there's no me without you

Calli is in her room doing the finishing touches to her make up, her music is blasting out of her speakers the sound of Young Money's Bed Rock waking up the residence of the Swan house. It has been a week since Jared broke her heart and most girls would be begging for him to take them back or crying into their pillows watching the latest chic flick. Not Calli though, nope she simply switches off her emotions and pushes all the hurt away. Not healthy but to Calli it is the best way to deal with the heartache. The sound of knocking on her door has her pulling out of her thoughts, taking one last look at her reflection she smiles and leaves her bedroom. Bella smiles sympathetically at her but Calli just shrugs and walks down the stairs grabbing her bag and heading to her car. Bella has been trying to speak to her sister about the whole Jared thing all week but she is having none of it. Edward knows the seriousness in Jared and Calli staying away from each other and is trying to push them back together. If not Callie could end up dying. Something that would kill Bella more than anything in this world. Callie jumps into her ford and puts the keys into the ignition the sound of Max Lights down low playing through the speakers. Putting her car into reverse she heads out of the drive and heads for Fork high.

Twenty minutes later the school students all watch as a now red haired Callie gets out of her car looking hotter than ever, the boys practically foaming at the mouth at the sight of her. The sound of three motorbikes pulling up has them turning to see Paul, Sam and Jared pull up and stop by Callie. Sam gets off his bike and stands in front of Callie stopping her from moving. Callie looks at him her eyes full of hate.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Callie please listen to Jared. He didn't....."

"Leave it Sam. Tell someone who gives a shit."

Callie pushes Sam out of the way and heads into the school. Bella looks to Jared and feels hatred towards him, he has no idea the dark side that Callie possess.

"I hope your happy. What ever happens is your fault. "

Sam looks to Bella, a frown marring his face.

"Why is everyone saying that? Jacob said it, now you."

Bella puts her head down and sighs deeply. Callie would kill her if she told them but they need to know.

"I can't tell you exactly what happened that is Callie's story to tell but she doesn't let people in easy and she certainly doesn't forgive easily. She isn't like any other girl, she doesn't sit there crying whilst eating a large tub of ice..."

Before Bella can finish they hear the students shout fight, Bella quickly snaps her head to the entrance to see Emmett and Jasper trying to break up a fight. She waists no time and races to the scene. The guys following. Nothing preparing them for what they were about to witness.

Callie looks down at the blonde haired girl and snarls, her anger eating away at her. She feels her body tense as another wave of anger is about to explode from her. Just as she is about to land another blow a pair of arms wrap around her, arms she has missed the past seven days.

"Babe calm down please. "

"Let me go ass hole. I swear down Jared if you don't you will be next."

Rosalie looks up at the girl shocked, the fact that a mere human just kicked her ass sends shivers down her spine. This making them wonder even more exactly what is Callista Swan. Sam steps in front of Callie and orders Jared and Paul to take he back to his, his eyes full of terror and excitement. Excitement over the thought of Callie becoming a useful alley against the cold ones but fear not knowing if that hatred stretches to the wolves. There is definatly something supernatural about her and something inside him is telling him to go to Billy and the elders.

"Sam can we hurry up I don't think we can hold her much longer. "

Sam snaps out of his thoughts and looks to see them both struggling to hold onto a very angry Callie. He quickly tells them to take her to her car not wanting to hang around for her to attack another Cullen. Emmett and the others watch as they all leave and quickly take Rosalie away from prying eyes. Once out of safe distance they start discussing Callista. They all speculate what it is when the major says the one thing that makes Jasper feel mortal for the first time in his immortal life. Edward hears his thoughts and knows that today is the start of a new day. Callie just became there most powerful enemy, more powerful than the volturi.


They all arrive at Sam's forty minutes later with a now calmer Callie, there is something about being on the reservation that calms her instantly. Without thinking she leans onto Jared and closes her eyes, having no sleep for the last week has taken it's toll on her. Jared sighs happily to have her back where she belongs, he pulls her into him more and kisses the top of her head. Promising himself that he will never let her go again for anything. Paul looks at him in the mirror and can't help smile. Jared and Callie together is something powerful and beautiful and the way his best mate has been the past week has been hard to watch. Jared gets out of the car and picks a sleeping Callie up and carries her into Sam and Emily's. When Emily see's the state of her friend she gasps.

"What happened? "

"She is asleep. She also beat up Rosalie Cullen."

Paul can't help the wolfish grin that spreads across his face, he has never been so proud of a girl in all his life. Jared puts Callie on the sofa and gently places a blanket over her. As he moves to go to the kitchen Callie grabs his hand, he looks back to see her beautiful blue eyes staring through him.

"Please don't leave me again."

That is all she has to say for him to go to her and hold her. Neither one fully realising to what extent they need each other. Sure they are imprints but there bond seems powerful. It consumes there every being. As the two sit there not saying a word just enjoying the comfort from each others embrace., Sam is calling the council to get information on how she managed to attack a vampire and live to tell the tail. Paul can't help but laugh at the smug Rosalie getting knocked down a peg or two. Plus every guy loves seeing a girl fight, it is like christmas and his birthday all rolled into one. Sam lets out a sigh as he finishes his conversation with Billy. Paul and Emily look at him in anticipation.


"Billy basically doesn't know how she managed it but something tells me he does know and isn't willing to share just yet. He did say that Jared and Calli can never be apart again. Their bond is stronger than any other mating bond there is. In their eyes there is no one without the other. To separate them would be lethal."

The three look into the living room where the couple are cuddled on the sofa. No one uttering a word, nothing could sum up the importance of Jared and Calli. There is one thing they are all now certain of and that is that there is no Callie without Jared and no Jared without Callie.