My Imprint

It has been two whole days since he found her, the love of his life, the other half of him and he can't stop thinking about her. From her raven black her to her midnight blue eyes, to her sassy mouth. Everything about Callista Grace Swan is intoxicating to him. Watching Sam and Emily has been killing him the past few days when all he wants to do is be able to hold her like Sam does with Emily, kiss her like Sam does with Emily. Basically he wants to do everything she needs him to do. As he sits there thinking of ways to get her to La Push, he doesn't realize Paul has joined them with a big smirk on his face. Sam cocks an eyebrow up at Paul who quickly tells him what his latest squeeze Kiara told him.

"Well I just heard that a certain Swan girl gave one of those leeches a good talking to earlier. Kiara said no one has ever approached them the way she did before and when she threatened to hurt him if he did anything to that other Swan she would basically hurt him in painful ways."

"Wait you mean Callie threatened a Cullen?"

"Yep." Paul replies popping the P.

"Well I don't know whether to be impressed or to go and tell her off. She needs to know what they are and soon before she says or does the wrong thing."

Jared looks up to the two and growls, his inner wolf taking control at the thought of their mate being hurt by one of those blood suckers.

"She will not be harmed by anyone I will make sure about that."

Emily looks to him and feels slightly gutted for him, she knows better than anyone what it is like to not have your imprint around. Her and Sam practically tried to fight it but in the end you can't fight true love.

"Leave it with me. I will find away to get her to the reservation before the week is out."

Jared jumps up and kisses Emily's cheek causing Sam to growl and Emily to laugh. Jared sits back down and listens as Emily says that Billy is the best to get her to La Push and they can go from there. Once they were all happy with the plan the guys went to do patrol. Jared's thoughts filled with the beautiful Callista Grace Swan.


Time skip (two days)

Emily is in the kitchen cooking tea and tonight it is a special one. They have a special guest and they are going all out. Emily spoke to Charlie and asked him what was Callista's favorite meal and dessert, Jared has even gone over to pick her up so that she could fully relax tonight. The excuse they are using is to welcome her to La Push and Forks, okay bad excuse as they wouldn't have any reason to communicate with the girl but Emily also said that Billy mentioned she was loved around La Push. Sam and Paul walk in smirking like idiots and when she hears the truck pull up she knows that the reason for their smirks is because the guest of honor has arrived.

A few minutes later Jared and Callie walk in laughing and joking like they have known each other for years. Jared puts a hand on the small of Callie's back as he introduces her to the others.

"Callie you remember Sam and this is his fiance Emily and then that is Paul. Or as you just kindly nicknamed us Emily's angels."

"Hey you were the one that said you guys practically live here. It is nice to meet you Emily. Thank you for inviting me over it is nice to speak to less pale looking people."

Emily laughs and pulls Callie into an embrace.

"It is lovely to meet you too Callie. Plus I need more females around here."

"Well I don't know if I am the right candidate for that but I can pretend to be girly."

Emily moves away from her and gives her a warm smile. Sam embraces her next followed by Paul. They all then sit down at the cosy kitchen table whilst Emily puts the large Lasagna in front of them and cheesy garlic bread.

"Wow Emily this looks amazing. I don't know whether to eat it or to marry it."

"Thank you Callie. So how are you liking your new school?"

"It is okay i suppose. I have to behave here otherwise Dad is not going to be happy."

Once they have all dished a plate of lasagna each they all start to dig in.

"So exactly how many times have you been expelled?"

"Um five in the last eighteen months."

Paul smirks and gives her a high five, Jared knows that the two would be good friends due to their similar traits. Jared wants to know if she is friends with the Cullen's

"What are you friends like there?"

"I wouldn't say they were friends more like acquaintances. Mike is too much of a flirt, Jessica is too jealous for my liking. Angela is okay i suppose, Tyler is well Tyler and then there is Eric who just irritates me."

"What about the Cullen's?"

"Don't bother with them. Any way what about you guys?"

"Only me and Paul go to school but we pretty much keep ourselves to ourselves. "

"Oh your either the mysterious bad boys or your the loners. I would say more bad boys because Loners don't generally get those tattoos."

"Your right. People are somewhat scared of us and they whisper behind our backs but it is what ever."

"Yeah right. I bet you get the girls falling at your feet. After all every one loves a bad boy."

She playfully nudges Jared causing him to smile. They spend the rest of the meal getting to know each other and before long Callista was a permanent fixture to the group and she wasn't complaining. Plus she was attracted to Jared to no end.

"Come on Coco you can't do that it is cheating."

"Please pops go tell someone who gives a hoot."

Sam, Jared and Emily sit on the settee's laughing at the trash talk that she is giving Paul. The two are playing on Fifa 17 and Paul is losing miserably. When the final whistle blows and Callie has won she jumps up and starts doing a victory dance. Jared can't help but watch her ass as she moves around the living room Paul smirking at her too. He doesn't know what he did to get her as his imprint but he is glad he did it. Callie finally sits down next to Jared who puts his arm around her shoulder. Shivers running down Callie's spine from his simple touch. She looks up at him and he gives her his award winning smile.

"Have fun kicking Paul's butt?"

"yep." Callie pops the P and then looks away from his heated gaze. No one has ever made Callie blush from a simple glance but here she is with the most handsome guy she has ever met and he is making her look like a tomato. Jared can't help but smirk at the way she is affected by him. Jared looks over to see Sam and Emily smiling at the couple, they obviously are happy to have her here.

"Callie what are your plans for the weekend?"

"Not sure most probably chill out in front of the t.v"

"Hey why don't you come to the beach with us and then to a bonfire we have in the night."

"Yeah sure that sounds like fun."

Paul asks her for her phone and once she gives it to him he adds all their numbers in there then drop calls them all so they have her number too. They all talk for another hour before Jared says it is time to head back. Callie stands and says her goodbyes silently sad that she has to leave. The moment she stepped into Sam and Emily's she felt like it was home, something she has never felt before. She climbs into Jared's black truck and buckles up as Jared climbs into the drivers side. As they drive off down the dirty road Jared can't help but take her hand into his. Shock waves going through their entire bodies.

"I had a good time tonight Callie. They all really like you."

"Thanks Jared I had a good time too and i like you all just as much."

The two smile at each other and drive in silence the rest of the way to Callie's house. When they come to a stop Callie goes to take her hand away when Jared stops her.

"Callie will you please go out with me tomorrow nigh?"

"Like on a date?"

"Um yeah if that is okay with you?"

Callie is completely gobsmacked as she looks at him. Did Jared seriously just ask her out on a date?

"Yes of course I will. "

"Great I will text you the details after."

He leans over and kisses her gently on the cheek causing her to blush even more. Callie quickly says her goodnight and goes into her house. Once the white solid wood door closes she lets out the breath she was holding. Charlie walks out and laughs when he sees the look on his daughters face.

"Someone has a crush?"

"Pops usually I would deny the fact but who am i kidding i am totally crushing on Jared and he is even taking me out tomorrow night."

"I am happy for you princess and I am glad that you are seeing someone from the reservation they are good guys."

Callie embraces her dad his scent of old spice engulfing her, the scent she missed for most of her teenage life. She kisses her dad's cheek and then rushes up stairs heading for the bathroom to grab a quick shower and putting her pajamas on so she can get into bed and dream of the Adonis that is Jared Cameron.