
The sound of music playing through the house has Bella smiling. It has been a long time since Callie has been in this kind of mood and she for one is glad her sister is happy once again. Even if it is because of Jared Cameron. Bella walks down the stairs and sniffs the air smelling her sisters famous fudge cupcakes. Bella would literally die for one of those bad boys. Walking into the living room she sees her Dad, Billy and Jake watching Callie with amusement. Labrinth's frisky is playing and Callie is singing along to it and also rapping along to the rap parts. The one thing Callie loves in this world is music and she listens to anything and everything. Some of the artists Bella hasn't even heard of but when Callie is always on you tube listening to artists from around the world she isn't surprised.

The door bell rings and Callie rushes out of the room telling everyone to behave as she goes to answer the door. When she sees Jared stood there she smiles and allows him to pull her in to his embrace. He crashes his lips to hers as Callie wraps her arms around his neck. When they pull apart they are both smiling.

"Morning babe. Miss me?"

"Obviously sexy. Right I just need to grab the fudge cupca...."

Before she can finish Jared is in the house heading for the kitchen Callie chasing after him.

"Jared Cameron you even think about pinching one of those cupcakes i will end you."

Jared stops and turns to face her giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"But babe you know that I can't resist your fudge cupcakes just one please."

"Nope put it back now."

Callie cocks her eyebrow up at him and he quickly puts it back causing her to smirk. She goes to him and stops inches away from him.

"Besides yours is the big one by there."

Jared looks to where she is nodding and his eyes bulge out of their sockets. There on top of the kitchen counter is the biggest cupcake he has ever seen. He looks back to Callie and attacks her face with kisses everyone watching there pair in awe. It has only been four days since they had their first date but the chemistry is undeniable between the two. Billy smiles knowing it is the imprint bond in full effect.

"So your the guy who has a thing for my princess?"

Callie looks to her dad and then to Jared then back to her dad. Charlie moves forward and smirks then takes Jareds hand..

"Good to see you again Jared."

"You too chief. You catch the game last night?"

"Yeah bad results but heck of a game."

"Hold up a minute aren't you supposed to be all you hurt my princess i hurt you. I am disappointed in you right now Charles."

Jared chuckles and Charlie shrugs at his daughter before asking the million dollar question.

"So are you to together?"

"Um." Callie goes bright red as she doesn't know the answer herself. Jared hasn't officially asked her to be his. Jared feels her tense and kisses her head before answering.

"Yes we are. That is if Callie wants to be?"

Billy can see the hope in Jared's eyes but no matter what he wants he has to do what she asks of him. He may be a freakishly large wolf but Callie as his imprint basically has him by the balls. Callie looks up to him and smiles the smile that makes him weak at the knees.

"I would love that sexy."

He places a light kiss on her lips before she goes to get her coat from her bedroom so they can head to Jared's. Charlie waits for her to be out of ear shot before he turns to Jared.

"Listen I know that Callie seems like the kind of person who doesn't give a shit but it is all a facade. Just don't hurt her, she hasn't been this happy before and i for one want it to stay that way."

"Chief I promise you that I won't let her get hurt and I sure as hell won't hurt her."

"Good to know. Tell your mom I will pop over with those papers tomorrow."

Callie comes back in to the room and grabs the cupcakes before saying her byes and heading out with Jared. She is still slightly shocked that her dad, the chief of police, was nice to Jared. As the two set off two La Push Callie decides she needs to ask.

"Okay how do you know my Dad?"

"My mom and your dad are good friends not in the way your thinking. She does paper work for him sometimes. Why is that a problem?"

"No a heads up would of been nice though. I was panicking thinking he was going to give you the Dad speech."

Jared laughs and takes her hand into his placing it on his thigh. He has never truly felt this happy before and what makes it even more meaningful is that they will be the only people they have been intimate with. To Jared this is like the icing on the cake. Sure he would love her no matter how sexually active she had been in the past but for him and his wolf to know that she is purely his is like winning the lottery.

Pulling up to his house Jared is suddenly nervous, he wants his mom to like Callie but he knows that it wouldn't really matter to him as she is his imprint his life. He also told his mom not to mention the whole imprint thing as he is telling her tonight after the bonfire. He wanted to get to know her without all that soul mate stuff getting into her head. Jared gets out of the truck and goes to Callie's side opening the door for her. When she doesn't move Jared chuckles.

"Babe you do know you have to get out right?"

"Nope! What if she hates me?"

"Babe that isn't possible stop worrying and get your cute butt inside."

"Ugh fine. If she hates me it is your fault."

Jared laughs and takes the cupcakes out of her hand. Once Callie is out of the car she takes them back.

"Nice try sunshine. Right lets get this show on the road."

Melody Cameron is in the kitchen preparing dinner when she hears Jared whine and then an angelic voice telling him to stop.

"Jared you have that massive cupcake now stop before I give it to Paul and make you watch him eat every last bite."

"You would do your own boyfriend like that?"

"Yep." Callie pops the P and winks at Jared who is trying to give her the puppy dog eyes.

"Baby I told you they don't work on me. Bella used to try and do it to me all the time so i am now immune."

"Yeah but babe please i just want one."


Jared pokes his tongue out at her and Callie laughs.

"I think your going to regret that later babe."

Melody watches as her son quickly goes to Callie and showers her face in kisses. Callie laughs and Melody joins in too. When Callie looks at Melody she quickly tells Jared to stop Jared smirks and carries on.

"Stop it for a fudge cupcake?"

Jared stops instantly and Callie hands him one. He goes to his mom and kisses her cheek.

"Mom I would like you to meet my girlfriend Callista Grace Swan."

Callie moves forward and holds her hand out.

"It is lovely to meet you Mrs Cameron Jared has told me nothing but lovely things about you."

"It is nice to finally meet you Callista. Your Dad and my son never stop talking about you"

"Whatever my Dad has told you is lies. I am an angel I promise."

Melody laughs and pulls the girl in for a hug. Anyone who can make Jared as happy as he has been the last couple of days is a goddess in her book. The fact she is Charlie's daughter is an added bonus. They pull apart to see a smirking Jared watching them. The moment however is interrupted by the sound of a little girl squealing and rushing into the room. She goes straight to Jared who scoops her up in his arms and kisses her cheek.

"JarJar your back. I missed you."

"Missed you too Bree. Would you like to meet Callie?"

The little girl nods like a mad woman and Jared walks over and stops in front of Callie. The little girls jaw drops and she holds her arms out for Callie to take. Callie takes the little girl and smiles at her.

"Wow your really pretty. Can you do my hair? I like your hair."

"Thank you beauty. I would be honoured to do your hair."

"Yes. Jared is not very good at doing hair he always messes it up."

"It's cos boys are not as clever as girls."

Bree laughs and then cuddles into Callie's neck. Melody tells them to take a seat at the kitchen table and when Jared goes to take Bree she says no I want Callie. Callie laughs and Jared pokes her ribs.

"I see how it is babe."

"Can't help that she is cuter than you baby."

The dinner is soon served and Jared watches as Callie gets on with the other two women in his life. His mom seems besotted with her instantly and his little sister too. Bree has asked her every question under the sun and when she found out that Callie was a twin Bree wanted to see pictures.

"You don't look like each other thought."

"That was because Bella took after my Dad and I took after my mom but no matter what she is like my other half."

"She isn't as pretty as you are Cal."

"Thank you Bree but nobody is as beautiful as you."

Bree smiles then yawns Melody saying it is someones bedtime. Bree refused to move but Callie promised she would come and see her soon. Jared stands and asks Callie to go up stairs with him as he needed to talk to her. The whole walk to his bedroom Callie is filled with dread. He is about to break up with her and make her feel worthless once again. As they walk in to Jared's room she smiles at all the photos on the wall mostly of him and the pack or his mom and sister. Jared's room is your typical teenage boy's room , big T.V., games console and clothes on the floor. He leads her over to his double bed and the two sit down on the edge. Callie nervously playing with her hands waiting for the moment her world gets shattered once more.

"Babe I need you to know something. It is to do with me being a wolf. Did Billy ever tell you the story about the imprint?"

"Yeah it was my favourite.....wait have you imprinted?"

"Yes.She is everything I have ever wanted and more."

"It is fine I get it I know how the story goes."

Before Jared can say anything Callie rushes out of his house faster than he though humanly possible. What the hell just happened? As he replays what he said he quickly realizes that Callie has got the completely wrong end of the stick and chases after her. He quickly sniffs the air and picks up her scent and is over whelmed with fear. Her fear. Without thinking he phases and goes to where his mate is.

Callie is wondering around the woods feeling like a complete idiot.Why would someone like Jared actually have feelings for someone like her?. He could have any girl he wanted, what was so special about her. Obviously nothing as he has imprinted on someone who is everything he ever wanted. The storm from earlier hasn't helped much with Callie trying to not fall and the lack of sunlight is also not helping. A twig snapping behind her has her jumping and turning around to face red eyes.

"Your not her!"

"Um No?!"

The vampire moves closer to her their faces mere inches apart his hand clasping around her throat. His fangs protrude and just as he is about to sink his teeth into her he hears the growl of three wolves. Turning his head slightly he can't believe it. Three large wolves look at him there jaws snapping wanting to get a bite out of him. He throws Callista against a tree her head making a sickening cracking sound as her body slumps to the floor the darkness engulfs her instantly.

Sam: Jared go phase we will chase that bloody leech.

Jared doesn't argue and as soon as Sam and Paul disappear he phases getting dressed quickly and dropping to Callista's side. Tears stream down his face as he lifts her up and rushes to Emily's his only thoughts are of his beautiful angel. His Callista. In this one moment his entire Gravity as he knows it has been wiped away from existence.