
 Fire rages throughout the ancient forest as an anjanath (not Evans) thrashes about in the area. The commission hunters, tasked with gathering more anjanath material for a supply exchange with the notorious Anjanath cult, Prepare for the raging wyvern as it comes barreling towards them. Two of the four man squad flank the left and right as the other two don vitality mantels, shields ready for the impact to come. The anjanath bulldozes the ground beneath the shield hunters, sending them into nearby trees. The flanking archers release their charged bows, the water element attached to them inflicting more pain to the fierce jaw wyvern.

 The anjanath reels in pain as the arrows lodge into its hide. "Now!" one of the archers shouts out. Not long after, The shielded hunters arrive towards the tail. They connect their blades to the shields, becoming a mighty blade. And with one fierce slash, the charge blade duo chop off the anjanaths tail. The creature, now wounded and tailless, turns to flee to its nest, hoping to recuperate. Unfortunately, These commission hunters will not show mercy. After an intense chase, with the occasional clutch claw attack, The beast fell before its nest. One of the charge blade hunters sit on a log, catching his breath. "Whew, that was something. But, the target has been taken down. Don't you find this a bit awkward though?"

 The other blade user, finished drinking his Mega potion, turns to the other. "What do you mean 'isn't this a bit awkward?' we're monster hunters! our job is to HUNT monsters!" "Well yeah but... don't we have an anjanath chilling near Astera? how exactly would he take to hunting his kind?" The group contemplates the idea, wondering how Evans would react. If Evans knew what they were thinking, he would have been rolling on the ground to believe he cared for every single anjanath in that roams in the ancient forest.

 "Well, the commission did give us this mission and they never said NOT to hunt anjanaths, so we should be fine...probably." An archer responds, restocking the quiver on his back and storing the unused coatings. "We have a job to do, so lets get to it!" The four hunters rummage through the anjanath's nesting ground, collecting samples and other materials they can find. "Guys! Come check this out!" A charge blade user yells out. The other three gather to the center and are dumbfounded at what they found. 

 Turns out, the anjanath they hunted was likely a female, as right before their eyes are 5 large eggs, buried beneath the straw and vines. The hunters look to each other, before one of them radios the camp. "Hey we have slain the anjanath, but we found 5 eggs from it...yes I can wait.... what do you mean 'bring them back to Astera.'!? The commander told you this?.... no no, you don't have to get Francine involved!.... ok, ok! i'm going!" The trio listening in over his shoulder snicker at the man's misfortune. They quickly stop and look away when he glares at them though, trying their hardest not to laugh at him.

 Ignoring their failing attempts at not laughing, the charge blade user states "Ok so we have to take these eggs with us so the commander can get a better look at them. C'mon we gotta haul them into the cart that's on its way! move!"

The next day

 "You want me to do WHAT now!?" Evans messaged to the commander. He winces at how loud it rings in his mind, but continues with his plan nonetheless. "You will nurture these eggs to be apart of a new platoon for the commission, the anjanath raiders." Evans stomps his foot, surrounding crates jostling from the force. "Now why would I do something like that? In case you Haven't realized, i'm a MALE Anjanath. and even then, why would I help you gain more power?"

 "If you do this, we will not only provide food to let you lounge in leisure, but will even have our best technicians build an artificial basking spot for those colder nights." Evans though, still not wanting too deal with eggs, was still listening attentively, and the commander knew it. Then he through in something Evans couldn't refuse. "We will even throw in a large soft pillow." "Deal!"

 Evans later found himself with 5 eggs in his own personal nest. 'Okay... from what other scholars WAY to invested in this, I have to first surround the eggs with straw.' Evans rummages around his nest area for some material to work with. After laying the straw for the eggs, Evans gently as he can moves them. 'Alright and now to get them to hatch I have to... sit on did I even end up with this scenario? Oh right the exchange. Damnit! Do it for the pillow!' Swallowing his pride, Evans places himself on the eggs, careful not to put all his weight so as not to crush them.

 The day after, Grace appears into Evans nest, as he settles into his new role. "Hey new father of the year, how's it hanging?" A frown settles on Evans' Face as he messages "Grace, one more word out of you and I WILL shoot fire at you." "Ok, I just wanted to see how are bird buddy is doing." The other hunters were finishing up on packing the supplies when they hear Grace in the distance, getting closer. "GO, GO, GO, GO!" She vaults over a log as a barrage of fireballs follow not long after. The hunters push their carts as the small fireballs that, although not deadly but will still hurt, bombard the area.