The first date

"So Callie a little Bird tells me that you have a date tonight with a certain La Push guy?"

"That I do Jess, that I do." Bella looks to her sister a smirk on her face.

"Wait you and Jake are going out on a date?"

"No. Me and Jared are going out on a date. He is picking me up at Five and taking me god knows where."

Bella frowns hearing that it is Jared she is going on a date with. Did she not hear what Jacob said about those guys.

"Jake said that they take drugs."

"First off Bells why would they take drugs but then tell people to behave and go to school. Second I didn't judge you for going after Edward so don't sit there judging me when Jared has been nothing but nice to me."

"It isn't like that Callie. I am just worried with what Jake told me. I am happy for you if anyone deserves a fresh start it is you."

The two embrace and conversation soon turns to other things other than Callie's date tonight. To say that she was nervous was an understatement. Besides Jared being the hottest guy she has ever met there is the pull she feels towards him. it may sound crazy and people may get the straight jacket ready but Callie is already consumed by the quilette boy. With them she feels at home and that she can be herself but with the Cullen's for example she feels on edge and alert at all times. Then there is Edward the one she loathes the most, she couldn't tell you exactly what it is about him that she hates but there is a strong feeling there. When she looks at him she pictures him in pain all the time from her hands. Of course she hasn't said anything to Bella due to the fact that she is trying to be happy for her sister but there is definitely something off about that family.

The bell rings and the group vacate their table heading for their next lesson for Callie it is Spanish with Alice and Jasper. Groaning she walks to her Spanish class trying her hardest to avoid the Cullen's who seem hell bent on talking to her. They think Callie hasn't noticed the stares of the group but she has and she is about two stares away from exploding. As she sits down at her desk she sees the couple walk in and sit in front of her. The girl Alice smiles at her but Callie just stares a head then looks at her phone as it beeps.

Paul: Hey coco I hear it is date night tonight? kept that quiet didn't you

Callie: Pops how you doing?, Yes it is date night and he only asked me yesterday haha

Paul: I am bored!!!! How long do you have left in school?. What are you going to wear?

Callie: Go play with a stick or hit on some poor defenseless woman. Two more hours unfortunately. What exactly is this rival you guys have with the Cullen's because they have been eyeballing me for the past few days. Oh and i am wearing nothing.

Paul: Naked on your first date i like it! What do you mean eyeballing you? Have they approached you?

Callie: That is how i roll. Um not said anything just giving me that constipated look they do. It is beyond annoying and i am about to flip the fudge out.

Paul: Leave it with me.

Callie looks at his texts and frowns, leave what with him?. Brushing it off Callie puts her phone away and takes notes even though she has already passed Spanish with flying colours. As she is writing she hears a knock on the door all heads snap up and Callie notices Alice and Jasper practically going rigid. When the door opens to reveal Paul and Jared Callie realizes why.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes sorry to interrupt your lesson but Callista is needed. Her Dad asked me to collect her for him."

"Yes that is fine. Callista i hope everything is okay and I will see you in tomorrows lesson. Although you don't actually need to be here."

Callie laughs and collects her thinks before leaving the room and school. She walks to her car and notices Jared and Paul walk with her. Stopping she looks at the two.

"How did you get here?"

"Lets go back to Emily's we will explain everything."

Callie looks at Jared and cocks her eyebrow.

"How do i know this isn't the part where you two murder me?"

"Would we really have broken you out of school. Come on Cal."

"Fine. Get in you weirdos."

They all climb into Callie's red GMC and set off for La Push. A million scenarios running through Callista's head. What ever they are about to tell her has to be big for them to break her out of school early. Something in the pit of her stomach tells her it isn't going to be good and the Cullen's are at the root of it somehow.

Sam, Emily, Jared and Paul are sat in front of a speechless Callie. They have just told her that the legends are true and the Cullen's are cold ones or in modern day language Vampires. Callie looks to Sam and the one thing rushing through her head is Bella.

"Does Bella know?"

"No. I spoke to Carlisle a moment ago and she knows nothing. She can't know either we only told you because you are part of the pack and because for what ever reason the Cullen's have taken a shine to you."

"And you guys turn into wolves. Damn it there was me thinking you was going to say you were ninjas. So can I see you phase?"

"Sure. Are you sure your okay with all this?"

"Sam Billy told me the stories so much when I was younger I wanted to be a Quillette so that maybe one day I could turn into a wolf. Plus I love wolves have done since i was a tot. Even got a tattoo on my back."

Callie stands up and shows them the tattoo everyone gasping, Jared gets up and traces a finger over it. The image of his wolf on her body is pleasing to him

"When did you get it?"

"About a year ago. I kept dreaming of this certain wolf to the point I wanted to get the tattoo. Why?"

"Come on I will show you."

Jared takes her hand and they all go into the woods Emily standing by Callie whilst the boys phase. When they walk back out on all fours Callie's mouth drops open. She looks to each wolf and smiles but the last one she looks at catches her breath. It is the wolf she has dreamed of from a young age. She looks to Emily who smiles.

"The black one is Sam he is the Alpha, the grey one is Paul who is the Omega and then the final one is Jared the beta."

"Please tell me that there are other wolves that look exactly the same as these. Otherwise I have been walking around for a year with Jared's wolf on my back."

"They are all different. You can go to them if you want."

Callie grins and walks forward going to Sam first she slowly raises her hand and smooths his face causing him to purr and Callie to laugh.Then she goes to Paul and does the same, finally she goes to Jared and finds him nuzzling in her to hand. A smile widens across her face as she stares into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"So I am going on a date with a wolf, that isn't crazy at all. Just so you know I think this is amazing and between you and me you are my favorite."

Callie places a kiss on top of his head and then goes to Emily. They go back into the house and wait for the boys to come back in. Callie sits at the kitchen Island and watches as Emily starts to make cookies, Callie pinching cookie dough when she isn't looking. She feels arms wrap around her waist and looks up meeting Jared's gaze. He kisses her temple causing Callie to blush and the others to laugh.

"How do you fancy starting the date early?"

"I have to get ready you doofus."

"Babe you look beautiful so you don't need to get ready. "

"Fine Cameron lets go. I am expecting nothing less than amazing mind."

Callie stands and takes Jared's waiting hand, he gives her the pantie dropping smile that makes your womb do somersaults and they walk out of Sam and Emily's.

"Be safe you two. No hanky panky make him work for it coco."

Callie flips Paul off and then follows Jared to the beach where a blanket, picnic basket and some flowers are. Callie sees a young boy walk away after giving Jared a nod. Callie looks to him and smiles Jared certainly is a softy and the rubbish about them being druggies had never crossed her mind. She knew there was something good in them.

Callie and Jared sit down, Jared handing her the bouquet of white roses which so happen to be Callie's favorite flower. Jared opens the basket and Callie's jaw drops he has literally made all her favorite food, Jared can't help but smirk that he has got it perfect well so far. All he wants to do is please her Callie doesn't know it but she has become the center of his universe. The two sit and eat whilst watching the waves crash gently against the rocks.

"So Callie have you always had a thing for wolves?"

"Yeah. It is going to sound weird but since I was a child i have felt connected to the wolf somehow. I even nursed a wolf back to health when I was eight."

"No way. So the fact I turn into one doesn't bother you?"

"No. Do you know that wolves are the most loyal and protective animals there is. So basically you guys turn into wolves because you are loyal and protecting your tribe."

"I guess. It is hard though and I am scared that I might hurt you like Sam did to Emily."

Callie looks to Jared and he puts his head down. She moves closer to him and takes his hand into hers.

"Jared if I was scared of you hurting me I would not be sat here right now. Besides Sam hurting Emily was an accident and he didn't have anyone to guide him like he does for you."

Jared squeezes her hand and smiles at her. He slowly leans forward and connects his lips to hers. The kiss is soft and delicate at first but the passion soon builds in the two and they are kissing more passionately, their tongues fighting for dominance. When they pull away for air they put there heads together neither one wanting to move. Jared reaches up and touches her cheek simply taking in her beauty. Nothing and no one could come between them Callista is his life now and he will make sure it stays that way for all eternity.