one of a kind friends

Back in the real world.

Cass and Lason were still heading towards Laz apartment with a plastic bag, containing some food.


"Hm, what's up?"

"Have you notices that there's a weird aura coming from Lazarus house?" Lason question.

To her credit Cass wasn't really paying attention, she was fantasizing about ways to seduce Laz, so her senses weren't as focused. But upon being told she felt it, and she was shocked.

"Wait, this can't be this aura is a mix of a vampire but the other is something I've never felt before, but I'm sure of one thing we need to get there fast".

"I'm sorry, but you aren't allowed to go any further Mr and Mrs Bloodfire". A voice said from the darkness and a man stepped out

He was a man, who appeared to be in his late 50's. He has olive skin, muddy brown hair with white streaks on the side of his head and it was slicked back.

He had green eyes the color of gemstones that showed his experience when looking at the siblings. He wore a buttoned down shirt with black pants and shoes the same color as if trying to look like a regular employee.

"Captain Mizrak what do we own this most disgusting pleasure?" Cassandra asked in a dangerous tone as if to indicate her tone smoke started to rise from her body.

With a sly smile Captain Mizrak responsed, "please we don't have to fight do we, we just like to ask you to return to your mansion and leave the place you were originally going too?" He said in a stern tone.

Aftet saying that a group 20 men and women appear on top of the rooftop of the building holding different firearms aimed at the siblings.

But at that moment everyone heard a hardie laughter coming from the older brother. Lason was holding his stomach will laughing as if the situation wasn't dangerous.


Lason, look at the man and stopped laughing and looked at the man with cold eyes. "If you know who we are you know what rank is our family and the type of vampires we are right

Mizrak looked confused at the young man, he didn't look worried, sacred or even bother on the slightest.

"Well yes, you two come from the House of Bloodfire, a Duke house and one of the few house that have produced true vampires in the last thousand years."

"Oh Wow! Look at this one sis we got a smart one on our hands." Discreetly the siblings had a telepathic conversation with each other without alerting their little friends.

Cassandra: Any idea?, cause we need to get to Lazarus quickly!

Lason: I have an Idea but your not gonna like it.

Cassandra: just can it help us in this situation?

Lason: Yes! But your gonna have to keep this from mom and dad.

Lason told his sister his plan and she was rightfully anger.

"ARE YOU STUPID?!?" She shouted in their telepathic connection. "That's suicide, what would happ-.

Sis ill fine you should remember we're some of the strongest among our generation.

Mizrak thought they'd give up after this but he was to late to realize that the ground was being covered in a thin line of ice, but he was to late to stop the siblings.

Lason created an ice platform for his sister and extended it to launch her into the air. Cassandra body began to heat up and her body was cover in purple flames like a Johnny Strom as she flew towards Lazarus apartment.

Captain Mizrak was gritting his teeth so hard you'd thought that he was trying to break them." After her! We can't let her get there, or else we're all dead"!

Before some of the men and women could move they were impaled with large ice spikes in their hearts, brains lungs or lower partners and before they died from blood loss they completely froze becoming ice statues.

Mizrak looked at the one responsible and he was was slightly different. For one his arms both had cracks along his hands his left was icey blue with white cracks and his right was the color of obsidian with reddish orange cracks like lava.

"I'll ask you one thing Okay, who gave the order?" Lason asked in a cold tone.

Lason extended his hands towards Mizrak and shot out a wave of ice towards Mizrak. Mizrak raised his hands and a shield made from some sortbof holy energy appeared and blocked the ice.

Lason can't say he was shocked take this, people of the church have the ability to use angelic abilities to a lesser extent than angels. But he was glad that this man survived to he could gain some information.

Lason extended his hands upwards and 2 single handed axe appeared in his grasp. On both like his hands one was made of ice that seem to freeze anything that came in contact with it, and the other was made from black obsidian with red cracks along the blade that had smoke coming out of it.

"Promise me one thing, okay Captain. Don't die on me Okey."