Hurt her I hurt you

Monday morning arrived to quickly for Callie's liking. All she wanted to do was stay in bed for one more day but nope some idiot who decided kids needed to learn took that right away from her. Groaning she pulls herself out of bed and gets dressed in a pair of blue distressed jeans, her black Adidas hoodie, her white Adidas trainers and her hair is in a pony. The only make up she has on is her mascara and lip-gloss. Grabbing her black Moschino bag pack she heads down stairs and mumbles a good morning to her Dad and sister.

"Girls I am going to be late tonight I have to look into some more animal attacks."

"No worries Pops i will take care of the house and child."

Callie ruffles Bella's hair causing Bella to playfully slap her hand. Charlie laughs at the two and then walks out of the house with them. When Bella slips on ice Callie cannot help but laugh the image in front of her as her adopting a new nickname for her clumsy twin.

"Come on Bambi lets get you too school before you break something."

"Really Callie!"

Callie simply shrugs and helps her sister up off of the floor. Callie gives her Dad a quick hug and kiss before jumping into her car and heading for the hell hole known as Forks high. Go Spartans!!! Not!

When the girls pull in their group of friends immediately go to them, Callie watching her sister eyeball Edward who then scowls at Bella.

"Oh hell no."

Before Bella can fully register what is happening Callie is halfway across the lot looking like a woman possessed. The Cullen's looking at her stunned as she makes her way over. Stopping in front of Edward Callie squares up to him a menacing look on her face.

"I am only going to say this once you either get your god damn head out of your ass and realize my sister is actually a nice person who doesn't need your Bipolar outbursts every bloody day. Or you leave her the hell alone. I swear down you piss her off once more pretty boy i will mess you up so bad your going to wish that you were never given life. Do i make myself clear?"

"I... um ..."

"I said do I make myself clear?"

Edward quickly nods his head not wanting to anger the girl anymore. Rosalie can't help but crack a smile, she likes this Swan. Callie gives him a sickly sweet smile before turning on her heel and leaving the Cullen's watching her in awe.

"She is either the bravest person I have met or the dumbest." Emmett says shaking his head in disbelief.

"Emmett she is protecting her sister. Besides I read her thoughts she will literally have no trouble in castrating me. That is one very angry human."

"I actually happen to like that particular angry human."

All eyes turn to Rosalie who simply shrugs. Trust Rosalie to actually like the most angry and most beautiful human they have ever laid eyes on. They all walk into class still not sure exactly how to take Callista and when they walk passed her there is only one thought in her mind.

*Tick tock pretty boy. Tick tock.*

Edward looks at the girl and can't help but feel intrigued by her. Everything about her is different. She is mysterious like Bella but where he can't read Bella's thoughts he can read hers and they are clearer than any of the other humans.

The day has flown by quickly and Bella and Callie are heading into Bio with Mr Molina when Bella spots Edward in his seat next to hers. Callie gives her sisters hand a reassuring squeeze before the two make their way over, Callie sitting behind the pair. Mr Molina tells the class to work in pairs to work out the different stages of Mitosis to win the golden onion.

"Great you win a smelly ass onion. Sir you really need to get more clued in with modern day prizes."

"Thanks Miss Swan. Although something tells me you won't be trying to win this beauty."

"Got that right. Besides I can't be smart all the time sir people will start talking."

Callie playfully winks at him causing him to laugh. He may have only been teaching her for a week or so but Mr Molina has heard all about the Swan girl. The bad egg with amazing grades. He tells the students to carry on and Callie takes her time working out the stages all though she already has the slides in the correct order. Luckily for her her partner is Tyler who also couldn't care about the golden onion. By the end of the class Bella and Edward have won the golden onion and the two have actually been talking which makes Callie smile. As the final bell rings and the students make their way out of the school Callie spots Bella and Edward talking once more smiling she heads for her car and waits for her sister to arrive. As Callie is sat there in a world of her own she doesn't see her sister nearly getting hit by Tyler but people screaming her name as her looking at the now dented truck. Callie dives out and rushes to her sister, who is thankfully alive. Callie jumps on to the hood of the truck and then down besides Bella.

"Jesus Christ Bambi what are you trying to do get yourself killed?"

"Yeah because getting crushed by Tyler's van is the way I want to go out."

"Oh my god did you just say something sarcastic. You must have concussion. Keep still and if you see the light run away from that little shit like your life depends on it."

Bella laughs at her sister and is thankful to have her there taking the worry away from her instantly. Tyler goes to apologize to Bella but Callie cuts him off.

"The less you say right now the better. Wouldn't want to be strangled for saying the wrong thing."

Tyler instantly shuts up and they wait for the EMT's to arrive, Callie getting in the ambulance with Bella without a moments hesitation. She quickly texts her dad.

'Meet me and Bambi at Forks emergency. Bambi got hurt. I repeat Bambi got hurt x

When they get to the hospital they take Bella straight to a cubicle whilst Callie fills out her information. Charlie walks passed her and quickly kisses her head before rushing to Bella's side. By the time Callie comes in Charlie is giving Tyler a mouth full. Callie glares at him and Tyler gulps.

"Callie i am sorry it was an accident."

"Tyler I know that but I also don't like Bambi getting hurt. You are lucky it was mother nature that caused this otherwise this conversation would be ending with you having more than a cut on your head."

Callie winks at him and then goes to her sisters side. When she sees a doctor approaching she can't help but smile.

"Sweet baby Jesus Bambi swap places with me. I think that is your doctor and by god is he handsome."

Charlie playfully hits his daughter in the arm causing her to wince.

"Hey that is police brutality and child abuse old man."

"Ha like you have never done worse to anyone else."

"Not people who were innocently saying how hot the Dr is."

Carlisle laughs as he makes his way to the Swans. He can't help but look Callie over. She truly is a beauty.

"I heard the Chiefs daughter was in. How are you Charlie?"

"Good thanks Dr Cullen. Bells on the other hand."

"Please Bambi should rent a room here the amount of time she spends in hospitals."

Bella glares at her sister causing Callie to shrug and then play on her phone not really paying attention to the conversation that they are having until she hears the E name. Her head snaps up and a growl escapes her lips.

"Did that ass wipe do this? i swear down i will rip that little shits throat out...."

Charlie catches hold of his daughter before she carries through on her threats. Carlisle looks at her in amazement.

"Princess this is Edwards Dad."

"And what! he should know his son is a first class dick. He has been nothing but rude to Bambi since he walked into the cafeteria in school. I already warned him today."

"Callie he saved me."

Callie mumbles incoherent words and sits back down folding her arms.


Carlisle excuses himself whilst Charlie goes to sign the forms Callie helping her sister off the bed as the two also leave. As they make there way out of the hospital Bella suddenly stops causing Callie to look around for her.

"Bambi what the hell?"

Callie looks at her sister who is hiding behind the wall telling her to shush. Callie looks down the corridor to see Rosalie, Edward and Carlisle. Callie ignores her sister and walks up to them.

"Yo pretty boy apparently I owe you a thank you for saving Bambi from becoming mince meat. So thanks but like i said earlier hurt her i hurt you."

"I don't know what Bella told you but I..."

Callie cuts him off her anger rising. If there is one thing Bella isn't and that is a liar. Callie grips Edward by the neck and pulls him down a little so she can whisper in his ear.

"Last warning sunshine. My sister is not a god damn liar. Make her out to be one I will reign holy hell down on your pale ass now go and speak to her and don't upset her."

Callie simply lets him go and walks off. Rosalie and Carlisle look to Edward.

"You did lower your head right?"

"No Callista is unbelievably strong. I didn't help her one bit."

The three look at each other all thinking the same thing. What is she?