I hate waking up

(Back in Lazarus soul domain)

Lazarus didn't know how long he was fighting ,but after he'd won the last couple of rounds he did not care. He had fought the witch and her familiar which could turn invisible, a beta werewolf who had nearly torn him in half.

Some highly skilled hunters who could use magic, that may have been powerful but it was as precise or accuracy. He'd never want to experience this again.

"Hay what now?,... I've pretty much clear the test and... I want to go home." He said between breaths.

Dakarai look at him with a blank stare tha was hard for him to read, before he could say anything Dakarai spoke up.

"Yeah your going back soon but you might be surprised about what you she out there, such as the fact some hunters have pretty much kidnapped you in your comatose state".

"Oh?, and I wonder who put me in that state, just hurry up and wake me up so I can take of them." He said in an exhausted tone, as if he had been working a day and night shift at Waffle House.

"Sure see you soon." Dakarai snapped his fingers and Laz was gone.

Back in the real world

Laz woke up in a dark space but to him it was like it was still day time. He tried to move but was held back by something, he looked down and saw his body rapped in chains that seemed unbreakable.

But to him is was like removing spider webs from your hair after walking into one. "I know I'm technically a monster but couldn't they atleast give something softer to sleep on".

Lazarus extended his senses and found that he was in the back of a truck container, and there were people above him probably to keep people from coming in.

He winded his fist and struck the door, originally planning to just destroy the door but had more drastic results.


The force of the blow destroyed most of the cargo container that was holding him inside . "Fucking hell man, could I have been in an abandoned building those make much better hideout."

"We should probably detaine the subject before it escapes." Laz looked up and found to men wearing tench coats, black suits and both holding a claymore in a single hand.

"Look here lech go back to sleep and we won't hurt you too much". One of the men said in a mocking tone. While his partner smirked at Lazarus taking his silence as surrender they approached him.

But at that moment both me combusted with black flames screaming in agony begging for forgiveness."Huh, it actually worked and he I was thinking I was going to have to get my hands dirty.

Before Laz could even take more than 4 steps towards his assailants a thought came to him. He could absorb and take the souls of those he has killed gaining some of their memories, skill and other benefits. Generating black flames from his right hand and shaping it into a spear, he decapitated them their bodies going limp and two glowing orbs came out of them.

They floated into Laz body, but nothing happened afterwards if you were to explain what happened it's like killing a boss who is at a lower level than you so you barely got any XP from it.

"I'm not sure it taking their souls amounted to anything, but I don't really care much about" with an indifferent tone Laz thought on what do now.

He felt extreme heat coming from above him as he looked up he saw a a large bat the size e of a monster truck made from purple flames and lightning crackling around it. He'd defend himself, but he felt as if the creature wouldn't harm him. (He was 50% sure).

The creature begun to inspect him and the area, after making sure their were anybody around it begun to shrink down and took a form Lazarus knew all to well.

"So you were a vampire? I feel like I should have noticed but... we know I'm not much for attention to detail.

Cassandra look at the love of her life, she did recognize his voice and she still had some of his former features but he almost look like an entirely different person.

He's body looked to have bulked up and was covered in tattoos that amplified his attractiveness. His hair was two tone with one side being white and the other side being black.

When she took a closer look at his unfairly handsome face she could she his eyes were heterochromic with one being red and the other being gold. After she him she had 2 question in her mind.

"What the hell happened to you, and would you have sex with me for a price"? She asked with a blush covering her face.

Lazarus had a response was normal."it's a long story, and do I look like a stripper to you?.