A week after the success of the Zorah operation, Evans found himself with not much else to do. The moment he came back to the ancient forest, Everything seemed to try and avoid him lately. The Tobi-Kadachis scurry up their trees as he passes by. The pukei-pukei now don't even bother staying to give a waring when he stomps into their territory, pretending they don't even see him. One of them even went as far as burying its head into the ground when Evans tried to be in its line of sight, much to his amusement. Even the Great jagaruses and their packs turn tail, learning from the example of the last unfortunate victim.
Few days prior....
Evans holds a struggling Jagaras leader under his talons. As he was about to bite its head off, a new way to mess with the hunters came to mind. "Lets see..." putting his short arms to work for the first time ever, Evans pries open the jaw of the Great Jagaras. He then releases a small controlled flame into its maw. The Great Jagaras struggles with what remaining strength it has, disliking the feeling of its internal organs being heated up. The mass of the great Jagaras grows larger as it takes on a more rotund shape and then... it begins to float. "Behold, a Jagaras BLIMP!" Evans declares to himself as he old onto the now airborne wyvern.
Working fast, Evans grasp a vine piece and wraps it around the muzzle of the Great Jagaras. He then pushes it into the direction of Astera, Watching as it slowly floats away, flailing about trying to get back to the ground. The wind suddenly picks up, shoving the Jagaras blimp away from its original direction.
"...well there goes that idea." Evans sighs disappointed of his failed joke. As Evans saunters off, the underbrush behind him shakes slightly. A Jagaras' head pops out from its hiding spot. The creature is still trembling, knowing of a fear thought impossible to find from anything other then starving. After making sure Evans was actually gone, The Jagaras scurries away, searching for others of its kind to warn them of this horrid fate.
The present
'Where did that Great Jagaras blimp go anyways? eh whatever, its not gonna be my problem, that's for sure.' Evans continues to lounge about at the top of the greatest tree When the he hears footsteps. Curious, Evans looks to the large pathway up and sure enough, Grace shows up. Over the week Grace seems to have made it her mission to annoy Evans, following him around and sometimes even daring to hitch a ride. If it wasn't for his new found peace from the hunters, he would have no doubt slammed her into a tree. "Evans! good to see you! I'm back and this time I brought some friends along!"
'Friends?' Evans thought to himself, wondering who. The answer soon came to him as three little figures cautiously steeped out from behind Grace. The first was wearing a turban like headgear, with round glasses and a large white mustache. The second was wearing a straw hat and a bandana around his face. The third, and the weirdest in Evans' opinion, is wearing a gas mask like device, with a hood over the top of their head. "Jumping Jaggies! I get to see an anjanath at such a close distance!" The Jovial scholar proclaims, eyes shining at seeing Evans. "This is a true once in a life time opportunity!" The upbeat scholar jumps in his excitement as the lively scholar turns to Grace.
"And your sure he won't eat us?" "Of course he won't! just don't go overboard and you'll be fine." Grace assures. "Mind filling me in on what's happening here?" Evans interrupts. "Who's there!" the jovial scholar asks as the three huddle together near Grace, the only hunter nearby. "Relax you three, it's just Evans." Grace giggles as she watches the amazement light up on the scholars' faces. She then turns to Evans. "Remember the deal between the you and the commander? well, these three are here to run some tests and I'm here to make sure things go smoothly!"
"This commander of yours sure works fast huh? alright let's get this over with." The trio high five, much to Evans exasperation. 'This is gonna be a long day...' After rummaging about in their cart full of gear, the jovial scholar comes forth with a metal box with a dish on top. "Ok, what we need you to do is give us a roar to record the sound frequency. Be as loud as you can for us to get the best results possible!" 'Loud as possible huh? I'll give you loud alright.' "Ok then" Evans responds while mischief fills his mind.
Evans Dorsal fins rise up to its full length as the bone structure on his nose unfolds. Grace, now realizing how bad of an idea this was, rushes over to the group, yelling "Wait!"
The trees shake as Evans roars with all his might. The scholars, Unprepared for the force behind the roar, are sent flying into the distance. Grace, holding onto an arrow she impaled into the ground, braces herself as she maintains her footing. Everything returns to calm as Evans ceases his noise making. "That was wonderful! Good lord, look at those readings! This must be the loudest recorded anjanath roar to date!" The Jovial Scholar exclaims from atop of a tree. The lively scholar wrestles with the vines encasing the upbeat scholar, currently hanging upside down. "It appears that the mucus an anjanath stores still affects the roar, regardless of the changes it goes through!" Grace walks over after smoothing her hair and uses the point of an arrow to hack away the vines, freeing the trapped scholar.
The trio meet up, murmuring to themselves with fervor over what to test next. Over the course of the day, the group tested Evans to his limits. IN the strength test, The scholars get to see Evans crush a boulder his size with relative ease. In speed, they found that although being quite cumbersome, Evans could still cross a large distance pretty fast. "Ok, last up is element testing. We will see how attuned you are with fire and thunder." The Lively scholar mentions as they wheel in a metal dummy resembling a pukei-pukei.
"All right, if you would, blast this dummy with the maximum amount of fire you can muster. Don't worry about us as we'll be way over there." The Lively scholar then rushes past Evans, ducking behind a log, large enough to cover the group. Other hunters of Astera standby, water weapons ready to deal with any possible forest fires. 'Jeez, when will this end?' regardless of how tedious these tasks are, Evans began to charge a flame in his throat. A blue hue soon appears on the outer skin and after a few more seconds, he belches out a large blue fireball.
The blue orb hurtles into the metal construct. A blinding light flashes out as the hunters and researchers shield their eyes from the impromptu miniature sun. The soundwave follows soon after, with some hunters covering their ears from how loud it was. As the light dies down, The group from the commission are astounded to see their highly reinforced dummy turned into molten slag. A similar result shows soon after when Evans shoots out a large bolt of lightning at a nearby tree. The scholars check the scorched timber wood and write down observations Evans couldn't really decipher. After another session of discussions, the upbeat scholar turns to Evans. "Well done Evans! we can confirm that you are quite the healthy specimen. all that's left is to get a sample of DNA." Evans tired of the testing already, decides to take the easier choice.
Under the shock of Grace and the scholars, Evans rips out a scale from his side, tufts of fur following as well. He drops the samples into the cart and walks back to his nest. One of the scholars, recovering from their shock, yell out after him. "Wait! we still need a mucus sample!"
The other two group up to figure out how to get the sample. "Huh? what gives? Why did it get so dark suddenly?" The scholars collectively look up trying to find the cause. They are suddenly engulfed by a large gelatinous substance.
"Hey what happened!?"
"I can't see! I can't see!"
Grace, holding her sides, wheezes as she says, "W-well you got the sample you wanted. pfft!
A/N: hey btw, I found me an interesting monster hunter book. Its called 'Roots Of Ruin' by Undead Rose. Check it out when you can for I say its pretty good!