. . . Two Months Later . . .
"Rise and shine, Jarvis! Daddy's up."
With a digital whir, the screens came to life. "Good morning, Sir. Have you eaten breakfast yet this morning?"
Tony Stark smirked as he set down his steaming mug on the desk. "If half a dozen donuts and enough coffee to render a elephant unconscious counts, then, yes, I had breakfast." He dropped into his chair and faced the monitors.
"Sounds very nutritious. Might I suggest a banana and yogurt smoothie? Lower in calories and contains beneficial vit-a-mins that support brain function."
"Nope. Definitely not in a banana Go-Gurt mood today." He rubbed his hands together. "Let's pick up where we left off last night, shall we? Bring up the thrusters for Mark 26 - aka our very own 'Gamma."
"As you wish."
The flat monitor lit up, projecting the thruster schematics on the screen. As he reached in and spread it apart, a sharp, steady beeping ensued.
"Jarvis, that better not be the front door camera or the missed calls on my answering machine."
"Negative. That is the intruder alert at Stark Industries."
"Pepper." He jumped to his feet. "Where? Where's the intruder!!"
"Readings show the intruder breached the fence in the northwest quadrant, sir."
He rushed over the suit up pad. "Saddle up Mark 7 for me! We're on the clock!"
"Yes sir." With a whir of machinery, the robots arms armored him.
A minute later, he soared out of the garage and into the open sky.
"Pull up Stark Industries remote camera displays eleven through sixteen," He ordered.
The displays flashed to life. His eyes locked in on camera fourteen as it flickered into view. A cloud of dirt and dust was settling on the lens. "Buddy, roll back cam fourteen to before it started looking at the sky."
The feed reversed at lighting speed, then froze and played forward. For a moment, all was still. Grass. Trees. A distant highway noise. Then a black shadow fell over the camera, impacted it and sent it tumbling. Over and over it rolled until it settled in the dust again.
"Sir, sensors report damage in that quadrant. Approximately twelve feet of the fence has been flattened."
His face tensed. "Big enough for a tank to roll through. Double time! Give me a boost!"
He shot forward, blazing like a comet in the sky.
"Where's security?"
"The team has been alerted and are en route. Shall I try to contact Miss Potts?"
"You haven't done that already!?"
"Calling Miss Potts now."
As the dial tone began, he gritted his teeth. "C'mon, C'mon, pick up, pick up."
The line beeped. "Tony?"
"Oh, thank God," He sighed, "Pepper."
"Tony, Happy is shouting and rushing me around. Something about an intruder alert and the fence being down? What is going on??"
"It's ok-don't worry about it. I'm handling it. Just do whatever Happy says and get somewhere safe until it's over."
"You'd better be careful!"
"Hey, hey, I'm always careful, I am al-ways careful, ok?"
"Yeah, right."
"Ok. I'll call you in a bit."
"Love you, Tony."
"Love you too, Pepper. Bye!"
He huffed in relief as the call ended. "Alright, where the fight?"
"We are approaching the affected area now sir."
As the Ironman descended, Tony cocked his head. "JARVIS, if there's an enemy, they've either deployed their cloaking device or are masquerading the security team."
"Negative, Sir. Scanning for heat signatures."
He landed, epically per usual, and glanced around. No tanks. No men with guns. No aliens with space tech. Just a few yards of smashed fence. And a few large, dark colored feathers.
"Sir, I'm detecting one heat signature in the tree line."
He turned and waved back the security team. "It's ok, mall cops, it's just one guy. I got this. You all sweep the perimeter and secure the buildings! Don't even think about lifting lock down 'til you hear from me!"
With a chorus of "Yes, sir!", they hurried back across the field.
He turned and advanced over the destroyed fence into the woods. "I swear Thor, if your dad kicked you out of the house for being a prick again and you destroyed my girlfriend's fence, I swear I'm gonna kick your blonde Asgardian -"
He stopped. "Jarvis, we are right onto of this guy," He glanced around. "Where-oh my-"
A body lay on the ground to his left, tanned and black haired. Tony stared at the black, fully feathered wings that lay sprawled over him, twisted and splotched with blood.
"What the -" Flipping back his helmet, he knelt beside him and touched a finger to his back. "JARVIS, read vitals."
"Heartbeat detected, sir. But it is weak. Breathing is shallow. I detect broken bones, lacerations and contusions. Possible internal bleeding as well. Also severe damage to the left wing at the base."
"Can I move him?"
"I suggest you find a way to stabilize his spine before attempting to move him. Shall I contact emergency services?"
He shook his head. "He'll end up either a guinea pig or dead meat. Call in Mark 24. He can carry him back home." He studied his back, worry creasing his face. "Gotta to figure out how to close the wings."
"Mark 24, aka "Tank", summoned. Estimated time of arrival is four minutes, fifteen seconds."
"Will Broken Wing here make it that long?"
"I believe so, yes."
"Ok, I've got an idea. JARVIS," He snapped down his visor. "Give me thermal imaging."
"Thermal Imaging, now on screen."
Tony retracted the metal from his hands and gently took hold of the right wing. Bending it at the joint at the top, he folded it back against his body and curled the other two joints underneath.
"See? Easy Peasy. Now for the left." He took hold of the other wing. "JARVIS, how's he doing?"
"Still breathing but heart rate is dropping. ETA on Mark 24 is three minutes."
He shook is head. "That's too long. Hey," He raised his voice and tapped the man's shoulder. "Hey, wake up! I promise I won't be mad about the fence if you stay alive, pal."
Only JARVIS replied. "Sir, I do believe he is unconscious. He can't hear you."
"C'mon pal, wake up!" He took hold of the left wing again, gripping with one hand around the base and the other at the joint. Cautiously, he bent the joint and folded the wing back.
"Incoming call from - Forehead of Security Hogan."
"Not now! I'm trying to save this guy's life here. ETA on Tank?"
"Two minutes, fifteen seconds."
He shook his head. "Speed him up!" He put his fingers against the man's neck. "This guy doesn't have time."
"New time of arrival is one minute."
"That's more like it, JARVIS, thank you. Broken Wing might survive thanks to you."
"Forty-five seconds."
He slipped a metal band onto the wounded man's wrist. Standing up, he searched the sky. "I see him. Just tell him to deploy gently. This guy is very broken."
"Thirty seconds."
He glanced at the body. "JARVIS, heart rate."
"Forty-seven beats per minute and falling."
"Come on, pal. Stay with me!"
"Fifteen seconds."
Tony glared at the incoming steak of fire. "This better not kill him."
"Ten seconds. Nine, eight-"
He stepped back.
"Five, four, three, two, one-"
The components of Mark 24 latched onto his body, one limb at a time. Tony grabbed the helmet, keeping it from deploying until the rest of the suit-up was finished. Slowly, he rolled him over and placed the helmet over his head.
"Give him just a little juice to the heart and up the oxygen intake by ten percent."
The chest piece glowed bright. He snapped his helmet and gauntlets back on and grabbed him, holding his body still as it charged his heart.
"Heart rate now hundred beats per minutes. Breathing still shallow."
"That'll do for now. Render Tank completely immobile. I'll carry him." So saying, he lifted the body and shot off into the sky.
"Incoming call from - Forehead of Security Hogan."
He gritted his teeth. "JARVIS, I said - NOT NOW!!"
"Understood, Mr. Stark."
Minutes later, he coasted into the garage, hovering just above the floor. He held the body encased in armor over his head. "JARVIS, ready one of the guest rooms for me, no windows, if you can manage it."
"Yes Sir. Door to guest room five is open and lights are on."
"While you're at it, add a encrypted pass phrase and a six-digit pass code to the lock. Me-only access. Phrase is -uhh," he glanced down at the body," 'Among the Fallen Angels', number sequence 339014."
"Right away sir."
"Sorry, Archangel, don't have a hospital room to keep you in, so this will have to do." He muttered as he coasted through the door and bumped it shut. For a moment, he hovered over the bed as he lowered the body down. As soon as it rested on the sheet, he turned away. "Alright let's go get me changed," He flew out the door and it beeped as it locked shut behind him. "While we're at it ring Dr. Helen Cho. I believe she is D.C right now at a medical conference."
"Immediately, sir."
He settled on the launch pad and extended his arms. As the rims came up and spun, removing the armor, the dial tone stopped. "Hello. Dr. Helen Cho."
"Yeah, hey Helen, how's the med conference? D.C being nice to ya?"
"Tony Stark -" She laughed. "I honestly didn't think that you would be calling me back anytime soon."
"No, I was going to. Just, ya know, didn't make it on the daily planner." He shrugged off the last piece and grabbed his phone. "I wanted to let you know I LOVED the Regeneration Cradle you showed to me and Dr. Banner. It's revolutionary. Totally will change medical treatments in our time." He headed to the stairs.
"Why, thank you, Mr. Stark. It is my hope that it will become the gold standard of modern restorative surgery."
"Have you had the chance to run any clinical trials yet?"
"Only on a few lab rats. Why?"
"Well, I might have a unconsciously willing volunteer for a human trial, if your interested."
She scoffed. "Mr. Stark, what are you talking about?"
He huffed out a sigh between steps as he took the stairs. "Ok, Helen, bottom line is I've got a medical emergency of an, shall I say, "enhanced individual". Far as I can tell, his wing got hit by a mortar shell and-"
"His wing?"
"Yes, I did. The dude has literal wings, feathers and everything, like a bird. Anyway, one of them is shot which leads me to assume someone sniped him while he was flaying and - boom! he fell from the heavens. I've no idea how far, but he is bust-ed up."
After a moment of silence, she spoke. "I can leave now and be there with the cradle in six hours."
"Better make that five. I've no idea how long I can keep him on this side of the grass." He punched in the number code at the door. Hanigng up the call, he muttered "Among the Fallen Angels".
"Stark, Anthony. Cleared to enter."
Bursting into the room, he hurried to the bed. "JARVIS, gimme tabs in my ear - vitals, consciousness, the whole nine yards - every half hour, minute by minutes if his heart rate drops below eighty beats a minute."
"Yes, Sir. May I suggest that you try and contact Dr. Bruce Banner as well. He may be of some assistance."
He shook his head as he removed the helmet from the wounded man's head. "As much as I agree with you, I think it's best he keep him out of it." He held his watch over his face and scanned it. "The fewer people that know about this guy, the better."
"As you wish, sir."
For the next few minutes, Tony worked his hardest to stabilize the mysterious winged man. All the while, JARVIS butted in with directions for care or with voicemails from Happy, Pepper and Rhodey. Finally, he turned, left the room and headed back down stairs.
"Alright, JARVIS, if you look at my watch, you'll notice a scan of the face of this angel fallen from grace. Let's find out who is he and what he did."
"Running facial recognition. Stand by."
Sighing, he leaned his elbows on in the desk and rested his head in his hands. "I'll call Pepper, Rhodey and Happy back after this, in that order, if you don't mind."
"One potential match found - stand by."
He looked up, frowning. "Stand by? Why am I standing by? I shouldn't have to do. I gave you a face, you need to match it. I'm actually sitting, by the way. I'm sitting by while you're supposed to be doing all the heavy lifting and bringing me the goods on this guy."
"I apologize, sir. Most of data online regarding his identity is either encrypted or password protected. It is taking me longer than usual to breakthrough."
"Huh." He folded his arms. "While you're doing that, run a search through all accessible SHIELD files for the words "wings","bird", "flight" and "feathers". I wanna see if he's one of Fury's many secrets."
"Here is what I have found via facial recognition thus far." A face appeared on the screen, followed by a handful of documents. He leaned in.
"Allen James Armstrong. Yep, that's him." He swiped down on the photo. "Born September 21st, 1990. Guy's kinda young. In - Montana." He nodded to himself. "Kid's also a long way from home. Jarvis, what are these documents?"
"One is his birth certificate."
"Screenshot that for me, will ya? I'll look at it later."
"There are also a few articles from his hometown newspaper, features in the "Cowboys and Indians" magazine-"
He scoffed. "I'm sorry, 'Cowboys and Indians'? That's real magazine?"
"Yes. The articles concerning him are on his youth rodeo exploits." Pictures appeared of a teenage boy with black-brown hair and tanned skin, dressed in a red button-up and black fringed vest and holding a trophy in one hand.
"Yelp, wasn't expecting that, but ok. What else?"
"A juvenile record from 2006, issued by the Lewis and Clark County Sheriffs Department of Montana."
"Lemme see that. Blow it up for me, I don't have my contacts in."
As JARVIS enlarged the report, he scanned it. "Tried to rob a bank with a broken arm? Threatened the shot bank employees with a revolver and got away riding a horse?" He slurped down some of his now cold coffee and grimaced, "Not sure what to think of that."
"According to court records, he was found not guilty. Witnesses couldn't identify him in lineups and he had an solid Albi. Also, none of his DNA was found at the scene."
"Falsely accused? Weird thing to accuse a guy of doing, but ok."
The phone on the desk rang. "Sir, I believe that is Miss Potts."
"Put a bookmark in it for me, JARVIS." He picked up. "Hey, Pepper, how ya doing gorgeous?"
"Tony, Happy wants to know if he can lift the lock down?! You never gave the order."
He clicked his tongue. "You're right, I forgot. Tell Happy the storm's over. All clear."
"Forgot? How could you forget to tell me when my company's is off lock down??"
He shrugged. "Something came up at the office. Got wrapped up in it and forgot."
"I can't believe you. I know - I should be used to this by now. But you always, always figure out a way to surprise me."
"Pepper, I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again, the lock down, the forgetting to lift the lock down, everything."
She sighed. "Aw, Tony."
He smiled. "Would it make it better if I took you out to dinner later? Your favorite, my treat?"
"Unfortunately, yes it would. Thank you."
"Ok, it's a date. I'll have a car ready at six." He turned back to the computer. "Tell Happy I said hi!"
"Bye, Tony."
He set the phone down. "Jarvis, what should I wear later?"
"I'll run some outfit combinations for your consideration."
"In the meantime, how's our outlaw angel doing?"
Stats appeared on the screen."Heart rate 95 beats per minute. Breathing weak and irregular. Blood pressure low."
"Is my IV line still going?"
"Yes, but I'm not certain if it can keep him alive long term. Blood loss is still occurring from his internal injuries."
He sighed. "C'mon, Helen." He muttered. "Move it or lose it."
"Would you like to continue your investigation, Sir?"
"Yeah, let's pick up where we left off." He agreed, his eyes on the body stats. "Keep his vitals on the screen for me, would ya."
"As you wish."
Three files marked in red appeared on the screen. He spread is hands in dismay. "What is this?"
"These files are highly classified, sealed government records. Tampering with them will alert the their system's security and in turn, bring FBI agents to your door, Mr. Stark."
His eyes widened. "Really? I always wanted a visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation." He tapped a key on the keyboard, then began typing. "Such nice guys. Friendly. Professional. Give out free hugs."
"I think you mean free handcuffs, sir."
"Very funny, JARVIS. Very-funny." He muttered.
"Sir, I see what you're doing."
He smirked. "Obviously. You're doing it."
"Might I remind you of the aforementioned free handcuffs?"
"Nope. Cuz we'll take it slow. Integrate you into the systems, download the files and integrate ourselves back out."
"There is still a chance of being caught."
"That's cool." He picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Now to call Rhodey."
After a moment, the line picked up. "Hey Tony."
"Hi, Rhodey, it's me. I've got something to show you"
. . . Two hours Later . . .
Rhodes stopped dead in the hall and stared at Tony. "You're kidding! You're keeping him here?!"
"Rhodey," He held up both hands as turned to face him. "I have no other choice." He continued walking down the hall. "This guy's obviously enhanced, so he's somebody's assassin or mutant soldier or something. If he gets out in the open, somebody's gonna pull the plug on him."
"How do you know he's anything special? Could be just one of the whackos who get surgeries to add stuff to their bodies. Like those people who add horns to their heads?"
He glanced him, scandalized. "First off, that is offensive, generalized observation. Don't say that to anybody other than me. They won't be able to handle it."
He rolled his eyes.
"Secondly, this is different. This guy - he's able to handle high-altitude flight without a suit or oxygen tanks -"
"Wait a minute - " Rhodes held up a hand. "How do you know he's capable if high-altitude flight?"
"Come in this room and I'll show you." He punched in the code at the door. "Among the fallen angels."
He blinked. "What?"
"Welcome, Anthony Stark." A female computer voice greeted him.
He turned to Rhodes. "Passcode to the door. Don't tell anybody."
As he walked in, he nodded slowly. "R-ight. Whatever Tony."
"Hey JARVIS, how's he doing?" He asked, lifting the visor from his face.
"Stable for the moment sir. He regained consciousness forty minutes ago, maintained it for five minutes thirteen seconds, then succumbed again."
"Hope he didn't try to get up."
"Negative sir. But he did say this -" A audio file popped up on the screen above the bed. " 'The girls'" A voice gasped, gravely with pain. "Did we - get the girls?"
He cocked an eyebrow. Rhodey frowned. "What does he mean 'get the girls'?"
"I have theories. Don't want to think about them." He replaced the visor. "JARVIS you're gonna have play baby sitter until Helen gets here. You alright with that?"
"I don't suppose there is a choice in the matter, sir?"
"Nope." He turned and walked to a table against the wall.
"Helen?" Rhodey held up a hand."As in Doctor Helen Cho?"
"One and the same. She's on her way here to patch him up for me." He waved at him. "C'mere. Wanna show you my proof of high-altitude flight."
He sauntered over and stared down. "What am I looking at?"
"What he was wearing when he burnt in." He lifted a dark brown leather vest that had been cut down the sides.
"I had to cut to get it off of him." He held it up, using a thumb to pry back the top. "Thick wool lined interior with a thermal layer and bullet proofing between in and the leather exterior. All homemade. Well-stitched but kinda primitive in design."
He held it up in front of himself and grimaced. "Definitely would not style this at Vogue red carpet. You know, I can't help asking myself - Why would he wear such warm layers when it's 75 degrees outside unless-"
"Maybe he works with Santa at the North Pole and got blown off course?"
Tony gave him side eye. "OR - He was flying at high altitudes, which means he would be encountering high winds, which are colder than they are at ground level."
"It's a theory."
"I have more!" He gestured to the table. "More thermal layers, leather gloves, a fun, fleece-lined mask that has a beak -" He held up in front of his face and grinned, then set it back down- "But notice that they are both lightweight and hold in heat. The leather prevents wind damage that would occur with the lighter materials-"
He held up his hands. "Ok, ok. I get it, Tony. This guy can fly high." He frowned. "Did he have thrusters?"
"Nope. It's completely powered -" he snapped at the screens and a body scan appeared. "By his wings. Now, " He stepped over to them. "I'm not a doctor but it doesn't take one to see that these muscle and bone structures -" He waved at the screen. "Are not entirely human."
He stepped up beside him. "Yeah, that looks weird. So he's a bird-man-mutant-thing?"
He sighed. "Until Helen gets here, we won't know for sure." He walked to door. "But I think the GOV did."
He frowned. "I don't follow."
"Follow me downstairs then. Maybe we can find out."
Rhodey kept frowning in puzzlement all the way down the stairs. As they entered the basement, JARVIS greeted him. "Mr. Stark, Colonel Rhodes. We're in."
"Thanks, Captain Obvious."
Tony guffawed. "He means we're in that top secret classified document on the screen."
"Tony, not again. I can not keep covering for you."
He rested a hand on his shoulder. "This is the last time I will crack into classified files concerning America's flying man, I promise. Now," He dropped into his chair. "I'm just gonna take a nap, while you finish up, JARVIS."
"Very good sir. Shall I wake you when Dr. Cho arrives or at 5:30 to prepare for your 6 o'clock date?"
"Which ever happened first." He closed his eyes.
"Tony," Rhodey stomped over and crossed his arms. "This is serious! You could literally be arrested, all your suits confiscated, you dropped from the Avengers - all for some file collecting dust on a forgotten government hard drive??"
"Look, buddy, JARVIS has integrated in without any alarm bells tripping. He'll integrate back out - easy peasy." He stated without even cracking an eyelid.
"Download complete." JARVIS interrupted. "Reverse integration will be complete in one hour."
"Thank you." Tony jumped up and tapped on the first file.
Rhodey blinked. "What was that?"
"What was what? You know, that's very generic question. You really shouldn't ask people questions like that. It's toxic."
He groaned. "The nap, Tony. You didn't even sleep!"
"Cat nap, you know? You've heard about them."
"You ever actually seen a cat nap?"
He shrugged. "Probably on YouTube somewhere."
"Sir, you now have access to a Department of Defense file on Sergeant Armstrong, Allen James."
"Sergeant?" Rhodey stepped up the display. "What division?"
"Looks like Army - Green Berets."
His eyebrows shot up. "Dude, that's no joke."
Tony muttered aloud as he read, "Joined when he was eighteen. Blew right through Basic Training. Was sent straight to GBs for his quote 'Exceptional abilities, combat prowess, natural guerrilla warfare style and survival skills.' End quote."
"Meaning he fights dirty, shoots to kill and doesn't die." Rhodey scanned down the entries. "He was exceptional tho- wait, he was in battalion?"
"Which one?"
He pointed "1st Battalion, 5th Group. I've read about their missions, particularly the one that almost destroyed them. Only three of them survived."
"Whoa." Tony blinked. "That's - dark. I thought you just said they don't die?"
"Wait - " He pointed to screen. "Click on the POW file."
"Prisoner of war?" An image popped up on the screen and both their faces blanked. After a moment of sober silence, Tony swallowed. "That's - graphic."
Rhodey touched another photo. "Looks like they were trying to put those wings in."
He scanned the documents, then his face paled."That cave - I know that cave."
Rhodey glanced at him. "What?"
"He was being held in the same area that I was."
"For real??"
He nodded slowly. "There's a map of his rescue op, conducted by one Capt. Jason Knox. The coordinates, land features, pictures of inside the cave - everything exactly is the same."
His eye landed on something else. "Tony - is that-" he pointed.
His face paled even more. "JARVIS, enlarge this photo."
"There, on the back wall. Is that - "
Tony swallowed. "The Red Skull. He's a Nazi."
. . . Six hours Later . . .
He stared through the wind shield, his eyes seeing but not registering. Memories flashed like grainy Polaroids through his mind. A firefight. Missiles painted with Stark Industries . Water churning around his head. Heat from the forge and booming clangs as metal beat on metal-
"Wah!" He jerked.
"Tony, are you ok?" Pepper's gentle voice probed, pushing back the memories. "If I hadn't told JARVIS to take the wheel, we would be face first in some ditch right now."
"Ah," He wiped his face with his hands. "I'm so sorry Pepper. Just - just got a lot on my mind." He reached for the wheel.
She laid a hand on his. "I think I'd rather let Jarvis drive."
He blinked, then leaned back in his seat. "Yeah, yeah sure. How far are we from home?"
"Three minutes, sir."
"Thanks buddy."
Time rolled by with no sound but the hum of the engine and brushing of the wind outside the car. He stared ahead, his eyes following the beams of the headlight until they merged with screen lights in his head. Pictures of Red Skull. Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust.
He glanced over, blinking back the images. "What?"
"What's wrong?"
He grinned. "Nothing. Absolutely-"
"Don't give me that." She laid a hand on his arm. "I can telling something is bothering you. Now out with it."
He sighed. "It's nothing. It's really nothing, Pepper, love of mine. Ok?"
She studied him dubiously for a moment. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." He took her hand and kissed it. "I am 3000% sure."
As he leaned forward to give her a quick kiss, the phone in his blazer pocket chimed in his pocket.
"That would be-"
"Yeah I know." He cut in as he unlocked the screen.
Pepper cocked her head at him. "That would be what?"
He grinned at her. "Just a work thing, honey." He glanced at the text.
Surgery is complete. He's stable. We need to talk.
"Just a work thing." He muttered, putting the phone back in his pocket.
"We have arrived, sir." JARVIS announced as the car glided to a stop.
"Alright," Pepper stepped from the car. "I'm going to have a glass of wine." Leaning down, she smiled at town through the window. "Wanna join me?"
He smiled back, a little sadly. "Ah, rain check unfortunately. With works things and company lock downs, I'm dog tired."
"Yeah. So I'm gonna take the car down to the garage and then call it a night. I promise I'll join you next time, okay?"
She gave him a little pouty smile. "Okay. Goodnight." Leaning in, she kissed him.
He kissed in return, for a moment wavering. Then he pulled back and smiled. "Good night, Pepper."
As she turned as walked inside, he stared after her and sighed. "Love you."
"Sir, I hate to interrupt, but Dr. Cho is waiting in the garage for you."
He took the wheel. "Yep, I know."