Callista Swan

The Swan twins have been in Forks for over a week now and whilst Bella is secretly falling for a certain Cullen, Callista is enjoying her new life. The Swan girls couldn't be more different if they tried, everything about them is the opposite to the other. Bella is your shy, average, gloomy person whilst Callista is a bubbly,outspoken and somewhat rebel. She is also uniquely beautiful. Her hair is a raven black running down to her back, her body is toned with a Olive tan, then there are her eyes that are a striking midnight blue. People who meet Callista can't help but be drawn to her and that is something she both loves and loathes. Then there are her unique tattoos, she has a very detailed drawing of a wolf on the base of her back something she saw in a dream and drew up quickly not wanting to forget the beautiful creature. She has a mandala elephant under her boobs and four doves behind her left ear. Callista loves showing her tattoos as they are apart of her but living in Forks she finds more use for thick coats and woolly hats than bikinis and shorts.

Today Callista or Callie as she prefers to be called, is heading to La Push with her sister and their new friends for some Saturday fun whale watching and surfing. Callie is also hoping to see Jacob Black who Bella said had gotten hotter since the last time they saw him. Which didn't surprise Callie as they had been eight at the time.

"Callie are you ready?"

"Yeah just getting my coat on Bells."

Callie takes out her Super-dry puffer coat and her Super-dry hat and scarf quickly putting them on and heading down stairs to see her sister waiting patiently. Callie grabs the keys to her red GMC that her Mom and Phil bought her for actually passing her driving test and they go to head out of the door when Charlie shouts for them to wait up.

"Can you drop me off at Billy's please?"

"Sure thing Pops. Remember no commenting on my driving and choice of music otherwise I will leave you on the side of the road."

Charlie salutes at her causing the two girls to laugh. The three Swans leave the house setting off for La Push, Callie turning up her music as soon as she gets into her baby. Seriously if anyone even touches the car without her say so there is world war three. No one and she means no one disrespects her baby.

"So girls what are your plans for today?"

"Nothing much just hanging out with the guys."

"Whilst Bella does that I will be scouting for the next Mr right now."

Charlie and Bella start laughing as Callie wiggles her eyebrows. She isn't easy far from it but Callie likes to be in relationships and lean new things about the male species. Besides she is still a virgin and plans it staying that way till she gets the feeling in the pit of her stomach that tells her the Adonis in front of her is the one for her for all of eternity. Not too much to ask for right?

They pull up outside the Black residence half an hour later to see Harry Clearwater, Billy Black, Old Man Quill and three extremely handsome and topless guys stood talking. Charlie jumps out and heads over to the guys, Callie winding down her window.

"Charles remember be home by midnight and no misbehaving otherwise I will be taking away your Telly for a month."

Billy, Old man Quill and Harry laugh as Charlie rolls his eyes at his daughter.

"Callista I am sure I am the one who has to tell you to behave. After all you are the one that got expelled from how many schools?"

"Please is it my fault the teachers at my last four schools couldn't handle some harmless pranks."

"Callie you super glued their butts to their chairs. Not to mention the ash brownies you baked and put in the staff room."

By now everyone apart from Callista and Charlie are laughing hard. Billy saying that's my girl. Charlie watches as his daughter shrugs.

"That must of been your other daughter I am a bloody angel i will have you know."

"If you say so Princess. Now get out of here and behave. I mean it."

"Exactly what kind of trouble can I get into in one afternoon."

"Bella watch your sister please."

"Will do Charlie."

Callie rolls her eyes and then turns her music back up. When Little mix touch comes on Callie shouts that's my jam andsets off. Billy looks to Charlie a smirk on his face.

"Got your hands full with that one."

"Don't i just. Can't deny it is good having her back though. Both of them but with Callie there is this added happiness that you miss when she goes."

"It is good to have her back that is for sure."

The men head inside and the topless men head to the beach. All three of them talking about the girl that just left them moments ago.

Bella is sat with Angela and Jessica in the van talking whilst Callie is getting her phone out of her car. Jacob, Embry and Quill walk over to the group and the conversation soon turns to the broody Cullen, Edward. When Callie hears her sister has invited him she growls.

"For the love of god if he is coming here i am out."

"What! why?"

"Ella the guy is a first class dick. He suffers from PMS worse than i do. Besides he is nothing but rude to you and he looks like he is about to rip your throat out."

Bella looks at her sister and frowns. Callie has never been like this because a guy has shown interest in Bella she is usually trying to get her sister to go out on a date with the said guy. Maybe it is because Edward is the most sort after guy in school and her sister wants him for herself.

"Your just Jealous Callista."

Callista snorts and gives her sister the 'really' look.

"Ha no thanks Bella. I like mine with a bit more colour and a bit more muscle. If I wanted to date a ghost I would call up Casper."

Everyone laughs causing Bella to frown even more. Callie walks to her sister and lifts her head up gently. Her face serious.

"Bella you know that I love you more than anything in this messed up world. If Edward Cullen is who you want then fine but I am telling you now he steps one more foot out of line I will rip his dick off and feed it to him on a silver platter do i make myself clear?"

Bella laughs and pulls her sister in for a hug. The two know that nothing can come between them especially not some pasty faced boy.

"I love you Callie."

"Love you too Bell Hop."

"So do I get a hug? After all we are still married."

Callie looks to Jacob and her jaw drops before she dives on him. Embry and Quill saying no fair. Callie hugs the life out of Jacob causing him to laugh and squeeze her back just as tight.

"Damn Jake when did you get so buff?. If i knew my husband was this good looking I would of come back way sooner."

Callie playfully touches his biceps causing Jake to laugh. He then twirls her around taking in every inch of her womanly body.

"I could say the same for you. How is it possible for you to get hotter?"

"What can I say the big guy upstairs loved me enough to make me this way."

"Well I am eternally great full for his fabulous work. Hey do you still have it?"

Callie smirks and then raises her right arm sleeve showing her black leather bracelet that has JB on it. Jake runs his hand over it before lifting his right arm sleeve to show her his matching bracelet that has CS on it. They made them when they were eight well Jake was Seven and they wanted something to remember each other by. They even pinky promised to never remove the bracelets which neither one did.

"It is good to have you back Mrs Black."

"Good to be back Mr Swan."

The two hug once more before Embry says it is his turn. Callie embraces Jake's two friends and then they all head for the beach. Jake and Bella walking and talking about the tribe legends whilst Callie plays soccer with Embry and Quill. Sam, Jared, Paul and Emily are sat over the further side of the beach watching Callie as she trash talks Embry and Quill.

"Come on you two your getting your asses handed to you by a girl. What did you miss the day they were handing out man cards?"

They hear Embry say that they are letting her win which ticks Callie off causing her to kick the ball a little to hard and heading for Sam and them. Callie quickly races after the ball ignoring Embry and Quill telling her to just leave it.

Sam hands her the ball once she arrives and Paul and Jared take in her body. Something inside Jared telling him to protect her at all costs.

"Hey sorry about that. I keep forgetting I need to be more feminine when playing Soccer and also not let minors get to me."

"It's okay. You play a good game."

"Thanks kinda have to been as I have played for most of my life."

"Soccer fan are you?"

"Yep. Plus some other sports like boxing and Football. Sorry again....."

"Sam. Sam Uley."

Sam holds his hand out and Callie shakes it and then takes it away seeing the girls eyes on her. If there is one thing that Callie can't stand and that is girlfriend drama.

"Nice to meet you Sam I am Callista Grace Swan. Chief Swans daughter."

"Are you the one who talks to a cullen?"

Callie looks to one of the guys who she has to say is smoking hot. So hot it is making her ovaries explode just by looking at him.

"Um no that is my twin Bella. I have more taste than to hang around with that much crazy. Besides what is everyone's deal with those people?"

"What do you mean?"

"Embry certainly doesn't like them and it doesn't take a genius to work out you guys don't either. So what is the problem?"

"There is no problem. Just some old rivalry between the Cullen's and some of the guys on the reservation."

"If you say so. So any way i best get back. It was nice meeting you all."

Callie waves and says goodbye to the group one boy in particular catching her eye. When their eyes meet his jaw drops causing Callie to smirk. She says one last goodbye heading back to her friends not knowing that in that one single moment her life as she knows it is about to change


A/N All rights to the original twilight characters and story line goes to Stephanie Meyer. I only own my characters and my story lines. Thank you for reading. L.C.H X.