meet Annabelle she is mainly focused on restraining or slowing the enemy down." Alex told her while they were walking towards the guild.

(Oh so this is Emma interesting but she definitely lacks a scare factor she is not very scary but that's not a bad thing we can use her as a damsel in distress.) It would seem that Annabelle had decided that everyone should either be bait or scary and Alex had no idea in which side he belongs to.

Lucky Emma was completely unaware of what happens in Alex's mind which might be better at this time.

"She is a bit creepy looking especially since i can see her eyes moving but she has no need to blink it was different with Kuma who has buttons for eyes i would not expect him to blink but with Annabelle almost human like eyes i would expect it its a bit uncanny." Alex could understand it that its unnerving but he is happy to see that Emma is not very afraid of Annabelle and he is happy that Annabelle does not hate Emma he is not very sure if Annabelle likes her because of the letting her be bait but atleast it's not out right hate.

When Annabelle heard that Emma found her a bit creepy she was very happy if her allies where a bit scared then her enemies must be very afraid.

Kuma had no idea where Annabelle had this desire to be scary Alex had told him her race but even then this is a bit much but as a good big brother or comrade he is still supportive of her choice as long as it does not mess with fighting he finds it alright.

Deep down Kuma knows that there will be times where they fight humans and if they where scared by Annabelle it would make things easier but he decided to not tell her because he does not want her to become more obsessed with making others afraid of her how else are they supposed to make more human friends if she scares them all away.

As the group was walking Alex decided that he wanted to know if its normal to have two affinity's that where present without any outside help.

"Hey Emma is it normal for people to have two affinity's from the start like no help from the outside?" Alex asked her because even though he is happy with Annabelle having two affinity's he wants to know if he got lucky or not.

"Its not unheard of but its rare but since you asked i am guessing that Annabelle has two affinity's so what are they we are going to fight together any way so its better if i know from the start." With this Alex got his answer and well Emma has a point but its not like he was planning on hiding it.

"She uses curses and water so its double the spellbooks we can find for her to use so that is something." Alex was not sure if there are curses in spellbook forms or if curses was a rare affinity or not.

"Huh water and curses interesting but it will be hard to find spellbooks for curses in some places because off religion so be careful when we get to such places but i will tell you if i know about it." This was good info for Alex because he had completely forgotten about religion.

Back on earth he was not in a religion but he does not know religion and how prominent it is but guess that will answer itself eventually.

They walked into the guild and the busy atmosphere was gone and now replaced by guild workers on edge but looking at the board there was no notice of a monster wave so either the higher ups are not willing to put a notice out for it.

The other reason could be was that all guild workers know of the impending danger that either needs a real quick change or a strong adventurer to show up to take them all down.

But putting reasons that might not be true he just looked at the board that at this point is 85% monster killing quest and the other 15% are gathering or escort quests so they are really hoping to stop the incoming monster wave with numbers or atleast thin it out which is a good thing.

Looking at the board he saw a quest for killing for Cannon crabs at the monster infected part of the beach just like all monster killing quests.

Alex thought that the Cannon crabs could be a good first battle for Annabelle and Alex wanted some revenge for the trouble it gave him when he first arrived.

When he showed Emma the quest she agreed after all its still a F+ rank monster and if they atleast get rid of some before they becomes a problem for other groups then other groups can take care of other monsters with less trouble since they Cannon crab has annoying magic nog to mention its shell is no joke and people will hit the shell in a panic making it a annoying enemy in big group fights especially if there are different monsters that are infront of it making it hard to reach at times.

Taking the quest Alex showed it to the guild worker got the badge for entrance like usual and went on their way.

When the gate was in view Annabelle was getting exited for her first fight and to see how many monsters there actually are.

(I can't wait to see how many monsters there are i have a few memories of your fights here but i think that seeing it for myself will be different besides you said it keeps increasing so i am wanting to see how much there is now besides this will be a battle that starts my reign of terror over these crabs.) Annabelle was atleast ready for a battle which is always appreciated, when you sometimes dont get to choose to fight if Annabelle just keeps the mindset that every battle will give her more change to make others hear about her battles Alex knows she won't complain about fighting then.