The Great eruption

 As the hunters and one variant group together on the shell, an all too familiar roar reaches their ears. Before any of them can fully react, needles rain down from the sky. The siege party dive for cover, with Rein leading the defense as he raises his shield. Nergigante, seeing its spike volley fail, Lands onto the shell. The previously launched spikes quickly regrow, taking on a darker sheen on its arms and back.

 Evans, now recovered from his impromptu cannonball act, belches out balls of fire towards Nergigante. Nergigante Leaps to the side as the fireballs fly past, exploding onto the shell's surface. It then rushes towards Evans, claws poised in an attempt to maim the fire shooter. An explosion slams into the right side of its face however, throwing it off course. Nergigante, annoyed that its attempt failed, turns its sight to where the explosion came from.

 Jonas, now loading another explosive round while in a kneeling position, Lines his crosshair towards one of Nergigante's horns. Taking the advantage of the reload time, Nergigante rushes forward, horns gleaming as it intends to skewer the hunter on the horns it has sharpened on others much less experienced. "Not today!" Zephyr seeing as the barbed elder dragon is targeting his team leader, jumps into action. The shield of the charge blade stands firm as Nergigante slams into it. "Aaaaaggghh." Gritting his teeth, Zephyr maintains his footing as the elder dragon eater drags him towards Jonas' direction. Both man and monster slowly come to a stop, the momentum of the charge now shrinking from the friction and heat created. 

 Elise, seeing her chance, Rushes in with her dual blades. She leaps into the air towards Nergigante's back and, lining the two blades to face opposite directions, begins to rotate. Spikes and blood splatter as Elise shreds across the elder dragon's back. Nergigante roars in pain, its head rearing to the sky. The sudden head movement catches Zephyr off-guard, launching him into the air. As Zephyr arcs through the air, another explosion hits the left horn of Nergigante. Already worn down by the previous explosion and the Collison from the charge blade, the horn snaps off. Enraged at losing one of its prized possessions, Nergigante shrieked, wings flaring up, shooting hardened quills towards the other siege hunters on standby.

 Kane chops the incoming projectiles with his great sword as Sullivan whirls with his hunting horn, the air forcing the quills away. Just as the group were about to engage, a blast of magma, like a divine judgment, crashes into Nergigante, disorientating it. Evans, seeing an opportunity, stretches out his dorsal fins. Not understanding the strategic value of this action Rein shouts out "Oi! you overgrown peacock! now's not the time to be showing off! DO something!" 

 Evans, keeping Nergigante in his sight, responds with "Of course i'm doing something, now shut up and watch me!" Arcs of electricity dance across the fins as they light up, much to the irritation of Rein and Elise, who where intently watching with curiosity on what he was gonna do. 

 Nergigante, sensing imminent danger, cuts its losses and leaps towards the sky. It was still a step to late however as Evans, now fully charged, releases a concentrated lightning bolt. Tearing through the sky as if it were cracking like a mirror, rapidly approaching the desperately fleeing terror of elder dragons. Nergigante bellows as the cavern lights up as if the sun had risen early. The lightshow above Zorah's back caused the hunters waiting on the barrier to wonder what happened. Did Zorah release some of the bio energy?

 After a few moments, a smoking Nergigante is seen wobbly flying off, likely due to the injuries it received from Evans' lightning strike. The siege party all have furrowed brows, calculating their chances of dodging or even surviving such an attack. Their worries on Evans' might are left for another day for Zorah begins to move once more. Seeing the barrier fast approaching, The siege party pull out their far casters, drawing the commission's trained Mernos horde to pick them up . Evans, being too large and a recent addition to the commission's ever growing roster, didn't get a ride so he had to improvise. 'Hueghhohoho, this is gonna be hilarious.' (a/n: the jumble of letters here was intentional, this is his weird mischief laugh in his head)

 Elise, sensing what Evans was about to do urgently said, "WAIT! I just got my hair-"


"-...done." Evans' cannonball had raised waves large enough to hit the siege party, wetting the ones higher up but absolutely drenching the more unfortunate lower ones. 

 10 mins later

 Zorah Magdaros finally makes it to the barrier. The behemoth of an elder dragon begins to rise onto its hind legs as the hunters fire off their cannons. Zorah slams its massive paw into the barrier, causing some of the supporting hunters to drop the cannonballs they are carrying. Barnos fall from the sky as the commission continues in its fight for survival. A binder is shot, wrapping around Zorah, hindering its movement .

 As Zorah's head is pulled to the barrier, Evans dashes forward. He slams his tail into the once crystalline magma core, now bits from Evans previous mauling. Zorah wails in pain as it reels back, freeing itself from the bindings. Steam rises through the air as Zorah puffs, exhaustion taking its course on the tired elder. Seening the lull in Zorah's movements , the commander gives out the final order to force Zorah back. "This is the moment we've been waiting for! use the dragonator, NOW!" The hull of the ship shifts and opens, revealing a large spear like device. The Dragonator. The anti elder dragon weapon fires, the force of the large weapon forcing Zorah back. 

 Zorah lets out one more agonized wail and then falls into the sea. The hunters watch with baited breath at the boiling water. After awhile movement is seen. A valley of volcanic rock is seen drifting towards the outer sea, magma oozing as the living volcano heads for the final voyage.


 An inferno like no other bursts from the water, subdued yet still powerfully roaring none the less. The hunters that have been wearing head gear take it of to hold it under their arms, with the ones wearing hats holding them over their hearts. No one speaks, all giving a final salute to the majestic creature as plant life begins to surface. Evans was also saluting, however, since his arms were too short, he used his tail instead. Grace's face was beginning to turn different shades of red, struggling very hard to not laugh at the comical sight of a saluting anjanath.

 "Hmm" A man with wild dirty blond spikey hair nods his head as he watches the commission celebrate the fact they are not dead, and walks off, his destination unknown.