reality or insanity

Today is the day Callie can finally break free of the hospital and head home to recover in peace. She walks to the private bathroom and changes into her pink super-dry hoodie, grey super-dry sweatpants and her fluffy grey slipper boots. She puts her hair up in a loose messy bun and quickly brushes her teeth and puts on some deodorant. Walking back out to the room she smiles seeing Jared leisurely laying on the bed smiling at her as she walks to him. He pats the bed and Callie goes straight to him. He pulls her on top of him and starts kissing her face causing Callie to giggle.

"Babe stop your getting me all slobbery."

"I am allowed too you are mine."

"Yeah yeah. So what time are we leaving?"

"When ever your ready. Your dad signed you out before he went to work and you are spending the weekend with me."

"Wait we are having a sleep over all weekend at yours?"

"Yep. My mom wants to see you and so does Bree. They were both worried about you."

"Well then lets go handsome."

Jared laughs and stands up with Callie in his arms. He places her down on her feet and gets her bag and Callie gets her large wolf teddy that he bought her. The added bonus it smells of his aftershave. Jared takes her hand into his and they walk out of the room heading to the nurses station to see Carlisle.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yep. Thanks for everything Carlisle. I know why you did it and you didn't have to what happened was no ones fault."

"I am just glad your okay Callie. Remember to take all your medication and if you have any problems do not hesitate to call me."

Callie smiles and waves goodbye giving Jared's hand a gentle squeeze as she knows how hard it is for him to be around the Cullen's due to his animal instinct telling him to kill. The only thing holding him back is the fact that Carlisle saved his angel. They walk through the hospital the smell of iodine filling Callie's nostrils it is one smell that she doesn't like what so ever. Once they get outside she takes a deep breath taking in the fresh smelling Forks air, Jared laughing at her as he leads her to his truck. Jared can't help but stare at her, the thought of losing her nearly broke him and from the moment she woke he promised himself that he would make her nothing less than happy.

Jared pulls up outside Sam's fourty five minutes later Callie happy to be back to her favourite place. Jared quickly jumps out of the drivers side and goes round to get her out of the passenger side. As he opens her door and she goes to get out he stands between her legs and kisses her with more passion and love she has ever felt before. Pulling apart they both smile lovingly at each other.

"Let's get you inside baby."

Stepping out of the car the couple walk across the dirt road to Sam's porch. They can hear people inside talking and then Paul's voice ringing out begging Emily to let him just have one cupcake. Callie stifles a laugh and then follows Jared through the door into the house. As soon as they see Callie and Jared they jump up, Paul being the closest picks her up and spins her around. Crushing her into his warm body whilst he keeps saying thank god over and over.

"Coco I was so worried about you."

"I am here now Pops. I missed you though buddy."

"Missed you too."

He places a kiss on her cheek before letting her down so Sam can embrace her. Sam has felt protective over Callie as soon as she stepped foot onto the reservation, the moment she became Jared's imprint it only intensified. He looks at her like a little sister and seeing what happened to her tore him apart. He wraps his muscley arms around her and breathes a sigh of relief.

"Good to have you home tinkerbell."

"Good to be home Sammy."

Emily is next to embrace the girl and to say Emily has missed her around the place is an understatement. It felt wrong not hearing her laugh or hearing her slate Paul when they were playing on the xbox. Also seeing how much her absence effected all the boys made her miss Callie even more. Once the girls finish saying there hi's they all sit down, Jared pulling Callie on to his lap his arms snaking around her waist. Callie's hand resting on his as she plays with his thumb.

"How are you feeling Callie?"

"A lot better plus the medication Carlisle gave me take the edge off the pain. So what have I missed?"

"Not a lot the place is boring without you. Jacob has been pestering Billy about seeing you."

"I will pop over tomorrow when Jared is on Patrol, I miss my little munchkin."

Jared kisses her shoulder and gives her a reassuring squeeze. He knows how much she misses Jake and that the two have been best friends since they were kids. Is he jealous of her hanging around with him?, hell yeah but he also knows that her having Jake in her life is as important as having Bella in her life.

"What happened with the Vampire?"

"We chased him out of La Push he got over to the other side of the treaty where Emmett and them said he headed for Phoenix. They had gotten Bella out of Forks and were already in Phoenix when James the Vampire who hurt you had rung telling Bella what he did to you and that your mother was next. He made her meet him at her old Ballet studio and then he attacked her. Charlie was in a hell of a state because they had just put you in an induced coma when Carlisle rung telling him that Bella was hurt."

"Why did he attack me?, He said that your not her?"

Everyone puts there head down and Jared turns her face to face him.

"Babe he was after Bella. They were playing baseball in the clearing when James and his coven approached them. James caught Bella's scent and being a tracker he had to attack her. "

"as long as he is dead. He is dead right?"

"Yeah babe the Cullen's killed him."

Callie simply nods, part of her is glad that she is once again safe. The other part is thinking she is slowly slipping into some state of dilerium. Surely this kind of world doesn't exist. If werewolves and Vampires are true what else is?.The fact that she is somewhat okay with this is also scaring her. Callie always did have an open mind but sometimes even open minded people freak out. Jared senses Callie's sudden change in mood and says they need to head to his house. Callie stands and says bye before walking out. Jared turns to Sam.

"Emily went through the same thing after the...." Sam can't finish his sentence but he doesn't need to, Jared knows he is on about when he hurt Emily. Emily tells them she will go and have a word with Callie and makes her way out of the house. Callie is sat on one of the garden benches looking into the woods Emily knows she is replaying the attack. She sits beside her and puts an arm around her bringing her in for comfort.

"You know I felt like you do right now. I struggled with the whole werewolf thing after the attack and part of me believes I was in a daze up until that point. The thing is though Callie you are not going crazy and it is okay to be scared but we are your family and we will never let that happen to you again."

Tears fall down Callie's face as the reality of what has happened hits her. She is never one to get upset she simply processes it and moves on.

"Emily I don't know what to do?. I hate the Cullen's because of what they are and I know that if push comes to shove Bella would choose them in a heartbeat. How can I be mad at her though for being in love with a vampire when i am in love with a werewolf."

"I know your fighting with yourself and this is going to test your relationship with Bella but remember you always have a home and family here okay."

"Thanks Emily."

"Anytime. Now shall I go and get your lover boy?"

"Yeah tell him to hurry his wolf ass up."

Emily laughs and goes inside giving Jared a nod he mouths thank you and then leaves, taking Callie's hand into his heading for the truck. He looks at her and sees her smile her genuine smile. He knows what the two talked about and he would make sure that it wouldn't come down to her having to choose. He would leave all of his life behind for her in a heartbeat if she asked him.

"Ready to go to mine baby."

"Lets go sexy."

Jared crashes his lips to hers taking her by surprise but she soon reacts and the two share another passionate kiss. When they pull apart their eyes are full of lust for the other. Their bond is strong neither one realizing just how strong it is and how much they are truly destined to be with each other.