My Angel

Three days have passed since Callie was hurt by that blood sucker and Jared hasn't left her side. Charlie hasn't slept a wink either seeing that his two girls ended up in hospital on the same weekend. One falling over and hitting her head on a tree stump and the other falling down a flight of stairs and going through a glass window. Charlie feels like a complete failure, his nomination for father of the year is as much of a pipe dream as winning the lottery. Bella is currently sat in her room waiting for Carlisle to arrive to check her over all she wants to do is check on Callie. It is her fault that her sister is in here in the first place. If she had never met Edward then maybe James wouldn't have followed her thinking she was Bella. Edward explained that the two girls shared similar scents due to their twin bond and that very bond has left Callie in a coma. Bella feels fresh tears fall down her face, Edward rushing to her side to console her.

"What if she doesn't wake up?"

"I have been trying to go in there to see if I can read any of her thoughts but there hasn't been a right time what with her visitors. Seems a lot of people on the reservation have a soft spot for your sister."

"Always have. Callista has always been drawn to the place since we were kids. She spent more time at Billy Black's than at ours."

Edward knows there is more to the story than that. Sam had also explained that Callie is in fact Jared's imprint and the reason why he is in such a state is not because of the whole imprint thing although it is partially because of that. The night that she was attacked was the night he was trying to tell her exactly how much she means to him. Edward has been trying to find what is so different about Callie for weeks now but has had no luck what so ever. All he knows is that there will be a divide in the swan household before long. Team Vamp or Team wolf.

Jared is sat in Callie's hospital room holding on to her hand for dear life silently preying that she wakes up. He may have only known her for over a week or so but she has gotten to him hook, line and sinker. Everything about her drives him wild and that laugh just makes him want to smile till his very last breath. The door to her room opens and Jared sees Paul entering. The pack hot head looking just as bad as Jared does. The pair have dark circles under their eyes from lack of sleep and they look as if they have just lost the center of their universe Paul sits to the free side of Callie and takes her other hand into his.

"Coco if you can hear me please wake up. You know I am not one for the dramatics. Please come back to us."

"Paul i know you all think I am crazy but I know she is still in there. The bond is stronger than ever I feel the urge to fight but it isn't my urge it is hers."

"Jared I don't think your crazy. I may have not known her that long but she isn't one to give up easily."

The two boys look to the sleeping beauty in front of them their silent preys going out to anyone who will listen. All they want is for her to come back.

**************************** Time Skip ***************************

It has been two weeks, two whole weeks and Callie hasn't woken. Thanks to Edward's mind reading however they know she is still alert and aware of her surroundings. They have started taking it in turns to visit her, Sam had to practically order Jared to leave her side. Telling him that when she finally does wake up she wouldn't want to see him in the state that he is. Carlisle has been prioritizing Callie has his main patient making sure that she is given the best medical treatment known to man. He feels so guilty about her being caught in the crossfire that he needs to make up for it somehow. Then there was Bella. Now she maybe putting on a brave face but inside she is dead the one person she has spent her entire life with is hanging in the balance and there is nothing that anyone can do but wait.

Carlisle is making his way to Callie's room when he spots Charlie and Renee walking towards him. When they see the smile on his face they both stop in their tracks.

"Please tell me that is a good smile?"

"It is. I have Callie's latest brain scan and the swelling has completely gone. Today is the day we take her out of the coma."

The parents embrace Carlisle and then each other both just happy that she could be finally waking up. Bella walks down the corridor with Edward and looks to her parents confused. Renee notices her daughter and quickly rushes to her.

"There waking her up Bella. Callie is going to be okay."

Bella feels all the hurt and guilt from the past two weeks hit her like a ton of bricks. The floodgates opening having her breaking down in front of everyone. When they see the relief on the swan girl it is then that they realize just truly how much she missed her sister. Carlisle walks into the room and Charlie says he will call and let Jared know.

Jared is sat at Emily and Sam's kitchen table eating his breakfast and thinking about Callie of course when his phone starts ringing out with the bad boys theme tune. Knowing exactly who it is he answers instantly.

"Charlie is everything okay?"

"Jared it's good news. Carlisle has just told us the swelling has gone down and they can finally wake her up. Callie's coming back."

Jared's jaw drops to the floor as his brain registers Charlies words. She is coming back she is finally coming back to him.

"Jared did you hear me?"

"I heard you. When are they doing it?"

"Now. Can you get to the hospital as soon as. You deserve to be here too."

"Are you sure?"

"Jared you make my daughter happy now get your butt over here before i come and arrest you."

"I am on my way. Bye Charlie."

"Bye son."

They end the phone call and Jared suddenly jumps in the air like a mad man nearly knowing over the kitchen table and the food on top of it. Sam, Emily and Paul all stand and hug him telling him to go and get his woman. Jared doesn't need telling twice, he rushes out of there and dives into his black truck waisting no time in getting to Forks hospital.

Beep, beep, beep beep.

Callie mentally curses the stupid beeping noise that has decided to wake her up. She tries to pry her eyes open so she can launch what ever it is across the room. The sound of people talking as her forgetting about the beep momenterily. She can hear the voices of her loved ones. Bella, Charlie, Renee and..

"Jared." It comes out a whisper but thanks to his wolf hearing he hears her. His head snaps into her direction and he dives up the moment he sees those midnight blue eyes. He kisses her cheek and whispers lowly so no one else can hear.

"I was talking about you. Your my imprint."

A big grin lazily spreads it's way across her face as she looks to the man that stole her heart. Silent tears fall down her face causing Jared to frown.

"Babe don't cry. It is all okay. Your safe now."

He gives her one more kiss before moving back so that her mom can embrace her. Renee leans down and kisses her daughters hair giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Baby girl you had us so worried. Especially Jared he hasn't left your side well until we made him because he began to smell."

Callie laughs weakly and smiles up at her mom. She has missed her but she can see that she is happy.

"Hey no one smells worse than Phil after he has been training."

"I will tell him you said that. He is gutted he couldn't be here sweetie. I will ring him now and you can speak to him."

Callie simply nods and then turns to see Bella looking guilty. Callie doesn't say a word she just holds her arms out Bella limping over to her. Callie moves over slightly and pulls her sister down beside her.

"Bambi have you been fighting with thin air again."

"I fell down a flight of stares and wen through a window."

"Damn Bambi your stunts are getting more dangerous by the day. I am going to have to keep my eye on you."

Bella simply nods and cuddles into her sister more. Renee smiling at the two before taking a picture. Charlie walks in to the room and rushes straight to the bed. He crushes the two of his girls to his chest just thankful they are both okay.

"Dad you wanna ease up before my eyeballs pop out?"

"Sorry princess but I am just glad your okay. You had me worried there for a second."

"Ha you can't get rid of me that easily."

The door to the room opens once more and Callie sees Dr Cullen a smile spreading on her face.

"Well hello there Dr fancy meeting you here."

"Callista it is nice to see your finally awake. How do you feel?"

"Like I have been hit by a million ton truck but apart from that I am good. So how long was I out for a few hours."

"You were out for two weeks. You had swelling on the brain and was non responsive when first brought in. We put you into an induced coma to help your brain heel."

"Damn that is just....."

Callie takes a few deep breathes trying to take in the information of being out of it for two weeks. Jared feels her unease and goes to her, Bella and Charlie move off the bed so he can see to her. Jared sits beside her and takes her hand into his.

"Baby look at me. I know this is a little over whelming right now but I am here for you. We all are. What do you need?"

Callie looks at him a few tears falling down her face she pulls him closer to her and Jared knows what she wants. Kicking his shoes off he climbs onto the bed and cuddles her into him her head resting on his chest as she silently cries. Jared knows she is remembering exactly what happened the fear coming from her is evident. Everyone leaves giving the couple privacy Carlisle telling Jared that he can stay with her tonight. Jared simply nods and cuddles her into him more.

"I am sorry for running out. I was scared you were breaking it off."

"Never in a million years. You mean more to me than you could ever know. There is no one else for me. You are all I need Callie. You are my angel."