losing it all

Monday morning came too quickly for Callie she didn't want to return back to the swan house. She has always felt that La Push was more her home than anything else. As she gets into her house she is greeted by her dad who pulls in for a hug kissing her head. Callie squeezes onto him just as tight. Turns out it takes nearly losing those closest to you to make you see how you truly treat them. Charlie is never one to show affection he has always been that way. Since Callie was in a coma however he prayed she would pull through. He loves both of his daughters but Callie and Charlie are closer. They pull away and walk into the small living room Callie laughs when she sees her favourite movies on the coffee table, her duvet on the sofa with her wolf teddy. Smiling she quickly goes up stairs to change into her grey sweat pants and strap top. Going back down stairs she goes into the kitchen and her Dad hands her a plate with a full English breakfast on it. She cocks her eyebrow up at him, Charlie chuckling lightly.

"Bells cooked it before going to school. She said she will grab your assignments and that."

"When can i go back exactly?"

"Princess Carlisle doesn't want you doing to much. We nearly lost you baby girl. Billy said that Jacob is coming over today to hang out with you."

"Okay at least i will have company i suppose."

Callie puts her food in the microwave whilst Charlie goes to get his police jacket on. Two minutes later he returns followed by Jake. Callie looks at him and laughs.

"Dude your sneaking skills are getting good I didn't even hear the door go."

"Haha loca Charlie saw me through the window."

Jake goes to her and pulls her in for a hug. He has missed her and has been effected by the whole coma incident more than Charlie.

"It's good to have you back safe Callie. I would be lost without my wifey."

"Me too Jakey Cakes."

The two pull apart and Jake tells her to get on the sofa whilst he gets a lap tray and sorts her breakfast out. Charlie kisses his daughters head and heads for work. As Callie gets comfortable on the settee she pulls her phone out and texts Jared and the others.

To JarJar: Hey babe have a good day in school whilst I am chilled out on the sofa. xoxox

JarJar: Wow way to be nice babe. I thought you were supposed to like me :( xoxox

Callie: You know I do baby. You should of bunked off and kept me company :) xoxox

Paul: Coco the love of my life how are you today beaut? xoxox

Callie: Yo pops I am good. I have Jake here waiting on me hand and foot so life is sweet. Hows school? Any Goss xoxox

Paul: Jacob Black?!?! How did he wrangle a day off! School is full of hot ladies and no gossip but I shall keep you updated xoxox

Jarjar: Why is Paul saying I have been replaced? Is this true? xoxoxo

Callie: Babe Paul is winding you up. Jake is here that's all xoxoxo

Jarjar: What! why is he there?

Callie: Because one he is my best mate and two Charlie and Billy arranged it so I wouldn't be alone you know what with being put in a coma because of being attacked and all that.

Callie throws her phone down Jake giving her a questioning look as he hands her the tray. He picks her phone up and hands it to her. Tears start to stream down her face the realisation finally hitting her. Jake pulls her to him and consoles her as she lets all her fear and anguish flood out. Callie has broken beyond words the trauma from her attack taking its grip on her. The nightmares have been getting worse but she can't talk to anyone about them because they will either think she is insane or the pack will see her as weak. Callie just wants to scream but its all building up inside her with no means of escape. Callie's phone starts to ring and Jake quickly answers it.


"Where is Callie?"

The sound of Callie's sobs flow throw the phone and Jared feels his heart break his angel is crying because of him being jealous.

"Whats happened Jacob?"

"I don't know but she is shaking like a leaf. I will sort her out."

"No you won't I am on my way over now. She isn't yours Jacob she is mine so back off."

"Dude if you knew her and me you would know she is my best friend nothing like that what so ever. I will bring her to La Push the beach always cheers her up."

Before Jared can say anything Jake puts the phone down and kisses Callie's head. The two sit there for another half an hour whilst Callie stops the tears. Jake tells her to go and get her jacket and they can spend the day at La Push, Callie simply nods and walks up stairs and gets changed into her black leggings, ugg boots, LA lakers hoody and bobble hat. Nothing inside her feels good right now and truthfully all she wants to do is run away and never look back. She came to Forks for a fresh start and to spend time with her dad not to be attacked by some psychotic vampire and fall in love with a werewolf. Walking back down the creaky old stairs she feels completely numb and right at this moment she isn't sure when she will get over it.

Jared, Paul, Sam and Emily are making there way down to First beach, Jared practically clawing at his skin to go and see the love of his life. He didn't mean to get jealous over Jacob and Callie but the imprint bond makes you do funny things plus Paul winding him up doesn't help what so ever. Jared can't wait for him to imprint because he will be getting his own back ten fold. Sam hears the sound of Jakes rabbit and turns to see it just pull up into the car park, all eyes falling to the beaten up car. Jake steps out and then goes to the passenger side and helps Callie out. The moment they all see her they run towards her, Jared running faster than they have ever seen him. Callie hears Jared calling to her and she freezes then looks at Jake terror in her eyes.

"He can't see me like this Jay he will think i am weak."

"Loca you are not weak. You are the strongest person I have ever met. Not many people can go through what you have the last month and not thrown a wobble. Just let him be there for you."

Before Callie can answer she is swept into those arms that make her feel safer than she has ever felt in her entire life. Not even her Dads embrace has made her feel this invincible. Jared places kisses on her head saying sorry over and over again squeezing her body close to his. When they pull apart Callie feels the tears roll down her cheek even though she is trying her hardest to stop them. Jared raises a hand to her cheek and wipes the tears away, the sight of his love breaking is unbearable to him. Emily looks at Callie and she knows that look in her eyes, it is the same one Emily had after she was attacked by Sam. Emily lets go of Sam's hand and walks to the girl.

"Callie I know what your going through right now and I am here to listen when your ready to talk. I was the exact same after...."

Callie looks at Emily and doesn't have to ask what she was going to say. Callie moves from Jared and turns to face Emily more.

"I am scared."

Emily pulls Callie into her embrace and soothes the girl as much as she can. Emily knows that right now Callie is fighting with the reality of the world she now lives in. Plus there is the part of not wanting to seem weak.

"Callie it is natural to feel this way. You were subjected to an horrific ordeal and your brain is still processing everything. No one will think of you as weak if you break. It took me a while to learn that but once i did i realised that no matter what this is where i belong this is home."

"What if i can't handle it though? I don't know whats real or not anymore."

Jared looks to her as a tear slips from his own eyes he can't put her through this, he has to make the decision that could break them both. Turning his back to her he gives Sam a look. Sam mouths for him not to do it but Jared ignores him.

"If this is such a burden to you then leave. Your not wanted here anyway."

Callie snaps her head towards him her mouth hanging to the floor in pure shock. How can he say that? Does he really think that little of her? Was all the imprint thing bollocks?. Where most girls would go into a dramatic performance at this stage, Callie does the opposite. She pulls away from Emily and says the one word that cuts through Jared like a knife.


Without another word she races from the beach away from everyone there. Nothing and no one will get to her now, not even Jacob. Jacob looks to Jared and the others hatred rolling off his every being.

"You have done it now. What ever happens is on your hands. Callie doesn't react like every other girl. You doing that just gave her nothing to live for. She has nothing left to care about."

"Jacob you don't understand i....."

Jacob growls at Jared his anger flaring alot quicker than it usually would. He moves forward getting into Jared's face.

"Don't tell me I don't understand, Callie doesn't let many people in but when she does she lets down all her guards right now the only thing going through her head is that she has lost it all. Leave her alone all of you."

The pack and Emily watch as Jacob takes off in the direction that Callie went. His words hanging in the air like the bubonic plague. No matter what either one will say to the other they all know that Jake is right. Callie has simply lost it all. Question is how is this scenario going to play out?.