Disturbance by dusk

 The Everstream, the beating heart of the new world, according to the first wyvarians. Along this ordinarily vacant stream of majesty, now all of Astera gears up to confront Zorah once more. One the faces of every hunter is a concentration so focused that it could cut the very air. And they have reason to be so, for the consequences of failure is a fiery death that will engulf the continent.

 The palicos rush about with their hunters as cannon and ballista alike are primed for action. Every Thing is set just like the previous operation, except for two key differences. The first is that now the environment brings forth stalactites large enough to surely at least do some harm to the fiery elder dragon. And the other... well...


 "Why is this SLEEZEBALL of a sinus HERE!?" Rein fumes, ready to pull his beard out of its roots. Some of the other hunters nearby let out an exasperated sigh as they look at their new 'helper'. Before them, the hell ignitor variant, now identified as Evans, was lounging about. Evans could be seen now lying on his side, sleeping, with a large snot bubble expanding and deflating. "He's here because the commander was able to work out a deal with it, surprising due to how it relayed a message using some type of telepathy, according to the rumors." Jonas replies as he loads up his bowgun.

 The hunters settle into position as they wait. Some, still curious about the strange variant, walk around him, with a few more daring ones reaching out to find tactile information. Evans suddenly shifted in his sleep. The hunters, seeing the large wyvern rolling flee as quickly as they can. The more unfortunate hunters that were too close ended up buried in his fur coat, waving desperately for some help. The commander holds his hands to his face as he watches the hunters now working to free the trapped victims of Evans slumbering somersault. Grace, to the right, giggles watching the spectacle unfold. "You know, for an anjanath, he's pretty funny." "Yea a real comedian that one" The second fleet master responds, sarcasm dripping off of him.

 After a bit, the trapped hunters are freed, much to the humor of their friends who are now poking fun at them. The jokes quickly cease however as the sea begins to boil. The field team leader confirms everyone's suspicions as he lands from his Mernos ride and shouts out "Zorah Magdaros has arrived!" 


 "Everyone! to your stations!" The commander yells out as the hunters disperse. Not long after, rears its head and bellows out its wail like call. Evans, who was napping on the wall, jumps to his feat from the loud noise. 'WHOZAT!? oh right, Zorah siege..' At first confused where he was, Evans then remembers where he was and why he was here. 

 The siege party once again gather to handle their task. This time however, The cyclops corps takes the rear as the hunter trio and Sullivan locate the other cores. "Woah!" Elise dives to the side as magma erupts from where she was just standing. Even though the temperature on Zorah's back is no worse than an actual active volcano, Elise still feels a shiver course through here body at the very close encounter to being a heat smoked hunter. Shaking away the thoughts of food, She regroups with her squad. Jonas pulls out the walkie talkie and gives a report. "Third core down, status on the other two."

 The radio blares to life as Sullivan responds. "Second core down, and so too is my poor beautiful mustache." Elise snatches the radio from Jonas' radio as she roars out " THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES! Cyclops corps, what's the situation on your end?" "Core trashed and turned to bits" Kane responds. Rein leans over his brothers shoulder as he questions "Where's are backup huh? That good for nothing is probably still slee-" Zorah's shell began to shake as Zorah abruptly reared its head, roaring out in pain, much to the confusion of the hunting team. Rein grabs the walkie talkie as he tunes into the commander's channel. "Commander, this is Rein, what the hell just happened!?"

 The radio buzzes with static for a bit, no response coming through. Worried that something went wrong, Rein was about to inform the others to regroup and check on base when the commander's voice transmits through. " Commander to Rein, I've received you message. What happened was..well.. honestly even I cant believe what I saw." Believing the worst has come to pass, Rein blurts out "Did Zorah break through the Barrier!? Damn it how even, we were supposed to-" "No" The commander shuts down Reins conclusions. "What happened was that Evans...slammed into the face of Zorah Magdaros." The cyclops corps are stunned into disbelief. Isn't this thing taller than a mountain? How does an Anjanath three times smaller than it even reach.

 Just as Kane was about to ask this question, someone else beat him to it. "Huh? commander are you sure your age isn't catching up to you?" Zephyr asks, Having just tuned into the channel to find out what is happening. Jonas rubs his temples as Elise struggles to hold back the laughter building up. On the other side of the radio, the commander's face takes on a darker shade as some of the nearby technicians snicker at his expense. They quickly rush off to find other places to be as the commander gives them a sharp look.

 Reigning in his frustration, the commander replies "No, Evans has in fact turned himself into a projectile and is now hanging onto Zorah's snout." 

The siege group couldn't believe there ears. But soon their eyes proved them wrong as Zorah's head swayed into view. Just as the commander said, Evans was latched onto Zorah's snout, Jaws clamped tightly.

'God, this was a bad idea.' Evans was now regretting his stupid choice. moments prior, rocketing towards a giant magma tortoise's nose seemed like a great idea. However, the deafening air and the velocity with how fast he was being swung around like a ragdoll would greatly disagree. Grace back at base was snapping phots of this so called ' historic moment' as she claimed. Evans, now feeling like he was going go vomit, decided to let go. His body was quickly hurtling towards Zorah's shell, as the siege party duck for cover.

 The siege party gather around the now formed crater as Evans stumbles to his feet. Moments later, He falls flat on his face, with his surroundings still spinning. "Don't worry... I slowed-urgh-slowed him down." The siege party look at each other as they all collectively thought the same thing.

 'Why did we have such an idiot on the team?'


A/N: Hey its me again, sorry for the wait guys, but my wi-fi had gone down. anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and if you want to support me, check out my patreon ( patreon.com/Gearjay)

p.s- I'm writing another book! this one will be updated every Tuesday and is called SHELLSHOCKED!-the synopsis will tell you more what its about. I will be giving early access to paid members, however its not ready yet so wait till I post about it. Thanks for sticking around!